
RIP, did she make any content when she lost weight?
>>86681 (OP)
She never weighted this, the highest number was probably 235Kg. And it's likely a man, as you can see the wig...
>>86681 (OP)
Vanillo Hippo did weight close to her peak narrowly 700lbs. Do you allege that this trans was bigger?
can a mod just fucking ban this goddam troll's IP
I promise you this' some dude trying to get fucked in the booty.
Jamie "Jazzmin" Lopez looks like a dude looking for a date and a dick up. Sometimes girls enjoy getting dicked in the butt, and sometimes girls're actually dudes.
Damn that’s hot as fuck, does anyone have anything else of her at her biggest?
Man she's cute af without all that makeup
(88 KB, 667x1000, 71le3dyHCEL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg)
Not at all. Her main focus at the time was just working on her beauty salon. Not to mention she wrote a book at the time going over her experiences with the whole plus size/fat fetish scene.
>>86865 Do you guys know and understand that this model's thread should be in /bhm/ because Jamie's a man or do you guys not know?
Dude, for fucks sake, stop spreading this dumb and dated lies.

Do you feel accomplished posting this crap? This made your day? That's your bloody best?
>>86867 This "woman" isn't a woman, but a deceased man. Look at the face for crying out loud.
Looks pretty manly to me. Show some proof that it ain't
You're the one making a spurious claim here, burden of proof is on you to prove she is, not the other way round.
What was her book like anyway? Did it talk about her health struggles and heart attack or anything like that?
"look at the face" ...that's a wrap boys, no further proof required...dumb mongoloid retard.
Well a handsome man. Hopefully lives now as it, anonymous.
Maybe faked death as feminist, to continue a (second) life in the natural gender...🤔
>>86954 You think she looks cute, do you? I've got news for you.
You mean it divers/ non-binary?
I have watched this one already on Myspace around 2006 (or 2005) and on Bombshells, when weight 180Kg. So this one was never that heavy as pretended, not more than 250 kilo, as it is impossible to lose over 200 kilogramme within one year, even with surgery.
>>86959 Be Yourself?
Goddamnit, why do autists ruin every thread?
Anyway does anyone have anything else from her?
Thank you.

1) She was around in early days and was more “distinguishably feminine” when she was smaller, note: Bombshells modeling days. If you met her in real life, she was definitely not trans. When she got crazy fat and wore too much makeup, it was less obvious.

2) She very likely did the “play up my weight and interest in feedism” thing to gather attention and approval. Reading her [very poorly written] book, she comes across as someone who has never had much in the way of resources and has always been scrappy—even if disingenuous.
Who tf cares? She’s dead. And she was massive near the end, who cares if she fudged the numbers. Again, does anyone have anything from her at her biggest?
Beautiful lard queen. Glad she dedicated her fat life to premoting women to be like her.
Stfu. Post something useful or stfu

"when weight 180Kg. So this one was never that heavy as pretended..."

fuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyou into all eternity and condemned be your name and your seed. For the love ALL THAT IS GOOD MODS PLEASE BAN THIS IDIOT ALREADY!
Well one year before the reported end (of her profile) she claims to be smaller than as Bghotbombshell, as around 170Kg. But probably were faked the starting numbers to let it took more impressive and suggest a more dramatic weight-lose (which would have been more than half of her body), so she rather might have lost 40 - 70 kilogramme and made a lot of promotion for kenola afterwards, which was supposed to have brought her success. Hopefully the numbers got down of that product, then this guy seemingly past away.

Possible did she got a ghost-writer for the book, as most so called celebraties have (Kardaschian sisters likely). If she lost really fast, then this can be participated to death. But Jamie Lopez needed even afterwards still a chair in the kitchen and for styling (apart of few customers) so was still not very mobile.
The wigs, like in the second picture make the conclusion that this was male.
Your second photo is now the proof for me that I was right: some people here argued that this shall be Adeline and pretend that Jamie Lopez never had the hairdoo this was.
So I was correct and most here failed!
(117 KB, 532x800, 47-Babydoll & Lushes 001.jpg) (29 KB, 335x500, 53-Vegas 315.jpg) (24 KB, 350x263, 57-Baby Doll 115.jpg)
Here's some earlier stuff from her "Babydoll" days. Based on the crazy drag queen makeup she wore most of the time (even then), I get why people would be confused as to her gender, but if you've looked at fat women and fat men, hers is just not manly anatomy. Unless you're hoping she's a drag queen, in which case you be you.

I read her book and reviewed it in /gen a while back, just before her death. Indeed it's really badly written — parts of it are just nonsensical, repetitive, etc, could have used an editor (DEFINITELY no ghost writer involved!). That said, it is compelling. If you believe her account (and it seems plausible, if one-sided), she came from a middle class family but an abusive one. She self-deprecates a lot for falling into abusive relationships yet oddly downplays her accomplishments. I came out of it oddly impressed with her — for someone who didn't have much schooling and was nearly immobile for a lot of her adult life, she did quite a bit in terms of self-promotion and entrepreneurship. It's brutally honest about a lot of what she went through with abusive boyfriends and family, and on the flip side she admits to fucking people over in a way where, had she lived, she would have likely had to answer to them in court. Yet in a book that's fairly candid and detailed about her life otherwise, she never even mentions being a fetish model, which shows how much she didn't wish to be assosicated with the scene. And overall she has nothing but bad things to say about FAs and feeders by extension.
>>86681 (OP)
Why do we have a thread for a dead model?
I have watched some videos of her Bombshell modeling, where she was innfew of these naked. That was maybe between 2006 and 2010 in a picture on Myspace of a pool party looked she huge/ tall compared to other models as Talia or Jenna maybe). But I guess on these photos here (and otherwhere) are not always the same person, as the faces are not the same. As thie first one of yours there is a totally different woman next to Mysti (this looks not like Jamie Lopez, but another model). Maybe did a man parody her (like Peres Hilton), even in few of the newer videos (like upon 2015) where who try to appear sexy (possibly in a funny meaning). Though in the jacuzzy and on music videos like at the beach was it probably the same (right) person as original (erotic modelling).
Although having a loud voice and producing self, Jamie Lopez was probably not very talented, but her clique (people) act so.

This is not the only fetish (SSBBW)model was have an anti-sympathie against fat admirers: Victoria unappreciate these even the more, maybe also Tiffany Baker (Carmine Camello) a d now maybe Zsalynn, possible MissPuss also and Vanilla Hippo, Sunny and Ladybrats even denied of eating a lot (on Feabie), she claims to have not much food (just little).
I could add to that list Dankii and possible Prescilla Perez/ Bonita Bombshell (daughter of Goddess Patty, which also rejected to the community). Arguable Mysti (Lushes Thunder) herself and Mikeal Raffanelli.
Do you know if there is a pdf or epub of her book somewhere online?
Fucking niggers. I mean, Americans. Sorry.
Was outwardly aggressive about her fat admiring fans before and after modeling, ended up eating her way to 700lbs anyway.

>Tiffany Baker (Carmine Camello)
As much as I'm sure she regretted it, she still put out some clips after regaining a fair bit of weight. She's for sure attention-starved; I get the impression that if she found someone she was really into she'd balloon back up to her peak without a second thought.

She full-on threw the community that propped her up as a celebrity under the bus. While she went up and down it was pretty apparent she was miserable being huge.

Fuck, I hope not. Then again being 300kg in your late 20s is probably a nightmare to someone. If anyone has a source I'd love to see it - she's pretty well hidden online these days.

>Vanilla Hippo
Pft, I don't care what she thinks. The 800lb woman secretly hated being nearly half a ton and couldn't make any money conventionally? Her show and online presence made her out to be immature and egotistic. The attempt to cash in while she was deflating was pathetic.

Last I heard she vanished and became a hairdresser in the UK. No real way to make a statement, but given that she was a glutton and loved McDonald's, I'm guessing her lazy content being well received was all the green light she needed to stay in.

You have that screen cap? She's got a nice bod but damn if her shit ain't lazy. I guess that's all I need to be convinced she ain't a fan of this but that sort of "acting" is kinda common anyway. And if I see another roleplay with "Mr. Robinson" again I'm out.

Dankii's gone on record that the community full-on scared her away from modeling and she hates being objectified because of it. This one is fully on us, guys.

>Prescilla Perez/ Bonita Bombshell
Her mom died from this, I really wouldn't be surprised if she was wary of FAs because of that. I remember hearing she wasn't comfortable modeling in the first place but I think she still likes the attention.

>Mysti (Lushes Thunder)
>Mikeal Raffanelli
Can't say I've kept tabs on either, but Mikael being against this scene would be a shocker. It's not like anywhere else was going to worship those hips and that ass.

Tl;dr - most of the girls that turn on this community have no idea how much of a bad look it is to bite the hand that (over)fed you. There's more than enough porn out there to show you totally had agency to quit while you were ahead, but attention and money are hard to resist. Might have been easier to rebuke us back in the day, but there's a library of ammo against you if you're looking to cry on TV. Looking at you, Jae. And BoBerry, everyone's been expecting you to about-face and play to your social media audience - sit down.
It’s not another model. She isn’t wearing a bra—which is this dumb thing Jamie always did. She thought it was sexy, but it just made her tits look smaller and odd-shaped. It’s part of the reason (on top of too much makeup) she started to get people wondering about all this once she got super big
>Was outwardly aggressive about her fat admiring fans before and after modeling, ended up eating her way to 700lbs anyway

Are there any pics or video of her at her peak?
very good question. Seconded.700?
Holy shit, that first one where she doesn't even have the lip fillers is heartbreaking. Imagine her at her final size but still looking like an actual cute human girl and not a monstrous drag mannequin. I'll never understand why women do that shit to their faces.
Search ussbbw on TikTok. I swear it's not worth it. Vlogging about weight loss and WLS.
Definitely. Give her a properly fitting bra, and you the girl has got a chance out there

Sad trajectory tbh

Exactly! She was so awesome face-wise when just stepping into the scene. A true doll and pleasantly hefty.
Her face manipulations made me abandon al interest in her over time.
I was kinda happy when she started than salon thing.
Can you link her page? I can't find it.
She was before modeling on a BBW chat with dark hair and a different nick (name), appearing pretty young.
But she is since a certain time on a losing journey and retired already few years ago.

Zsalynn seemed happy, as supersize superstar/ defiant (till maybe 2002 at least). She reasoned the opposite life-style mainly for caring of her daughter (to be scared to die within one decade).

Miss Puss is back on Feabie (under a different nick) since last week. But she had lost a big amount of weight and is probably now below 150Kg (but over 100).

Samantha was likely never over 350Kg, as only her tummy was huge, but her legs and head/ neck were always normal sized (the face appeared slim actual). So with lymph oedems can't she be around 400 kilogramme (as she is not 2,50m tall). She even pretend about gaining/ feederism (fat fetish) after her stomach surgery and when her episode on My 600lb Life was already produced. So she tried to get money on both way, like Geparke, hypocrite.

Sunny worked already before modeling as hairdresser and according to Heather Boyle (or Mysti) could she still be able to stand over 6 hours as SSBBW. But the same one also claimed it was the cause for losing weight, to work again in the learned profession.

Ladybrats answered this to me, when I asked about feeding/ messy eating on Feabie, but maybe like 2 years ago. So I probably didn't save this chat messages of her (didn't continue afterwards the communication with her). I remember she maintained several times, that she isn't intentional gaining but eat rather little and healthy (no fast/ junk food).

Dankii is now on TikTok too, under a different profile and doesn't show off skin, but rather is connected to nature and hiking.

Prescilla was already against making money by this fetish, before she started modeling. She said on a docummentyry of her mother, that she will becomme veterinairy and can't imagine to make money this way (erotic).
But Patty died on diabetis type 1 (which caused kidney failure), what she had from birth onwards. She had lost maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of her highest weight years before the death.
Also did Bonita a comeback recently (last year perhaps) but had lost a significant amount of weight apparently ((the belly is partly just skin now).

Mikeala/ Diva had also lost some weight and is continuing fitness/ losing with her family/ daughter, similar as Sarah Messey (Lady Seductress) did (but she with a female personal coach and is still big).
Can we get someone who is KGretard to corroborate these accounts, especially with MizzPuss?
It's easier to find here blenty of Yankee teenage mongolides...
Got a reup? I just missed it :(
MizzPuss is on Feabie under that name, tho her weight is listed as 595lb, not under 150kg
Thank you, that's all I wanted to know. Thank goodness she's still huge to some extent.

Fucking Europeans I swear.
Well most women list higher weights (thick/ chubby ones often prefend to weight over 200Kg, sometimes 300), at least the SSBBWs and erotic contend creators.
I have never seen a American erotic model which is listed on Feabie with less than 180 kilogramme (which is very huge)...🧐

By the way Ladybrads had the first time when I wrote with her alleged to be a feedee (that was maybe around 2018) and doing stomach stuffing, but few years later she denied this and claims to only eat normal/ average portions and like 3 times per day at most.Though she makes still photos and videos.

what, you moron contact models as well? Bloody hell, I pity them so bad. I can imagine those conversations... utterly bizarre.
I think this is probably as good a place as any to say it, given the KG faggot is alive and well in this boad (unbelievably). I just got banned from the mods of this board because I had the nerve to call out Adeline, Juicy Jackie and the scammers of the like. They are rapidly deflating and trying to space out content enough that we keep paying for it despite the fact they are losing weight and quickly. The reason they banned me? “Shitposting”. Yet this KG asshole has been allowed to roam free posting his completely off base, barely coherent shit for months. I know this will likely be deleted, but mods why don’t you stop banning users who are just calling it as they see it and instead ban these schizo freaks?
Because you are one of the pranoid-schizophrenie retards and you not even recognize, that your nonsense is totally off topic as well. Therefore you are as insanse as you accuse it to others.
And as you should have got it at least, that no ban here can be permanent (just for registrated members), otherwise you wouldn't be able to write here.

By the way you just pick out this particular names, which is selective, as maybe more than 90% of the fat fetish models is cheating with the numbers.
>>87667 I think you're gross, repulsive, and probably gay. What do you think of that with your fancy "opinions", governor?
I think your parents are siblings and you likely love to get fucked by your brother.
Dude, you can’t even string together a sentence in english. I’m not saying anything off the wall or crazy. Im merely pointing out the fact that Adeline is clearly losing weight fast and any post even alluding to that is immediately taken down. Same with Jackie, she hasn’t put out new content in about a year. I’m just trying to warn newcomer bbwchan users against supporting liars. I don’t really know why I’m arguing with you tho, honestly, because I’m pretty sure by your tenuous grasp on the English language that you’re the Kg fag anyway. Therefore, you’re a pathetic faggot and you need to bebanned
>>87565 'Fucking Europeans I swear' Lol good one. The US is the DUMBEST country on the fucking planet! 🙃
>>87694 No, it's not. The US had Einstein and he was a Christian Jew.
>>87694 Americans're great inventors and they don't ever steal ideas like the filthy Jap's forced to do MANY times because of his utter stupidity and overall lack of talent.
>>87694 Americans're honest hard-working folks who live off the fruit of their own labor and don't steal for a living.
She now pretend to weight again 270Kg...
That would be higher than her actual peak.
I used to speak to Sunny on MSN back in the day (probably around 2010), and she was telling me how at her peak she was hardly able to stand for any real duration, so I imagine this really conflicted with her career.
If I recall correctly, and my memory is a little hazy, she was marrying a guy from Manchester, in the UK, and was planning to move over here. Unfortunately we lost contact when she stopped modeling.
She told me that Paige (who I believe was her very close friend, and possibly the one who got her into modelling) was also starting to really struggle with walking towards the end. After those two left the scene I didn't really bother with Bigcuties anymore. Sunny remains a firm fave of mine.
I guess you possible mixed Sunny up with Heavy Belly; which was younger and moved after 2007 to Britain, when she married and lost a lot of weight. She maintained, before the got acquainted with her current partner, she regarded obesity like to be short or tall, something which can't be changed and it made from birth onwards.

Sunny was according to Mysti (or Heather) standing like 6 - 8 hours in the hair saloon.
At the time I was talking to Paige a lot on Msn, we had a very good contact and she was telling me that she wanted to travel to Europe because her friend (Sunny) had met a man who lived in Uk. She was a very nice girl and wanted me to come and stay with her.
I thought Paige is orginal from Scotland, or someone who looks similar (maybe a name like her).
But possible mixed it up with Saige.
Paige had told me she had German roots
In many countries are somebodies with German roots, as Namibia, Tanganjika, Cameroon, Australia, possible also in Scotland (maybe not so many as Irish/ Celtic)., as the Saxons, Jüten and Angels went to Britain around the 5 century.
Pls reup
Damn, she was already really cute without makeup/
Blasing this right from the past with a big fat bump!!

God this girl was beautiful, she needs to be celebrated like the goddess she was!

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