
Women with lipidema make me weak. I can literally feel my heart beating fast and I start sweating.
No one will ever understand me.
Believe me bro, I too when I see a super obese woman with a super wide butt, I get very nervous and start sweating, so I do understand you my brother
By any chance, someone will have the complete documentary about her, I would greatly appreciate it.
Me too, especially on the extremely rare occasions when I see one in person, so I do understand.
(236 KB, 1611x1074, Dottie (108).jpg)
Wide. She must have been at least 3, or even 4 time as wide as a normal skinny person. She took up a whole couch to herself!
Thanks for understanding
You’re among friends here
Some of these chicks…you wonder how they’re even possible.
I was always impressed by how capable she still was at that size. Not house bound at all and out driving. Makes me wonder how much bigger a woman's ass can get with her still leading a kind of normal life. I would hope the answer is a lot.
hey whats her name ?

I think a lot of that is just keeping moving. Some of these people just become so lazy that they never move and essentially go into atrophy. Look at Kelli when she was over 600 pounds - still super mobile. Just a thought - but if you don't move you lose that ability.
Crazy part on Kelli was she was helping around Ash, who was smaller than her when they lived together. Part of that also was probably where the fat piled up on each of their bodies.

Kelli can probably do cartwheels at her smaller size now.
Here you go


For perspective, Boberry at her peak was just 25 pounds lighter than Dottie here. And Bo was a couple of years older.
We all missed out on her not modeling.
Just imagine her glammed up and shaking all that ass. Oh well, just got to hold out hope for the next giant pear.

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