
Holy shit that belly. Gotta be mid 500s already and she’s good looking.
Extremely rare UK blob model, hope she stays
she looks great, anyone know how old she is?
Feabie says 27,
holy crap! more please!
She’s cute AF! The second pic with the sitting side profile is epic.
(655 KB, 1274x707, b n a.jpg)
she really blew up.

holy fuck

What the hell happened to blow her up like that???
Probably same thing that cause so many people to blow up recently -- pandemic lockdowns keeping a binge eater sedentary.

goddamn, S-tier transformation, she completely let go
Holy shit. How many years from start to finish there?
she seems legit into it, and has a feeder partner. Juicybellyfruit is her feabie handle. hope she sticks around with content creation
My heart will not support hotter content
I need more before pics for comparisons sake, holy shit
I remember seeing this girl years ago and I almost didn't recognised her, she has like doubled her weight (and most importantly, she's still cute af) it's fucking crazy
she doesn't even have one to begin with
Wow, so hot
I subbed to her OF. It’s not bad but a bit boring. She still seems to be getting the hang of things. I’d be cautious to distribute anything yet so we don’t scare her off… she’s come and gone a few times now.
At least throw us a bone. Not saying leak the whole thing but we gotta see something
Seed oil, carb and food preservative hypersensitivity... she must have this to put it on so quickly.
I was going to sub so thanks for the update
Is there any hardcore ? Sex/ mastubration anything like that ???
Negative. Almost all stuffings and some tame pics.

She’s really just getting started. May upload some of the pics.
Twitter has some pics of her sucking dick.
Have patience. She's one of the greats and she's just getting started, just wait.
Bullshit, it's refined sugar and animal fat that are the most fattening. Stop spreading lies about carbs and seed oil

Idgaf what it is, but it sure is working for this hog
Anyone got the link to her coomer?
For the 3rd time, she doesn't have a coomer yet. Her onlyfans is SSBBWMillie

Gained 15 pounds in a week! She'a really dedicate!
how can she gain that much holy shit, if it's real imagine keeping this rate for months
If she put on 15 in a week that is absurd, especially at over 500lbs.

She’d have to eat like an extra 7500 calories per day above her maintenance to gain that much, so she was likely pounding nearly 12000 a day? Christ my dick is hard
there's glitch, then a big cut as she steps on the scale.
Press X to doubt that number
Love her top heavy build. Killer belly too!

It goes up to the same weight before the cut when she steps on as it does after, I believe it.

Look at her. She can clearly eat. She’s out of breath from a few steps. A vacation full of nothing but restaurant food and treats could easily have her up 15 lbs, especially because she said she was down a few the week before.

I think she’s legit.
Update her Coomer my guy

You're one of those guys who's just literally blind, huh

The weight looks about right, the cut is easily explained by her not wanting a video of her stepping on the scale 17 times while it turns off without flashing because it can't stabilize

This happens decently often to models over 500 pounds, even when they buy the scales that go up to 700. Like, when they go through the effort of making sure they publish a completely uncut video, you often see them have to get on and off like 4 times before a stable weight flashes.

In this case, they zoom the camera out and pan around *after* the weight stabilizes. There's no reason to suspect foul play.

For reference, I'm aware that sometimes models do this deceptive thing, I've seen it happen before, Cytorah was famous for it and Ivy has been shown to help her other models deceive people (tbh still no evidence she's deceiving people about her own weight). But for this case? You're overthinking it. She's clearly around 530.
Not OP, but I'd be more inclined to think nothing of the cut if we weren't talking about a 10+ lb gain in a week. The only person I've seen put up those numbers if Mochii Babii in her 30-day binge in 2020, and that required her to do nothing but stay in bed and gorge herself on 5 or 10 meals a day for days on end, leaving herself winded and on the verge of vomiting constantly. In this context, it's a suspicious number, and misleading cut or no, I don't buy that she gained so much weight in such a short time.

maybe you should get a different hobby.

10 lbs in a week eating a very salty high calorie diet can easily happen, especially with a woman that size who’s very accustomed to binge eating at every meal. hell, a percentage of it is water weight, but it still counts.
Holy shit what an absolute unit
Millie’s partner here. Love the feedback, thanks for the kind words.
The cut in the weigh in vid was for the exact reason mentioned. You try getting a scale (that’s
nearly maxed out) to stabilise. Also she can’t see when it does as there is no sound so I have to tap her to let her know when to step off and read the scale.
She’s gained about 112lbs in the last year
Just for clarification. Obviously life gets in the way and sometimes she’ll gain a lot over a two or three week period and sometimes it plateaus for a month and only goes up or down a lb.

Thanks again though guys. Support means a lot and a degree of promotion is always welcome but actually paying for content is the best way to support her if you do like what she does.
I’m happy to contribute and pay for content
And I’ve been looking into this beauty for awhile
Just one question will you both be doing any xrated content ?? Solo or togther ??
That's awesome ! Do you think she's gonna be able to put on 100 more pounds before the end of 2024?
You, sir, are a lucky man. To have such a pretty face paired with an absolute mammoth frame. Good lord, man -- you are blessed.
Content buyer here! Any family or friends’ reactions to seeing her blow up so fast?

Also, any thoughts on an out-of-breath video in public? Perhaps headed to a restaurant?
Yeah I’m sure there will be at some point. We have shot vids just think we can do some better ones. Have got the odd gif on twitter from them etc. she’s also wanting ease into that sort of stuff as she’s only starting out etc. once it’s out there it’s out there kinda thing
There will definitely be some out and about and no doubt out of puff stuff going on. I think she’s planning a date night and an all you can eat sort of thing. But like I say life gets in the way and we film when we can kinda thing.
On the 100lbs by the end of 2024 question.. who knows ?!? She has just mentioned that the again that the scales we have are nearing there limit and doesn’t want to break them so ????!!
I think she’s adding a wish list somewhere with some on. Maybe some that talk lol.
Thanks guys we really appreciate the kinda words.

King. I hope you make her as big as she is in her fantasies
king you'll be blessed if you guys could post more before and afters, it's so hot after a fast gain
Thanks for the reply !!
Honestly can’t wait to see more
I have seen the twittter content which is what has me wanting more
Excited to see what you have in store
Can’t wait till she holds the confidence and takes the more xrated step, always better with a real partner aswell not just a random hook up

Dip your toes and take your time the fans will be waiting and anticipating

Defo my fav model this year can’t beat a uk ssbbw
Damn, it's actually rare to see someone nice who produces content around here. Rare enough for me to not ask for a reup of the weigh in lol

Good luck to you and her king
Stuffing vids are always popular.
>>94100 (OP)
Been following Millie for a couple years now at least. While her stuffing content is nothing mind-blowing, I've got to second the sentiment that her gains have been amazing so far, and her commitment to the lifestyle is nothing short of impressive. Personally though, it's her lesbian content that really makes her shine for me, I love watching her make out with other fatties.
Not aware she’s done any. Not sure if you have her mistaken for someone else. She’s done a stuffing or to with a 500lbs plus guy but nothing overly sexual. Of course there will probably be some time at some point though.
On closer inspection yeah, it seems I mixed her up with another girl. Very similar size, skin tone + hair to Millie, but their faces are a little different.

Are you even going to give a name? You're talking about a girl you've "been following for a couple years now at least" who does lesbian content, you're too retarded to remember her name?
Looked back into it, somehow I had Millie mistaken for Brianna lol

Okay, uhm, I'm sorry if I come off as mean (I'm >>97150 ), you're clearly not a clinically retarded asshole like kilotroll is, so I'm not trying to scare you away or anything

but isn't that a really dumb mistake to make??? MIllie isn't even black and brianna is one of the most well known girls in the scene for a decade now....
That sounds racism dude, WTF!? Lol
King shit right here
Try harder nigger.
I'm updating the Coomer as we speak
How does one update a coomer? I’ve tried but it seems to not grab everything
Everyone needs to step it up. I need more free porn
Has she disappeared again? No posts on anything for a while
I think so. I'm devastated.
Her last seen on her Onlyfans is 5 hours ago, but no updates in a month. My guess is her and the bf broke up and she is goner and he ran the Onlyfans and her social media to begin with.
Any reups?
I’d bet her family probably intervened when they saw how shockingly obese she became
What do you think they did? Saw she gained a bunch of weight and hired a special ops team to break in and change her account passwords?

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