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dis bitch is beeg.

> 550 lb black woman wobbles around wrapping about her heart stopping and getting her belly grabbed



her tiktok is realbigdankdemoss2
>>96993 (OP)
Unf, black chicks this size really get my jungle fever acting up ~
She has an onlyfans. Any1 got it on coomer
Finally some Dank Demoss
She has an onlyfans
That are very old pictures like from 2018 or 2017, when she first attend in my view (apart of a newpaper report from 2013).

That costs 25$ per month and she is not going down from this (not certain if she will be that stubborn as Mz Fluff for the prices or when she notice it doesn't work, will she do the Goofyjennyy way).
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Halts Maul, Fressetroll!
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
>>96993 (OP)
Damn, she's a short little thing, and honestly that makes it so much hotter. Like a pocket sized blob.
Schnauze, Fressetroll!
Guys I found kilotroll on Feabie holy shit
Screenshots, por favor
Everyone bully the shit out of him, NOW.
Can't we just have Kilotroll shipped off to a North Korean labour camp? 10 years of backbreaking hard labour and icy winters should turn him into a model citizen in no time
That's him for sure. Literal 40 year old virgin. Also, he's quite a short lightweight for someone who talks so much shit and threatens to come visit you lmao.

As much as I'm sick of complaining about kilotroll...
I do like picturing him rambling about the weight of boulders armed guards are forcing him to move
"10 years" <--> "in no time"

A virgin which had 75 - 80 times sex (since 2011), what you can dream of....

I did some years boxing and partly also muay thai. So I reckon I can break your neck with not much effort.

You have no clue of each work nor temperature in northern Korea (just as is your English not so well).
I visited today a coloured SSBBW, for the second time (after 2018)

s-tier physique, the pocketblob
>80 times

Lmfao in a given week it's like a 87% chance you weren't getting laid, good job playa
Keep dreaming you scrawny midget. I'm a giant compared you, you retarded little pussy.
Hey, that’s once every two months, which I suppose isn’t bad for a single dude. But definitely sounds like there aren’t any dedicated relationships in there, which might be a red flag lol.

Also, you keep count of how many times you’ve had sex in your life? I can suppose I’ve had sex between 1 and 2 thousand times (again, long relationships), but I’m sure I stopped counting after about a dozen times. It’s not high school, there aren’t any bragging rights once you’re actually in Grownupland
Well but higher than your 0,07% of getting laid...
No I first counted the women what I meet/ had sex with; first I did this maybe around 2015. But I had sometimes menage et trois', in Barcelona I had in one night three times sex (with partly different women, like first a small African alone and then together with an African BBW, which did just a hand-job).
While I stopped counting women when I reached around 70, which is maybe two years ago.
Though got possibly in the darkness of Amsterdam once tricked by a Brazilian ladyboy, but this did just a handjob and appeared (SS)BBW.
Dir ist schon klar, dass du hier für jeden einzelnen die Situation verschlimmerst (dich inbegriffen), durch deine Dümlichkeit?
No one believes you to be an adult in the first place... you are a joke as moderator!
I counted actual the women I met, but I had with several of these multiple times sex, although probably not more than 5 times with one (less than 10).
I stopped counting when I reached about 70, which was maybe two years ago.
But in Barcelona I had sometimes three times sex in one night, partly as menage et trois (also at other places). Though one was on several occasion (smaller African), but her BBW African friend just the second for a hand job.
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Bro, none of us like the kilo troll, but have you never heard the phrase "Don't feed the trolls"? You're giving him what he wants, attention. Just ignore him. We don't need you bumping threads to tell him to fuck off. Just let him fuck off.
This. I'm as tired of "Halt die Fresse" guy as I am of Kilotroll himself.
Schnauze Spinner!
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Dich interesiert es nicht, dass du schon wieder von mehreren Usern hier eine Abmahnung erhalten hast (direkt über meiner Antwort), genauso wie letztes Jahr?
Naja bald wirst du vielleicht gesperrt...
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
you have been told multiple times by moderators directly to stop. you have no room to be calling out others
rgument. Take the hint.
>>96993 (OP)

As the op I’d like to say that I’m pretty sick of these fuckin krauts.
I don't think you can decide about this alone at all!
As you are just an assistand-administrator, not the owner of this site!
Many people are now again complaining about the annoying dumpness of this retarded punk.
Everybody know, this kid can't win with this nonsense (the war).
Schnauze Behindi!
There are some users here complaing about his repeated insult, which are spaming the thread...
So I have a lot of reason to do so, as last year was it the same before who stopped, when most here noticed it is more annoying and this "holy mission" is totally lost and nonsense!
Ben şişman siyahi bir kadın görmek istiyorum, kilo tartışması yapan Almanlar değil
I don't understand much Türkiye...
we don't understand kilo-english either
Halt die Gusche, Drecksau!
who's kilotroll?
You must be new here. Just some mentally handicapped German who ruined every single thread with his nonsensical bullshit.
I haven't seen him around since the change from .nl to .link though. He probably thinks in his retarded little mind that the Chan is gone like it originally seemed it was going to be.

So let's just all hope that he doesn't discover that were still out here.
The main thing is that he’s skeptical of many models’ weights as claimed (valid) but then counters with low ball estimates that are absurd. Like he’ll say Becca is “no more than” 100 kilogram or some shit, and he’s often autistically specific with it, like “she’s 85-93kg at most”. I think he once said no woman on earth is over 200kg.

For evidence he’ll back up his estimates based on his own alleged sexual conquests that are blatantly, cringingly fake, related tediously and bloodlessly like a grocery list. He’ll also argue with obvious weight gain based on the model’s timeline, flipping things around or just making it up.

I know this sounds petty, like “just ignore him,” but for a while there he was ubiquitous. Also that he’s a relentless arguer in the face of objective reality. Maybe worse is that he’s not trolling for the lols, with the purpose of driving everyone nuts. I can respect that on some level. But no, barring an Andy Kaufman level of commitment he seems completely sincere and thus that much more maddening for it.

Goes without saying the motherfucker has never ever posted any actual content. I write tedious shit like this but I post prime shit too once in a while.

Also this is my own peeve maybe, but the syntax in his comments is annoying as well. Not that everyone on earth has to write perfect English but I can hear his accent in it and it reminds me of listening to a tedious NPR interview with some dull, humorless, affectless kraut who has no fucking idea what he’s talking about but also has zero doubts about it.

Perfectly summarized sir. If only all the perverts were as refreshingly coherent and well spoken.

a mod (was it bananaman?) also did a sweeping IP ban for him that might have taken out an entire eastern european VPN. That's another reason he may be gone.

I don't know if Nanners is still floating around here. There is most def someone behind the scenes taking care of business.
i rarely check this site, also great to know germans still ruin everything
Was barclay. We banned a bunch of vpns or a short period of time
i would just instantly ban him if he was that petty and pissy about the exact weight of someone

or make fun of him cos you don't need to be that much of a retard to like big bitches
Nah, there's really only one method.
No fucking away! lol 😂😂😂
Can you do anything else but lie?🤨🤔
There was never done such claims, some people just questioned if any current women are weight-in more than a half tone (or 1100lbs) or if that can be dozens, when men naturalla weight more, but few females alleged it...

Becca was estimated to weight around 120 - 140kg, if I remember correct

By the way have models already admitted to have cheated, as very presently Lailani, which apparently lost a third of her weight, two months ago (within a couple of weeks), she is now around the four-hundreds pounds (still not in real).

Anybody here agreed there are some hundreds of women which weight over 200kg (or even thousands), but not so many over 300 (perhaps under 100) at the moment...
Are of possible from Saarland?🤔🤫🗡

Well and narrowly 5% of these fairy-tales were true, just as has he proven a huge sense of phantasie here!
must be the second coming of mzfluff...no updates in months, yet still charges $20+ for a sub...money grubbing lazy hoes
.....or crafty businesswomen? (or rather, their pimps; I am not convinced more than 10% of them even know how to read and write beyond 100 most used words and emojis)

if you don't need to provide any supply and yet there's still profitable demand - why do anything but count the easy simp money?
Mal schauen ob die Adresse die ich habe richtig ist...
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
O wehe. Was hat das Saarland mit all dem zu tun?
Dort wohnt der Volltrottel wahrscheinlich hnd vielleicht veröffentlichte ich im Internet seine Adresse und/ oder werde dem Spast einen Besuch abstatten...😈
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
It is the wrong number here, there is no 9 included!😉
Merkst du nicht, dass der Administrator dir untersagt hat hier weiter deinen dummen Spruch abzulassen? Der hat hier klar darauf hingewiesen, dass es dich nichts angeht und nicht dein Bier ist (da es jeden hier mehr nervt als alles worauf du antwortest)!
Lmao, the return of Kilokraut. And here I thought we finally got rid of him. Oh well, at least it spices things up in here.
And his loser halt buddy, who is just as much a spammer. Honestly, these kilo posts don’t look the same as the original, especially the ones in English. Feels like an imitation
(58 KB, 512x424, 37C98B82-0870-4648-A4EF-262F743F725F.jpeg)
„Der Typ ruft den Notruf 112“
Notruf: Hallo, unter dieser 112 können wir Ihnen helfen?
Ich: Hallo Polizei, in meinem Haus ist ein Stalker …
Weight = 565lbs as of earlier this month (revealed in a YouTube podcast)
My heart just skipped a beat
how tall is she?
Das ist die Feuerwehr (nicht die Polizei).

Du meinst also ich soll ihn anzünden (verbrennen)?
Mhm eigentlich keine schlechte Idee
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Ich habe erwartet, dass darauf gleich reagiert wird (berechenbar), wie auf Kommando, lasse ich dich tanzen...ff0b32
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Haven't watched all of it yet, so don't know what is said; but hot to see how huge she is youtu.be/qDXselMAf0k?feature=shared
She said in a podcast she weighs 565lbs
Damn, 565 at 5ft 1 is crazy high.
Comparing her 106.8 BMI to BoBerry at 5ft 8 this would equal a 702.48lbs Boberry or a 787.56lbs Jazz
Bbw.wiki even has her listed at 4ft 11,
which would be a BMI of 114.1 and equal to a 841.4lbs Jazz or a 750.5lbs Boberry, which would be almost Vanilla level.
She is 5'1
You’re shocked that someone this big and so dedicated to flaunting her obesity is lazy? Is this your first day here?
Because she's not a model, she's a rapper... I guess
Lol yeah, she’s a rapper like I’m the fuckin queen of shiva. She’s a fatass whale who lays around stuffing burgers in her face. Nothing wrong with that, but she’s delusional if she thinks she’s some sort of musician.
I don't know, I've said what she claims to be
So pretty much the same as Missy Elliot...
But Big Dank is accoring to her TikTok video (also Youtube perhaps) on a weight losing journey and often post she about her excersising in the gym.
Her mother is slim and looks younger than her.
>>111063 see you guys in july hahaha
oh, monsieur doesn't like the thread, the post is beneath him.

feel free to post something less "cringe".
She made on TikTok since 1 - 2 years often videos of her in the gym exercising.
Though also going out to eat (sandwich) in front of it and having an exaggerated bill for it (like 50 or over 70 $).

But the price on her Onlyfans page is still way too high, maybe will update somebody her coomer profile.
Mz Fluff pointed on her Onlyfans page, that she was sick and stayed long time in hospital, but was going to make some content in January or February, she promised.
Though she didn't really go down in prices, as she also denand still over 20$ for subscribing (Big Dank too, but she is no feedee, as she target to lose weight).
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Semi related, no wins yet but Im in her dm's getting customs. She's definetly making no money with the music lol
your turn to post something.
No. Big booty is stalking me.
She does customs too shieeet. Might hit up that big bellied og for some fucking content if she does that
(4.4 MB, 4032x3024, 20240420_015021.jpg)
My fat girl is 650 - 5"1 huge belly just huge all around.

Shame though that she had to ruin that beautiful belly with a huge tattoo.
Least convincing piece of proof ever.
Hey your honor thier is soil everywhere lock him up HAHAHAHA
How does he have bad credit he has his first apartment at 25. By himself no help. You hoes are clueless. When mommy and daddy die you gonna have to fucking grow up'
????? Makes no sense. But props for responding within seconds of my posting.
She's now on a big weight loss kick. I suspect it'll go as well as Shannon Lowery's.
You've done a damn good job to her! post more!
White boy why is your camera live 24/7 who u looking for
She got a gastric bypass, as showed.
Bumping cause I still need to see more of this whale before this thread dies
Is anyone on her OF account? Is it worthwhile? I saw an interview clip where she suggested she was adding to it, but it is at the same 52 posts as it has been for months now. I would love to subscribe if it was worthwhile, but $25 is pretty steep if all the best stuff has ben posted here already.
She is also active losing weight, since 1 - 2 years at least; you can see her fitness routine on TikTok regulary
As hot as her body appear, her musics are even worse than these kind of videos which Jamie Lopez produced
Dank Demoss has less than average talent
Yes and no. She has been TRYING to lose weight for a couple years, though she was bigger than ever until a few months ago and she is actually losing now. Real shame. And her content has gotten so much worse since she became a "rapper". Very trashy now, so much so that I skip over most of her stuff, even where she is looking super fat.
I disagree. She’s actually pretty good, and I don’t even like this genre of music.
Well she tries to lose weight maybe since 2017, was first in media reported in 2013
Her mother is pretty slim and looks younger than her

No she can not sing, there is no rhythm nor tempo (unlike Eminem or Missy Elliot, which I neither like too), she sounds like a kid who does it the first time

slim looks younger?
how in the world could that happen? (unless both are underage)
Maybe because of healthy lifestyle, like not consuming much sugar or conserve-keeping stuff (just as gen-manipulated in the USA, as chlor-chicken), which is helping the skin, especially contains it easier clean and maybe getting grumbles slower
Some SSBBW, maybe Mysti, pointed until 30 or 40 overweight people look older, but then stays the fat the age for years

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