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I know she’s flattened out now, but let’s see more about her at her peak. I’ll start with some vids. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOUlVVkpDV0VOSlN5Tk5WM1IxYmxONGMyeHFYMnRSTkVGVGNXbHhPRE5u
>>155124 (OP)

Thank you!
Any uncommon photos of her in her huge bras would be appreciated.
Realistically all her bras are huge lmao
Did she ever do lesbian content? titsucking with girl? or something not so soft?
I honestly wish I could see a bit more of her current self. Obviously no longer the mega-boob icon she once was, but even after having the implants taken out, she still retained an impressive amount of bust size gains. Other women routinely fork out thousands, struggling to get even as big as she is now, after she retired.
those leftover tits must be like old socks
On one hand I'm happy that she got them reduced if she wanted them smaller.

On the other hand a small part of me wishes that they grew so huge they couldn't be removed or drained so we could see just how big she could get.
Chelsea is a legend that will never be forgotten
This, you can probably build a tent with those flaps.
Anyone have any candid type pictures, I’ve found those to be the best
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Some Bra pics as requested, not so uncommon but still show how huge those pices of underware were. I own One of her jumbo Bras and i can confirm that a basketball Is not enough to fill a Cup.
I miss her so much, i think She could have concluded her career in a much Better way.
Of course health problems were real and needed an explant to be solved but che could have ended with reaching an incredibile size ,even for her , and record material for the next 3 years in the meanwhile She could have begin a new career. Then Just disappeare with a nice farewell instead of trying to sell her stories on how pitifull her Life was for the boobs She was earning her live with.
By any chance anyone have some bikini pics in her recent year? I am only aware of some shots in her club appearance, but mostly badly framed
I loved her size, but that was my problem with her from the start. Worlds biggest tits... barely did anything with them. I can think of a video or picture of almost all the 90s big tit girls that was a clear full body or some clear view of their bare chest to see their tits on display.

She did some terrible low res videos, terrible photo shoots that she rarely put out.
I can only think of 2 videos I'd call porn.
It's really sad that she had those tits for decades and barely has a body of work compared to say, Tiffany towers, or Minka.

I totally agree it's a shitty way to end her career abruptly, then bitch about it to the very same people that paid for your product.
It's just infuriating.
>Of course, I know she had health problems but she should have grown bigger first because I personally would have enjoyed that. I would have definitely been satisfied.
You're not entitled to jack shit. YOU are the kind of person she's had a problem with and led to her retiring. Get over yourself.
Good enough to exploit for his fetish but not good enough to have an opinion. Got ya.
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Here some of the few recent bikini pics i could find, but non of them offer a good view of how these beutiful Monster Tits looked in a bikini top.
Yes the quality of her material was really low, her photograher was a Total disaster never able to frame a picture correctly and allways too close i don't get why She never found a professional One.
But still i cold not stay without her, She Will never be comparable to anyone.
Her growing Tits give the idea of live things, all the veins, the Stretchmarks, the spots, give the idea of something her body had to adapt to.
They were sitting rather low giving a very havy look. The newer expanders girls are reaching and even surpassing her size but miss all the flaw that made CC Tits perfect to my eyes.
She Also had a natural look in the rest of her body which made a huge contrast and looked beutiful, newer girls tend to overdo with face surgeries and butt surgeries
I don't know what you are talking about.
I have been a loyal fan since her debut in 1999.
I've been a member of her website for many many years even if i was well aware of the quality of her contnent, i bought 1 of her Bra, i have seen her 2 times for private dances, i can Say i made my part in making her career succesful. I could have better accepted her retirement with One message on her website telling "some serius healt issues have developed and no longer allow me to be Chelsea charms, It was great meeting you all, It has been a wonderful journey, goodbeye" . An update after some time " i"m well, everything Is allright now" would have been apreciated. Forget the part of reaching enormous size if It make you feel Better, mine was Just a strategy that would have given her the time to begin a new Life/career while still having an income from her previous job. (Many models have done It) . Killing that way the carachter she's been performing for 20 years dosen'l seems smart economically and Also to the fan that supported her during her career.
It's like being a fan of Kiss since the '70 and when they retire hearing from them "our Life sucked because of you all. Wearing all the make up, the heels , and living on tour has ruined our Life, we Just wanted a regular job. Anyway please keep buying our recicled records and subscribe our onlyfan where we Say how pitifull was being a Kiss member"
If that Is ok for you , we are all Happy about that.
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Look at her her trapezius muscles, they were huge and hard , her back was all messed up, she basically had a hump, the marks from the padded Bra straps, the aorta sized veins...
I Just love how her body had to adapt to live with these 2 massive boulders Tits.
Normally they would be flaws, but in her case are good signs of how hard had to be to lug those things around 24/7
is this a beshine thread?
Beshine doesn’t interest me the same way as chelsea does, this is a chelsea charms thread
Got to admit that both women left money on the table by never working together though
These pics but Chelsea tho.
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Even if beshine has accomplished goals never reached before, and had opened the Path for huge expanders, i can not prefer her over CC.
She had that next Door girl look with these humongous old school fake Tits, low and heavy. I hoped to see her reaching her High 50ies with those Tits even if i have to admit that in her last modelling year Age has start to show with more evidence on her face. Maybe beacuse during the 1th covid wave She could not get any botox. I think her best periods were 2005-2009 still looking young but already showing to the world Who Is the biggest, and 2014-2016, a more mature beuty, with Tits at the top of the size, shape and look .
I'd like this to stay a CC thread as She had her threads removed from all forums, and She Is being quickly forgotten.
Nothing against a specific Beshine thread though, She deserve It along with FMV

God she got so fucking huge at the end there. Wish I could have seen her in person once while she was still doing shows.

If anyone has the videos associated with the 1st two pics where she's wearing the zebra print, they would be really appreciated.
Good selection of recent and less recent videos.
Anyone knows Who was the lucky SOB in that old video from 2006 Who was kissing CC and feasting his mouth and hands over her Tits?
She looked very pleaesed in that video and at the end It looked something more was about to come. Was he Mr. Charms? There very few info on her about that , beshine for exhample wear a wedding ring, Foxy should be divorced and has a daughter. Don't want to get top Deep about this kind of subject but i like to think how Real Life situations and relationships would be for a lady with such Extreme breast enhancements.
There's nothing in that link.
too bad beshine stopped posting on her site. Her onlyfans stuff is so bad. I wont watch it even if i can see it for free. selfie filming with an action camera. she is not looking like she does IRL there.

W H Y ?
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It may sound strange, but something that I always particularly loved about CC was the increasingly visible toll it all took on her breasts as they gained size. Nipples growing ever further apart, almost facing wholly different directions. A growing amount of lumpy bumps and indents instead of perfectly spherical objects of mass.

Down from how they looked to how they rock solid and heavy they felt, everything just emphasized how stretched that skin was, how loaded her tits truly were, and how much of a living testimony to human science she and the girls were. I can't be the only one who found himself secretly hoping she wouldn't be able to get them drained during Covid-19, just to see how much bigger they'd get - and what kind of imperfect form they'd take on as they do.
Did she ever make any videos of her draining her implants?
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It's not strange my friend, it's part Of her beuty!
All the so called flaws on her Tits Just added the feeling of something heavy, huge, growing and exhauting to Carry around. And knowing that She deliberately and willingly let them grow to that point, shown the dedication She had toward huge tits, which would be the attitude of the perfect woman.
Also, i must Say, her Tits were not hard as they would look. I had the pleasure to meet her 2 times and they were pliable and squishy enough for the hand to sink in them while lifting (See the Yellow top Gym machine set) .
I think that huge expanders might be harder at the touch, like and overfilled warm water bag.
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Has anyone recently joined her onlyfans?
I've done a couple of times in the past 2 years but It was Always disappointing.
Allmost zero unseen material.
Mostly recycled pictures from her webpage, often from ages ago, mid '2000..
I mean , obviously, i can't expect new contnent every day, but i was hoping She had some pictures or videos in the drawer .
It would be intersting to see even everyday pictures, like her camping trips holiday, or her many travels, to have an idea of the normal Life of CC the woman and not the model.
The only intersting part was her story that She weekly updated. But can't joint with that Little material.
If someone can Say that there has been poster some intersting stuff i might consider some off subscription
There's nothing to write home about her OnlyFans. She's been on autopilot since late last year, sprinkling out an image or two that we've all seen before or selling vids you can still find on her original website. She's not interactive like she used to be. I wish she'd continue her story as her page would suggest but I don't have high hopes on that front either.
Thanks man, good to know, i should put a Stone on her and move on.
No new material Is going to surface.
She Will stay in my Memory and in my hard drive. But her era Is over.
Sad but true
This is an odd request but has anyone ever seen a photo of her holding a basketball, soccer ball, or volley ball?
Dddekai huge
I've been looking out for the Volume 12 Newsletters but they're not on her site anymore. Seems most of everything pre 2012-2013 up and vanished. You'd have to either find someone who's archived everything or DM Chelsea on her OnlyFans I guess.

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