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>>95425 (OP)
Bruh… she wasn’t even a model in that time, but I gotta say she has a cutie face, but her massive body it kinda disgusting to see it 🤢 lol.
>>95425 (OP)

Definitely the ultimate in SSBBW-dom is when you get so fat you have to be winched out of bed. Even thinking about that makes me effin hard!!
For you maybe, but I thought her half ton body was sexy as fuck. Loved that her thighs and asscheeks were so huge they surrounded her for like two feet in all directions

I am mixed on that. Definitely liked her fat calves, but I like fat butt to be more round than spilling out like melted wax. But if given access to it, I would most definitely enjoy all the fat. (Just thinking about how that would spill down over me if I got her on top of me. Assuming I could survive that, that would be incredible.)
for me, her totally deformed and rotting thighs and legs is a turn off :)
if above doesn't stop you, the smell will
She's gotta be the biggest bottom heavy woman whose pics have been put out there the way her ass/thighs just spread around her is perfect, hopefully bobbi jo gets to this point
Reposting some of the full documentaries


Those seem to be three times the same documentary.

But here's some more variety:

These are great videos. thank you. By the way, do you have any other videos or photos of Carol Yager? I searched for an article about Dimensions 900 Club and couldn't find it.
Here, that's all I've got.

Halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze, Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll!!!

 Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll! 10/03/2023 (Tue) 17:29:51 Id:102a3c No. 95699

>>95698 (Cross-thread) Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll!

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Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze, Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll!!!

 Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll! 10/03/2023 (Tue) 17:29:51 Id:102a3c No. 95699

>>95698 (Cross-thread) Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll!

  Auto 4

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Thank you very much!
Nah, one of them is the main documentary, another is a supplement documentary that focuses on the legal stuff, and the other is about her weight loss.

Bro why you act like a drunk german?
Or drunk arnold swarzenegger. why you keep saying the same thing ?
Are you sure? I thought >>95509 was the same video three times over, but with different titles.
Sorry, I'm an idiot. Turns out I had my VLC player on loop.
>>95425 (OP)
This killer remains undefeated as the #1 champion of dick murder. She should've gotten a Guiness for that booty alone.
there was an edit of this documentary that was just the scenes with mayra + it had porno music dubbed in. Anybody got it?

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