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All right all right, I think it's time this beauty is moved into the ssbbw board. She has gotten massive and keeps getting more attractive by the day.

Yeah…. Until she gets WLS, AGAIN
How about you try to enjoy the ride instead of complaining...?
lmao why did she get it the first time? wanted to be social media famous but realized the fetish one was easier? chicks man.
Hol up… so you be saying… this bitch got WLS surgery TWICE and still posts like this!?! Sheesh talk about false advertising
No she got it only once, but Anon is speculating her getting a second one when her weight starts to bother her again.

If you care to read here's a link to her first post on her old weightlos surgery Instagram acc.
She apparently had two rare genetic mutations which caused her obesity and qualified her for pretty much instant wls. She also talks about some of the negative side effects the years of being morbidly obese had on her and how she did not really talk about them on her body positivity page.

In my opinion she just wasn't mentally prepared for wls as she apparently also suffers from some other mental health problems (don't know if bipolar wasn't one of them) and the wls opportunity taking her by surprise was a huge mistake. That she has some mental problems also becomes apparent by the fact that she lost 100lbs and regained like 70lbs with no signs of stopping...
that is really bizarre. I mean, do what you want, but it seems warped to make the kind of fetish content that she does if the instagram post is "true"
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>she just wasn't mentally prepared for wls
Beyond the obvious mindfuck of being anti diet culture but still cutting her organs into submission, she maybe didn't realize how valuable her position really was. When you were a top profile on a global fetish site but can't eat decadent food anymore and lose all the sexual attention then there better be much bigger benefits to look forward to.
The only thing that causes obesity is poor diet. Leave the fat bitch on a deserted island and watch her drop the weight. These retards are deluded.
you lack a basic understanding of biology
You lack basic understanding of mathematics. If you don't eat the calories you have to burn your own. Fucking internet retards I swear.
You lack sense and call others retard anon. If she was on a deserted island she'd fucking die. Stop the cringe, get some help.
Somewhat related but weird but can hyoerphagia present itself during stages of psychosis or trauma memory for people who are otherwise normal appetite?
Shut up and help get this hippo fatter. Shes got so much potential. Definently wanna see her at 700 lbs. aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LUhFdm9UbzhseW0=
>Yes she has a mutation uncommon (1-5%) in early-onset obesity that makes people brains never wanna stop eating (hyperphagia)
Incredibruuuury hot

That's almost the reverse of my condition. I continually get fat and despite of even though I barely eat because I'm never hungry. I've noticed that as I keep getting older my hunger deminishes almost non-existant by this point. Sometimes I force myself to eat 1 meal a day. (The food tastes bland and nonprovocative.)

Sometimes I try to wonder why since these bouts of lack of desire to eat strongly correlated to moments in my life of extreme continuous stress brought on from daily job or a mother at home, but once I tried to take an honest look at the possibility it seems unlikely. For example, during my first marriage when I was at my peak in contentment and energy, aswell as personal satisfaction, I would only ever get short durations of moments when I craved some of my fave foods, but other than those once or twice a month (which were probably sometimes brought on by other factors such as alcohol or extreme gym workouts) the desire for eating food was very minimal.

I don't know exactly when it happened or why, but I think that I was very young once my love of food began to weign, slowly I'm sure other factors came too. I also spent some years working in kitchens while also reviewing some of the local cuisine for newspapers and magazines. Well, now I enjoy real food, the home cooked stuff, but at my age I can't honestly tell you if I remember the last time that I was craving to eat something other than something that wasn't a huge pair of milky tits on a cute, young, sweet girl, obviously. I miss the days before society, and the days before getting hired at stressful jobs that treated employees like garbage, and definitely the days before I moved back in with my mother. That was probably the worst mistake I've ever made.
Any new news on Dumplin?
What the hell is going on here? Too much autism in a single thread.

Post pics of this cow, first time I hear of her, pics from before WLS, then after then now would be nice, all links are dead and by the looks of her bio link in IG, her tiktok is gone too.
60+ pounds up from when she started. Jesus Christ boys
Anyone have new weigh in?
>>86278 (OP)
It’s not even just her looks that heavily outclass other models, but her stupid hot story and the way she carries/presents herself. Plus on top of all that she’s got naturally working for her, she’s got those HUNGRY girl eyes lmao. Dangerously sexy.
Simp hat /off but she’s sexy asf got to be one of the hottest girls blessing this world with content drops of herself right now what a time to love bigger more beautiful women.
> all links are dead and by the looks of her bio link in IG, her tiktok is gone too.
Feels bad man.

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