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last thread reached limit

Here's some of Jackie's sets: https://mega.nz/folder/AWoEXbrY#cYJdSpgdVzBVkAUZuSbtUQ

Requesting Before Dinner Date, Summer Treats, Jacuzzi Playtime, Cute Feet Floating Away, Lotion Love, Love for John 1 (since I already have 2), Beg for Your Job, Giantess Swallows Them Whole, Thong Pillow Humping, Mad-Cow Crusher, Inflation Fantasy, Spanking with Paddle, and Wax Dripping
Someone have new bikink try on?? Thanks in advance
Instead of Mega. Could u make a copy link to wetransfer or myairbridge?
Does anyone have her newest 2 videos. I have many of her to share
Anyone have the Halloween vid?
vore vids pls
For anyone who’s a fan of Jackie, please don’t sub to her OF!! I love this girl, but her onlyfans is a 100 percent a scam. She posts nothing, literally nothing at all except for excuses for why nothing has been posted. Please, save your money for something better
You're absolutely right. His of is an incredible scam.

Which vid is this from? don't think I've seen it yet.
I guess you’ll keep asking then, unless you actually decide to drop the quid it takes to buy a five+ year old video

I think it's from one of her recent videos, like the newest ones
Is that the kind of OF where she only makes an account to sell you videos in private messages?
Or nothing nothing
Jackie's pretty much customs only now she'll drop a resold custom on her clips4sale everyone in a while just keep her store selling
while simultaneously running an OF and telling people the next update is just a 'week away', every week lmao
The woman is giving Ash a run for her money. Do you think these girls are gonna try harder if they can just resell custom stuff and stay off their feet? I’m not criticizing, but then again, I know what to expect from a woman who intentionally eats herself to this size.

They’ll always take the path of least resistance. If you can’t grasp that, stick to small fats.
Definitely. I’m sure there’s work behind the scenes, but she has a man for that. Why wouldn’t she want this? She’s effectively created a situation where she can make bank, be a glutton, and have no impetus to change.

This is good, mind you. Sucks more women don’t think like this one.
I wouldn’t be surprised to find out she’s got lipedema or PCOS fueling the gain. Very old distribution and look, like curdled milk mixed with a melting candle but with swollen red ankles
I know spit balling about this stuff is pretty futile, but I always got the read with Jackie that while she never intentionally gained, she has a raging food addiction coupled with some feedist tenancies (her old tumblr had a lot of posts about this). Add on to it a partner who obviously loves SSBBWs, and you've got yourself a recipe for a happy fatty who gets her food addiction enabled at every turn, and her increasing weight seen as a big positive by both her partner and her fanbase.

Unless she's got some chronic health conditions we're unaware of (which lets be real, is very possible), she's probably pretty content.
is there a pic of her asscrack
I think this is more in line with reality. Unless she has just maintained a steady dose of copium for the last 10 years.

She eats like a garbage disposal with reckless abandon and clearly loves her body (the video Turned on by my Fat) as clear evidence. Those things coupled make an easy path to grow to this size
She’s not the healthiest looking, def full of fluid. She’s like Randalin. Too fat to fit on a toilet, might as well cash in on it and say whatever get the money flowing.
>"Never ate to get fatter" can just mean "binge eating always felt automatic."

That's Jackie in a nutshell. She doesn't eat to feel satisfied or to give her energy, she eats to feel FULL. She's one of those types that will clear her plate and will only stop when she can't eat anymore. It's not a question of what foods contain how many calories, she's literally just a glutton.

Combine that with no one telling her that she can't have whatever she wants to eat and she'll eat whatever the tastiest options are in her mind, which amounts to pizza, fast food, bacon sandwiches, fried grilled cheese sandwiches, you name it. When volafile was active there were stories and second-hand accounts that more or less confirmed how she eats in videos isn't far off from her usual diet; she's a pig, and she was destined to be hyper obese.

Though the people on My 600lb Life usually graze throughout the day and have enablers bring the bigger meals to them, so Jackie having a (soon-to-be) husband is just going to solidify that dynamic. Any perceived weight loss is just fat settling to not grow out of a wedding dress. Once the dust settles, she's going to go back to eating anything and everything she wants. Gain Train ain't over, not by a long shot.
If Jackie is really as much of a raging glutton as she seems to sincerely be god only knows how much fatter marriage is bound to make her. A fatty that addicted to food, that delighted by her own massive size, and that careless about the fact she can barely waddle her fatass a few feet without wheezing like she ran a marathon? She’ll be stuffing her fat face day in and day out with as much food as her belly can hold until she physically can’t pack any more in there. Hell, she’s such a hog at this point that she might be the first ssbbw to stuff herself until she straight up bursts.
Agreed. Enabling is way more important than just feeding sessions. That’s how habits get baked in. I applaud Derek for keeping her on the right path.
This form of Jacki is somehwat "new" since she lost a bit of FAT and gained that water retention in her legs and lower Belly. She is not near her peak weight, but still hot and most important, in the Business since the beginning.

And lets be honest, only reselling Customs and a new Update on OF from time to time is still very good. I mean the costs for a Custom are so high and profitable that making weekly contet that everyone shares anyway, is not worth it. Her minimum is 5minutes and she charges 20USD/min. And she good 100% revenue on customs and cutomer satisfaction. Shes fine, i love her. Best Model IMHO! ♥

-simp out.
Water retention?
Id be curious what this girls wedding ceremony looks like
It will be her parents, his parents, and a bunch of her fat women friends. Probably in her parents backyard. Her social circle won't be large enough to justify renting a hall.
I wonder what the parents will talk about.

“So…sure are alot of fat people here.”
And by now, they’re either accepted that this is how she is, or their protests and concerns are effectively ignored. The woman is a lifer.
Could someone re-upload the video where it doesn't fit in the bathroom?
Honestly... they are probably thrilled that by marrying her off they can be assured their daughter will have a caretaker when things inevitably go south in a decade or so. Last thing that aging parents want to be doing is giving their immobile daughter a sponge-bath.
Man, having a girl like that is the dream
For us, yeah!
But for a couple of recent retirees hoping to just chill, I bet they are happy not to have take on the role of nurse for their daughter.... the fluid in those legs is a ticking time-bomb.
>Last thing that aging parents want to be doing is giving their immobile daughter a sponge-bath

>I bet they are happy not to have take on the role of nurse for their daughter

Look at any episode of My 600lb Life where the parents are involved. They ain't thrilled their son or daughter is so fat they're essentially being babied. They put on brave supportive faces in front of them but during their interviews they're usually worried or disappointed. Jackie is rapidly approaching a size where regular assistance is needed. I don't know whether they've ever been concerned for their daughter's health, or if they have been and gave up out of exasperation, or if she bullied them into submission from her HAES days, but they must be breathing easy knowing they're not on the hook to wipe her ass in the coming years.
since she moved into her house, her life seems sadder and sadder. She doesn't seem to see her friends anymore. Her health has become increasingly problematic. Her appearance is increasingly unkempt. Her man must really be a bad influence on her, despite his submissive face. He's taken her away from the world around him to live out his little fantasy.
i still can't get over the room she has that is filled with funko pops. she's a consumer, first and foremost, its what she lives for.
I'm sorry to say that seeing your friends less and less is just part of getting older. But I'm sure that her size makes the social isolation worse. She's past the point of being able to go to dinner or the movies without special accommodation.
she can hardly walk, which doesn't help with social contacts
Yes, but she did this to herself. I’m sure she has gripes, but she’s responsible
It seems like her man keeps her stuffed + stoned, and she probably naps often. I bet she's rarely able to properly contemplate the situation she's in.
As someone else said, she’s first and foremost a consumer. She has no restraint. Saying he “keeps her stoned” makes it sound like she’s not reaching for a bowl within moments of waking up.
she spends her days playing video games. She seems to live far from the world around her. Her personal Instagram is totally dead now. She seems to see her family only very rarely, and she probably doesn't really have any friends any more.
I recall she travelled to the pacific coast, probably a decade ago, for Big Cutie Sasha's wedding.
I don't know about that, I don't think she's entirely powerless or anything in her living situation. She probably spends a lot of time online, playing games, and browsing tumblr. She also does a lot of custom work so there's a whole slew of videos we will never see because she's not going to release them if they're outside of her normal content (and would flame the shit out of anyone who leaked it), so that's her day job. Other than that, if you're hyper obese like she is and have mobility issues, your day is going to consist of naps, eating, and whatever you can do from your couch.
Par for the course when a girl gets this big, given some architecting and a fat girl's natural tendencies.
How he looks? The partner haha o.o
he looks arab but has a western name
wait BC Sasha got married? Finally! right on , good for them
10-12 years ago. They split up a few years later.
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Here you go my friend:
One of my favorite videos she ever did. Not sure if this is the fella that is still feeding her but if it isn't I'm sure he's wondering how he could have fucked that up. I'd do anything to have that hog straddling me, biting my lips, pinning me down under her massive belly while grabbing my face with her chubby piggy fingers with the french tips.
not high quality but here and also a halloween vid extra
Anyone have her blueberry video?

how tf do i decode this?? i used base64 but it just came out as another random jumble of letters
Any charitable soul who can share the video where she is bigger than the toilet and shower in her hotel room?
And decode that and voila. It isn't that difficult.
Does anyone have the ability to upload this in a quality that represents the era we are in 2023, and not a 2000 video quality?
Strange dont show nothing
There is a mega of her?
Thank you very much, but I couldn't catch up. can you renew?
Thank you very much, but I couldn't catch up. can you renew?
Does anyone have Making Shorts and Before and After Eating Weigh In?
The best part about her is her thighs. Especially when she tries on socks and they're a fuckton huge
Does anyone have the video of
SSBBW Obsession Conditioning
in the early days when I was in highschool and these girls were emerging in this space, they all had an aspect to them that stood out like Courtney's thighs and roxxies arms and tits but then this jackie girl appears and she literally has everything. Every part of her body was great, Kellie Kay had the size but meh face, kenedy had the tits but meh content. Jackie was the unicorn.


this is peak Jackie IMO
Holy shit, just. Wow. her bubbly personality makes that so much hotter
um pepito we praten nederlands hier, zie je het .nl domein niet?
Can someone send the hummer and pink car crush video plz

Ja, waarom is het eigenlijk .nl? Wie is die koning die dit onderhoudt?
Waarschijnlijk Willem Alexander
Ich spreche Englisch als Muttersprache und ein wenig Deutsch und Norwegisch. Niederländisch sieht mir sehr seltsam vor.
Es ist zwischen Englisch und Deutsch, dem es sehr ähnelt, vielleicht auch Dänisch odee Schwedisch. Zumindest ist Flämisch etwa gleich wie Wallonisch (und vielleicht auch Letzenburgisch).
Can anyone one could reup Jackie's newest vids? I accidentally deleted mine
anyone have the vampire feeding video?

Bruh. This girl be legendary - I got you covered on teh after dinner shits.

I threw in some other merch as well. They be labeled so you can understands which vid is witch.


yooo nice man, now we just need the belly hang play video

she has fucking wrecked her body with fat

She is the ideal femle body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Doesn't speak against her.
anyone have her latest vid and latest obsessive conditioning vid?
no hate, its a fact, not a bad one but a fact.
i 100% agree with this comment!
Interesting was to spell “endowed”

Oh yeah do you have the belly hang play video?
that's the point, and it's hot
Does anyone have her earlier videos, when she was around 400 lbs?
Is her OF any good or worth the cooker being updated.

Love me the Contend Fairy <3
Hi does anyone have the Jackie inflation blueberry video?
i have these blueberry videos


i was hoping i could get hummer and pink car crush as well as making shorts if anyone is kind enough to share those
I know its like impossible for these models to actually get bigger during these vids they end up being kind of meh to me. With as big as Jackie is already imagine if she stuffed her clothes or something.

They could be very hot with some morph and sound effects
Contend Fairy
May you reupload?
new things about his of?
why you got to deadname tho
Probably native Chinese speaker. They are like super unable to grok gendered pronoun usage.
Does anyone have her earlier content, when she was around 400 lbs?
grok, eh?

Thats a nice reference. I knew its mostly intellectuals among fat admirers.
Hey guys, did you miss the latest videos from Jacky? I've seen the other links
Anyone would like to share belly hang play?
anyone happen to have Crushing My Assistant or Crush and Swallow My Assistant?
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Alguien ya tiene este video que lo púeda compartir
Can anyone reupload the belly hang and dinner vids again
I can upload the Belly Hang video if someone reminds how, it's been a minute and I can't remember
Just use wetransfer or myairbridge.Or if your issue is the download expired on clips4sale just use a firefox extension that allows you to download vids.

Here's a reup of before dinner date if anyone needs it aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LW1Fcm5rVWFmd3Y=
Does anyone also have the love for john 2 and hummer vid
Jackie at her highest weight, can anybody share
reup plz
> Makes a wish for fresh Contend

BRUUUUH!! i gots you coveraged. I upped the one you wants plus another of the neweast ones she have out rite now.

Enjoy them shits brah.


Bought that one myself. She is a magnificent mound of fat. Cannot wait to see her pass the 700 lb mark. She is so out of shape she could be nearly immobile at that point (unlike say MissT).
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No sé bro, pero espero que MORENA 2024 GOD
Un saludo al Doomentio prro
Where is the second picture from?
Does anybody have any screen caps of these stories of people watching her pig out? Sounds super hot.
I only liked her when she had the black hair and straight bangs.
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ACK - away & missed it. Of Course.
Can someone re-up "Belly Hang Play" and whatever ContendFairy uploaded??
Please, re-up the set Supersize me, if possible in MAB or Google Drive
Recent pic sets?
Thanks for that ReUp!! Awesome
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- I dunno if theres more recent pic sets but these two are on her coomer page...
Anybody have all her picsets?
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Why on her only fans, is write she has 800 pics but in the coomer there aren’t? Is really the price of her off. Is worthy?
Probably no one bothers to update the coomer.
All pics I have:
Could somebedy, please update her coomer?
Wish she’d make a new video already…
Thank you! Does anyone have her BigCuties Bonanza sets or videos perchance?
Can someone re-up "Belly Hang Play"
i missed it
Wasn't Bonanza not rather on Bighot Bombshells?

think you can reup?
Then was was the name of the Bombshell guest model section? Though they had mostly black ones.

What set number did this go up to?
Can anyone reup the new one two vids?
Guys remember when jackie used to make content
Feels like a lifetime ago
Pics and some videos
oh my lord her eyebrows here are very... of the era
Curious... was the divorce a mutual thing or did one do the dirty on the other?

The rumors were that they were both cheating.
Yeah, I think they cheated on each other. He was married to a literal ssbbw model and still was chasing down ssbbw porn, had issues with his own bulimia, unresolved body issues.

He got remarried to another ssbbw (cute, but not a model) who has since lost a ton of weight.

I’m glad I’m not some people lol.
why did you have to point that out anon now I can't unsee it
Last video Of


I'm looking for:
Jacuzzi Playtime
It's Pizza Time
Sensual Massage
Rolling Around In Bed
Eat Lunch With Me GFE
Playful Dancing
Does anyone have conditioning to only ssbbw women? Please share!
if you update her Cooker i'll think about it
Cheating is rarely connected to your attraction to your partner.
I'm literally with a ssbbw thats hotter than 95% of models and I still am a porn addict, it is pretty sad.
Same, but it's because she hates her body and my attraction to it. Imagine if Giselle divorced Brady because she thought she was gross and he was a freak for being into her lmao
Agreed. It’s always connected to your integrity.
Can you reup plz ?

Yeah this sucks big time. My girlfriend is 330+ lbs and I absoluty fucking love it but it's always lights out, no crazy face sitting or anything.. sucks ass, but I love her till death though
I had this issue with one girl I dated, the more you show affection and tell them that you love their body, the better chance of them opening up at least in private. Went from no touching her belly to being able to bury my face in it.
Thank you. One of her best videos. Shame her content has slowed down
Someone has her vids from set 200 to 450 and can upload them?
Do you have juicy Jackie Halloween videos?
Seconding, looking for her pumpkin vid from last year, can't seem to find where I placed it.
Here's pumpking carving and tight Halloween costumes


I'd appreciate it if anyone can reup Halloween home invader and Halloween feed and hump. I lost those vids due to my HDD corrupting
Has anyone talked to her or gotten custom content/ meetups
Somebody took that Halloween invader one and made an ass growth animated morph of the scene where she's pushed up against the counter in the kitchen. I saw it once and must not have save it and I've been looking for it ever since. If anyone has that, please post.
Someone took the Halloween home invader scene where she is pushed up against the kitchen counter and made an ass expansion video out of it. If anyone has that, please post.
King. Thank you. Is the piggy donuts video only for sale on her personal site? I can't find it on her clips4sale. Does she still have a personal site ????????????
yea it's not on c4s. Her personal site is now just her onlyfans page.
Maybe send a real download link before asking for a clip instead of b64ing a link to some shitty popup infested site retard
Do you guys think she lost weight thats why her content halted?

+1... just missed it
I think someone had previously said she was getting married this year. That's a huge logistical job for a normal person, let alone someone that big/physically limited. Not surprised at all if that is the cause of her slowdown.
Wow, congrats to her!

Hard not to wonder what that means for the future of content, but I get it if her priorities are shifting. If I were to marry a model, I could definitely want her to shift away from this type of stuff.
See, I don't think that's going to be an issue. Jackie's not the type of person to just give up being a fat model just because she got married. She's been pretty consistent (in her own way) in posting content and getting fatter. I think we're going to be seeing more now that all the wedding planning is out of the way.

Interesting you say that, my wife WANTS to model and I'm apprehensive about it. Not because of pirating but because of the idiot coomers out there. I have spent years reassuring her she's fucking hot (she is) and I don't want idiots to ruin that.

She applied to Bigcuties years ago and ended up getting pregnant like a week after she submitted her trial set (godammit) and is just now, after a 2nd kid and 50 pounds, wants to do it. I need convincing.
Make a new thread and post some pics - we'll let you know what we think. BC is in dire need of fresh blood.
Just remember that your hot wife is now a hot mom, and that one day your kids might stumble across pics online of her in the nude. you ready for that convo?

I must agree with this fine gentleman. Let the forum decide!
Dang, missed it, care for a reup?
Por favor alguien puede volver a subir el video de jackie cerda rosa
Does anyone have the doctor's visit POV video
Anyone for Cute Feet Floating Away?
Does anyone have the original zibra skirt video from way back when she was skinnier? I'm trying to ake a before and after comparison video, and I have the new zebra skirt video where it doesn't fit, but I still need the old one. Would be epic if anyone posted it.
And that is why you'll never marry a model lol
I have a request for all the real heads out there. I have a distinct memory of Jackie posting on either her tumblr or on clips4sale a photo or video of her showing off her literal room full of funko pops. I think she has since deleted it, potentially realizing how embarrassing and consumer-brained it truly was. Does anyone have anything in reference to this? I’m mainly just looking for a photo or still frame.

Something about a woman in her thirties who’s main accomplishments in life are accumulating hundreds of plastic figures and hundreds of excess lbs of fat just does something to my brain.
I mean, there's that one video of her dusting her Funko Pop collection in tight jeans. Might be close to what you're looking for?

There is zero wrong with being in your 30's, growing one of the most impressive ssbbw websites, and amassing a collection of funko collection because it brings you joy. Jackie has more talent than your pinky toe. Go fuck yourself.

nah for sure dude, if i was her parent i’d be beaming with pride that she’s 35 with a triple digit BMI and falls down getting into an airport taxi, needing several people lifting to get back up. All that and an addiction to buying harry potter vinyl figures? She should write a how-to self help book. that’s the dream right there. i’d tell all my coworkers.

she lives to consooom
I think it's hot as fuck that she's the quintessential braindead slop-devouring consumer, but Funko pops are indefensibly poorly made and utterly valueless. The idea that they're "collector's items" is delusional.
>falls down getting into an airport taxi, needing several people lifting to get back up
That sure explains why there are multiple exclusives, companies, collabs and events dedicated to pops. Just because you don’t like them doesn’t make them “valueless” or not collectors items when there are people that literally travel the world and drop thousands for certain figures. You’re just gate keeping and retarded. I bet you’re the kind of guy that collects cologne.
bro is malding about Funko Pops on a porn message board

Her twitter if you can believe it. She plans to do a video about it.

Lmao at the funko dude. “There are countless conventions and manufacturers dedicated to shit that on a long enough timeline will always end up in a landfill, therefore it is good and cool!”

I’m not saying this to make a value judgment, I mainly just find the consoomer mindset hot and ruinous. If Jackie doesn’t have it, then why is my dick hard? The dick know.
Don’t buy customs off her. I bought a a custom off her in febuary. Just a simple cake eating jiggle video and she still hasn’t delivered. Her whole onlyfans is a huge fucking scam. Don’t subscribe.
Also if you guys remember her tumblr pardonmewhileipanic you’d know she’s a feminazi cunt and kind of retarded. Like she hot and got a nice body but her personality is fucking atrocious. You know the kind that thinks you can’t be sexist to men or racist to white peoples bull shit. Full blown SJW man hating third wave feminist

The difference between us is I’m horny and you’re mad, and that’s why I’m better than you.

Being mad on the internet in 2023. 😂
Clearly your brain rot is too deep at this point, but no one cares about your political views and you should consider keeping that boring shit to yourself if you ever want to get laid.
You dont lose money if your name isnt on it. You dont have to contribute. Legally

“I’m white”

You’re right no one cares we all just horny.
Any one got links?
Its s hilarious how dudes have no experience with females. Let me tell you, you don't want a feminist long term. So make sure you don't "accidently" create children when messing with these bitches. You don't wanna be stuck with a feminist! You don't want to be with a woman in general with mental health issues! trust me!
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Imagine being the small dick edge lord simping this hard about a lady who’s got a man’s face and a water balloons body.
Who’s so in love with their internet girlfriend to care about her personality? Most dudes don’t even care about personality of the girls their fucking irl.
I'm sure i'm speaking for everyone when I say that i'd rather read some funny memetic post then someone complaing about a lack of content while posting nothing or some dusty old vid.
I can corroboate this I speak with some people that have ordered customs and they report the same.

As for OF, her previous paysite had the same schedule at some point, but you could told when something was added with previews, now there is no such option. It's easy income she doesn't want to give up while not deserving it ever since she started her C4S and her paysite started lacking.

Coomer update anyone?

dusting in tight clothes: https://mab.to/t/AKNkPz5mIdE/eu1
>I can corroboate this I speak with some people that have ordered customs and they report the same.
>Don’t buy customs off her. I bought a a custom off her in febuary. Just a simple cake eating jiggle video and she still hasn’t delivered. Her whole onlyfans is a huge fucking scam. Don’t subscribe.

I bought multiple Customs already, and she always delivers, and very professional about it. 10/10 would do it again
I'm with this guy. Lurk more and post some content or ahut the hell up faggots.
Okay how much does she charge per minute? What’s her base rate. If you’ve bought so many you’d know. Right?
Por favor alguien que pueda compartir el video de doble agente o pink donuts
Could someone reupload the before dinner date? I know its been uploaded already, but I missed it and the transfer expired. Thanks.
New weigh in being posted this afternoon on her OF

if she finally passed 600 let us know, it looks like she might have
>>10004 (Dead)
highly doubt that bro last time we have seen her she was slightly smaller and was probably slimming down for her wedding
Yeah, I heard that one before
Hopefully someone here can post it. It's been a while since we've seen a weigh in from her.
20USD/min final price in CAD.
But trust me, its worth it.
543.0 pounds

This may be the cope, but she does sound pretty genuine as to wanting to get back to where she was before.

I honestly wouldn't have guessed it to be THAT much, just looking.
>>100077 this checks out. i was just gonna post the same number once i saw the new vid
Almost 30 pounds down. First Kellie Kay, then Adeline, and now Jackie.
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Guess we're gonna see this thread devolve into a shitshow again. If it stops anything, here's the Weigh in itself


tbh Myabe this is fantasy/porn brain, but I actually believe Jackie when she says how disappointed she is. Like surely if she was losing deliberately she'd either lie about her weight or not put it out. Also, I mean fuck she looks just as big as ever (those thighes and calves are comically fat)

I guess we'll have to wait and shee if she does return to those 570 marks, and hopfully if she goes even further...
It took her like 3 years to get from 540 to 571. She’s past her prime and historically has gained very slowly. Doubt she ever gets that big again unless she actually tries gaining which she has adamantly said she doesn’t do
I mean in the video she seemed actually really upset about losing the weight. I think her lack of content, and as she said general lack of paying attention is what caused it. She also said she’s going to actively gain back to 571at the very least. Talk is cheap, but she literally said she wants to bulk up on purpose now so we’ll see lol

There is something super hot about a huge girl at 571 dropping to 541 which is still insanely huge being upset that she’s not bigger

Thanks anon. I don't know what everyone is crying about, jerking off to spreadsheets of numbers. She's still really huge and hot. I just wish she made content more often.
Noooooo i knew it man all these models loosing weight, i hate this fetish because when this happens.
jae is still 140lb heavier
I think when you get big enough you can fluctuate weight super easily, especially water weight. I won't be shocked if she gains it back. I don't feel great about the prospects of her hitting the big 600 though.
When you look at her closely one can tell that there is weightloss. Hopefully its not intentional.
Despite the weight loss, I love how saggy her body is getting. Stunning to watch her over the past decade go from so young and perky, to now sagging with age.

My wife is only 350lbs, and she can fluctuate 5-10lbs a day just based on fluid. 30 lbs for a woman like Jackie is nothing. She could do the weigh-in a week later and have a drastically different result.
In my opinion, the extra fat on a woman makes her look young. Once weightloss happens she will sag & look older than she really is. Asshley was that way. Jackie needs to get to 600#!
It's a shame how the tits are first to go. Then the face and neck. Very disappointed
Anyone got the video this is from?
anyone have conditioning JOI and stretches in the sun?
Guys!!! It's John!!! Fron the Love for John vídeos!!! 🦧
Bumping this to remind any prospective buyers of her weigh in that she lost 30 pounds, she's down to 543 from a high of 571. Please don't pay for the video, just wait for someone to re-upload it here if you really want to see it.
Her best days are behind. If she posts again...
Fuck off. She was clearly disappointed with the result, this is the start of her intentional gaining arc now. If she peaked at 570 without trying just think about how easy it's going to be for her to overdo it.
Guys, this is Jackie, she has already achieved more weight gain than almost anyone else.
I'm sure our fatty will make it again.
she looks sexy now too
The just sheer amount of energy put in to all these guys calming each other down because a 600+ pound woman throws a deck chair off the titanic. Everything is going to be ok
And so begins the exhausting cycle of cope and delusion that follows every model's peak weight all the way to the depressing end. Boberry, Kelly Kay, Trysta all had the same responses and comments all while their weights went in one single direction - down. Boberry seems to have leveled off at a decent size, and I doubt Jackie will ever be below 400 again, but make no mistake - 570 was her peak. She will never be over 600, and that's okay, but don't let the loud delusional minority trick you into believing otherwise. Her best days are in the past.
slight revisionist history with Trysta - she got WLS and disappeared, as far as I remember she never had the gradual downsizing phase and all her BC content was shot before surgery
I think the only difference is that Jackie actually seems like she WANTS to gain again, which is a departure from KK and BoBerry. Kellie didn't acknowledge it and eventually just dropped out. BoBerry gave her story as to what happened and never gave any indication that she wanted to gain again, only that she was never intentionally gaining. Adeline had stated her loss was for a surgery but has not come out to say she wants to balloon again; her fans are projecting that due to her trajectory she'll fatten up again but frankly she's looking smaller with each update. Jackie seems like she was more surprised than anything that her weight plummeted.

I suspect we might see a binge video or two now that her wedding is over & done with, but we'll see if this is a bump in the road or the end of an era.
JJ has deteriorated enormously in recent years. Her legs are monstrous, her health is poor and her videos are pathetic.
Is there anything super significant about 600 lbs except for it being a round number?
JJ has blossomed beautifully in recent years legs. Her legs are gigantic, her hips are vast, and her videos are a gift.

(30 lbs is on and off very quick at this weight, in fluid alone, there really is nothing dramatic here. Sure, if it's 60 down at the next weigh-in, then we can speculate... but I highly doubt it)
It is kinda crazy how much worse her mobility is than just a year or two ago. Go back and watch some of her videos from 2021 and it's surprising to see how much easier she's able to get around despite being a similar size.
I mean, this is the logical endpoint for nearly two decades of gaining. She will lose the ability to walk soon.
I've been following her for 15 years. She has lost the youthful vitality she once had.
and ill bet you have too
its been 15 fucking years

>Follows her for 15 years

>Does math and realizes that's 25 to 40

>Bitches about youthful vitality

You win the day, good work mate.
isn’t there a good chance that as she got to this new stage of fat, and was acting increasingly lazy (she has a hard time walking in car crush, hotel bathroom tour), that she’s just lost muscle mass which is more dense than fat?

30 lb is a lot of weight I understand that she might not be able to see it because it's her body but Erskine seems a lot looser than it was at her peak
it is not "a lot of weight" at this size at all.
Yes. I had this happen with several girlfriends. They were very obviously getting fatter, while the number on the scale wasn’t going up. They grew out of clothes and their mobility was going down — it was obvious that fat was replacing muscle (which active fat people have a lot of, per physics).

Thanks for the upload. JJ has the perfect vibe of acting bubbly and cute while speaking about insane amounts of weight like it's normal.

Hopefully more videos from her from now on
Anyone have quite an oldish video of her in a black and white onesie? she looked super cute in it it was off her old website when she was large but before she got really wheezy haha
New weigh in just dropped
any news on his of?
does anyone have any of her older vids they're willing to share?
Is she more active on her onlyfans now after her new weigh in? Can someone update her coomer?
anyone have the most recent conditioning to only want ssbbw vid
Sharing her previous embarrassing fall in public video in hopes someone will upload the new one.

Anyone has her new video?
Looks interesting
Wasn't worth it tbh. Really not that interesting.
Anyone can share all her videos or her best ones?
Can you share it anyway? I like these types of videos.
Can someone reupload her last Weigh-In?
>>102247 thank you - but this doesn't have sound, which seems like half the thrill

also breaks off after ca. 5 mins
For me it has Sound but as mentioned stops around 5min7sec... Someone with the full vid pls?
Wow. 543 lbs? Judging on how her body looks, and her reduced mobility, I'd thought she'd be at least 100lbs more. Is she short? Kinda surprised
She's only 5'4". Not a lot of room to hide 543 lbs on a frame that small.
Does anyone have pictures of Juicy Jackie *as* Alice in Chubsterland?
please share. some of us can vibe with it.
Does anyone have the latest video about Jackie falling in public?
I know it’s fucked, but am I the only one that kinda wishes she would’ve injured her knee? She might wouldn’t ballooned like Adeline!
You're not alone in that regard. Worked for Adeline, would work for her.

Shit, I'm a monster.
Does anyone have picture of Juicy Jackie as Alice in Chubsterland?
(14 KB, 211x209, 0j.jpg) (11 KB, 209x205, 1j.jpg) (15 KB, 211x209, 3j.jpg) (14 KB, 211x205, 4j.jpg) (13 KB, 207x205, 5j.jpg)
some screen captures from some years ago when she was active on twitch

i can imagine just imagine the cancerous chat
even tho the audience would have been small KEKW
does anyone have her dance clip to the song "good for you"
I missed it. Please, can someone reupload?
I missed it. Please, can someone reupload
Here's the latest Weigh-In reuped. Some good fat chat here still, even if she is disappointed in the number


If I can request too since I'm uploading stuff, if anyone can post in the Documentary thread or the Deathfeedism thread if they see anything? Those are my real niches atm.
Anyway, back to jackie.
Gosh she so beautiful, Anyone has more pics of her face????
Thanks for re-uploading, much appreciated.
Do you happen to have the 570lbs weigh-in video?
Any chance of a re-grab of this one? We never got a full file.
Yep fattys are gonna get sick, her immune system would be non existent

Their immune system is way tougher than of skinny's.
Oh no, she'll have to quarantine herself and do nothing but sit on her ass and eat. Makes me wish for another global lockdown so the average bmi goes to the moon.
I’m sure she has great lung capacity from all the cardio
This isn't Dickens. Where is this true today?
She struggle breathing on a good day.
COVID doesn’t tend to treat obese people well… Hope she’s gotten the shot.
"Hope she's gotten the shot."
So she can have a "suddenly and unexpected"????
She looks like she gets out of breath wiping her own ass. If she can that is.
Here nor there, but
>new a girl, like 60kg who almost died from the shot, she blamed it on being sedentary during lockdown and gaining 2 kilo.
>turbo fat chick (200kg + ) who got Covid early on before the vaccine, was panicking and kicking up a fuss when she got the positive test. Seemed disappointed when it passed and she could barely tell she even had it. Max vaxxed with no issue besides the vaccine maxing her sicker than Covid did.
Life has many doors.
Thought you told me far but near. Mixed race

asking for a belated Christmas miracle to reupload this one.
Unfortunately for her, that’s probably true lol

a sudden and unexpected recovery?

You're an absolutely uneducated buffoon.
It is well known that Joe Biden put instant heart attack causing chemicals in all the covid vaccines when he developed it in 2020. So when someone "suddenly and unepectedly" has a heart attack after getting the vaccine, it wasn't unexpected at all. Joe biden also caused the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and his son smuggled cocaine into the white house for decades.
Should of bought puts you cock sucker
Your mom is trying to put estrogen in the chicken tendies, keep your head on a swivel, trust no one.
Would both of you shut the fuck up?! If you two whiny bitches are having issues about politics speak to your therapist or Dr. Phil. Send a video or you two clowns can get the fuck out.
She'd would've died by now if she took the shot.
Dude, seriously shut the fuck up. Take this conversation somewhere else.
What kind of world do we live in that a persons vaccinaction *choices* are a political point?
Moronic words. That pic tho
I’m glad we have such astute men of science in the ranks.
She’s far too obese for the vaccination event to end in anything other than cardiac myopathy due to its unregulated genetic material combining with her extreme obesity.
Does anyone have her video diary vid?
Sorry food diary*
(39 KB, 720x405, Jj.jpg)
Aquí tienes compa

Someone got "Before and After Eating Weigh In"?
Does anybody have her first 32 photo sets from her old JuicyJackie website? If so, feel free to upload them; 'tis charity to show!
Can somebody update her coomerparty page
(1.8 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_2521.png) (1.8 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_2520.png)
Does anybody have these videos

The model is brittneylovenbliss
Formerly known as bigcutie britt
Wrong thread, anon. Also, Jesus, can’t believe Britt is still at it.


Legit the only person I've ever heard like her was a friend that took 20 hits of acid every night and when he huffed freon from the air conditioner he sounded legit like she did taking about angels and shit
Some videos I just conveted: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkKEpKKUM5UlMybElkbE5WUjJzeWVpOWxkVEU9
The link is not working use wetransfer

Delete (JJ)
Still not working
Just use wetransfer
Just use a different link
Use mega.nz
You posted as .mp4 file - just audio. Appreciate the dump tho
Can you make a different link please
(26 KB, 320x180, wW0RFLXzFkM.jpg)
Does anyone have this cake eating video with Ellie in it? I looked everywhere and all I can find is this one image
An actual mouth breather, got it first try.
Can anyone reup this 11 GB transfer please? I was downloading it but the transfer was down at 87% :(
Re up the mab pls
Yo can anyone drop a link to falling at the airport video please
I second these. Some here please reup the 11GB mad download
That’s not Ellie that’s her fat non model friend
(51 KB, 356x564, 3451C530-3E8D-483F-B2A8-5236566845C7.jpeg)
Does anyone have a video of her walking to the bed in a hotel room in a red dress or skirt with black hair? It’s an older video, this picture is how her hair was at the time but I can’t find the clip anywhere, anyone got it?
do you know what it's called? I can't find it on her site.
(1.4 MB, 1191x670, Date.PNG)
I'm gonna take a guess and assume it's this vid. "Before Our Dinner Date".

If so, here's the vid https://we.tl/t-AXpH2JJ8rK

Once again requesting her newest fat chat, the Airplain Fall vid (I know it's just fat chat, but tbh I'm a fat chat sucker)
>>106279 man black haired jackie were her peak fr
Anyone have the newer vid where she crushes a car
Could one of you gentlemen re-up this one?

Literally the post above yours....
Podrian reenviar el link de los videos de juicy jackie por favor en la que tiene el vestido rojo y en los actuales por 🙏🏻 favor
el inglés es el idioma central en este foro. puedes traducir tus comentarios al inglés, usando deepl o google.
Could you please forward the link to the Juicy Jackie videos in the one with the red dress and the current ones please 🙏🏻 please
Wao she looks much bigger! Is this new?
Someone drop the link to videos please
Y’all think she gonna make a hardcore sex scene
Seconding this if anyone has it
Could be one of her best yet
Im going to unlock the nasty hoe inside you 👀 next time we meet
Does anybody have the fat chats of her falling in public.
I've recently lost aaaaaaalllllllll my files, if someone could share CEO piggies, the Halloween stuffing, and the blueberry vid to wetransfer they'd be greatly appreciated
She has so many rolls and folds. I wonder if she’s like my dog, if we don’t clean the folds often enough they start to smell.
Found the Halloween one but not the others
2 vids that have never been uploaded here:

i'll drop the new fat chat if fuck my fat gets uploaded before thursday (don't @ me to complain)
Does anyone have the cleaning and cake video please
Can someone upload the latest video
or better that a link has all her videos from the old videos to the most recent ones
thank you for the upload
Imagine the cleanup. All those folds have to hold onto cake and icing for a while. It probably rots and maybe even has an odor.
>>108101 OMG! Thank you for the upload but I just missed it. Any chance for a reup?
Does anyone know if she actually gained some weight after her last weigh in where she had lost about 30 pounds?
The link don’t work
Can you upload the link again please
So I’m gonna say it but does anyone else think she’s kinda fucking creepy for doing sets of her as a baby and aged up eleven from stranger things?
Like this woman who’s close to 40 is l making close to pedo sus shit? She has no idea what people are into and she’s past her prime since 2016. Just a fat cougar/hyena. Retire already Christ!
I am sure if you upload JJ's fuck my fat vid he will
You're sperging over something 8 years too late.
Retire? what else is she gonna do? she's in this for life at this point. Besides she still looks pretty damn good and as for the dressing up as eleven thing she prob really likes stranger things or something.
I need before dinner date pls
does anyone have anything where jackie get on her hands and knees and actually shows her ass. It seems like she never does anything like that. also how do we download that cake video
Can someone drop the link to the fuck my fat video like bruh come on now don’t be selfish
Is anyone gonna ever drop the video
the latest video posted on of

I'm looking for these videos

Falling at the Airport Fat Chat
Honey Glazed Delight
Before and After Eating Weigh In
Chocolate Haunted House Treat
Playful Dancing
You dont live around here. You lost ????

If anyone has this, can you reupload it please?

Thanks in advance
Please re-upload the set Super Size Me
What y’all think she gonna do for here next video
Anything yey
I have it wanna trade for it
His grand father is still alive. He had other children by different women. Just dead to your father. Lied to you.
Huh what are you talking about
Anyone know what Jackie’s deal is? Messaged her about parties on her OnlyFans. She’s like don’t hesitate to message me if you haven’t heard from me by Sunday. So, I messaged her the following Monday. Then again asking if everything’s all good. That was a week ago, I’m moving on man. Bitches lol

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