
Check the BBW board bruh. There's a thread there
She is clearly ssbbw close getting closer to 500lbs
There actually isn't a thread on the BBW board. Just did a search, and it's not there.
Yeah bruh that thread got taken down. That’s why I made one here bruh
Sorry bruh. I wasn't aware
This is Jodie's hardcore vid. I felt obligated to share it because of how lame it is so others don't waste their money
what the fuck, lol.

Jodie if you're reading this come to america and get a real smashing with some big american cock. I'll even buy you an airline ticket.


Almost fell off my chair laughing when the dude pulled his dick out at the end, was expecting something a bit bigger than that nubbin by the way she was moaning.
If she likes chipolatas, I'm her man
I bet not many would be willing to rail her and have the video released!

I wouldn't

First, thanks for the share.

Second, say what you want, but it is a start of maybe a new chapter doing some more HC, so don't be too harsh.
Well, at least thanks for giving me the assurance that I shouldn't buy it. If it's any consolation, here's Jodie getting fucked by Bonnie's feeder/bf(?), don't think this one was shared around a whole lot, if at all
That was really bad lol. Hopefully she's opening up to the idea of hardcore content though. It'd be great if some of these younger good looking ones would do some more hardcore.
>>9354 Thanks for the share of that one. Don't believe I'd seen that before. Better than the other for sure but they lack penetration angles.
Here's her masturbating
Damn. I knew they had beef but she took her bf?
Wait Jodie and Bonnie have beef?
I didn't even know they'd stopped making videos together what happened?

Jesus christ not this again.
They are both poor Cockney white trash. This happening shouldn't be a surprise.
She stole Bonnie's crisps
in a nutshell Bonnie got pissed that Jodie got fatter iirc lol
Does anyone have the old Bonnie and Jodie stuff who's willing to share it? Especially since they both deleted it from their respective C4S sites after falling out.
>>9817 Here's all I have of them together
Pretty sad excuse if true, Bonnie should’ve done her part to get as fat or fatter if she didn’t want to be beat.
Does anyone have Jodie's video of her riding a dynasty and get pouring milk on her?
Meant to say dildo lol

Her onlyfans is 75% off. It's $3.50

Someone with a us card please do what needs to be done.

link? i may have a bit of money to burn
I got on her OF

She focuses a lot on her tits, not enough on the belly tbh
Her name is feedeejodie I think
So she deleted most of her clips. Probably just focus on OF from now on?
She does have a nice pair of tits.
Some old vids...

please ree up

Here is her sex video

Thanks Dude!

Watching that, I feel better about myself too.
Does anyone have any of the videos where she is feeding/being fed by that guy?
Check her IG brush

Conspiritard alert

Right? She's gone full QAnon and it's fucking wild. Knew she was a bit fragile emotionally but this is just depressing

I have no idea how to find her IG and I'm kind of glad for it

because without the link I can just pretend you're trolling

She's not even American, why the fuck would she be going full QAnon :(
Afraid they’re not joking. She’s gone completely off the deep end on QAnon and pro-Trump shite... Knew she was never exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, but holy shit...
I tried checking her Instagram but her account is private (if it's the right one). I'm inclined to believe this but a screenshot can put this to bed. If it's true, that's a damn shame.

absolutely true. even going on about Elon Musk
It's a special kind of stupid when someone from another country dips their toes into American-brand conspiracy, but yikes.
Well, she's going on about Elon Musk on Feabie and Twitter, and this adds up.

Thanks. Just wanted confirmation. I really like her body, shame she's a fucking lunatic. She actually lives not too far from me, so I know to avoid her if she somehow comes up on my radar. Ugh.
shit like that really makes me feel better about pirating her content
Legit think all that fat she's gained has clogged her brain...

She never was the brightest person, only a matter of time before her tiny mind was plagued by non-truths.
No, she's from the west country

i thought you channers liked conservative women
Jesus Bonnie was right to break it off with her wow.

Like, I'm lefty, but I'm fine if someone is just conservative or anything, but full on Qanon. Actually insane.
>>11987 (Dead)
Agreed, it's a sedative for the Trump crowd tbh. It's giving them the illusion that something will be done about the crimes of the ruling class and the elites while they don't have to do anything.
Holy shit my post was deleted but why?
Shes gotta of been hacked or some shit, theres surely no way that sweet talking dumb fatass has gone full on american trump psycho, shes british for starters
conservative =/= Alex Jones level conspiratards though now is it?
I think it's just the nature of the fetish. It seems to attract a lot of mentally ill people like azissmiss, beccabae, plumpprincess, bigbootybeauty etc who hold extreme views on both ends of the politcal scale.
Unless her Twitter's been hacked as well, looks like this is legit what she thinks. She's been retweeting a lot of downright wackjob stuff, and doesn't look like it's gonna stop soon.
Looks like she's nuked her Feabie too, or been banned?
My money would be banned. Doubt Feabie would be alright with people spreading QAnon shite around.
Here's some Jodie stuff while we all discuss how batshit insane she is:

Her Tumblr has gone too
How do you reverse this?
Another one, cause I'm feeling in a magnanimous mood

>>12027 Yh IIRC she's either bi polar, or has BPD, ala the drama with Bonnie. She must be rich as fuck though with her massive house, Jaguar and pony etc 🤔 Clearly didn't get all it from her C4S
Or rich parents
Her Twitter's now protected. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she leaves the scene very soon.
woah woah woah woah woah
what's going on again?
So basically she's a conspiracy theorist. The only problem is she believe the Q conspiracy. Which is pretty much the same as being a conspiracy theorist, but Trump will be the one to take down the satanic elite along with some patriots. The thing is Trump isn't going to do anything about it. If he did he would've been assassinated already.
I mean, ngl, seems that the whole Bonnie Jodie breakup was due to both sides. Jodie is clearly a mental mess, and I can imagine that would be incredibly stressful to work with. At the same time, Bonnie was clearly lying about how much weight she’d put on, and was clearly more than a little annoyed that Jodie was gaining much faster than she was.
Her Instagram (s) are gone too. Looks like she's gone off the deep end
Lol she fell down the Q hole?! Oh my lol
>>12087 She's a British QAnon Trumper? Yikes. Imagine fucking up that badly.

Her IG is back
Man, is this the standard of her OF? yikes.
even though she's into qanon which is funny it's sort of refreshing for a bbw model not to be hardcore leftist for once because they usually all are.
I will fuck the conspiracy out of her so hard she's going to be socialist by the time I'm done with that ass

Judging from that recent sex vid I think she prefers guy with tiny weens with a soft thrust.

any of it new/recent or is it just reups from past threads?
Is there a reason why most people post links that expire on this site? I feel like that is such a waste. There could be such good content here, but now it's all gone.
Post some shit that doesn’t expire then
Feel free to start your own permanent hosting service based in some country that doesn’t have to comply with DCMA regulations.

I can start that any moment and have everything needed. But it will be paid. Are everyone ready to pay for the permanent fast files storage?
Make zCash, Monero, and DAI/other decentralized stablecoins (just need an ETH address for that) available for payment options and buddy, you have secured your funding
I don't believe this site actually hosts the files here. I'm new here so that's why I asked the question. There are tons of other places to get content so I was just wondering why this website limits the types of links you can post. I will share once I figure out this site.
So I would have to pay you to let me share pirated videos for free?
Hilarious that she's a Qanon believer, especially as she's not even American. To be honest it makes a nice change from the usual hyper woke gender BS a lot of women in this scene drink the kool aid for

Jodie hasn't always been the smartest cookie in the jar.
Idiocy aside, that “Mum catches me” video was gold, since it’s got her actual mum lecturing her about her weight, not knowing she’s being recorded
I would love to see that video
(315 KB, 1920x1080, 1939258_01950_1920c.jpg)
You are welcome! Here it is, along with bunch of other old vids of her:

Btw, does anyone have her schoolgirl clip from Big Belly #2 (pic related)?
Awkward tugging it to that one when her mum walks in
It’s terrible, but I thought about that lecture for a week tho
That mum walks in video was the funniest shit. And she tells her mum about making videos. Unbelievable. There has actually been some interesting research into fat shaming, showing that it has the opposite effect.
By people tugging it to fat ladies?

LOL no moron, it's child psychology research. Telling children they're fat (and shouldn't be fat) makes them eat more to drown their feelings in sugar.
>>15406 (Dead)
Do you have the video where her mum walks in? Or is it on her OnlyFans or something. Can't seem to find it.
Has anyone got her more recent clips4sale vids?
Never thought we'd be debating psychology on a fat porn messageboard but here we are

Well, he did stay at a Holiday Inn Express the other night...so there is that.
Thanks, is there a way to download from VK?
here are a view videos

Shoved a bunch of stuff up on the Volafile. Some comparison stuff, and a bunch of the stuff she did with Bonnie.

It's a shame all her content's gone to absolute shit recently. Like, nothing she's released in almost the last year looks even remotely worth it.
And I just got banned from uploading to the Volafile for the next 5 days...
Well then.
Thank you for your service. Happened to me as well when I uploaded all of my Adeline collection. The way to go is making .Zip files with different filenames, otherwise it gets removed and you keep getting bans...
Ah, thanks. It’s a damned shame, cause I only got like half of the Bonnie and Jodie clips up. I’ll remember to do that in like 5 days when I get unbanned.

In the meantime, don’t suppose anyone’s got any of Jodie’s really early stuff? I’ve heard talk of there being a video of her at like 180 floating around, but I’ve never seen it
Thanks for the drop, got 3 nice videos I've been looking for. Does anyone have her latest weigh in video?
use a vpn brehs

and stop uploading to vola for her stuff
Anyone have this video?
I would use the other normal filesharing stuff, but for some ungodly reason my internet HATES uploading to them... Normally just easier to use the volafile, even though the shares don't last as long
Just uploaded 2 Jodie vids in the hopes that someone picks up her latest on Clips4Sale. Enjoy.

wait someone was crazy enough to put a baby into this nutcase?
She really does look like she stinks
Hope so, because if she is pregnant she's going to *explode*.
Just imagine get pregnant only to get fatter.

Selling a video of yourself doing a pregnancy test is peak delusional.
Doesn't she still live with her parents too like Aliss Bonython? Lol
aliss lives with her parents?

Why is Jodie crazy? I know she has some weird beliefs but she seems like a nice girl
anxiously waiting for the result to see if I have my chances with her
In her slob video she confirms that she indeed stinks
Might've just gotten hacked once, pretty girls are also pretty stupid most of the time so her password might have been guessable or easily bruteforced (or she got phished)

But is there farts?
She's said she has Borderline Personality Disorder.

Hoo boy.
That kids getting bullied at school
Disappointingly, no
she baleeted it off her c4s site
Disagree. She blew up in the last year and it's so hot
For some reason, the hottest women are always crazy
Does anyone have the video of her vacations on Spain ? >>9092 (OP)
It's trendy to identify as BPD. I think something like less than two percent of the population has it.
Dumbest shit I've ever read.
I have BPD and I will tell you it is a life ruining condition. Not trendy or cool whatsoever. A lot of people kill themselves before age 30. She shouldn’t reproduce.
I know two women with BPD who are perfectly fit mothers, this is unfair to say

TWO? Literally how would you even find that many?

They're either among the people who think it's trendy to pretend to have it, or they're so heavily medicated that other aspects of their life are probably being ruined (hobbies etc) and they're pretty much only serving as mothers.

I know someone with bpd and she's a mess. So, hopefully she's got it under enough control to be having a baby.
I'd love those tits of hers shooting milk everywhere.
Wow, it's "trendy" to BPD now apparently. Just when I thought we'd already reach peak fuckwit incel
The sex is amazing, but you could also end up in jail! They'll start making up stories and saying you did this and that! Not worth with boys!
Huh, most of her c4s is just...gone
She deleted pretty much everything last year and was selling a bunch of content cheap before she purged it all.
is she losing weight ?
i have a feeling shes smaller now
is she pregnant or not?
It do be like that
Ah shit, that poor kid
Is her onlyfans worth it again nowadays or is it still very slow?
It's nonexistant. Stopped the renewal to one of her two overpriced OnlyFans months ago, and there's been like 10 new posts in all that time. Save your money.
child services are gonna have a grand time
Again? Was it ever?
I joined twice; once when it started and again when there was a special offer. I thought the updates then were too few and far between.
I won't be trying again
Its a shame to see her packing it in. She was the best of the British BBWs. Anybody know how much she weighed at her heaviest?
Where can i find this video?
Anything new from her?
Wouldn't surprise me if she vanished now, total silence for a while since the pregnancy pic
Do you have the post? An upload would be very appreciated.
(912 KB, 1125x1707, 637B280D-4F50-4D57-AC6E-1B4BFD5E9AA2.jpeg)
This is it. Single bloody image with a crappy filter over it. Despite how hot she is, all her content is overpriced crap. Probably only did this to avoid her account being labelled as inactive or something.
Such a shame. She has such an amazing figure.

Ah well, guess Bonnie won in the end
Well, she is pregnant
Would so love to see photos of her (even larger) belly and boobs now she’s pregnant!
what jodie's done?
either way she's gorgeous.
Love the tits, love the belly. Cute all over.
Bonnie does have nice long hair though
Anyone happen to snag her fit to fat workout video before she purged her clip store?
Any reups? Preferably the funnel ones
shut the fuck up already
OMG this looks amazing! Can’t wait to see what her huge belly looks like at 9 months pregnant!
Gat dang, if it was like, half as much I'd be tempted
Maybe it's not over

Some madman who actually bought that overpriced pregnancy vid just shared it on BBW - https://mab.to/tUcOmG7vO
2+GB, guess no one told Jodie about video encoding
That was practically a given. Shes always been pretty shite at encoding. Seen the vid, and honestly its not worth even half the amount shes charging for it IMO.

Doubt she can even spell the word.
Right? I mean shit, pregnancy is bound to be exhausting but this was such a low effort piece of content, she might be coming back to the scene but it's gonna be so low effort going forward just because she has a kid now

that's not how the words piracy or technically work, but I also hope this happens :)
Definitely appreciate the madman who bought and posted it, but yeah, definitely not a $54 vid, hell I wouldn’t have even paid $10 for it. Not that great content wise and unlike some fat chicks who absolutely blow up and get huge when preggo, she’s not. By the 9 month mark she looks perhaps a touch rounder, the love handles flared a bit, but honestly she doesn’t look much bigger at all, which is a disappointment.
I was hoping for a weigh in. Glad I didn't cough up 55 smackers for it
Just after 17:50 she says she's 511 at 6 months
Where can i find the video?
What a fucking liar, is this what Jodie simps actually believe?
I mean you never know for sure but the fact that she didn't film a weigh in is suspicious to say the least.
There is stretching the truth for effect, and then there is taking everyone for idiots
(52 KB, 706x960, 1605735796847.jpg)
>splits from working with Bonnie over embellishing their gains
>does it herself
I know diapers aren't cheap, but a $50 clip for 3 segments across 9 months is pretty lazy, and 2 were just chats
I know, but where's the weigh in

I need data!

Jodie learned it from Bonnie lol

They were pretending to be 380 and 410 back when they were both clearly under 350

People acted like Jodie wasn't guilty of it just because she was visibly fatter than Bonnie

But they were both lying the whole time lol
(still, over 500 pounds... the last prominent model to make a lie THIS blatant was Cytorah)
Any chance of a reup on the preggo stuff?
I hate to be that guy but could someone reup for me please

I'd also appreciate a reup, if possible. Hopefully this GGG cake vid with reiina will convince you.

< https://mab.to/aXEThdhFt >

Give it time I just uploaded it
Some older Jodie vids no longer available on her store. No idea why she took most of her store down. I would appreciate it if anyone contributed other vids by her that are no longer available to purchase.
It was good while it lasted!
too bad she went all bonkers with qanon shit and deleted everything earlier in the year. she's fucking amazing tho
All her onlyfans content
A bunch of old content.


pls someone upload more of her old stuff
vids i always wanted to see were the willy wonka themed ones where she demands they make more chocolate and sweets for her as the boss but they got taken down so you can't even buy them now there were two...anyone got them?
can someone re-upload this please?
Basically. Egg shell headed Fags who need an excuse for why they can’t control themselves.
Doctors don’t care and just want to extract money somehow from the lumpen of society
High level cringe inducing ignorance right there...

Just because some people abuse pain pills doesn't mean pain isn't real.

Same goes for mental illness bro.
Tell me, we’re you wearing one or two fedoras when you typed that?
Any chance of a reup from any kind hearted chaps?
did she abort or deliver the kid?
Considering she filmed a 9 month vid while preggo, kinda assuming she popped it out…
Could you please upload them to a WeT link? I'm having trouble downloading the vids from stufferdb
Anybody got that pregnancy set? She looks absolutely massive already, I can't even comprehend what a 9 month preggo bump would be like when she's already so enormous
Her OF is $7 until Dec 31st...

I've already joined twice, I'll let someone else have at it
Could someone be a pal & share her really long vacation vid from a while back. I seem to have misplaced it...
It’s actually a hundred times more lame than you’d think it would be. She never seemed that much larger to me, even at 9 months it’s like eh, she’s a bit bigger I guess. The long vid itself is mostly super boring chat at 3, 6, and 9 month points, not even much good belly play.
I joined previously.
It's trash, not worth the money.
I joined her OnlyFans to see what content had been added. It’s legit all just old stuff. All of it. I don’t think there’s a single new thing on there that’s been added in December. Absolute fucking piss take. Comments are disabled as well, which I can only imagine is so people don’t complain. I mean, my expectations were low but holy fuck.
Can we get a reup on the jodie/bonnie vids? I missed them the first time around
Make sure you post on the OF review thread in General discussion.
Fuck this girl getting anymore money
Seems she's moved to Russia??

Still spouting Q shit
can anyone upload her pregnancy vid? got a new computer and couldn't transfer it
Lol, what? Where did you get that from? Legit not heard anything about that. Thought she deleted all her socials anyways?
I have it but it has a obtrusive watermark on it from a converter site cause I was running out of space back the, still interested?
as long as i can see a good shot of her belly i can wank off to this crazy bitch lol

i'm so sorry, I hope somone can upload the orginal, I added the (unconverted) vacation vid the other anon asked for as compensation.

Can anyone post a content dump again?
IG stories.

They were cryptic, one said not sorry to leave the UK, one showed a car radio in Cyrillic script driving down a snowy road (no snow in UK)

Then there was some vaccine shiz
I usually completely ignore all posts that don't have links of B64 codes, but happened to read this one and looked into it. This is really interesting and funny. It appears a very popular BBW model got knocked up and ran away with a Russian guy with money! And yet she still won't shut up or give up her "profile". This will not end well, I suspect. Highly entertaining to think about.
Where did you get that from?
Anyone have a rip from 'feedeejodie' (OF) it's content was different from her 'jodiedream' page.
here are 3 vids: https://mab.to/SgWkwl8ty

I'm guessing most of her content is begone because it was filmed by an ex-boyfriend or something.

Any chance of a repost of this?
Her twitter messages seem to be getting more incoherent every time she posts.
her schizophrenia probably hit the point of no-return and/or she stopped taking her meds
what? does she really have schizophrenia
Post screen caps of the choice bits?
>>38568 you're not missing much, just your typical falt earther type of message, with a little bit of "Elon Musk is our saviour" here and there and her thinking she's woke by sharing covid conspiracy theories.

The fact she moved to Russia aged like milk
Wait lol, she moved to Russia?? Holy shit, I knew she was dumb, but every time she just keeps going further and further with the moronic behaviour
She has Borderline Personality Disorder.

I follow her on twitter and it's odd tweets to say the least. She was and still is a good looking fat chick with big hooters. I hope she gets the help she needs but I think she's letting the crazy take over for now
what's her twitter
she does not interact with followers, don't get your hopes up thinking you'll get to interact. She has everyone blocked so you won't be able to comment on her tweets.. An occasional pic but nothing to get excited over so really not worth the follow unless you want to see a looney in action
Source for this?
>She has Borderline Personality Disorder.
Does she really or are you just a neurotic fag projecting your self diagnose onto her?
She was pretty open about it back when she started
It's true, apparently its something that runs in her family and lost her uncle to it I believe.
I want to be immobile
Imagine coming home to... this. Some people have all the luck in the world. I would have sex with her immidiately before doing anything else
Did anyone manage to save her later c4s vids like cake mix eating or so? Can share some old vids in exchange, if anyone is interested in it.
any one have her and bonnies beach video?
(886 KB, 2406x1316, Screen Shot 2022-04-01 at 3.04.51 PM.png)
Maybe. On her bbwjodie.com site, she's now got a section to request access to her "Fitness" vids and her "Fetish" section mentions gains from start to finish. She had lost some weight already by the time she got pregnant.
If the uploads to her OF will include her unavailable C4S vids it's going to be very wholesome.
At 30 bucks for a 4 min video I guess we'll never know
It's in her top 5 of best-selling vids so it already has been purchased.
I'm doubtful anybody here bought it. But fuck who'd spend that much on one video that short
Would love a re-up of any of the stuff with her and Bonnie - especially the Spain video, and any where they’re stuffing each other
Will give a link to a few of her early vids later (they’re just uploading now)
Does anyone have her old slob video
What year was it, she's adding all her old stuff to of so it's probably there
can someone add their stuff to coomer
nah, don't do that. let's wait until the archiving is done.
she posted to her feabie that she's back and then deletes her pregnancy vid form her store lmao
She removed the 3 pregnancy vids and the april fools fitness one, anyone copped?
That video was way too much for an April Fools joke
Going to wager it’ll be due to the relationship with the guy ending - think she mentioned that she’s looking for a feeder?
did she end the baby along with the relationship?
(6 KB, 300x168, download.jfif)
I remember a while back i upload these and just wanna know if any has the video of her squeezing into a Mrs. incredible costume i use to have it but accidently deleted without realizing and i cant rewatch it on clip4sale because she already deleted it>>29001
Dang she is not doing good mentally. Shes so sweet it sucks she has demons
Anyone has her vacations video?
Don't be a simp for these women these days. Trust me. These women don't give a fuck about themselves, their children and they sure as HELL don't give a fuck about YOU! Trust me! Women are all the same, they just look different.
I spy the incel 🙃🤡
did she charged for the crying video lmao, chase the bag I guess
Weirdest tug I ever had
Pleased to see her back in the game! Thanks for sharing
Simp. Anyone that fucks knows you’re paying for any pussy you’re getting with that attitude. Man up, grow a spine and fuck bitches instead of defending their pride online.
Basically. He doesn't know the game. He's calling me an incel for knowing the game! He's probably 15.
Did she lose weight?
can u post these again please
Bro needs a therapist…
Anyone have the pregnancy vid?
She hasn't posted new videos to her archive OF for a few weeks now, it seems like a good time to add it to party before she changes her mind again. She used to have more than double the vids on her C4S compared to what's she posted on OF sadly.
It's over I think. She won't be gaining weight I suppose.
I have received boat loads of spam ever since I signed up for her fitness mailing list lmao.
Dude, she’s bi-polar. They disappear and come back all intense and then disappear again.
Looking for bbw stuff
Hi all,
Here it's "Jodie Morning Fuck"
Please, reup in return
What the flip website is that
A sitee that does not delete videos
can you reup cry and binge?
Here's a reup on wetransfer

Thank you for this! That part where she has her massive belly fully hanging out at the buffet and devours the whole dessert section by herself is honestly one of the hottest things I've seen

Thanks a lot !!!
can we get a reup on these please
>>9092 (OP)
Whats the beef with Jodie and Bonnie?

Jodie got fatter than Bonnie who said she weighed a lot more than Jodie, essentially calling her out as a liar.

Or one poked the other's eye with their toes during a scissor session.

Or one forgot the pepperoni's from the pizza order

Who knows? It was like 40 years ago.
if you really want, I have the response video jodie made. although it's pretty cordial.. not very Jerry Springer at all.
Someone have New ?
gimme, I wanna see
here ya go. sorry for the delay
I updated her coomer guys. the bbwjodie archive one. subbed bc it was half off to see if i could find the pregnancy vid but it wasnt there/worth it...
thx mate
does anyone have anything from her biggest?
She had a newer workout vid on her clips4 before she wiped it a few months ago. Did anyone happen to grab that?
I got bored, so here is everything I have. ~20GB

based mate
Thanks for a great drop!

Any chance of a reup?
How do open links?
How open the links please?
Base64 decode

More Jodie please
Dam, missed the pic drop, can anyone reupload?
Radio silence?

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