
(79 KB, 913x1375, BMI Categories.png)
Don't ask me why, but I went down a rabbit hole calculating various models' BMIs and then decided to create categories for them, and the results were actually kind of interesting.

For one thing, it's kind of impressive just how far away from garden variety obesity most BBW models are. Katie Cummings and GoodGirlGrow are really on the smaller end of BBW, and yet they are considered technically "obese" by modern medical standards. Ashley Graham, technically "overweight," is positively lithe and athletic by comparison to the others on this chart.

The 60-60.9 range, which I have dubbed "Genocidally Obese" seems to be a happy spot for lots of SSBBWs to linger in. You're fat - undeniably fat. Very often, you're the fattest person in the room. Your clothes are on the bigger end of what they carry at the plus size stores or you have to get them special order, but otherwise, you're living a fairly normal (if not especially active) life, holding down a regular job, etc.

The Ludicrous Obese (80-89.9) and Elephantine (90-99.9) ranges are where many of the greats and legends hit their ceilings and either got out of the game or began to lose weight. The reason for this becomes clear when you look at the Jovian range. Once that BMI cracks triple digits, that's where you are looking at serious mobility limitations and other issues.

It's obviously only the very rare and unique specimens who ever cross into the Oh Lawd, She Comin'!!! range with a BMI over 120. At that point, independent living is pretty much out of the question, and a full-time care taker is required.

On the whole, I've decided that BMI is by far the best metric for ranking the BBWs - not sheer weight. When you look at this list in order, it really makes sense. 500 lbs. sits very differently on a 5' frame than it does on a 6' frame. As noted, the list calculates each woman's BMI at her personal peak.

Thank you for attending my TEDD talk.
If there's any way you can make this an open list where people can contribute (As long as you are sole approver for edits), I'm sure we can expand this to include almost every model right now. We all have different sizes that we find most attractive and this would be a huge help in finding similar models. Just a thought.
You could use github and mess around with the readme markup to make it look prim and proper , you should make a githib burner acc
Why not go all the way and fund a start up dedicated to the dissemination of this information…soft or like an ESPN of BMI

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