
>>96106 (OP)

If you have any videos that are not included in these links, please share them.
She's been active for several years, so I'm sure there are more videos out there.
Holy shit, that picture first pic of her in the green dress is crazy
Do you mean inactive? I have not seen anything new in a long time. Rumor was she died, but every SSBBW seems to have shuffled off this mortal coil according to the grapevine, so no idea how accurate that might be.
I think she retired around 2018. But I think the rumors about her passing are false.
They're not. I went through family's social media and she died January 2021 of Covid.
proof other than "trust me"?
You can believe me or not, but you're not going to find anything new since the pandemic. I would sincerely advise against getting your hopes up.
who fucking cares, she's dead.
>someone asks for proof that she's dead
>"who cares, she's dead"

yeah, the reason people care is because they don't believe she's dead, genius. and without any proof, why would they?
Why do you care tho
>they don't believe she's dead

Well that's tough shit for them, because you ain't seeing nothing new from her. Your only hope is something someone got custom from her that is choosing to share now, but it's been a long time since she went inactive.

I'm not screencapping the post announcing it. Her family is still grieving. The last thing they need is you autists snooping around and bothering them for more personal photos of her. Do it yourself if you're so damn desperate for confirmation.
We're just sharing videos and photos that she posted herself in the past. Please don't say such bad things.
This is bbw-chan. Her family comes here to grieve?
>died.... of Covid
bullshit lmao
Does anyone have any other Goddess of Gluttony videos besides these? I'm sure there are still videos of her. A photo is fine too.
Do you know when these photos were taken? It's my first time seeing these.
This has to be the first time this sentence has ever been expressed
Laughed out loud at that. Well done anon.
Good kek. Original observation.
It's like she has 4 boobs instead of 2.
She called them Fat Wings.
There was a video of hers I saw a while back where she put on a bra for her tits and a bra for her fat wings and it looked super hot I don't know if it's some Mandela Effect or something, but I never found that video again. Anyone seen or have it?
Please tell us more about the content of the video.
Wasn't she wearing a red bra in that video? If she did, I think she saw it on Pornhub before, although I can't remember the title of the video.
However, Pornhub removed a large number of videos posted by unauthorized users three years ago because of the New York Times, so there may not be any videos of her left.

I haven't saved the video either, so if anyone sees this, could you please share it on MAB or something like that instead?
(314 KB, 500x500, FmKBag0X0AAELhG.png)
darkly funny but somehow still hot, I wish I could have bitten her "wings". RIP
Says the one who breeches her privacy by announcing she is dead. Says the one who is the only one privileged enough to visit the memorial site, but no of us are allowed to. Says the one who claims there's proof, but not willing to share that proof.
Had she ever did a feeding or binging video?
(575 KB, 1280x720, IMG_0518.PNG)
Does anyone know of a video with this thumbnail?
It looks a lot like the thumbnail of a video titled Lotion Donor Edition.

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