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I think it's time Tess Holiday got her own thread. She might not make content but I'd say she's worthy. Plus she's got to be bigger than some on here.

Idk if there's already a celebrity thread on here. But maybe we can post some other celeb stuff on here if there isn't one.
Question to the tech savvy ppl here: is there something like an AI powered tatoo removal image editing app/service?
Nicole Jager
Anyone know where to find this full episode? It's called Showtime of my Life
>>95077 (OP)
Damn, I hadn't seen those first few before, but she looks enormous. As those recent?
Apparently the candids are from July last year. The pic of her in orange is from the last few weeks
hard to believe she got that fat. She looks like a 400 pounder.
Seriously how did she get that huge? I know the obvious answer but like, without a fetish, and being an active mini celebrity, how do you manage to find the time and so much food that it requires especially with your thinner friends...
why lol the tattoos are what make her so hot
She looks like a NY subway car, both in size and the drawings.
does anyone have a good video of her?
There’s an extensive Curvage thread on her, and you can find some good stuff there
I remember talking with her in real life and being surprised how fat she was. Definitely a “whoa you’re even fatter in person” experience.
>>95077 (OP)
she gains better than some of the bbws who struggle so much and get stomach issues but this women really know how to pack it on so well. Imagine if she was actually into feederism, could be one of the gainers out there in another world
If she was i to feedism she’s be bed bound by now.
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Her tats are ridiculous…it’s hard to figure why she, of all people became a famous model. Hell…there are just many more good looking fat girls than Tess…not saying she’s bad looking or that her body isn’t hot but still.
She's a solid 5/10. Without makeup she's hideous and even with, there's nothing heart throb about her. Never understood the hype. To each their own i guess
She's totally constructed to advance the agenda, says all the right things and seemingly doesn't have baggage or do anything crazy. She's only famous because the media says she is. Nice arms, though, even with the tats.
>doesn't have any baggage

Yeah, until she announced she had anorexia. Which you can be as open-minded as possible when it comes to mental health and sickness, but the idea of a fat model having anorexia isn't going to win over the public.
how tf do yall come on this goddamn site and still cant grasp that other people have different taste
TBH Tess is a solid 9/10 without tattoo, with tattoo though, she's 7.5/10
She just reminds me of those activist femcells and rlly turns me off no matter what she looks like.
This is a fat girl acceptance site, not an acceptance site for people with heavy metals injected into their skin in trendy patterns.
I swear to Christ, it’s always the same 5 tattoo-hating coomers on here that are the most vocal. You would think that fat enjoyers who inherently prefer a less popular beauty standard would have some self-awareness in criticising women for choices that they don’t find to align with their tastes, but no.
Jesus fucking christ bro, if you don’t like it just beat if to someone else. People can do whatever the fuck they want with their own body including becoming enormously fat or getting tattoos that they personally like. Nobody gives a shit what your personal opinion is on tattoos. Simply shut the fuck up and wank like the rest of us.
“I can’t believe the women with the most surface area would choose to adorn their vast expanses with artistic decorations.”
this! right here.
Scribbled spotted
Is anyone here actually deluded enough to think this is some kind of body positivity empowerment website? This is a place where guys pirate and discuss niche pornography, don't get too high an opinion.
God she's a pefect pig.
it is easy to forget that the very nature of this site (ends in -chan) will attract plenty of weirdos with loser conservative beliefs like "tattoos are bad" or "people need to hear me whine about my opinions." as always, pay them no heed; ignore, jerk off and move on
In what world is "tattoos are bad" a conservative opinion? I literally know more MAGA dudebros with tattoos than liberal art hoes. You're projecting your own terminal-onlineness. Touch grass.
>>95077 (OP)
Well there's the plus size influencer who got pissed at Qatar Airlines, she's good looking and a Danish BBW model who gained weight subtly. Boberry has her own thread, despite becoming a fat meme.
Idk if BoBerry is considered a celebrity. She's definitely adjacent considering the attention she's getting, but nothing like Tess.

I'm almost certain she's been asked to model professionally. Just a gut feeling.
Average in candids/selfies but she photographs really well in pro settings, which is the only qualifier. I've worked with (straight sized) models and some are odd/whatever-pretty in person but amazing in photos.

>the plus size influencer who got pissed at Qatar Airlines

That was legit — she arranged to buy 2 adjacent seats at a slight discount, arrived at the airport and was told she'd have to pay several thousand $ more. Typical Arabs.
The ones on top of my head are:
>Rebel Wilson
>Niki Blonksy
>Monserrat Caballe
>Chrissy Metz
Not bad looking with a few extra pounds.
rebel wilson lost the weight :(
shouldn't be allowed
Its so fucking weird seeing chicks like boberry, who have been on this scene for over a decade, pop up on some modern social media and these peoples heads explode as if these girls came out of nowhere. I saw a post on reddit where it was Boberry's vid of squeezing her ass through those airplane seats and it was repurposed for some activist's commentary on their victimhood. Its so weird seeing...im gonna say "normies" for lack of a better word, posting this shit on tiktok while having no idea its designed to be porn for Us.
glad im not alone on this
seeing that video go viral was so weird and really opened my eyes to how weird this fetish is
Fat women have told me many times that there are many more closeted FAs than we might guess. Often they don't even "realize" they like big girls, but at least the social stigma is still... massive and heavy. :^)

Boberry size yes is kinda "weird" but again, look back like the Venus of Willendorf and foreign societal practices like Leblouh. Liking fatties is anciently embedded in our DNA despite bourgeois pretense.
Just as did Gabourey Sidibe and Chrissy Metz likely too.
Which is why I don't see BoBerry as a celebrity - she is to us but any time she's been pushed to the public eye, it's almost always out of ridicule.

I have a lot of belly-heavy friends and models and that comparison to Venus of Willendorf is apt, in the sense that her shape is the "acceptable" kind of obesity. Her basking in the limelight of admirers who say she's top tier is because she's so damn proportional - she's been made fun of for those airplane videos and yet there will always be people going "now hear me out..."

It really does bring up the question why she's never professionally modeled. I can't imagine she enjoys being fat just for the sake of being fat; she loves the attention. Maybe the world isn't ready for a supermodel over 500lbs, but damn if that wouldn't be a real stepping stone.
Do you even get how big she is? The world freaks out over plus size models like Ashley Graham who aren’t nearly as big. Most people are shocked and disgusted by how huge Boberry is so yeah the world is definitely not ready for a 500 lb “model”
That's fair. While it was distressing her to be misrepresented with that whole TikTok imposter & NYPost article, she'd be scrutinized to no end. Tess Holliday is picked apart to no end if she does fat things like need help to get off the ground, Mary would be scared off quickly.

I guess she's fine settling with where she's at now.
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
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>>95077 (OP)
>She might not make content but I'd say she's worthy
The fact she doesn't is a tragedy lol. I get she's not everybody's type bet seeing a chick her size get thrust into the spotlight and revel in it is the kinda stuffed I've fantasized about my whole life! When I heard about the time she needed help getting up after a panel my heart skipped a beat ~

I just wish she'd drop the "ackshually it's not my fault I'm this size" act and own up to being a greedy fat fuck. If she's gonnaq try to push this 'fat pride' thing then take pride in all of it, damnit.
She's got a good belly, but her fucked up arms, mid face, and fucking godawful tattoos make her a 4/10 for me.
Fucked up arms!? They made her famous, and i love those puffy arms.

Or you mean tattoos?
I dont know what in the hell americans have against tattoos..

Finland 70% of women have tattoos...
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I know this is mainly about Tess Holiday but for celebs I would include Ashlie Atkinson. Not quite ssbbw tier but figured I make a honorable mention.
That's quite the generalization to say that "Americans have against" tattoos when every other person you meet here has one, including ancient karens with purple hair

But bad art is bad art. Just because you paid someone to put it on your body in ink doesn't make it good
>They made her famous, and i love those puffy arms.
I know, right? I'd love to watch her squeeze and jiggle them ~
The funny thing is I'm not even american, I'm norwegian.
Also yeah, tattoos are just so fucking distracting make models look weird, and are usually, for lack of a better word, cringe
Too bad photomorphers slept on the already fat celebrities and photoshop them fatter on their before and after pictures.
It's kinda sad that she's pretty much only known for being an Actress While Fat. I wonder if her agent ever made her promise never get below a certain weight. And she carries it so well anyway!

I have a fat Norwegian friend but she's clearly self-conscious about it, we haven't spoken in ages because it gets a bit awkward.
LOL look at her Wiki article:

>literally grew up in GAINesville, Florida after moving from Japan
>first job was at McDonald's

Truth really is stranger than fiction, I just said that to family tonight.

(Imagine if she stayed in Japan as a white BBW gravure model...)
>tattoos are just so fucking distracting make models look weird, and are usually, for lack of a better word, cringe
I like them myself mainly because I'm into the whole 'trashy' aesthetic. Chicks with no self respect just turn me on IG.
Who gives a shit about Finland? Fuck Finland!
Tatts on a woman = bad. I want to see flawless skin. While Dolly Parton is cool, I don't need a tat of her on an arm. Then she's got Miss Piggy, and possibly Divine? ( I can't quite tell who that other face is) Then she goes and does her legs too, legs are supposed to be sexy and tats of mermaids, ducks, anime, and whatever the fuck just ruins things.

Now I think for some men who like them on a woman it's because they see this woman clearly makes bad decisions and therefore must be easy. And pretty much this will be true, more tats = higher body count for that woman.
I honestly love Tess Holliday

To me, she is the perfect embodiment of American capitalist over-consumption and greed

I'm not super into the tattoos but on the other hand its like she is giving into her impulses and just doing whatever the fuck she wants
She keeps ballooning and doesn't seem to have a care in the world
Her levels of narcissism and ego are though the roof and she thinks she is better than everyone else, which is propped up by a literal army of followers who validate her everyday giving her an almost god like complex. I get the feeling if she ever even looked at me she would view me as pure disgusting scum, that I'm dirt beneath her feet

Something about her just getting so huge, having all this wealth and influence, being so full of herself and completely letting herself go, giving into her impulses I find so hot

I guess the fact she really is against the norm also plays into it too. Liking a woman like that is totally against the grain. She is the complete opposite of a traditional woman. She's big, loud, obnoxious, annoying, impulsive, indulgent, gluttonous, commanding, domineering, bisexual etc

I should also mention that I think she does have a very pretty face and her body is great. The fat is very well distributed, she still retains her figure. She has a big belly but her butt is big too and her legs are (in my opinion) perfectly proportioned, forearms could do with a bit more if she was to be 10/10 but that's a very minor thing. She is absolutely huge but she is very pretty. Some people don't get that being fat doesn't make you ugly, you can be pretty and fat
She’s really fell off in terms of relevance over the years. But yeah she’s probably well off anyway. She definitely leaches off a decade ago when she was kinda mainstream relevant.

Besides that your post kinda just sums up my love for her perfectly. Her being so full of herself is insanely hot to me. She’d make an amazing dominatrix. She’s also perfectly proportionate as you said. With amazing huge arms to boot. Her belly is perfect as well, huge but bot to the point where it lost it’s shape like Adeline or Jackie’s. The tattoos are a bit excessive, and I really wish she didn’t get anything on her belly. But it also just adds to her “screw you I do what I want” attitude.
Yeah she is the hottest actress. The GOAT
Yeah she is the hottest actress. The GOAT
Bald bin ich bei dir und dann bekommst du so richtig eines auf die Fresse (dass du paar Tage liegen bleibst)!
I think it is not so recently, but she lost it already like 3 - 4 years ago maybe.

Though this Melissa McCarthy lost most of it and is narrowly slim since perhaps 5 years (says she is going to sleep at 8.30 p. m. to get it). Siddibe Gabourey maybe already one decade ago or around 2015 (when she was at her peak with 168Kg at the Oscars, she said she didn't like these because couldn't watch the Simpsons when it was broadcasted).
Hope Darlene Barker has still about the size (said on the movie with Andy Garcia, that she weights 350lbs).
>I honestly love Tess Holliday. To me, she is the perfect embodiment of American capitalist over-consumption and greed
This is a good way to put it. Tess is a walking (well, barely) embodiment of everything we're told is wrong and evil about the modern world, she seems to know this and be proud of it. A chick who boasts this kind of unearned, overblown self-confidence is just kind of a turn-on.
I can't believe she's not wearing a fat suit. Wish I knew what she eats in a day
I wish Tess Holliday would retire from being a plus size model she hasnt been relevant in the last couple years she does anything tp get attention like saying shes anorexic but if she ever did start an only fans i would jump on it!
don't know who this is but she reminds me of Gypsy from bighotbombshells
Tess Holiday is a real shit but I do love her circus fat lady arms…I can’t lie.

Halt die Gusche, Drecksau!
having a hard time believing that she is 400lbs in this video (assuming this is her highest weight) because unless its just the dress she looks like she is over 500 here
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I love comparing Tess from when she tarted modeling (left pic). Thick and Curvey, but still not that fat, to the more recent phortos, and just how morbidly obese she's become. Not to mention how she looks ln videos or how she is much more candid about her weight and eating either.
gotta love them tattoos; make everyone look like they are truck stop bathroom stall
Any time a girl is posted on here with a tattoo, piercing, dyed hair or wearing revealing clothes, immediately dementia grandpa arrives to complain about how women have changed and they "ain't how they used to be" back when you'd see them in church in the 1940's. Seriously gramps, go back to Facebook where you can feel safe.
the fact that you felt the need to respond to a 1 sentence post with more than quadruple the words tells me you're triggered as fuck, so you're either a white knight or a woman
>advance the agenda

Enlighten us. What agenda would that be?
Do not enable the schizo.

You're damn right I'm triggered, and I'm a proud white knight defending the honor of m'lady. If you are too sensitive and upset by a girl when she has a nose piercing, pronouns in her bio or a dolphin tattoo on her ankle then good luck ever finding an IRL girlfriend.
Would you all STFU? This board is here for *one* purpose only, and if you find yourself with two free hands typing out an impassioned rant, you are doing it wrong.
Yes agreed she definitely is the hottest actress.
Has Tess Holliday discovered feedism? One can fantasize...
Im just glad I dont ever see Black men lusting after her
Lol why is that? Fat white girls taking bbc is hot as fuck.
Oh no, not another thread where people talk about dicks. Please.
Huh, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that fat fetishism can also have a factor of fetishising rampant narcissism and gluttony in all fashion.

I can't say I'm really a fetishist, but I really do love me a big girl. All the things that you listed really come off to me as the opposite of things I find attractive and why I find Tess Holliday so insufferable.
Wao! She is really big!
Some men just want a bougie fat girl, okay? She's high maintenance in more ways than one.
Probably not, though it's way hotter to imagine that she's gaining all this weight completely unintentionally. Like this is all just natural for her, effortlessly ballooning up when left to her own devices.
She musta got even fatter.
She made the most hedonistic job on earth main stream and youre still amazed as if laying around getting fat isnt the easiest thing on earth to do
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Hot take: Tess Holiday is just mid at best. Sure her arms are hot but that’s really all she’s got going for her. Her belly is meh, her legs are nothing special and her ass is nonexistent
plus she's "mainstream sellout", which means she's worthy only of disdain. fittingly, because of the white trash tats, she also looks like truck stop bathroom stall
We know window licker.
Just an observation for you to think about while you ride the short bus.
Nah I don’t even like the bitch but this is an autistic fedora nigger series of posts
If you don't like big girls with tattoos grow up I imagine you still drink from a sippy cup.
She's hot BECAUSE she's a daft, ignorant and entitled bimbo. She is in full denial of reality on multiple fronts and parades her obese, gluttonous temple of hedonism around as if her sloth and greed is something to be proud of.

Her ass is mid though, have to agree there
And the worst part is that everyone with really low standards will keep on pumping her ego until she's ends up hospitalized like Echo. She could humanize chubby chasers but then again it's all about her, like the typical tumblrina dyke who cries crocodile tears whenever her number of followers doesn't match with her weight.
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Some people like the girls who would be a skinny hoe if they could control their out of control eating and consumerism.
yep, i think the same thing when i hear the tattoo hater comments
These are the sheltered incels who claim they'd break up with a cute bbw gf if she got a nose ring, or if she dyed her hair purple. Brains fully melted from gooning. They are in for a big shock if they ever leave the basement and try to form an IRL relationship.
There's a happy medium, where I think she's hot but would be that much hotter without all that cringe ink.
Her modeling career over she hasn't been relevant for a few years i just wish she got off her high horse and make an onlyfans!
getto mentality and white trash "esthetics" have rotten your brain to its tiny tiny core; "IRL relationship" does not necessarily mean "banging the first drunk cousin I see" for all of us
If Larsa Pippen has an OnlyFans, there’s truly nothing stopping Tess from doing the same
Bringing this back. And I'm surprised no one here talked about Lizzo yet
Lizzo looks deflated now, she's definitely losing weight. Used to be into her but compare her to someone like Tess Holiday, who has gained over 100 pounds since her peak of popularity 2015-2017.
Was it a show, special, etc.? Any one want to find this?

a man of good taste i see, i would also comit a crime if it would allow me to have like a week with her, love me a small titted broad shouldered covered in stretch marks girl
miss when lizzo was this fat
if only she wasn't a bitch

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