
>>92419 (OP)
Where did you find the first picture? I know she posted the last 2 on Instagram before deleting them
who is she?
Oh my Got....coomer?
Is the name on coomer the same as her IG? Tried looking it up couldn’t find it
What’s her ig?
Plz find drops on her
I have been trying to find chick for 3 days now and no luck. Can you guys help me out?
It’s Catherine_lynnn but she deactivated
Damn that sucks :/ is there way to see what she had?
It’s not deleted it’s private
Nah I just went and checked she deactivated
It’s Catherine__lynnn
No joke, that is the most attractive woman I've ever seen. No more pics?
(953 KB, 828x1792, IMG_2584.png)
Anyone seen her with the orange?
is there something im missing? i cant seem the extract the link. just keeps encoding

Can’t find that IG anywhere
Who wants to see some new content, have a lot and needs to be pulled out of my drive and loaded to a file.
Please upload kind sir 🫡
Sure i want to see that
Is she active on ig 👀
Her ig keeps getting deactivated or she keeps on changing usernames
Sent me a crappy 22 second video and FaceTimed me for a minute, as we agreed for 2 minute video and half hour FaceTime. Took a while to convince her but money talks. Anyways here’s her number to request or whatever I don’t care 9296100248 she’ll probably change it but go ahead.
(1.1 MB, 828x1792, IMG_2983.png)
>>105848 can you post videos on here or post on that mab thing? I took screen shot of it. But you guys try your luck, maybe she’ll like one of you better. Definitely gained weight since last I saw her, but as picture suggests, recorded on a potato or something happened when she texted it to me. I’m over it, her pictures are far better than what I got
How did you get her number?
Ask her wants her new ig?
>>105909 from her last IG, as part of agreement for what I asked which was to FaceTime for half hour. I don’t think she has a IG anymore
Did you ask her what her current weight is?
>>105953 400+ last time she checked
Just upload the vid to wetransfer then copy and paste the link here
You guys can ask her yourself, posted the number
This needs to be deleted.
Thanks for the heads up
Whoops didn’t know weren’t suppose to post numbers. I guess that’s where the line is crossed, just after someone’s post someone asshole being posted. Sorry
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I was her feeder, but you ain’t allowed to share numbers 😂 I’ll share one more pic of a video. Allowed to share pics, not numbers. Interesting…Like I said, helped her gain 200+ pounds
So as far as you know what’s her current/ most recent weight?
>>106140 I meant you ain’t allowed to shore phone numbers. But just shy of 410 pound.
I would love to see the full video if you have it.
It’s like she just said I might as well gain weight she looks really good
Wtf didnt know she was full on ssbbw. Thought she was just a cute chubby chick this whole time. But share the vid bro
Around 200, she doubled her weight since than
Damn we need that video, please post it!
Her old videos
There uses to be a topless vid floating out there
My god she's beautiful... so she's even bigger now but doesn't make any content? she could be pulling in crazy money with minimal effort.
you used to be here feeder? Nice man
IG please if anyone knows it. Neither of those usernames worked
She don’t have a ig. And I I fed her. But I’d avoid her, she only cares about money YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzlrU0dSTlQyeDZRa04xV2k5MWN6TShyKT0=

Holy crap that is a sketchy thumbnail
Where was that filmed, in the janitors closet of a 1920s serial killer?
Post the real heat dude, nobody wants to see her standing on a scale.
I have all of her content
Hmu on telegräm on bigmärvb (ä = a)
>>106739 I think it’s her bathroom

Aye tell her I want to help/put me on if you can. I would literally appreciate it

Would like to be her feeder if you can arrange/help with that. Thank you
>>106834 doubt she’d allow that. Not saying she’d say no, just that we don’t talk anymore

Ah damn. If anybody knows how to contact this woman please let me know. It’d be really appreciated

Would gladly be her feeder asap
Damn what happened to her. She used to be sexy AF back when she would send me pics and videos BTW I'm the 1st to put her out
Can you please reup? Thank you in advance
Can we get a reup?
Bigmãrvb on telegrãm (replace ã with a)
I have all of her content
The last up was stuff from erome. The only new stuff is these pics posted here from her IG
Reup on the vids?
please reup, im hopin this girl comes back into making content and gets fat as absolute fuck. shes hot
I have her videos
Bigmårvb on telegråm
This is the hottest woman I've ever seen does she still have Instagram?
I have her content
Bigmärvb on telegräm (ä = a)
Serious edge material shes perfect!!!
Bigmárvb on telegrám
Hmu for her content
Bigmárvb on telēgrám for her content
Bigmãrvb on telegrãm (ã = a) for all of her content
I have her content hmu if you want it
Bigmärvb on telegräm
hmu if you want her content b!gm@rvb on t3l3gr@m
She used to follow me on IG and like all my posts, I woulda got her number if I knew she was gonna disappear lol
Whats her current ig name
She doesn't have IG anymore but currently talking to her on snap, we use to talk alot way before as well, still had her paypal to keep in touch to get her snap
Did we ever get anything from that screenshot from her feeder back in January?
Is this woman capable of posting a picture without some fake ass filter?

Is she ugly or something. Why does she filter every photo?
You sound like a faggot bro please
Paying or not, no one seems to link her stuff for whatever reason
Yo same, she was pretty chill. I lost her snap though, I'm surprised she didn't start an OF, she would have made hella money, especially for her being all about money.
Yeah great haha, prove it like the other bloke that posted claimed to be her feeder otherwise your all talk mate, same for the other bloke talking to her on snap, np proof it never happened.
I have her stuff hmu
Bigmãrvb on telegrãm.
Schizo came back, do not trust this lying ass
He isnt going to be a ba.
Now way is she 400+ pounds
None of the videos really show it that have surfaced
B1GMÃRVB on telegrãm for her stuff
Well I was her feeder. Things fell apart. To be respectful I wasn’t going to post anything. But she tried to stab me in the back recently. Should I show her from her 220 pound days? Or 400+ pound days? Or start smallest to biggest?
However YOU see fit, but please, DO POST!
U awlway been crazy bitch. That ass is overfeed now love it!!
What she try to do to stab you in the back?
Start from 220 then work your way up
I have her content hmu on tele bigmãrvb
>>114818 when it counted the most, denied I had anything to do with her and I was just a stranger. Than made me out to be a monster to everyone she knew. Years and year to get thrown under the bus. And get blamed for things I did not do. Way I see it, used me up and moving on to the next sucker. And her twin is a bitch
Go from smallest to biggest, pretty please.
Can someone explained why they removed my comment on why she stabbed me on the back?
Was it because I said she has a twin? Or mod has a hard on for her?
Probably was reported and looked like schizo post.
>>114926 I guess in a way, maybe it sounds off. Probably not the best place to vent.
I've seen her sister before, never knew that was actually her twin.
Yo mad respect to you, you knew she was a terrible person and still gave her that courtesy. You deserve your get back, I would put it all out there and be done with it. Do what makes you feel better.
Just post the content or be quiet
I have her content join my group bigmãrvb on telegrãm..
B1GMÃRVB on telegrãm for her content..
>>115151 I dont like roaches but tiff do got yams lol
Lmao bro teased us with content that probably doesnt even exist, then ghosted. Smh
Guys i have her content join bigmãrvb on telegrãm
Hey guys I got all her content and more hit me up REPORT MY POST on telegram yall
Fuckin god dammit marvin give it up, you posting here is a joke at this point. Go scam somewhere else
Bigmãrvb on telegrãm
I have her content..
stop these posts marvin
Yo put her stuff on coomer
>>113927 are we allowed to share people snaps? I got it
We have her content bigmãrvb on telegrãm.....
beep boop I have her content REPORT POST on telegram...
plussize-mami is snap
People still use snapchat in 2024?
>>115730 the people wanted the snap, I simply provided.
So I’m guessing none of her content is going to leak
Bigmãrvb on telegrãm.
>>115736 yea, just making she stops lurking around here.
Anybody seen her recently. I wanna see, I can't find her snap
Join bigmãrvb on telegrãm..
(2.4 MB, 828x1792, IMG_3346.png)
Least ask for a filter before she sends videos
Shut up before I dunk on your husband
I have her content guys
Join bigmãrvb on telegrãm....
Bigmãrvb on telegrãm for bbw content
Join now!
hello i am big marv
join now fast
So much fun if join REPORT MY POST on telegram
Does anyone have something recent??
Im only on bbwchan because I dont trust my gf. Once I move out im giving up bbwchan. I only visit to see what she talks about on here I code all her hidden comments on here
Dont let her kiss on you until you get your dick wet. She is selfish broad
Her snap still active? Cus I can't find that
Bigmãrvb on telegrãm,,..
Can the dude who was her feeder just drop all the content she gave him, like he literally stopped feeding her what’s he holding onto the content for
>>120229 the threat of getting sued probably a good reason
It’s not like it was bought on a platform like OF
>>120233 could be saying it’s revenge porn and defamation.
You think a chick that posts half naked on ig that never started an onlyfans because she probably doesnt wanna pay taxes would take her money to sue somebody that bought bs content from her? Get real bruh.

Sidenote.. chick reminds me of a darker Anali sanchez. She was super sketchy with content when she first started out too.
Marvelbooty no how ass mocha idiot.
Who got the vid of her tits out
Bigmãrvb on telegrãm...........................
Bigmãrvb on telegrãm..,,,,,,....
man i appreciate the content so far but drop a lot of some pics and vids of her at her fattest, this girl is divine
What is the snapchat
Bigmârvb on telegrãm for bbw content
we got her stuff
b!gm_rvb on telegraham
(!=i) (_=a)
She reactivated her IG
What’s her insta?
>>122272 her account since she had since high school.
Wow she's 🔥 🔥 🔥🔥🔥
b!gm_rvb on telegraham for content.,.'''
What is this Telegramm? Is it legit?
no, its some spammer scam account
Ok,thanks for the insight
Has anyone found the old vid of her with her tits out
anybody bold enough to DM her on IG and inquire about content w/o the fear of getting blocked?
I have it by the quality is like 144p
Post it my brother
Is it hard to get in contact with her and get content?
Absolute legend, her sister is as big as her??
One of the videos mentioneds her sister in that download
(881 KB, 498x378, 1694986171071885.gif)
legendary drop, been worth the wait

please tell me someone has more recent vids of her even fatter, and more of her sister
Hopefully we can get more, or that someone will be able to, this was a really good drop
yesss, show us the more recent XXXL Super Sized Fat Cat
Are you able to re up the link I missed it
The guy who was her feeder, git any intresting stories about her?
Guy who was her feeder should just upload all the content she sent him, idk why he’s afraid to share it
I found her on the BLK dating app
Show her profile or pictures from her profile
We got all of her content as well.a s other bbws
Join B_gm@rvb on telly (_ = I)
How is this chick so popular that someone is willing to send spam daily on this channel about her yet there is barely any content from her posted here

What makes her different than the rest her size?
>>128183 she's a very pretty shapely girl without enough content to get sick of
Big m@®v b
On telegrãâm
For a wide variety of content
Should have started an OF she would have made bank easily

Especially for how greedy they claim her to be
On telegrãâm
For content.

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