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Made this Adeline bundle with 3 car vids at different sizes + some other stuff there's no Adeline thread so I'm making one
>>94752 (OP)
someone should fix the name I messed it up lol
anyone got any of her stuffing videos?
Does she have any joi?
It's suprising no one begged for her new vids with her BF yet
Anyone have any of her mutual gain stuff?
what tf is up w/ her coom?!
It’s under a different name
Someone please post the updated one
Pool jump video was up yesterday on one site, now its deleted? Needed that ffs
also also if you wanna take this down I understand I'll repost just the wetransfer link
also here's more new Adeline YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVlJSV1VsTlQzQjJVV1E9
Is it possible to re-up it?
What is with the WeTransfer people? That is the WORST site to share files on. All using it does is annoy the 90% of people who have to spend the time to double decode and then go there to find the file has been taken down. There are so many better options!!
pixeldrain is good. Even with the free version, files will not be deleted for at least 60 days. However, downloading files larger than 5GB will be a bit slow.

Does anyone have that video where she eats an entire cake in a few minutes?
what happened to her coomer?
There you go
One of the hottest things I’ve ever seen.
Thanks, anon!
Can you reup to mab? It got taken down before I could download it.

Was it one of these?

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 Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll! 10/03/2023 (Tue) 17:29:51 Id:102a3c No. 95699

>>95698 (Cross-thread) Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll!

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Can we get a reup on some of her 700lb videos my guys
Asking again because mods don't like people asking apparently
Can we get a reup on the vids where she's 700lbs please
Does anybody have her onlyfans right now I had it a couple months ago and it was just pictures from her many vids sets and maybe one vids from her many vids is is still like that or it got better ?
She just posted a whole bunch of new stuff on manyvids
I think its worth to join her MV at this point
From what I have seen on her social media, it looks like she has lost a substantial amount of weight. Is that true? (Wanna know if it's worth subscribing to MV; not sure if she is no longer huge like before.)
>>96307 From her peak? Yeah, but she's still massive and her content's better now that she's mobile and can actually do more than just sit on a couch. She also said she's easing back into stuffings even though she still has gastrointestinal issues so I don't think she's going to continue losing much.
She's definitely not 700+ pounds anymore but she's low 600s which is still massive for a girl, especially at her short height.
5'6 aint short dude
For a woman? It's not short. It's pretty average.
it's above average, actually (if only slightly)
(90 KB, 1080x865, Screenshot_20231011-234820_Tumblr~2.jpg)
Does anyone have the vid this is from? I remember ther being two in this possition, the fat chat one i have, lost this one sadly
(4.7 MB, 2600x1835, huge in red.png)
I'm looking for the picsets from Adeline's old site bbwadeline.com to make more comparisons and a compilation.
Can anyone upload a full rip of the picssets?
can someone reup the rental van video please
(9 KB, 300x300, けくW.jpg)
part of her submission statements: "I can't run quickly"
Running is not in her skillset period

She would be the first to die in a horror movie, no question about it. Survival takes a modicum of mobility. I can't even fathom the kind of photoset you could have with a 600lb Final Girl
For a second I thought you typed “move set” and I was wondering if the winner was going to be featured in a sort of death by Daylight type horror game >_<
Just imagine Adeline being in a horror movie. Too fat to run or jump, so wide that she gets stuck in every doorway trying to slowly waddle away from the killer, and so gluttonous she’d probably end up getting caught stuffing herself before Jason or whoever the hell pops her belly. It’d put me in the theater.
Still looking for the pic sets from BBWadeline.com
seconding this ♥
Ughhh.. she’s far too athletic these days
Hi, here I share the 2nd and 3rd video, I don't have the 1st video and if someone shares it it would be great.

The newest oiling up video is mythical. Whoever shares it will be a mthr fkn p.i.m.p
The vids was already gone, and it run out of time.
Could you reup???
it's not public
Yeah, “there’s no public”.
Please re up adeline sitting on 2 chairs im begging you man !!😪
I had the same error a week ago. I tried to upload ICD videos.
Luckiest airbnb owner(:
Anyone catch the live?
Last half hour or so. Sitting with her belly spilled out, vaping, chilling. She's a good hang although there wasn't anything major you missed. She's not trying to gain or lose ATM but she says she spends 90 minutes gorging on a single DoorDash order so I wouldn't expect her weight to go *down* anytime soon.
Can anyone reup the bbwadeline pics?
Anyone have the 700 pound weigh in? I have it but for some reason there's no audio with it. Hoping someone would be kind enough to help out.
Dawg, which one you want?
Gosh, she really has been losing weight
Hot damn, thanks a lot!

Still, I wonder what makes some models think the viewers prefer some lame music to the natural sounds of the video. If I want music to it, I play it myself.

At least it's better than the washed-out treble-heavy intradiegetic rock music blaring from the loudspeakers in her house we usually get from her. Or even some TV show running in the background like we get from other models.
the 700 pound weigh in
new vids on many vids dropped. fupa and belly play looks good
Could be so the neighbours don't hear the kinky stuff I guess.
But yeah, I much rather hear her than the music. There is a moment where her as slaps against the chair and that is just great.
thanks! but, wow. that's.... underwhelming.
Does anyone have the accidental pool bench breaking vid??
(6 KB, 300x168, images (3).jpg)
some hero have the burping vid?
>>drops 4 low effort vids in the exact same outfit
>>blatantly lost 100+ pounds
>>drops a weigh in comp as a desperate last minute cash grab

Safe to save Adeline officially fell off…..sad to see.
Thanks a lot you're my hero
What the fuck do you expect? Get to 700 lbs and do gymnastics for you? Keep gaining til she can't move at all?

Common sense escapes you coombrains
I'll take option C thanks
she said in one of her videos she will be losing weight to get gall bladder surgery/removal. it was good while it lasted
Can anyone reup those 3 latest videos, links have gone too fast for me?
Iam with you, some humans on this board are just degenerated monkeys
stairs video please
Goddamn I missed it. can someone reupload?
Any one have it?!?!?!?
Anyone got her newest masturbation vid she posted on Manyvids? Would kill for that 4 sure!!!
Just asking gently and nice 😋😝😁😉🤗
Anyone got SSBBW Adeline's Accidental Pool Bench Breaking? Thanks.

Wouldn't it just be easier to buy it then?!
Wouldn’t it be easier if you just shut the fuck up.
(1.6 MB, 796x1384, Screenshot 2023-11-24 at 2.33.36 PM.png)
Just posting in case anyone's interested...I have a bunch of her old ones and there are only a couple I lost when a hard drive crashed that I'd really want back so it's probably not worth it to me...
If I’m not mistaken, she had some mutual gain and goddess worship videos from way back, I can’t find them anymore though. Would you happen to have either of those types of videos from her?
Hasn't she been saying she doesn't have old videos or something? What could possibly be in that drive?
No, she's said she's had them a bunch of times, they were just a pain in the ass to upload and she didn't want them shared (good luck). There were a couple of smoking vids I lost that I'd love back but I doubt her Drive is gonna be cheap enough to make it worth

If anyone contacts her and gets a price quote, please let me know even if you're not gonna post anything.
i would buy them, the oldschool stuff from her was fire, but iam from germany we dont have cashapp...
Someone must have some of that new fupa stuff......
anyone got Spying on your SSBBW neighbor?
Does anyone have her newest 5 videos? Or what video doesnt have been shared or is missing? Then I can complete them.
Alright, here's POV: Spying on your SSBBW Neighbor...If anyone wants to throw on another recent clip and keep the ball rolling, that would be cool.

Gets halfway then stops downloading, thanks for the thought but it’s not useful

Rookie mistake my friend we-transfer isn't your friend where Adeline is concerned.

Cheers for the download, grabbed it but did so on my phone whilst away, if someone else can do others the deed I'm sure they'd appreciate it.
Does anyone have seducing the slasher
Does anyone have the latest weigh in compilation?
So were would one find this Adeline & LisaLou video?
Apologies, but what was Adeline’s highest weight apparently?

I need this for…research purposes…
You’re a beautiful person.

Did she share that? Or was it included in a weigh-in I missed?
Can someone reup this one? I had it and it somehow vanished from my hard drive
It’s in her weigh in comp, which is an extraordinary experience
>If anyone contacts her and gets a price quote, please let me know even if you're not gonna post anything.

Take the price of a PS5 and half it. She basically charges 1$ for each vid. Decent price bcuz customs are more expensive. I wonder how many people will drop stacks for it.
Does anyone have like a full archive thing of all the adeline stuff posted here

I deleted my adeline vids to make space and I regret it :(
Anyone saw her latest masturbation vids? As far as i know she never released something like this before, are they good? Should i buy them?
Where should i upload it so it wouldnt get down in on minute?
Gofile works well enough I think
Does anyone have the weigh in compilation? Please
People that had her OF for awhile I've been on and off with it does she go live often and if you seen her live is it any good?
I've been meaning to give props for the Koi no Yokan poster on her wall, good taste.
Why does this girl have no videos online for free. I can't find shit on her.

Because she be on them takedowns brah. Like a fucking sharpshooter she is. Many respects for that, makes it hard for us tho.
Yet vids on Gofile stay up. Curious, huh?
Seriously, she’s pretty damn hot ~🥵❤️🔥
Her DMCA guy must be on Christmas vacation.
now thats some delicious fucking ssbbw porn
Who you telling. If I wasn't a broke college student Id go on a shopping spree in her manyvids page. Definitely great material
still wonder bout the masturbaton vids, I`get them myself, on Manyvids theres nothing, only the Wand 1.....
It's already down
Thank you for posting, but is there any chance for a possible re up?
Thanks anyways m8
Re-up on this gold? Ill check on the hour so i wont miss it again :(
Are both of these linked videos the same?
Thank sir, for your generosity
I think you only uploaded the first video. Can you reupload the third one as well?
Not to complain at all, but both of em have the fupa play, the masturbation one still Missing.

But so many thanks regardless, this one is already so much worth.
Thank you , but same vid posted twice
>>102166 thanks so much for the share, legit one of the hottest things I've seen from her
Also, anyone have some things to share from her peak? She's looking deflated lately and it's sad. I lost a bunch of stuff when my hard drive died, so I'm looking to recoup. I do have more recent things, so if you have requests for reups drop them below and I'll up them if I have em. Thanks!
Any reup possible — it’s down

How lazy are those two people? lol

Already gone, goddamn she's quick
Doesn’t MAB take longer for a take down than We?
Posting direct links for someone who is know for fast take downs? Everything else is encrypted, why aren't these links?
Can someone reup encrypted? Day just started and they’re gone sharpshooting like crazy

This is an old short clip but WAS NOT taken down at this point. Meaning this might not be an automatic take down of DCMI code or whatever automation I hear people say. Meaning a person says this isn’t new and not going to waste my time, automation wouldn’t distinguish.
Can someone reupload these on mab?
It's very obvious she has multiple DMCA people working for her. Her content gets taken down instantly on any site, with the exception of MAB, even a server I'm in can't share things because she has someone in there but we can't figure out who it is. This is very much a human effort, she probably hired one of those giant copyright services.
She must have hired one of the lizard people who did 9/11 and the moon landing and killed JFK

Is that the only possibility you can imagine?

If I were implementing DMCA compliance, I'd have a sort of centralized clearing house of content associated with a checksum or fingerprint of the copyrighted content. Then download sites can just periodically download the fingerprint list and use it to purge their hosted files of anything that has been flagged as copyrighted automatically.

I cannot imagine that having humans on either end of this process could scale at all.
Thank you kindly.
Only thing that could have made that better is if she were topless in those vids.
100% facts. Incredibly hot knowing she's too fat to reach herself and even more so watching her lift hundreds of pounds of flab and that pussy still be buried beneath hundreds of pounds more with those massive thighs
Is that the only possibility you can imagine?
I think she could have something that is big like you say. The thing that goes someone who is on the inside is this. They target a video that is new and left something older alone. It’s not just anyone but someone who knows this video is new take it down fast. Big companies and auto stuff don’t distinguish like that.
It must kill the person who does this to see Map. He shouldn’t even be on this it’s for underground cool people not spies for money…haha

Prove this theory - take a video, edit it (delete a frame? change the encoding?), upload it and see what difference it makes. If it makes no difference, there's a human factor.
How would a bot find a private d server, let alone get invited and upload content of their own to be allowed to stay? She obviously has people working for her.
This would be easy to prove: Upload her content, don't spread the link and see if it vanishes anyway.
Thank you! Really didnt want to spend money on them, sigh both vids are pretty boring;(
Thank you my lord, I will do as I'm told and beat up the next Hawaiin I come across
Missed both, could someone reup?
So I uploaded her newest vid 24 hours ago and so far it's still there. Seems like there's no bot action involved.
Id like to see the weigh in comp or stairs vid if anyone has it
damn, quality on these is really good. also holy shit the pores on her belly are massive
Re-up, please?
Annnnd... it's gone!

I'm sure we have a mole among us.
Mole could be a stretch. This is a public site, and her or her husband have a financial incentive to check this page a few times a day (pretty low effort) to sus out any material.
It’s been established so many times I’ve lost count that any Adeline content needs to be put on mab or it will stay up for max 30 mins unless we’re lucky. The only moles here are the brain tumors of whoever keeps uploading this shit to wetransfer.
My dear boy, I only uploaded her stuff to wetransfer without publishing the link to prove that there are no bots involved but in fact real humans.
For some reason, the Wetransfer link stopped working instantly, so I uploaded it to Pixeldrain.
It appears that the content on this site will not disappear for 90 days.
Anyone else going to comment on the fact that her legal full name is up on Curvage?
We know it’s humans that’s not the problem …
I’ve seen it mentioned a few times before but would anyone care to share the Adeline pool video with her jumping in? Also does nobody use gigatribe anymore?
was this ever shared? If so, could a kind soul please reup?
Is there any chance someone still has the video where she is (trying to) climb stairs ?

I've watched a bunch of twisted stuff over the years, but seeing her barely able to lift her legs really made me feel dirty. I can't recall the last time I felt like that, it disgusted me.
So now, I would like to relive that feeling
a gentleman and a scholar. seconded.
watching a grotesquely obese woman climb stairs to duster is not something i thought i would ever witness
Does anyone have the weigh in comp?
Does anyone have the weigh in comp?

Thanks, I'm gonna upload it on VK so I can go to bed every night wondering if I have a fetish or a mental illness
I mean... We knew this was coming. Writing's been on the wall for a while.
that's all folks. it's over, go home. we were lucky enough to witness one of the most incredible and hottest career weight gains of any mainstream model of her era. she obviously can't go forever, but she gave us hundreds of gigabytes of amazing content. adeline, you had a fantastic run (especially late-career) and we thank you for your service, have a nice life.

Agreed, incredible to watch. Glad I got a chance to see it.
she has had the most intense gain of all models IMO. and besides intense, sexy! good looking to begin with, good content.
And HOLY CRAP did she get big there at her peak. Those thighs.... she was running out of places to put fat.
just about immobile. and not the immobile broads that I take one look at and close the window before bile rises up... she was like a feedee piece of art.

I don't have my favorite clip of hers (I'll post it later. let it be a surprise) on this machine, so I'll post a top-tier fav.

I wouldn't mind seeing that "impossible denim try on" new clip of hers though,
honestly seeing the newest stairs video was the first time i felt good about her recent deflation. at her peak with her messed up knee she wouldn’t be able to take even one step, i love seeing a fatty struggle
My gripe is there isn't going to a video she puts out where I'm not going to think "this would have been hotter 100 pounds ago". Sure, we wouldn't be seeing her even attempt a jeans video at 700lbs, or any kind of walking outside, or even another stairs vid. She's doing more varied content at her size and that's great, but it's like when your go-to restaurant changes the recipe to your favorite order; you can put up with it not being as good as you remember it or you can stop going entirely.

Glad we got to see her at 700lbs at least.
She's deflated from a 700-pound peak brought on by near-immobility. She's still probably over 600 and maintaining; her calves are massive and it's clear she hasn't lost any weight since the spring.
Maybe she decided to lose weight because too many dumb-fucks kept talking to her about immobility.
Does anyone know a good way to download OnlyFans vids off the site? Google deleted the Chrome extension I was using and I want to save recent Adeline clips.
Just posted even more new vids on her sites.
Only here can people look at a woman with a gut that sags almost to her knees and complain that she's "smaller."
She made it abundantly clear multiple times that she was medically required to lose weight so she could have a necessary surgery. Her weight is just gonna go right back up again afterwards, you don't eat yourself over 700 pounds by having good self control.
Not sure if it's the same video, but it's the same bikini. Either way, merry Christmas, anon!

getting to that mid age mommy shape yum yum 🤤
Wow, now THAT Is some weightloss. Honestly? Good for her. Glad she at least made a good amount of content when she was exploding and at her biggest for us, can't hold wanting to slim down against her I just hope she like invested her porn money into a house or something.
Already down, reup please. MAB won't go down as fast as wetransfer
It's shapewear and the fact that her belly hangs down as opposed to blowing out. Look at her recent preview clips; she's lost weight but she's still massive.
> she's lost weight but she's still massive.
Partial credit, she’s massive and probably bigger than ever.
Nah man, just look how much smaller her double chin is now. She’s much smaller, I’d guess mid 500s
thank you, but its not the video i'm searching, i'm looking for the burping video
Damn, she’ll be running marathons by next year!
Couldn't have said it better myself.

She's in the low 500's here, MAX. It's now looking like we'll see a sub 500 Adeline in 2024
She gained steadily into the 500s, maintained for awhile, began having health problems including a knee injury that curtailed her mobility, quickly blew up to over 700, started physical therapy, improved her mobility, lost weight down to the low-600s and has stayed around that level. Her vids now look comparable in size to what she put out in May. She hasn't been continuously deflating at all since then. She said in recent OnlyFans livestreams that she's not tying to gain or lose, she eats a ton but is obviously more active than she was when she was laid up with knee problems. It's not that complicated, especially since what she says openly in vids is clearly borne out visually.
She looks bigger than ever.
She genuinely doesn't, stop coping.

lmao this idiot responded to himself

Hey man Adeline would admit herself that she's not at her high weight anymore. She's not one of the models that lie that they're just constantly gaining forever when they hit a plateau. Just stop being a retard please.

She's still beautiful and huge. But for people who want constant growth she is no longer the model for them.
Lol dude. It’s unreadable, shes lost and will continue to lose so, so much weight. Girl’s trying to reclaim her body. It’s donez
Hey morons, she has stated in her videos before that she had to lose weight for surgery. It's not like she's doing it by choice. Considering how much she gained over her knee injury, I'm sure she'll blow back up while recovering from the operation. Have faith.
Save your breath. Retards on this board don't like facts, but will somehow be more paracsocial than a celebrity stan
case in point, boberry.
Lets drop the act and not hold are breath's. if she gains, Great!

if she doesn't, That's her decision
Honestly, she’s doing great. So proud of her for going hard and losing so much weight! She’s soo so much smaller now and can actually move, I truly hope she continues to lose a lot of weight!
I really love to smell my own farts, wow what a fucking loser i am!
Don’t get me wrong, I do truly think you’re a huge douchebag, but regardless of your fart sniffing tendencies you do make a good point. At least for an absolute loser. Poor girl has struggled with her weight her whole life, she’s finally able to do anything she wants now! How is that bad?
"My body is the least interesting thing about me"

Sig, I don't know many other women that could make 700lbs look good. I know this is reflection and introspection, but come on now.
Respond with something actually coherent and not some dry bait retard. You types prove my point all the time, kek
Her body is literally the only interesting part about her.

No one cares about whatever she rambles about in her 10 minute talking videos, or the free clothes she gets from hot topic. We just care that she was 700 pounds.
Easily a new all time high.
Hopefully this one is a terminal gain.
It got copyright striked.
Removing discussion isn't going to reverse her rapid weight loss, Banana.
Anyone got the vid where she fucks up an entire cake in 5 minutes?
My new years wish is a re-up of that stair video please. Is it the most recent one?
I saw this code but how to encrypt this so i see code id " YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVlJSV1VsTlQzQjJVV1E9 "
It got striked.
Can you reup please?
Oh fuck I need to see this shit. If somebody could reup it, that would be perfect.
It’s seriously incredible how fat she got by age 29. Watching her struggle up those stairs, only physically capable of getting halfway even while clearly using every ounce of strength she has, with each step coming very close to her knees giving out on her is one of the hottest, but most sad things I’ve seen in the ssbbw industry. I would seriously love to hear what was going through her head as she was laid up in bed already over 600 lbs and still growing quickly. It must have been terrifying, knowing you already could barely get around and watching all that weight continue to pile on. I imagine she probably was very worried that, even after her knee healed, she may have gotten just too fat to walk it came very close tbh. I’m glad we got to see her at 700+ lbs, and as much as I wish we could have seen her more at her biggest, I totally understand why she wanted to lose a bit. She never intended to get to 500 lbs, or the 600 lbs, It must have been mortifying to find out you were 700 lbs in the blink of an eye.
This is the kind of dark shit I come here for. She was already 600lbs, injured her knee, and couldn't do anything but lie in bed and enable her food addiction. She got to a number that still probably terrifies would-be gainers. She shrunk down a little for surgery but it's unclear if she's going to continue to slim down or old habits will pick back up again.

There's a sick, twisted part of me that wonders what would have happened if she got too fat to get out of bed. Would we even have seen it? Would she have showed that pathetic & forbidden side of her that would be a fantasy come true?
Any chance a reup of the stairs vídeo?
it seems pretty clear, she said she didn't want to loose but just couldn't eat. Her digestive system is broken from eating that much in a short matter of time
+ she exercised to regain some mobility
So I just don't see of she can pile on the pounds with limited food intake
I just think her days of piling pounds are over, dawg. Just my opinion.
She might pile the weight back on after she gets the gallbladder surgery
any kind soul have her latest masturbation vid, where she can barely reach, maybe I´m lucky thx
Her weight's been stable since last spring and she talked in OF livestreams about going with the flow as opposed to trying to gain or lose. She still eats a ton & has more mobility so talk of either an on going deflation or a future ballooning are probably misguided.
Anyone have the livestreams?
Okay, so either way it’s not going to be worth watching. She’s done boys, time to move onto the next
stable ? she looks even more deflated

Re-up please? Missed it:(
Already gone, what was it
Can u send us the link, or reup plz?

Damn, I miss It. Can u reup plz?
Can someone plz reup the stairs vid? In return, here is another 3 stair video that she made all over the years so we can compare =)
What’s the point anymore? She’s no longer of a terrifyingly fast downward spiral and the links don’t stay up and neither does my wood.
She posted her newest "apron belly in apron sink" video on onlyfans, I wouldn't have paid for it otherwise. It looks like she's picking up a uncooked pizza dough and putting it on a counter- I mean, it's literally just skin. She's just putting her empty belly skin into a sink. If you're into truly deflated models playing with their skin, she's the perfect model for you. I'm going to be redirecting my money to girls who actually still have fat on their bodies.
So, does anyone still have that 10-year weigh-in compilation?
That's actually disappointing to hear. All the people that are hoping she'll bounce back because she's supposedly not tracking any which way with her eating, I feel bad they're not seeing the writing on the wall. It was somewhat inevitable after peaking at 700lbs for her - nowhere to go but down.
Stop talking such BS, its not just "skin" it is still her Leftover Fat she puts in the sink and its fking hot...
@YALL watch the preview on Manyvids to get your own grip...

fking monkey
I can't figure out how to upload the video from OF onto here, and I'm definitely not going to buy it to put it in a link on here either as her inside man will just get it taken down. But rest assured, fat does not move the way her belly moves. That is 100% loose skin she's playing with, not fat. It's way too droopy, way too stretchy, and way too thin. Fat is thick, full and round- her belly skin is completely flat. It really does look like, if you can imagine trying to hold a raw pizza dough with two hands in front of you, and it just droops and stretches down. It's just skin.
You are correct. My wife lost 120 lbs after a health scare, and this is what happened to her belly. The fat is gone, but the skin just hangs there. It's a sad reminder of what once was.
However, you can tell from the other recent clips that her tits, thighs and ass are still massive.
Will be interesting to see where her body goes from here.
Can anyone recommend an extension for browsers that download OF videos?

And when you do have it remember: MyAirBridge may be slower to upload/download, but it stays up way longer.
Already expired again? Is we transfer broken or something?

DMCA'd. We-transfer are shit hot on their takedowns. As a post above says, mab maybe slower, but it stays up the 2 days.
Dmca couldnt stop me from finding the sextapes lol
can anyone suggest what her best stuffing/burp videos are
Reup of stairs: WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsMFdWZEpkV1JIT0haa1F6bEhWakJhVzAxcGMzVnphW0kgcmVtZW1iZXIgeW91IHdhcyBjb25mbGljdGVkXVc1bklIbHZkWElnYVc1bWJIVmxibU5sWFZSTlJWcE1WbFZPTms1NU9URmpla2s5

Interested in content from early-mid 2023 when she was fully inflated.


had all these but lost them.
Love the Kendrick reference lmao
Sex tape??? Adeline has a sextape Drop below asap
can you update her coomer?
(1.8 MB, 1642x922, Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 9.33.52 AM.png)
I am looking for Adeline's Road to 700 - 10 year compilation video showing her transformation from a a 300 pound fat girl to a 700 pound land whale.


In return I am uploading almost four GB's of her content.


If you are short on space or time, the highlights/newest videos are:
Fupa and Belly Play
First Date Belly Play
Post Date Cake
700 Pounds on Top
Adeline has been one of my favorite models for years and this looks to be a great documentation of her 400 pound weight gain that has taken her from having the cute little belly she used to have to the heaving apron she lugs around these days.
Please upload if you have it and I hope everyone has an awesome day.
I'd be surprised if anyone who has kept a library of her content bought that. There's probably a few early clips that slipped by but the real gold has been shared ad nauseum.
Thanks man, but I think it's corrupted? It only plays the first 12 minutes
Damn my bad give me a few to figure out what's up and I'll upload it again
sorry for nagging but I've got the same issue
Can't get the file to redownload right either and my copy has the same issue looks like due to a codec issue when I first downloaded it sorry gents
so... no vid for us? pipipi well... i'll just keep waiting for our hero to upload the video!!
I posted the 4 gb of content and I want to thank you for uploading anyway, I still enjoyed the part of the video I did get to see.

Don't worry, we still thank you.
We begged from you but the one who got the worst was you, damn that shit costs nearly 40 $
Here’s the req vid and another top tier cake vid.
"Adeline Wolfs Down a Whole Cake" is in my top 5 of best all-time feedism videos. Absolutely incredible stuff.
It's easily her best stuffing video. A timeless classic. I don't know if she'll ever top it.
Here's basically everything I have that anon didn't post earlier. Give it like an hour to upload.


Requesting "Nude Plunge & Swim" as well as "Milestone Cake Stuffing".

It'll be cool if someone uploaded the Adeline bikini burps vid, hahah that would be so cool
Damn I missed the big drop! Thanks for the share tho
How can I open the video link?
Thanks so much for the drop.
Here's Nude Plunge and Swim.


As of posting, still uploading.
Where should i paste that link?
>>106535 holy shit how many layers of code are there
3, probably. and it's unnecessary. any layer beyond 1 doesn't make the code more secure, it just annoys people.
Also I peeped the DOOM reference, good taste my g
Next its be humble. Keep going. Tell us how u want to keep ppl down who obviously prevail over you without even trying. You hate to see it. And for that it continues. Die slow hater. Your momma should of swallowed
My bad, won’t do it again
Proof she ruined her body with those shitty taattoos; nice fat face, fat arms, fat tits, all great. Completely ruined by bad tattooes.
There is a minimum requirement of one (1) retard per thread complaining about tattoos. We have now met the threshold.
There is a minimum requirement of one (1) retard per thread seething over retards complaining about tattoos. We have now met the threshold.
Can you Re-upload this as they are down
How do I open the link?
already nuked, could you please reup?
anyone got any of her old content back when she had sweetadeline.com?
>>the real gold

Speaking of, can someone please share the cake stuffing vid? I must have deleted mine
Does anyone have her of? What does she post there, is it worth the money or not?
Is she still on track to get killed by her feeder?
I really don’t want to pay for anything that’s not a snuff film.
Surprised the mods let this criticism of her stay up
That's only a criticism if you think questioning her is an equivalent insulting her.

Or if you're Bananaman and want to clean up this thread anyway
The janny who constantly deletes stuff in this thread outted himself right here >>106547
I don't think he knows he left his signature on.

edited by g:
i beg to differ. editing a post leaves a "signature" as you can see.
Nah, g is a different type of moderator. A very awkward one. He just came back a week or so ago.

There's more than one mod watching. Guarantee if we start talking about how Adeline has lost a lot of weight, we'll be seeing this thread cleaned up quickly.
So come closer so I can pump 2 in your skull.
>adeline watches her thread all day long
>start posting shit she doesn't like
>she reports all the posts
>mods just delete everything without reading because they aren't paid to care
you are schizo if you think anything besides this is happening. why would some unpaid janny on a porn board give a shit? bananaman himself has stated he only cares about /draw/ and he doesn't even clean up there anymore, i think he quit months ago. or was fired, according to people there.
No one adressed this issue? Anyone got the video without stopping on min 12?
(214 KB, 452x504, [g]_broom.png)
thanks for paying attention, >>107056 et al

here's _some_ of the "very awkward" things a mod/janitor has to deal with to keep this site usable for everyone:
- spam, trading, cp, doxxing, racism, politics, illegal links, necro bumps
- highly aggressive posts, personal attacks, denunciation, excessive trolling
- excessive off-topic stuff in a themed thread

personally, i welcome diversity, and i guess this is one of the foundations of this board. so, feel free to state your sincere opinions, but always keep it respectful (no personal attacks or attempts to poison a thread).

being on this board is a priviledge, not a right.

also, since we're off-topic: >>>/gen/
i tried handbrake and ffmpeg to re-encode it, but it seems that data of the original is incomplete (due to an incomplete download).

yes, only a new download can fix this.
Buddy I've been a mod for about a year and when I say you're awkward, I mean you make some very esoteric contributions to threads. Not the work you do behind the scenes.
>why would some unpaid janny on a porn board give a shit?

Because people on this board get over protective over their waifus and this model is no exception. And I have closed reports on plenty of posts that just seem like whining. Bumping is against the rules technically but I only start intervening if no content has been posted in months. It's all shades of gray.
a few things indeed have changed, ever since i started brooming the threads at the beginning of 2015.

i still have hope that the typical anon has more to offer than "wtf, reup or the n-word". but if you feel that a specific contribution can't be deciphered by the mainstream anon for being too esoteric, you can tell me. ;-)
I know this line of conversation will likely be nuked by the next time I check this sit but how can some harmless shit be instantly banned while we had faggots like the kilo kraut spewing stupid shit for like 10 months?
(216 KB, 1280x1344, 49f308701e538a8be5e561127be25581.jpg)
true, this is not exactly about Adeline anymore. ;-)
that's why i suggested >>>/gen/ .

[ i agree that the german-speaking troll debacle has been going on for long and was frustrating to read. that was one of the reasons i reapplied as a janitor recently. i'm not german, but i understand it perfectly.

also, different mods / janitors are following the same basic rules, but with different approaches.

i believe the "normal" anon who's coming here for BBW should not have to wade through the poisonous bloodbath a few idiots have left before.

for more on this topic, let's give Adline a break and move to >>>/gen/ ]
The kind of redshirt we like
ok all this random bickering is well and fine but can we possibly get a clean upload of the weigh in compilation and/or her exercise compilation? that's like 70 dollars for two vids which is insane.
Well, thanks for whatever that link was.
>insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results
I’ve always wondered what her ethnicity is specifically. Polish girls have a specific weight distribution.
> She's half Icelandic
That’s also at least 1.5 Icelandic’s worth of human material.
Maybe we should state her weight in Bjorks. At her peak she was about 6 Bjorks.
Icelandians are some of the *most* inbred white poeple. Everyone’s cousins. They all get sloppy drunk and have inbred eurozone-welfare babies. Same as the dutch.
Unironically much prettier than the girl on the left, who is a bit mankyish.
All my haitans and Africans forwards!
Damn, missed it. Any chance of a reup?
>>109145 katherine brewster ran off with our money. The terminator is on mission now. Ill be back.
I know it's been shared a bunch of times on here, is anyone willing to upload adeline wolfs down a whole cake? I haven't watched it in months and my dick needs it
Wow, nvm im so retarded omg someone needs to shoot me immediately. Thanks for sharing the cake vid lol
thanks. that disappeared fast.

any chance for reup this vids?
She looks absolutely zonked on benzos in the wolfing down a cake video
Wow thanks ! Anybody have her weigh in compilation ?
is there a mega of her stuff? only just really found her and I wanna see what I missed lol
Something disturbingly hot to think of her getting trashed on xans and stuffing herself into oblivion to deal with the anxiety of having stuffed herself into oblivion. I am not a normal human.
"Watch Adeline get fucked from behind in her first ever hardcore video. Adeline loves getting fucked from behind because her partner can get even deeper into her fat pussy. If you've ever wondered what it would look or feel or sound like to fuck Adeline, this video is for you."

new vid on manyvids kinda interested but its 36$ Australian(22 usd) so if its no good its alot of money
Oh shit it's real. Too bad it wasn't filmed at her peak weight. I would've loved to see the logistics of how that was done.
(183 KB, 828x1472, IMG_4423.jpeg)
this pic from her insta broke my brain 😵‍💫
Yeah, "too bad ___ wasn't filmed at her peak weight" is probably going to be the theme for Adeline going forward
Cfs has a new one that says ..fingered and vibrated. Talks about lifting Fupa and inserting into pussy. No shots showing anything so I don’t know if really shows stuff.
Every time I called or checked in. I used your money and bought more SMCI HAHA playing games with the wrong one. #WALLSTREET
She had an older video called "out of control gaining" that is easily my favorite video of hers. Unfortunately, i cant even find it in her clips store, so if any heroes out there could hook me up, that'd be great.
Anybody have this?
Sounds super hot. This please. Straight up my alley.

For good measure, here is the wolfing-down-cake video, which honestly gets me every fucking time

Adeline's cake videos are legendary, here's some more I had, even a couple early ones. There was one I used to have where she ate an entire cake on all fours in like 5 minutes but I must have deleted it because hard drive space is very limited for me, does anyone have this one?

yo can we get a reup of this?

Gone already :(
Could someone please re up the cake vid. I just heard about it on multiple threads & everyone claims it’s legendary. I’d appreciate it greatly
She’s at her peak weight in this video, effortlessly and lustfully guzzling down thousands of calories within minutes.

It’s fucking mind-endingly hot to me.
No need for 400 posts, just upload a zip like a normal person
If anyone could drop that video of her getting out of the car (not the van) with her in the plaid/glasses, it'd be highly appreciated. I have some Adeline stuff I could drop in return, probably stuff that's already been put here though tbh
Why do you guys hate on tattoos soo much ? Atleast hers look like they’re quality tats. And she still looks a1 to me. Whether she eats a lil more or lil less she’s sexy as fuck
She’s such a waste of potentially, I don’t mind her losing weight but it’s the fact she lied and said she’s into feeling massive and wanting to be bigger. Just proves she was never fully into it in the first place.
Enjoying feeling massive and caring for your health aren't mutually exclusive.

Sometimes you give up part of something you like to be able to get or keep some other thing you like. That doesn't mean you lied about liking the first thing. It's called compromising, and in fact, it's a thing grown-ups do quite often. You'll see it when you get there yourself.
There is such an autistic delusion on this board with you feeders. You truly believe these women want to become so fat they're imprisoned in their own house/bedroom. That they truly want to become 1000 lbs with all the loss of freedom?

I'm married to one of the frequently discussed models on this board. She talks of gaining and being immobile but has literally NO INTENTION to do this. If she gets to an unmanageable weight, she'll drop it to get her mobility back. It's a hustle. It pays the bills. It grants us freedom from a traditional 9-5 job.

It's pure fantasy. They're marketing a fantasy to you and your gullible horny ass is too stupid to think logically. Nobody truly wants that.

Great for her for cashing out and getting back to a weight where she can enjoy her life again.
I like my girls as big as the next guy, and I hate tattoos as fervently as the same guy, but this tattoo does have a straightforward meaning: the butterfly symbolizes a great metamorphosis in you living conditions--from the very hungry caterpillar to a creature that's actually able to spread its colorful wings and go places looking all pretty.

Good for her, I find her decision most understandable. Pray and hope it all works out for her and for the two of them as a couple.
Ah yes the autistic delusion that people believe what others tell them. Maybe we just like when people tell the truth? Ya know that high trust society shit. It maybe a hustle but its stupid if it is. Yes damage your health and body irreparably for a few years for a lie, be constantly scared of telling the truth because your simps will leave. Honestly there's easier ways to get paid for being paranoid lmao
anything wrong with autism?
Likewise, would love if it could be reloaded, nothing seems to stay up
>over 700 pounds at one point
>sHe WaS nEvEr ReAlLy InTo It
holy fuck kill yourself
because she seemed really happy with her weight retard
Because she wasn't. If you ever saw the video she made about what her life was like she just blank stared away from the camera and said she was too fat to go anywhere or do anything.
I remember seeing a tumblr post of hers while she was injured saying she wasn't happy getting so big. So she was not going to stay 700 lbs or continue to eat until she died like some wanted. If someone buys content believing these women are telling the truth, that's on them for being fools. They are selling a fantasy. They don't have to be truthful in their vids saying they are eating to get you hard but hope to lose 200lbs by next year.

This is really simple.

It's her body
It's her life

You have no say at all with her choices. Either buy and whack off to the content she's made or don't. No bitching here will change her mind to go back to gaining until death.
Why does this thread get purged all the time?
Adeline is G-Janitor’s favorite model.
Could anyone please tell the three car comparison vids? Totally missed them obviously.
You're not allowed to say anything critical of Adeline, citizen.
Limit reached, reup on mab?
I know that doing non encoded posts SEEM like a great idea, Your contribution is totally appreciated, but what the heck, would you mind giving it one last shot as an encoded version of the links?
time stamp: 20240303-2244GMT
time stamp: 20240303-2253GMT
as established before and demonstrated here yet again:
it's only an annoyance to the users.
Can someone please upload the cake eating video? I’ve read about it at least 6 times in the last hour and need to see it. Thanks
People don't get it, for some reason. And it's mostly the same crowd that uses awful file hosting sites that expire faster than the milk their dad hasn't brought home.
God she's an obese shit
>it's only an annoyance to the users.
It's an annoyance to niggers, and that's why the encrypting of links will continue.
That's what a bot would say
thats a nice picture to show how massive she is
The sister makes double the amount and they dont hide it. Whats the big fucking secret
And this is AFTER she lost quite some weight.
The craziest think is how much legitimately prettier she got at her biggest, especially her face.
Imagine being a woman and you’re only at your hottest when you shoot past 600lbs. It sounds like some pointlessly rare overly specific criteria for a protog from one of my anime’s to unlock their bullshit op powers.
That white girl dont squirt but she spits cream. 👀
Never had complaints from any big booty natural women. Its only the chicks built for survival that got something to say
is she gaining weight again?
She had an Instagram caption to the tune of "My weight is the least interesting thing about me"

Girl, I don't know many other people that can make a third of a ton look good.
She legit became a beautiful version of Goddess Patty.
#500 then #007 see you in june.
Wasn't it Letakelsie who had that bio?
Look how mobile she is now. There's no way she is even 500 now. Games over.
Genuine question, are you fucking retarded?
Came here for giggles & troll hunts
Does anyone have the bikini try on vid
He's right. She's way more mobile in this vid. A year ago she could move each foot like an inch at a time and she looked like she was in agony the whole way.

She's much more locomotive here
Everyone calm down it'll be alright. At that time, at her biggest, she was in rehab for a procedure done on her knee(s). She needed to get walking more. Now nearly a full year later she's moving around well. It's good for her and we know she'll eat. She likely is still doing rehab stuff if I had to guess. As soon as she's finished you'll see her blow up over 500lbs again.
She’s probably within the pounds of ath
Anyone has the Dildo or the Pool videos? I have more Adeline, Jazz, Mzfluff, Boberry in exchange
She said she needed to drop down to 500 pounds for a gallbladder surgery so I'm guessing she'll put the weight back on after that.
I just hope she's healthy, I don't wanna see her get hurt or anything
500!!!! Boo she’s basically a skinny fat now
Only in this fucking circus thread are people really trying to call a 500+ pound bitch skinny or small. Unreal.
This fetish is like this... not saying 500pounds is "small" in what worl is 500pounds small?! But once we used to the bigger numrber on a model we cant unsee it.
Hey, My 600lb Life started in 2012, we have had a decade to expect more than basic cable television can provide.
Anyone got her messy cake stuffing vid
>>111406 can you please reup this one last time man
She posted a bunch of new videos today.
(4.9 MB, 1153x2048, BBC8B6A6-0223-4393-A5A5-3E8BC6D4550F.png)
Lookin smaller 😞. Good for her tho if that’s what she wants just can’t help but hope she gets super huge again. Was nice while it lasted
Does anyone have the burp video she did?
fugg she was basically perfect at the time she was 500-550, right before all those clown-world arm tattoos and the bad hairstyles. I mean she's still hot, but she WAS 11/10
>I could have fixed her, bros
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened
If she cares at all about her career as an ssbbw model, let’s all hope she gains it all back.
Youve been emotionally disrupted
Yeah, and…? If she’s on the outs there’s always another.
yeah and for as young as she is she completely destroyed her body...also i dont think she will ever be 700lb again it was cause her knee was fd up and she was almost immobile...as soon as she started moving again the weight went away
A shame. Oh well, on to the next one
Well, the well has run dry. I’ll be damned if I foot the bill for her weight loss journey. Good luck, but I won’t be a part of it
Right back at you, scum
Getting sued for fucking with the pension fund in 2024. Fuck u right back.
Glad I am not the only one to question her choice of hairstyle! (Don't care for - or about, for that matter - her tattoos.) Also dislike the goth style she has chosen for many of her pics. Does not suit her.

>>115478 Regal said pay up and hire more blacks, chinese and spanish
Does anyone have her burping video she did awhile back.
Reup of anything would be my hero
Got something new for all you cheap, burger eating murican bastards


It's a big ass 2.20 gb vid fresh outta her clips4sale, so make room, she doesn't move like at all but she nailed the sexy talk in this one and I really like the way she looks here
Eh, kinda weird hearing her say "so glutted and so full all the time" knowing she's been losing weight for nearly 2 years now and has clearly lost 150+ pounds.

"Grow and grow and continue to expand beyond your wildest beliefs" as she's actively shrinking, and as she plays with her loose skin and her weird tit skin wrinkles out from underneath her bra.

Something about watching a sack of loose skin talk about how much she's grown as she looses weight doesn't quite do it for me.

I am 110% with you on that! I remember BBW Destiny doing the same thing. Wanna lose weight? That's your prerogative. But don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. Or tell me you are gaining when you're doing the opposite.
Does anyone have these?

I missed the up from a couple months back! There was a reup in the request threads but it died in a couple hours.
Could someone update her coomer?
Can we get a reup pls?
Thank you but please reupload. Preferebly on another platform
Small adeline drop:

Shame on this one. She was once of the best around.
cheers man, thank you! is it possible to upload the immobility aids one separately? it’s not downloading on mobile for some reason
>> 116762 Thanks for the drop. any chance for a reup it went fast.
Could someone reupload this
Silence Sperg!
I'm just here to jack off
She's dead. R.I.P
You expect reality from someone selling you fantasy?
Stop. Fucking. Encoding. AND STOP USING WETRANSFER WITH ADELINE!!!! FUCKING USE MYAIRBRIDGE!!!!!! We have been over this so fucking much. All it does is slow down the human. You think a simple ass bit of b64 code is gonna slow down a computer??
Only gofile please !
I agree. This whole encoding nonsense has been the site's cargo cult ever since we moved away from using files.fm and ever since the admin deactivated automatic URL parsing.
I hate mab, too but at least their links don't expire faster than a mayfly. Adeline content, Roxxie content, and Lisa content is taken down in minutes if you don't use mab.
Boo & mandy fighting over dick
IIRC she lived in Iceland until her teens. I'd honestly pay good money seeing her take a trip there, she's easily be the fattest person in the entire country. Would be fun hearing her speak Icelandic, not that I'd understand anything and there's probably like 5 ssbbw fans in the entire country but hearing it would be really sexy in an uncanny way.
i remember when epoeple used to think she was MExican
I'll upload it later on after I get off work. Btw... anyone happen to have any of Adeline's burping vidss or a compilation?
Bruh, I was in the Middle of downloading and it became invalid wtf
Tried to download also had issues, and it stopped working. Anyway these can be reuploaded? I wanna tackle em again!!!
Tried to download this and it wouldn’t work, now it’s expired too. Can these videos be reuploaded so I can try downloading again?
Any one have mega links
Post all your nudes before I do. If youre reading this my team & I hacked ypur android & ios devices. Post it before we do. Fuck you.
Can this group of vids be reuploaded again as they were, or as a gofile?
To be fair I never thought of her of particularly Nordic.

Perhaps its just her makeup and tan but always assumed she was your average American mutt with probably plenty of both European and Latin genes.
a bit cringe of me, but anybody care to reup her mobility aids vid?

very nice
File is gone, please reup
any reup from recent vids?
Could anyone do a Reup on the pool sextape please?
Can anyone reup the pool sex video?
Anyone got her cake on all fours vid

Missed it. Could we get a reup pls?
Reup please
Does anybody have the milestone weigh in video? Really looking for it
Reup please
New Adeline vids???
does this fat bitch just sit on her fucking ass all day flagging shit
I want to see her back at 700 or bigger
I don't think that will happen friend, all that remains is to remember and use old videos
Can you re upload already down again
Does anyone have the Road to 700 video? I have never seen it posted.
If it was the Road to 700 is already down :((( can you try again please?
No she is more focused on taking any link here down than doing that.
Where can I find free updated videos of her online?

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