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Who are the models who can really binge? I'm tired of downloading a "stuffing" video that's just a chick eating two slices of pizza over 20 minutes, or where more food gets on her face than in her belly. There was Mochi but she was basically eating butter dipped in lard by the end, and there's a thread on another board about overstuffing but I don't want to see girls puking. Where are the ladies who can put away an XL pizza or two, and actually enjoy it?
This really is an industry wide problem.

They don't show us at all what they actually do to be as heavy as they are. It's as disappointing as the opportunity to see a pro skater, and they only show you a kickflip.
Most women, generally, don't have a very good understanding at all of what most men actually find arousing, even less so in the realm of fetishes. This is understandable but still a shame.
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>>95303 (OP)
Adeline has put away an XL pizza on camera.
She's also done a 9-inch cake in under 6 mins
I think this comes from many models actually not into the fetish itself and actually not understanding the concept of eating on camera. Also a fat girl who has likely felt insecure and uncomfortable her whole life isn’t going to click record and smash 4,000 calories like she would in private.
But they’ll shake their gut they’re *so* ashamed of for us to jerk off to in, addition to showing off their bare tits and occasionally pussy
I think what he was implying is that extremely super obese women typically are more reluctant to show off how much they can, or even how much they typically, eat than they are to show off their tits, ass, pussy, or their bellies because it’s not something that is as socially accepted as attractive. They know it’s niche fetish territory and, if they haven’t fully accepted that they are a land whale and always will be, then they don’t want to have video evidence of themselves stuffing themselves silly
I think the reason for the lack of stuffing content is just that most of these women are grazers, not stuffers. Like realistically, a 5’4” woman is only going to have so much stomach capacity. They probably just eat smaller portions, constantly. I’d love to see a model do a video just documenting everything she eats in a day, but I can see how it would be annoying to set up a camera every time you want to eat something, especially since that’s probably very often for these girls.

But Wilson of Feederandfeedee has some good stuffing content. She also recently announced she’s pregnant, if you’re into that sort of thing.
But being *morbidly obese* and creating *fat fetish content* on camera FOR MONEY isn’t “evidence” enough to themselves that they’re fat? The mental gymnastics here is astounding
I’m not saying it makes any sense, that’s just probably the way these women look at it. Also, like the poster above me mentioned, most of the incredibly obese ssbbws are grazers. They may not all, unfortunately, be able to eat so much at once because they’re used to eating a ton spread throughout the day
>that part of the video where she stops trying to use a fork and just chows down the cake like a pig
people bitch that long eating videos are boring, you hate when we mute to watch tv in videos which is the best way to mindlessly eat, and they do not sell well. we have no incentive to put them out. stuffing an insane amount takes time and boring effort tbh. and cash.
Dawg, I need to see this cake one
This. My girl is 550ish pounds and hardly stuffs/binges. She just eats numerous times a day, and snacks constantly in between meals. Hardly exciting, but the calories start to add up.
And yet Mochii Babii's best selling videos are all day binges.

Maybe you just need to get better at properly filming and editing your videos, whoever you are.
Thick Sad World can put away huge amounts quickly.

I also heard that Ninjah came eating once.
Kittypiggy was a beast, she could put away small countries worth of food in one sitting
sorry but you cannot use mochii as the standard for what sells and doesn't. she appeals to the masses and is on a different level. people got fleeced/sponsored those all day binges too, like i said, cash. it's not about proper filming and editing, it's the facts that i and other model friends on even more pro levels put out 20min stuffing videos and they sell like shit, imo one of the reasons being because we are not mochii. lmao
Bonnie has done some remarkable stuffing for sure
It is also because you ought to combinate it for instance with belly worshipping, like with oil and jiggling/ wobbling, possible belly-clashes with other SSBBWs.
I agree that its really difficult to have binges on camera because they can extend over a whole evening or so and also a lot of girls are ashamed and dont wanna show of the quantities they eat.

I remember that on vacation I would go with my ex gf to have dinner at a restaurant. After a three meal course we would leave the restaurant and she would complain that she was still hungry so we went to mcdonalds to buy her a meal. I kid you not, once we were at our hotel she was hungry again and she ordered some takeaway. I was mesmerized and aroused at the same time by what she could put away but how would you possibly film this without having an hour long movie? Its just not possible.
She was also sometimes simply ashamed to show how much she ate although she knew that I was into it...
Have you considered why that is? Obviously you can't tell us not to count her when she's in the same business as you. I'll concede she does more extreme binging and that's part of the appeal, same with Layla. I also have a model friend that does eating videos and they don't sell as well as they should, so I'm curious what your thoughts are.

For example, people are complaining it's about the size of the meals and amount of food being consumed. Is that a fair criticism?
Really good point. The way most binges actually occur, you’d have to collect footage for hours and then splice it all together somehow
>Came while binge eating

That is a video I’d certainly buy
I think the biggest factors to eating videos are amount of food consumed and how engaging it is. Yeah, watching a girl eat a lot is great but if 90% of the video is chewing it can get boring, especially if the video isn’t that well shot. It’s very hard to find a sweet spot between eating a ton and talking in between. Mochii found that spot and that’s why she’s so popular
Kittypiggy had some class eating videos. Just the giving in and losing control to her own gluttony. Great set up, very engaging. Even with a little story input of 'don't eat that food'.
Can you share the cake video?
I can definitely back that up, this girl can out-eat a large family and ask for seconds
>sorry but you cannot use mochii as the standard for what sells and doesn't.

Actually we can. Last time I checked, she's in the same business as the rest of you.
if someone is intentionally raking in extra cash to deal with the cost-sum of putting herself out there as a side show act while the rest of us are just living our normal lives and you say that's what you want to see, we are actually not in the same business at all. she's not a SSBBW who can eat a lot like this thread is supposed to be about, and the videos that I'm talking about that sell like shit. she's specifically a stuffer and gainer that's doing it in public in the videos that sell the best. it's really not the same.
It feels like you're comparing apples to oranges and there's a whole rest of the Wal Mart to consider in this fetish. It's definitely closer than other types of content. She is competition, like it or not.
Even if you don't want to go as far as her with the ridiculous stuffing challenges, she still does a lot of things right with the quality of her videos.

75% of stuffing videos are low effort trash: bad lighting, bad camera angles, no editing, no cameraman, shitty phone aspect ratio. Plus those videos are often overpriced on top of everything else. Fixing all those problems would go a long way to making your videos actually valuable.

And nobody wants to watch a video where you're distractedly watching TV instead of trying of make a good video like you brought up before. If that's the kind of content you want to make, no wonder it's selling like shit.

It sounds to me like you just want to treat this as a side hustle for some easy cash. If that's the case then I can't say I have much sympathy. Put some effort in or continue to not get sales.
that's not the content OP was asking about though is it? this thread is in ssbbw and the question is "where are the people that put away XL pizzas and enjoy it?" my friends are attractive, established, have amazing lighting and when they put out the videos that the OP is asking for, they sell like shit. even if I do all that and I fake moan, jiggle, stare directly into the camera the whole 20 minutes it takes me to gorge, no TV on, the video can't be priced fairly unless you want to put it on curvage. there's literally no incentive to get on there when you are established, enjoy doing nude, and are already ssbbw imo. just trying to illuminate actual fucking reasons you don't see this stuff every day, not even bitching really. js we put those videos out and they sell, just not as well as me jiggling for 5 minutes and pricing it at 6 bucks for it to be stolen 70 times over lol
>side show act

Sounds kind of bitchy to call her a side show act when I assume you are a SSBBW adult content creator.

I would think that models would show some camaraderie.
Can I ask about the variety of the stuffing videos? Are they challenges or normal-ish meals? How often have you done them? I know it's a staple but if it's a regular occurrence to see I'd be saving my money. Honestly there are some models that do nothing but food videos and they all look the same. I'm not surprised the jiggling videos sell better, tbh.
Show me a link to a video of someone putting away an XL pizza or two. I've literally never seen that. I've never seen an attractive model eat more in a video than I could in one sitting with a 23 BMI
Without knowing who you and your supposed attractive, established SSBBW friends are, we have no idea if you're telling the truth about the quality of your content. Like I said, a lot of models overvalue what they put out so maybe that's the problem. Like how much food are you actually eating? How interesting are you making these videos? I'm doubting you're putting away entire pizzas or a whole cake in one video.

It sounds like maybe you and your friends are variety fetish models putting out the occasional feedism video, in which case no wonder you're not making any sales on them. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm not usually interested in buying from models not actually into the fetish. They rarely put out quality content and it's obvious that they're not into it. As I mentioned in my previous post, it sounds like a cash-in. Plus perhaps you're selling on the wrong stores? Like it or not, but Curvage is the best place to sell stuffing videos now. Can you at least tell us the platforms you're selling your videos on?

You also don't seem like you're interested in constructive feedback, so might as well move on. If big stuffing videos aren't lucrative enough for you, the community will be okay without your (alleged) content, I promise.
actually really respect her. the reality is every fat person who makes a video eating in public, myself included because i have before, is making themselves a sideshow act because society hates fat people. even mentioned the cost-sum of the humiliation of doing that, so of course she'd take in extra cash to deal with said humiliating looks, etc..?
Most of her videos are NOT in public. Yes, she did the restaurant challenge thing recently, but the vast majority of her content was made at home in private.
This is right. Most women who are fat aren’t necessarily binging on whole XL pizzas or entire cakes. It’s eating a bunch of random high fat, bad carb foods and not exercising that just adds up to excess calories everyday. This is a possible weekday:

Breakfast — bagel with lots of cream, 600-800, plus Starbucks large whole milk latte or frapuccino, 200-300 cal. That’s almost 1,000 calories right there, just in breakfast, and that’’s not something that shows they’re packing it in / want to see on video.
Lunch — medium italian sandwich and chips, with DIET soda, 1000-1200 cal
Dinner — Pad thai and spring rolls from uber eats, 1200 cal

That’s close 3000 cal and excludes any snacking on nonfilling junk food (mindlessly eating through a half bag of chips, grabbing that “one more” donut or cookie when it’s
probably their 3rd—big girls almost always snack), reupping on sugary drinks or coffe, and random slice of cheesecake or half pint of ice cream at the end of the day while watching netflix. (Some girls might actually skip breakfast or lunch and make up calories just by mindless snacking.) Imagine a girl doing something similar everyday. Except for really active ones, most women don’t need to eat more than 1,500-1,600. Most fat women aren’t actually able to out eat their skinny boyfriends in a single sitting.

But wait, then, the weekend hits where they might go to nice brunches / dinners, drinks, post-drink fast food/pizza, etc. Add it up with the overeating during the week, and the bill of fat comes due.
This. It's starting to sound like they just have a chip on their shoulder because they're boring when they're eating. It's a fuller picture than wanting to see you do what fat girls do best - if you're not going to really stuff yourself or make it seem like you enjoy that, then people are only going to buy that kind of content once or twice. It sounds like a single shot setup, TV playing in the background, minimal talking, boring eating vid. And with how much this fetish has produced over the years, those vids are a dime a dozen. Like it or not, you're being compared to BBWs who WILL stuff themselves to the point of sickness and SSBBWs who will gladly imagine where every bite is going to end up on their figure and will happily tell us with a smile on their face.
Who is the girl in the GIF?
Lmao you are sooo salty. Maybe people just don't want to watch YOU binge, ya nasty bitch. Kitty Piggy, Mochii, Thick Sad World, Adeline, these girls all put out stuffing videos and they do fine. Because they actually eat a ton and DON'T just mindlessly stare into the camera. You mention fake moaning and shit, see that's just embarrassing. If you watch one of mochii's videos you can CLEARLY see why people love her, she's not just sitting around doing nothing but eating that would be awful. There's editing, she moves around a decent amount, there are different angles, and the way she eats is sexy in a way you probably wouldn't understand.
"these whores are so lazy all we want is to see them do real damage to lots of food just get cute set up a tripod and eat"
"of course u don't fake moan like literally every moan in an eating video u salty retard you obviously have to make a serious effort"
i was trying to answer the op's question: where are all the videos of bitches putting away XL pizzas? The answer for a lot of us is that they are unrecorded cause the reality of putting away an XL pizza and more is fucking boring unless you have a person filming the feeder's POV and you manufacture the vibe of the video. That's it.
Are you autistic or have like a learning disability or something? NOBODY WANTS LOW EFFORT SLOP PORN REGARDLESS OF THE ACTUAL CONTENT/FETISH. Do you really think he's asking for someone to just set up a tripod and that's it? Nobody actively wants that kind of content ...that goes without saying? Why would you hear "I want to see a fat lady eat a ton of food(sexually)" and instantly think "Oh that means they don't want me to put any effort in or care about the video at all, easy money". I think this is your prototypical example of some random fat lady who doesn't actual have this fetish failing to understand the fundamental appeal to genuine perverts. Go film a fake weigh in or something jeez.
So basically you find it boring cause you’re not really into the fetish. I think we’ve established that already.
no. the extensive binge eating itself is what's boring and long (as one anon said, collecting tons of footage often with no help) when you actually observe how it happens. binge eating is extremely thrilling to me to the point of legit irresponsible DoorDash habits but it's less so when i have to be "on" and rubbing my belly, etc.. it's that way for many of us. jfc
I honestly doubt you’re a model, just considering your ‘insights’ thus far, but giving you the benefit of the doubt. I’ve yet to find an eating video (at least of a supersized girl, it’s annoying af when someone says they’re supersized and they’re just chubby jfc) that isn’t enthralling. If a girl is legitimately super, super obese, eating videos should come easy. The “fake moaning” you describe should be real. Girls that truly love food (and yes, they’re are many in the community.) will talk about it, moan VERY really, and actually very much enjoy the feeling of being appreciated while they indulge their live for food. If you have to “fake” it, you’re not what we’re looking for. Move along to something else.
I always enjoy Decode's eating videos.
She manages to eat quite substantial amounts and you can really see her pushing herself towards the end, always clears her plate.
I could watch lilycupcakes, AnnaOli and Nikki Maialina simply eat food for ages and be aroused pretty much constantly.
I'm surpirsed nobody mentioned Ninjah. Apparently she can put away tons of food during her stuffings. Can someone confirm this?

Sad thing is that she only sells videos of her stuffings privately and it seems to be complicated to get in touch with her. She even has a c4s page but she doesn't sell her stuffing videos on there...
Take your 2 cupcake eating ass on somewhere
I didn’t come to this thread to read a fucking book, and im sure no one else here did either. Cut this shit out post something
why don't you start, you worthless mooching cretin
Just wish someone would update her coomer one day, would be neat to see how much bigger she’s gotten.

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