
She’s been gaining too. May be 400 at this point. Or 78 kg if your asking Kilokraut. Super hot body.
shes been getting so fat that ass is top tier

It IS top tier. I’m surprised she isn’t more popular: Her ass is like a young Brie Brown.
She had great genes. She’s the youngest of three sisters. The other two were >400 at one point, although one of them is down to 290. Still…three 400 pound sisters and a 300 pound mother is nothing to sneeze at.
Horrific odor.

You’re a moron.
You’re outing yourself as a virgin.
She got up into the 380s but has shrunk a bit recently…at least according to her feabie profile
That guy needs to get a hobby, some mental health help, or ideally, both.
I still chuckle about the MAGAhat who tweeted to Juicy Jackie to "take that ignorant shit out of your nose"
Her coomer needs to be updated
It’s criminal that this girl doesn’t have an updated coomer.
What's her feabie?

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