
>>96610 (OP)
>belly tattoo
also beg in the begging thread
your homegirl must be clapped
Talked with this chick briefly and went on one date, very nice but didnt shave her legs which really put me off

She was into some dirty shit though, told me i could piss in her mouth and degrade the hell out of her. Also said she was losing weight, guess that didnt happen.

She actually lives or works very very very VERY close to where I work. She made the mistake of showing her certificate or what not on her insta which also had her full name. That's why I know where she works & with all the geo-tagged locations she advertised such as local food businesses. I'm glad that photo is taken down, but dayum girl you gotta be careful.

Her whole personality is smoking A-LOT of weed & works at a weed dispensary. The state of her room is a little gross because of her animals which was a pretty big turn-off for me. The weed personality and myself being really allergic to rabbits (even though I love rabbits myself) prevented me from reaching out to her for any photo-shoot or collaboration projects. Also I suspect she might have a BF.

I think soon after I searched up her name on LinkedIn, her whole Instagram got purged of any NSFW type images, including the certificate photo. & only posts bathroom or bedroom selfies. Either she got spooked by people searching up her name or her family found her Instagram and forced her to take them down. Looks like she's back to her normal activities though.
Kinda gross and not in the hot way. I'm biased as a more submissive leaner, but a woman wanting to be degraded is not good.
Okay three things.
None of this is surprising and definitely believable.

So did she where shorts or did you smash? Asking both

Why the pass?

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