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As most of you know, the beautiful Mama Horker retired semi-recently. More power to her, honestly. Good on her for making the decision to get healthier.
That said, there is a lot of Mama Horker content out there that should be shared, in my opinion. I think there is a massive void on this board for some of her videos.

Here are some of the videos that can be found on pornhub:

If anyone has any of her less available content, it would be much appreciated, but obviously any of her content is more than welcome.
I have a couple of her videos that I need to check out if they're not the same as the pornhub ones you shared
Here's everything I have of hers.

Actually I have more, i just forgot to add them to the same post.

Holy shit. And we.tl too. God bless you, I'll be sure to re-up when they're down.
Nice one brother
>Mama Horker retired
Her onlyfans is still up tough.
The links are gone
Not fully retired. She still makes onlyfans content regularly and some curvage. Just retired from eating herself to death but nothing else..
>Just retired from eating herself to death
dangerously unbased
So she's losing weight now? Too bad :/
Got an asked for a reup. If anyone has some more content of hers please upload it.
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If there's a image, there's a video
Anyone have it?
Her tumblr has been active of late

old vids nothing new. Content is good to share so let's do it

reup all files please
Wjats her tumblr called?
Sorry I'm new on this site what do these links mean and how do I write them correctly?
Get healthier? She's not that big.
use base64 decoder
Thank you anon!
don't feed the animals
She was massive what are you talking about?
Not as huge as some of the other models, who seem to have no problems.
Guess she didn't want to gain too much and had decided to dip
If only she kept it up
I'm pretty sure she has a kid. Feedees with kids tend to stop when they get health issues because big surprise it makes it harder to take care of your kid.
Where’d you hear that? I’ve never seen anything that would indicate she hada kid but idk maybe i missed something
Shit it was before last year that I read it and I've been high for about that long but I was pretty sure
It's also a reality check that they don't actually want to cut their life in half for a fetish
>>>>16962 if that’s the case I’d guess nfl players and pro fighters should just quit their job, risking there future health for a sport.
Ignoring the fact that most of them would have been fat regardless of the attention, never intend to overstay their welcome, and are simply cashing in while the getting is good.

I’d much rather be an nfl player than someone unable to go up stairs 😬
Given enough time, neither of those states are exclusive
And don’t forget the brain injury that’ll come free of charge with it.
Bump. Anyone able to revive this with some of her onlyfans confent?
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Anyone have this video with sound?
Ok dude, but being a EXTREMELY niche internet porn model is different from being in the NFL. Both can fuck your health and life up, but one pays you, maybe a thousand dollars or more a month. The other one pays you hundreds of thousands
Been wondering about this, as well. I've only seen it without.
does she have anything more sexual and less about eating?
but eating is the sexiest thing
Heres some stuff thats less about eating I guess. Some of it you can find on stufferdb but whatever

Anyone have some of her stuff that… is about eating? I don’t have any of her videos but she’s pretty
does anyone have the underwater belly play, potato soup, and/or dress cut out video?
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Recent Roxxie or Lisalou greatly appreciated.

Got to this thread late and all the DLs are expired :/ I'd appreciate a reupload, loved this model, sucks she's quitting but I'm happy for her
does anyone have the cupcake eating video with sound? i'd really appreciate it, if so.



Could I PLEASE get a reup of those files? I would really appreciate it kings
Heres everything I could get my grubby little hands on
If anyone has anything else that'd be great. I'll have more later
Sad she stopped gaining though
It's worse than that. She apparently lost like about 100 pounds already :/
Wow if roxy lost weight then you know things are bad. It is beautiful in its own way. Like a dying star falling into orbit; and as it dissolves entering the stratosphere, leaves nothing behind.
Check the thread you're posting in?
Yes my apologies about that. I made a mistake and couldn't erase the post. And btw, wheww!! What a relief!!! I am so glad it's not roxxy you have no idea. Love her.
Today I found out about this ssbbw and I don't know how it happened, but out of the blue, I am in love. I am in love with her and I feel...... happy and I am loving life.

# 15/10
Get a life or professional help
Any reups pls?
Mama horker seems to be gaining again
Isn't it hot? That she's trying to lose it but she's actually gaining? She's such a pig and she can't stop herself from staying as one.
Share some videos, I'll be grateful.
she can be hot but she has the biggest difference between makeup/no makeup ive ever seen. without makeup shes seriously like a 6/10 in the face. between that and some of her egregious photoshops, she's a bit of a weird fap sometimes lol
Are old videos possible?
can someone reup her vids?
Could someone reup this Roxxie (if the photo was relevant to the link)
>>9699 (OP)
without makeup, she does not look like herself in these photos, saw her of but
but unsubscribed
she also photoshops the hell out of a lot of her pictures. there are pics of her where all around specific curves are blurred from warp brushing and there are some where the background is skewed too. and then there was the whole "small head" era of her photoshops
can anyone get some of her older paid vids? mainly asking for messy cake eating
While we’re at it, anyone have her old measurements video? Where she’s wearing a blue bikini top and Jean shorts. I used to jerk off to that video so much but I lost it at some point

Wish granted

where can one find all her content when she was a SSBBW, OF?
Thank you man, I had a shit day at work but I come home to free porn. Amazing.
If it's confirmed that she's gaining again i'd subscribe to whatever she does now and share all her shit here

until then here's a reup of all the good stuff that's been shared here and more


>went from crying about wanting to lose weight to gaining it again
it's so hot that she's destined to piggery, no matter what she does.
Any chance of a reup on this?
She isn't gaining weight, she just had some surgery but she's exercising again on her ig
I second this. Missed the post somehow
Just reading through some stuff and wanted to inform the misinformed on here.

I don’t have kids, I don’t want kids

I stopped gaining weight and have been losing because I had serious health issues

I didn’t stop sw, only eating every day for years on end.
Post ur boobs 4 proof
I mean, eating every day is normal, right? I eat every day and I’m average size lol
>I don’t have kids, I don’t want kids
You're fixing your health yet you're still selfish and egotistical? Who are you even living for then? Once you hit ~35 you'll regret this thought. You can't avoid the biological clock
Bro shut the fuck up
Can somebody compile all her material up to the point where she lost weight?
Kindly fuck off. Plenty of people dont want kids for many reasons. I love kids, but dont want my own. It's not a requirement, and its far from selfish if you understand your wants and limitations
You sound like a religious white aunt from the bible belt. You think mayonnaise is spicy don't you lol
You see how fucking dumb kids these days
Based and true. People who never want kids are mentally ill. They live to regret it too
People who are overly pretentious are awful. This troglodyte is a fine example.
Hey can yas niggas stop being niggas?
So many life coaches here on this fetish porn board, what a gift.
I don't give a f about your life. I want the site to be better or else I am out of here. This has become the worst chan ever and it wasn't me who made it bad. What you believe means nothing. Don't get upset when people tell you the truth. If this was my site it would be the best site on the internet. Which means you wouldn't be here. You destroy everything you touch and consider yourself important. Now back to me, I can't wait to get the f out of this planet.
And here it is, another anon with an opinion.
>Now back to me, I can't wait to get the f out of this planet.

Aww man... You were one of those kids that even the teacher made fun of back in middle school aren't you?
Elon gonna take you to Mars buddy? Gonna get some space ice cream with your big buddy Elon?
>>42367 I don't know enough about faggotry culture to understand your question. If teachers did make fun of me it was behind my back and if you're so interested to know my personal opinion is that any teacher that would do that deserves to have her license revoked on the spot, but most likely you are of the exact opposite opinion. You are probably tall, dark, and handsome aswell.

You are of those people I spoke of. Thank you for making this site what it is for my future nephews. May you get a just recompence.
>I'm tired of this site, so many anons posting their opinions that no one asked.
>Proceeds to post his opinion.

Yo, you acting like the people you are complaining to. Go outside, touch grass, take a deep breath, chase some butterflies and come back later.
>>42731 (Cross-thread) I get the feeling you have no idea what you even just typed. By the way feel free to be as opinionated as you want to be. Hey and while you're doing it try not to make the site worse?
You’re the one throwing in big words spinster ass nigga
>>42394 All I said was mahogany..... which is something I've been saying for years...... as a joke about my erection when something desirable happens to me which is not often. I don't have to prove anything. Why do you all keep being a huge vagene? I wonder sometimes if you guys /bhm/
You can have enough intellect for a better insult than spinster and not be pretentious. But that distinction is lost on you isn't it? Too many letters. It's ridiculous to push a narrative everyone is better off with kids or having kids. Not everyone should be parents. In fact there's too many people on the planet.
Fucking retard lesbians deranged the thread.

Go chat somewhere else, this is for fat porn.
Didn’t know they let redditors on here. If you’re concerned about overpopulation you can always start with removing yourself
You sound a bit like people who thought Last of Us 2 was a "strong and gripping narrative mAsTeRpieCe" lol
terminal gamer brain
>in fact there's too many people on the planet

Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates agree! :3

This would be effective only if the person to be removed would be a future breeder.
>>42507 bro STFU and stop intentionally trying to derail the thread, were here for fat porn not TLOU2 debates go outside for once
boy your content-free post really bought the thread back on the rails!
Any chance of any reups?
Anyone got fat girk variety pack.
She was in her prime then imo.

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