
German creepy dick in her makes her pussy untouchable.
Oh cool a bunch of videos with some creepy goblinoid dude arching over her like Joaquin Phoenix tying his clown shoes.
It blows my mind that watching male on female porn is the norm and not solo female. It's cucked, gay, and creepy. Sick of finding cool models only to immediately see the same doggy style and blowjob garbage spammed a trillion times. Lowest common denominators.

You'd be surprised the lengths computer hackers stoop to for lack of a functioning brain.
536 pounds of prime. You don’t realize how big she is until you see her together with 430 pound KaylaPeach. Then you see the level up
Kek. Was going to make a similar comment. Plus Igor too, eye roll.
If you believe or trust niggers, you're a nigger, but if you take an STD test just to fuck a 5/10 bbw, you're a dominican nigger.

Why are you even here douchebag?
Pussy Ass Bitch

Hahaha! Why are you so angry and desperate for death?
Anybody fuck?
no, nobody fuck, especially not here.
Dominicans love 5/10 bbws because they only have half a country, same reason Haitians love 5/10 bbws. I have no idea what Kass is but if I had to guess I’d say a quarter Puerto Rican, a quarter white, maybe an 8th el Salvadoran and the rest Mexican. I’ve never heard her talk but I can guess what she sounds like. As for Brazilians they have the best genetics for hips on earth and so they get all the fat squidwards.

She's obviously latina and obviously Cuban. I agree that she does look at least part Mexican, but that might be her purposely using make up for effect.
If I fap to porn which I do rarely, nothing works better than looking at sex. The dirtier and the less genitals I see the better, queefs, gobbling sounds all of that. Walking and movement are the next best thing and eating (zzz) is way down the list. When I fap to memory it's damn near 100% sex i'm fantasizing about but since I never had sex there's a slight spectator effect taking place which is weird. I think if porn didn't exist, I would be way more sexually forthcoming towards women and maximally curious.
Who cares where she is from?
I absolutely adore Kass’s body but her content is basically useless. It’s all just useless sex. A single body tour would’ve been hotter than all the blowjobs she filmed.
An undressing would be perfect. Some striptease. An eating vid. Something actually useful. I wish she understands it at some point.

Whenever I see replies like this, I assume they are new. What you're talking about boils down to your own preference. There are plenty of people that will come here and state the exact opposite opinion. If you don't like something, you simply don't buy it. Successful models appeal more to those who spend money on their content and produce less of whatever doesn't perform well. Simple as that.

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