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More before…she’s in the middle in the first pic next to corgifairy (left)
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In between phase
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IMO she looks better than most do after losing hundreds of pounds but still.
She looks gross, fake and stupid. If she really wanted to loose weight there were other ways. Now she's less of a human from loosing part of her organs and she needs to take pills every day. This needs to quit being an option and make it a last resort. For fucks sake, not even from a fetish standpoint. Now shells forever appear lazy and cringe.
You think it wasn’t a last resort when she was 500 pounds? obviously she had to have some surgery to remove excess skin.
This girl proves that no amount of weight loss can help disadvantaged genetics
one of my favorites from the early days of feabie! wish she'd done a stint on OF. can't confirm she was ever 500 pounds tho, I think she maxed in the high 4's.
She claimed to me on Feabie that she was 507. Looking at a few of her pics it’s feasible. It’s sad she had to slim down…she was one sexy elephant seal.
She seemed pretty desperate to lose weight out of nowhere. I wonder if she had a small heart attack or something like that? One of the most attractive at one point
Can you tell us some more about what happened to her? Why she went for the surgery and how big she was?
Mia! Now this is a woman. Used to talk to her in the early beta stages of Feabie. Can confirm she was as real as it gets being a feedee. If she had to get wls it wasn't because was wanted to. Something must have happened to her health for her take such an action. Only way she would have gotten this surgery. She loved her size and getting bigger.
She was a woman. Now sadly she’s been reduced to a bag of skin. Hence the first rule of getting ultra fat. Never lose the weight. Make sure you take up every inch of the piano case that they bury you in.
No, she hated it. Mentioned it many times at bashes. It was always going to happen
the fact that it sounds like most people had some sort of interaction with her at some point (me included) is pretty telling about her craving attention. not surprised given a lot of her poetry centered around her complaining about being fetishized but she did it to herself. Makes me wonder if she’s glad she finally took the plunge and deflated because she hated it or regrets it because she looks like an old woman now with no fetish appeal. girl was crazy.
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Sounds like she went back and forth. Maybe another girl that liked the attention but hated it when she was alone? Minds can change too. Willing to bet she was cool with it until she got too big.
She was cut from the same cloth as Leta. Craved the attention, and embraced being fat as a means to that end.
That's why I won't be surprised if Leta makes the WLS plunge at some point -- shift the fetish attention to praise for getting healthy.
Long-story short -- no sane woman gets this big, but that doesn't make it any less hot.
100 percent this. She's not this gorgeous genuine pig these people romanticize. Delusions endure cause she was a whale at a young age and gave you and 500 other feabie gentlemen a little hot crazy chick attention lmao She is kind of into this but hated herself for it and was deeply ashamed of that fact. She told you all what she knew you wanted to hear because she is the most desperate person for male validation on the planet, manipulating some for cash at times, and actively made men a competition in a really unhinged way. she was extremely sloppy and unattractive in reality, the bit of quirky and unique beauty she has faded once you got to know the real her, and the body you fetishized her for is gone now. she's ironically a much better person without all this.

Who despite all the bitching in her own thread actually looks like she has a boyfriend now. So I guess it worked out for her in the end, but at least we got to see her tits.

The only conclusive thing we can say about Mia is that she seemed unhinged, and WLS is inevitable when the attention well runs dry. She didn't seem to have her life together but forcibly losing weight is a victory in the eyes of the non-fetish world so she gets to ride that high despite looking like a deflated parade float, at the cost of losing whatever friends she had in the #bodypositivity crowd. Guess the gains outweighed the losses.
>complaining about being fetishized but she did it to herself.
you just described the entire feederism “”community””, as cringe as it is to call that. Mia is the textbook example of an unhinged fatass who knew she could draw from an attention well infinitely as long as she was a limitless hedonist, but was massively ashamed about both her behavior and her body.
Shit, I chat up this girl on Feabie (who has a boyfriend she complains about) who texts me daily about how much she ate, how much being ashamed of it turns her on, sends me pics, then tells me at the end of the week she’s “taking a break from the fetish only to come back in a month. This is not unique behavior for “feedees” - even the models - but the fact that EVERYBODY talked to Mia tells you how desperate she was.
Some of these hyde park soap box jeremiads about the motivations of these ballenas is better than the content itself.
open secret that the feabie/bbwchan Venn diagram is basically one big purple circle. Mia was the first girl who ever sent me nudes on there, lol.
She’s was the SSBBW version of Mia Wallace. Marcellus Wallace was hitting the fat one instead…that’s the big secret
I hung out with her before and this for sure was Mia's case. Mental illness turned her into the epitome of gross lazy blob fat chick. Looks like she's getting help and looks happy in the new pictures post WLS.
Gross how everyone keeps saying that about her
She lost the weight man, you don’t have to simp for her anymore.
Reminds me a lot of when a bunch of dudes in /gen/ shared similar stories about wining and dining FupaTrooper and she posted about it on feabie saying yeah that’s probably all true lmao
I'm not I'm genuinely just curious how she was gross

If she was a little slobby I'm into it. Well would have been.
did you hang onto those nudes
Seriously hope some of these fabled nudes show up, she was seriously attractive
At one point she was very into the fetish. A long time ago, she made me a video where she fucked her giant belly button with a dildo, but I lost it when my hard drive died. Seeing this thread made me realize again how unfortunate that was
Mia was one of the best feedees out there, very dedicated and lived the life, very well might I add. It is so classic for this shithole to default to stupid hate so quickly. She had a healthscare, and that CAN turn you away from a prefered lifestyle and or fetish. It goes with everything, and not everyone can live their prefered lifestyle to the fullest, though there are a lucky handful of those that can. Having said that, it is always sad to see another departure from our degenerate way of life 🥲
I buy the healthscare, but her being an actual feedee and was dedicated and "lived the life" I don't.
I'd bet that only about 10% of the women in this fetish are actually "into it".
Well I cant stop you from believing what you want, but I trust my intuition wholly in these cases, so we’ll just have to agree to disagree.
You might as well have pulled any number in that case, lmao.
She is not into this. "One of the best???" lmfao The way you guys slut shame others but romanticize her for being a young girl that was that fat so it's okay that she talked to everyone cause she was "so genuine" makes no sense. It's also wild knowing that I've literally laughed with her at the deranged snaps she used to send out to some of you. The way she used this community even for "rent money" over the years... I am exposing myself if anyone from this era of my life sees this but hey the ship's going down so might as well. I knew her very personally for a long time, tried to be her friend at each turn, and she literally always treated me like a huge sack of garbage, especially over feabie dick. She tried to fuck my date to an event in front of my face once, would do literally anything to impress a man and gain their validation, and she realized very young feedism was the perfect way to do that with the way she's built. I met her as a fellow regular in a bbw+fa tinychat when she was 17 claiming 21, and she was doing the same thing where she shared nudes and skyped with literally every man in there. So many of these "bad" takes about her are problematic but 200% correct. Y'all have nostalgia because she was hot and gave you attention. She grew out of this shitty trauma response of taking advantage of people and realized that she's more than that, and not super into feedism. She healed, essentially. You all say we're mentally ill if we like being this big, and it's fucking stupid, but in Mia's case I think that was true. She didn't even realize it sometimes but was using this as a fun crutch and community support for her mental health until she felt better enough. This is what the health concern trolls amongst y'all want. "Good for her, she's not gonna die, etc" so there's a W for someone in here.
Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce to you Mr Sigmund Freud…take a bow Sigmund.

Now off you go…fuck off then
I’m gonna go on a wing and guess… thicksadworld? You’re one of the fetish vets that’s 100% into it and been around long enough that that’s who I’m going with.
Also this is some weird cope because you’re essentially saying “you’re all correct but fucking stupid men for liking her in the first place because she gave you attention!!” You sound mad jealous that she was likely hotter and likely fatter than you and garnering more attention for it. If she wasn’t as much of a bitch as you say she was to you you’d be saying “YAAAAS GET THAT BAG HONEYYYY, #FEABIEMEN”
I started this thread and it’s become a circle jerk of losers who think they knew the real Mia. I don’t give a shit about Mia and she doesn’t give a shit about me or any of you wankers. Show some pics of her at her fattest or fuck off.
Seriously... All this talk how she was handing out nudies and feeder fodder like Halloween candy and no one's gonna post any of it...?
"Oh my hard drive failed buhhh" how the fuck don't any of you have backups? Or computers that last longer than a few years?

Fat Mia doesn't exist anymore. You don't have to protect her, especially now at the 11th hour of BBWChan.
Someone must know what the health scare was at least?
I don't know Mia's deal, but my wife recently had WLS. She was 330lbs and has already dropped 90lbs. It wasn't a "scare", but more-so a variety of factors that made life shit.

Her skin was deteriorating in places. Sleep apnea caused cascading other issues. She was losing the mobility to do the job she loved. Hair loss.

She liked being fat. I liked her being fat. But the knock-on effects made it no longer viable. C'est la vie.
She hurt her back, basically was bedridden for a few weeks, then went on a vacation and couldn't walk or stand for more than 4 or 5 minutes at a time and couldn't get through an airport. She decided that she would rather go do things than sit at home and be a blimp. And yes she was over 500 lbs at her peak.
I've seen not too many SSBBW that dressed as stylish and beautiful as Mia did. She always looked like she stepped straight out of a plussize fashion magazine
Wish this place had so much interest in her when she was massively obese and could’ve been swayed into OF. Good job everyone.

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