
(220 KB, 1615x1528, FS9m3xcWAAEynLv.jpg) (1.1 MB, 1366x768, Screenshot (243).png) (299 KB, 1152x2048, FWyNX0IXgAIJinR.jpg)
Anybody know why she just disappeared and cleared out her C4S? Anyways, here's what I have from her: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkKGJsb2IpQzl6YnpSM1pVSnphRzl0V0M5MWN6ST0=
>>91553 (OP)
On her socials, she’s on a complete fitness journey, also she has kids.
She’s well marbled.
2nd or 3rd time she's done this, give it time
I doubt that she ever weighted over 300Kg... She was maybe between 200 and 250 at her Peak.
These girls don’t know anything else. They’re just driven to do this to themselves. Wouldn’t be shocked if she got back to it once her kids are school age.
can we get a reup of the OP please?
Reup Plz
sure bud, whatever makes you feel better
No, my calculations based on this Czechoslovakian woman i met in Hamburg in 2008 with a belly similar to Elly estimate her at 73kg, maybe 75kg.

That guy is literally just making fun of >>91628 because kilogram guy is infamously retarded and has never been with a fat woman in his life, CONSTANTLY underestimating their weights
anyone have any content?
oh, lol. it's hard to tell sometimes
Bump for content and less schizo ramblings
Reup of OP dump:

already expired :/
bump for re up or any content
already expired
Can you repost this one more time?
She got burping content?

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