
Does anybody have the mega link with her bigcutie sets?
>>84291 (OP) Honestly? Probably the most gorgeous woman to ever live if not atleast the most gorgeous large woman if you don't marry her you're stupid
Those back rolls šŸ¤¤ anyone have that vid?
>>84291 (OP)
Pardon my ignorance, but how does that happen?
Reach 400 posts in a thread and it stops going to the top of the page.
Did you all see the teaser on her Twitter for her new 8 min video? Holy shit it looks REAL HOT i cant wait to see it in full. Sorry for not posting the tweet here
The curation here is really top notch. I'm one of those people who kinda downplayed her weight loss because she's still huge but maaaan looking back at those peak sets I'm kind of eating those words now.... she was a HOUSE.
She sure was. 30 inch arms that she couldn't bring down because her side rolls pushed then out. Even bigger thighs and butt. More mobile than most within 100lbs of that size. One of the best figures at 600+lbs
Does anyone have a Boberry chair crush video? I can't find it
This is a shot in the dark, but does anyone have the dominant diva set/video? It's number is 45.
if sadie's next update isn't the flatjack collab, i'm wondering if it will get posted at all
>>84615 Every Mary Boberry set makes my day. I have fantasies of her fingering me to orgasm.
>>84615 She's cute enough to eat her vomit.
I doubt anybody would shove their finger up your ass.
>>84622 I said because ass fingering's common in my area. I understand that may not be the same everywhere? Neither's topless beaches and thong dance parties. And no, we don't all like the trans.
NO ONE Likes Trans

Whole Rainbow Clan IS Trash
The fuck? No one asked bro
254 is pretty much the peak of the whole softcore pinup bigcuties style IMO, even if I'm inclined to knock it for Bo herself not being at her all time biggest. but the angles they shot her at here are too good. I have no idea why they didn't constantly recreate that head-on all fours look, it's amazing. The pics where she's got her belly propped up on the island are also favorites of mine.
You're a man after my own heart! Could not agree more with that assessment (in particular, don't understand why those angles are not an industry standard; would love to see SSBBWs Phoenix and Haley like that, not to mention Adeline if she could manage it).
this is the best set, together with the basketball one
Two of the hottest USSBBWs hands down
>>84291 (OP)
wake me up only when she learns how to spread eagle while being full naked.
274. It's hot as fuck to see her compared to a normal guy so close to her peak, and in poses you almost never saw of her.
I thought the same thing. I thought every SSBBW with a huge ass would see that shot and think "My fans would fucking love to see me like that" but you hardly ever see it. Best pose ever for a huge pear.
All of you complaining about Mary Bobery don't deserve perfection. You didn't know how to appreciate her even at her largest and because of that she decided to lose weight. A BBW of her stature should be somebody that you're willing to suck up her farts and beg for more. Why do you never know what you had until it's gone? Now they have you settling for sloppy seconds. Nasty sloppy ass.
that first pick is like something out of a monster movie. Where the beast is lurking just out of focus
Do you have 176?
Why are these comments hating on such a gorgeous model? Is it because she's the best model? Anybody could've been fooled into thinking you were all jealous gaylords. Get off this girl's balls and live your life, your country's a joking mess
Watching the included video and I wonder if someone's made a comp of Boberry belly drops? That big meaty slap sound will always be insanely erotic to me.
(I remember her doing that in one of her VIP Portugal vacation videos last year)
>>84789 Is your country a joke and a mess, yes or no?

Now take a walk and think long and hard about possibly why your country's the worst western country.
I guess Boberry would be the glutton character who is ironically eaten by the monster in the midst of stuffing herself, all while being too fat to get away
The not zero amount of fan collages depicting her as an all consuming giantess suggests otherwise.
God bless you, homie
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I found this pic by Sr2xxx. It is based on a boberry set but I don't remember which one it is.
Does anyone know about this set?
I'd watch that movie
What is this abomination?
Everyones got calculators and nobody knows how to do math, everyones got smartphones and cant remember phone numbers, everyone does ai art and nobody knows how to draw.
>>84832 Wtf are you saying pussy?? Why are you shitting this thread with your stupid it's not even funny or cool? You know what else? Do you even realize that you're EXACTLY THE TYPE OF FAG THAT BOBERRY WOULD NOT EVEN TAKE A SECOND LOOK AT??? Go to sleep.
anyone got one of the earlier sets where she tries to squeeze through the door frame
losing this site would be an international cultural
disaster like the Library of Alexandria's fire.
Those low angle shots like the 4th one in these first two posts and the 1st one in the third are fucking amazing. There is not enough SSBBW giantesses content around and it's so easy to do.
Is there a Mega with all the old sets 1-150?
no its not this one. its definitely older
Does anyone know if she takes custom requests? Or of she ever did giantess videos ? I would be so down to see or order one from her.
I imagine if she did customs you'd be paying $1000 easy for something a less popular model would do for $100. Hell, less.
Have y'all seen her new post she looks huge!
anyone know which set has her biggest burps?
Care to link or share with the class?
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For some reason I can't do videos on man or mega it's tragic
Share it on wetransfer
If you search "boberry" in the spankbang search bar, as of right now, you can find one of her newest videos on a beach. I tried copying and pasting the link but ig this website doesn't allow that.
I know but for some reason it tells me it'll take like 24 hours to down load and then never goes past 1% on the download any idea how to fix that?
Could someone please upload part 1 and 2 of her VIP?
>>84928 No lie this the first time in my entire life that I get a boner from a girl burp. She's to die for at her largest. Too cute.
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>You're a man after my own heart! Could not agree more with that assessment (in particular, don't understand why those angles are not an industry standard; would love to see SSBBWs Phoenix and Haley like that, not to mention Adeline if she could manage it).

phoenix and hayley certainly have shots like that! bonus lady sublime webm
Try not being in incognito
>>84967 I can't tell who you're responding to.
>>84969 the guy who asked for help uploading files. I tagged them in my response.
Daaamn, got anything from the Phoenix bitch??
Damn those are some nice deep ones
Look at her TikTok. It is so hot to me that AI technology takes a look at her and produce an image of her thinner. Almost as if it's giving her the benefit of the doubt and assuming there's no way she's not that fat.
Could someone please upload part 4 of her VIP?
is anyone subscribed to flatjack's onlyfans? hes got some good stuff there and apparently he made a vid with boberry
his OF is free, theres no vid with boberry there, it will prob be one of sadie's future sets
i sent this bitch a follow request on twitter over a month ago and she still hasnt accepted. does anyone have an archive of her tweets or something
From Reddit:

I was able to actually find a couple images from that night by searching for Boberry Vegas. She walked in through the door and got in line for a drink, wearing this maxed out red dress.

But this was prime Boberry era. Not as huge as she would eventually get but around the time of sets like her pool table shoot, set 113. Which if you were a fan back then seemed absolutely huge. Like her body seemed like a perfect female figure pumped up to the maximum. Her upper arms are shockingly large in person, just like expanses of perfect tan skin. These bbw events always have an undercurrent of sadness from a lot of the heavier girls who arenā€™t very pretty, and you could absolutely see their eyes looking at Boberry, then looking at the men looking at Boberry. Very jealous. She actually became quite hated by many of the women in the bbw community for this. One thing that maybe her videos donā€™t show is that she is extremely charismatic, she meets peopleā€™s gazes, smiles and you instantly realize she is very intelligent when she speaks. So the entire mood of the room shifted when she walked in.

Maybe share the images?
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I can see that, boberry at her prime was a head turner for sure and let me throw in here a fun fact about her cause maybe some people in here are new and dont know that she is in fact back with her old boyfriend again. The guy who is taking all the pictures and traveling the whole globe with her who she called just a "friend" was in fact her ex that she was with some years back They were spotted together in one of her final appearances at the vegas bash some years back. I really feel bad for the big tipper guy who asked her in the second livestream about the guy taking all the pics ,and she said some stupid stuff like that he is just a friend and he has a fiance...lol jeez imagine that Your fiance is travelling the world with his huge butt friend recording her in motion, while you are alone back home, waiting for him to comeback from his trips...she was drunk and talking big stupid, sad part about this is that the guy really bought that story and was sending her 100s of $, gift cards etc. thinking that he got a chance cause she is single smh. But back to the story though so after they split she started hangin' with some friends (im sure yall seen the candid pictures from a wedding and stuff) and gaining weight like crazy up to 620+. Now she aint hanging with her friends no more, lost like a 100lb, no pictures with her old company, no nothing she dumped them. she is back with the same guy 24/7 again, he probably reached out to her when he heard the news about her dad and boom they are back together movin and groovin. He a big time traveller so no wonder that Mary is travelling like crazy these days. So why am i even writing this? To save some simps that are all over her livestreams sending her tons of $$ thinking that they will ever buy some time with her, she is selling you lies and living the expensive lifestyle using your hard earn bucks to travel the world with her boyfriend lol wake up smh
To be perfectly honest, I pity anyone who believed that line about her photographer being just a friend. There was no way in hell she would bring a friend with her to Jamaica and Spain for just pictures. Those are getaways for couples. Didn't know she was back with her ex, hopefully he enables some of those old habits, but if the reason she got to 600 was due to him leaving... Well, shit.

LOL, bro, you're just spewing pure bullshit now. Seriously, where the hell did you pull this crap from? Your own stinking butthole? GTFO with your delusional fanfiction and pretending it's truth. She was answering a question about a specific photoshoot from years ago. And you're connecting that to who's shooting her pics now? Are you high or just plain dumb?

Why do people who hate her waste so much damn time writing about her? Only a total loser spends their time making up stories about an internet personality they've never even met. It's tired, man. Move the fuck on. Find someone else to obsess over. This shit ain't good for you or anyone else.
I mean tbh her excuse would most likely be slightly different and along the lines of "I went to Jamaica with my friend to spend some quality time together and as she was already there I asked her to take some pictures". But with that being said I really don't believe this. Especially since she is going on so many vacation trips lately....
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And she posted this on her website a few months ago. This is the same girl in the wedding picture you posted right? Looks like theyā€™re still hanging out to me.
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yeah thats the same girl she visits her once in a while but she aint hangin with them as before, The trio shit is over. I just know who is shooting them pics... I bet he is just a friend lol Are u her public defender? stop being so mad she don give a f about you she wants your cash bruh i just hate pathological liars its like a used car salesman sellin you bs about the car history and it brokes down after you go out your way... and this is even worst cause she plays with peoples emotions tellin them lies and they throw $$ thinking that they got a chance with her while clearly she is taken
Ohhhhhh I get it now. She turned you down huh? Or worse, she just to totally ignores you? Sheā€™s not playing with anyoneā€™s emotions. If you felt led on by a paysite model, you need help bud. She literally sells pictures of herself online. Nothing more. You mad because she doesnā€™t like you? Lol! What a fool.
Name a single paysite model who isnā€™t doing it for money. Iā€™ll wait.
haha bro funny...nah i aint the one throwing them crispy 100's at her chill
Juicy Jackie sir is getting married and posted a lot of pictures with her bf so it is possible to not be a piece of crap for quick buck and have a career sir
Ok but youā€™re a member of her site right? How else would you know what kind of tips she gets during her live streams? That doesnā€™t show up in the recordings. You need help. Leave this girl alone.

Ask yourself this - why do you care so much? What does it matter at all? Get a life.
And how does her wanting to have a private life make her a piece of crap?
man u probably aint shit as much as her lol and it dont cost a thing to keep it 100 sir... why you are defending her so bad...you must be on a payroll here
Maā€™am. Wut? šŸ˜‚
you dont want to be of bad side of the karma as much as her. look in how much bs she was lately the whole world knows now about big curvy olivia
You think way too much about this girl.

Seriously. Mental illness is a real thing. I hope you have access to the help you need. āœŒšŸ½
you just choose to be blind to the bs sir. caiti dee said it before that she aint the sweet person in real life that she is online, the drama with roxxie's husband was not 100 either. stop defending bad humans bro karma is very real :)
So why are you a member of her site then? Why are you in her thread? Why are you obsessing over her personal life? If you hate her so much, go the fuck away. Iā€™m done with you now.
i never said i hated her sir. im just trying to save a soul or two who bite on her bs. thats all. you sir attacked me so im just defending myself. have a blessed day sir
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>This entire thread
nah no chance bro she is waay to active living his lifestyle to be gaining to 600+ shiit she on a month long trip with him right now in canada, she be moving a lot
Understatement. This always happens. Always entertaining.
All of these women are sexually active and/or have boyfriends. That isn't breaking anyone's heart.
I don't see anything wrong with finding a woman a cunt for trying to keep a relation status private (the staus is probably 'it's complicated').
Paranoria doesn't seem to be the reason for her trying to keep it quiet, why would she film her family and put it in a insta story then?

Where does it come from? Please share the full vid if you got it bro

Mary's beautiful as always. Love her lard
c'mon, bro. don't just flaunt content like that an not share the entire thing :'(
Wao! that photo is amazing!! plese share the rest!
When her ass cheeks are bigger than your torso, šŸ„°
This just puts into perspective how large some of these SSBBWs are. Crazy.
Please report if she blocked you after you uploaded her picture with your identifier in it!
Damn sheā€™s even twice as wide as that little ā€œtableā€ sheā€™s sitting at lol
>>85416 I want nothing more than to eat at that crazu huge ass.
>>85426 You're faggot, suck a black weewee stupid migger
the image was posted on the boberry subreddit several hours earlier than here so they might not be the OP. we'll probably never know the consequences
Iā€™m sorry, but this is garbage content and has been for a while. Even the collabs were overpriced nonsense. Nothing will ever reach the level of what she did with BigCuties. Fantastic grift, though. HMU when sheā€™s back over 600.
Tbh this comment is garbage content.
Sure, but I didnā€™t charge you $9.99/mo for it.
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unrelated to the recent drop of her in public, which is fucking amazing, but does anyone have any photos/sets of her at her peak weight? she was out of this world
Wow maybe itā€™s just the angle but it looks like one of her arms might be bigger than both of my legs
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about to save this dry ass thread...yall hang on tight for what's about to come next

here's the appetizer:
I dunno bros sometimes I look at some of these photos and I feel like Mary might love anal sex or at least with a dude that's not gross looking.
Nobody told me there'd be days like these
Nobody told me there'd be days like these
Nobody told me there'd be days like these
Strange days indeed
Most peculiar, mama
>Hot body
>Sweet Smile
>Fluffy soft hair
>Soothing voice
>Nice personality

God she's fucking perfect
Can you please upload it to mega so I donā€™t have to mass download all of this

what does this even mean? lol
her content is just so weak man, you could have beauty, great voice, and be as big as anything but it doesn't matter if you do nothing with it. 98% of her content is just the most basic of basic i get more bored than anything
New lotion vid. Enjoy!

>>85978 She doesn't seem to be too deeply into the arts and I suspect she's 1 of those models that took up photography at some point because of her interests in art as a hobby, later on realizing the potential of making a decent wage off her photos. I doubt she's been trained for modeling and I doubt that she went to a school for art studies prior to her bigcuties site. Her top talents are likely elsewhere. In my opinion she should've stayed huge and 100% natural irrespective of where she planned to take her modelling career next, but she's a female with emotions and desires.
This is the best video sheā€™s dropped In years. 2nd half was gold
wow. has she gone back over 600?
I saw some math on the chan discord - if she gained at about the same rate as she did at BC, she most likely is 575 right now.

But I think she's less, and probably going to hover around 550-560 for the rest of her career.
yeah the days when she was eating out of control are over...+ she is waay more active nowdays, so yup she probably will stay at that range
Her energy is incredible. Sometimes I think itā€™s what really makes her hot and then I look at her again and realize sheā€™s just a 10/10 smoke show haha
The spirit behind it though is also 10/10 incredible
>>86078 This would be funnier if you were actually more attractive than her, or if for example you were a producer of porn that was much better in quality than hers. Instead the reality of the situation's that you're a fucking loser who gets on the internet and posts sounds like a literal nigger wrote the shit, and worse I didn't laugh when I read your opinion.

Try less hard to pretending to be stupid in your posts, because eventually the fantasy becomes too real to discern from reality, and then you've practically just become a nigger at that point.
>Try less hard to pretending to be stupid in your posts, because eventually the fantasy becomes too real to discern from reality, and then you've practically just become a nigger at that point.
kek friendly fire there, put the guns away killer!
In the end it's still not far from her peak either. She's hella attractive still and living her best fat life. Am just glad she is seemingly pretty confident and happy after that whole tik tok BS.
>>86084 No. When she was younger she was significantly cuter. Also it's obvious that she had dome work done on her face which seems to have made the problem worse. Time does keep on ticking and most of us will feel it's unrelenting vengeance, some more so than others.
Everyone is cuter when they're younger. Current Mary has a more mature look to her that comes with age & makeup, but losing weight will absolutely age you faster and that's what we've seen with her losing 100 pounds. She wasn't going to stay the same level of cute forever, but she's still stunning now.

+1 on her having work done. It's obvious she's had some touch-ups, especially when you compare noses.
>>86086 Noses? What in the shit are you talking about, nigger? Most people look cuter younger, but her looking better fatter and natural without cometics that's entirely genetical. One can always argue that perhaps most people in general would think she looks better now than ever before, but that wouldn't change reality. That would be no different than saying that attraction between men and women's purely imaginary, and that I can teach myself to orgasm at will but only if I have the right genetics sequence. No. You're wrong. You need not look much further than the fact that she's likely to have been a much more likeable person when she started her modelling career than now. She won't likely ever be as good a sex partner or as good a friend as she's currently because of the struggles we all face against the forces of darkness and how great the dark is, much too difficult for some.
>spergs out about noses
>unironically brings the forces of darkness into discussion

Go back to reddit
>>86093 Is darkness dark or is darkness not dark?
She used to be younger, prettier, and most importantly fatter.
Get ready for the next generation, this woman has been fuckable for 20 years. Anything past 36 is nice but comeon, itā€™s never gonna be the same as a prime aged pretty girl too fat to get off the ground.
>>86095 Without going into such mundane implications such as "would she look better at her fattest 600+ pounds when she was 18 or when she was older?" because peak physical attraction's of utmost importance to many but there's other things that matter aswell. Apart from those hypotheticals and things that we won't know or need to know ever, the fact remains that daying 18 year old Mary Boberry must've been like a dream, and above many other things it would've been a good starting point, especially so for a couple with the financial means to make things happen, because money can also be of importance under certain circumstances.

Unfortunately, no matter how much money you have you can't turn back time.
Thereā€™s also the narrative. She used to be fat and getting fatter. Every release was exciting to see if sheā€™s growing.
Now the only excitement is hoping she doesnā€™t lose too much weight.
Which begs the question why the fuck you're whining over someone that stopped existing 18 years ago.
I doubt most people watched her because they wanted to see her grow but because she was attractive at her size. Otherwise any ugly man, or woman, or animal could get fatter and think of themselves a model on equal terms as beautiful as Mary Boberry was.

Stop smoking the devil's grass. You're stupid.
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Did you just learn about her or something? She was the only model to get a stickied thread because people were constantly posting requests for her stuff when she was at BigCuties. Her whole rise to 600lbs she was an uncontested queen of the SSBBW scene. It was insane how much everyone was watching her balloon, and her sets at 600+lbs are still held up as some of her prime content. They were her golden years to a LOT of people, with much less concern trolling you see about other models when they get to a goal weight because she wore it well.

When BC revealed the picrel set I swear it was like watching a bomb go off here. You're outright mistaken if you think her gaining wasn't a huge part of her appeal, because she DID look attractive at any size (and still does imo) and we saw the fallout when she shrunk.

Also, there's definitely a contingent of people that think anyone looks attractive the more weight they put on. Just for example, Echo's channelling Lexi FatFantasy vibes with how she's looking these days but there are diehards defending her because she's pretty much bedbound. They've got their kink but it's no contest in who is more attractive.

I knew about her from the beginning, and I thought she was cute back then but I was more stringent in my sexual desires. From what I understood she was a few years younger than I. I watched her stuff from time to time. It wasn't until much later that I realized that I was in love with her, Nadine, and Milena much more than any other models.

>You're outright mistaken if you think her gaining wasn't a huge part of her appeal, because she DID look attractive at any size
Read what you posted. And I agree she looked best at her biggest, but a close second to me would be her first few sets. And yes, I'm in love with her.
You're not in love with her. You're in love with someone who ain't here anymore. Moreover you're professing your love over arguably one of the better hustlers in the game, you simp.

>>86101 hit the nail on the head. The excitement with her was seeing how far she was going to go, since back then we were stunned someone like her, a huge SSBBW that you could honestly show off to normies, would balloon so much. Now we're watching her drop updates hopeful that she's returned to old habits and holding our breath that she isn't shrinking again. Happens every drop, you can see people speculating either with every angle she's shot.

>You're in love with someone who ain't here anymore.

What? What are you talking about? Her site closing or her deciding to move on with her life and loose weight?
Thank you sir, you are a legend! Were picsets 261-270 left off by accident or are you missing those?
Crazy how no matter the time of day thereā€™s always some retarded sperg shutting up the boberry thread
Can we collect the Folders from Part1. to Part4?
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Eleventy Gorillion hours in MS Paint
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3 guys to hold the boat for her!!?? Fucking hot
Still blows my mind that she can down $38 worth of Taco Bell. You have to be hungry if you're ordering more than $10, and a total fat ass if your total is over I'd say $18.
Does she have new videos???
New pool & rinsing off vid. If anyone has the time, a comparison between shots in this vid and earlier vids would be fucking kino

any chance of a re-up of the new lotion vid?
I would love to find a woman like like her, so frickin' gorgeous
>>86645 Nothing out of the ordinary for a beauty of her size. She's a predator existing in her natural habitat. She will take any woman's boyfriend she desires. She will chew him up and spit him out. Powerless to her dominance in this world, they will cry like babies before finding a rebound. Rinse and repeat. They should be thankful that she's too clever to get pregnant, because then they'd really be in a world of hurt.
One of the cringiest things Iā€™ve ever read, and weā€™re on bbwchan
Very much appreciate it... tho I do miss whoever it was keeping her VIP content sorted in some kinda set order.
we just haven't had an update in a while. They might come through. Wait and find out.
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She's the best there ever was.
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>>86882 Great. Where are the pics of her at her peak beauty?
>>86884 Wasn't she 10% larger than this, or were those camera effects?
Bruh you really gagging 10% difference from pics? Is you good?
Wait she snokes? Fuck.

Y? You've got a problem with making girls?

On a serious note though she probably quit at some point. It also causes weigh gain for almost everyone.
this vid is in the hall of fame! #Legendary
Oh our lord and saviour please bestow us with the part 2 >>85705
Any one have part5
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what set is this from? (was this during or after bigcuties?)

might have seen her outside of a safeway a few hours ago
for as mobile as she is iam really surprised we dont hear more stories like this... u from SF bro?

She's pretty unmistakable. You either saw her or you didn't
yeah iā€™m from the bay, marin county to be specific
fairly confident it was boberry, i couldnā€™t get a good look at her face but the body profile matched. seeing monstrously obese women is exceptionally rare here (marin is very wealthy and health conscious) apart from very few tortas and shaniquas. so youā€™re right, she is VERY unmistakeable.
on an unrelated side note, does anyone know if boberry has a sister? someone comes to my work fairly often who bears a striking facial resemblance to her.
She definitely has siblings, I wouldn't engage though. I don't think they've ever been pictured online too. Interesting that she's in a health-conscious area but I guess even in an average community she'd stick out like a sore thumb.
Was it Novato?
corte madera, why?
Just to know if I need to keep my eyes open for a possible sighting there.
How old was she here?
Eh, nothing to trace back to her. I wouldn't be too worried.

She might get recognized by people who saw it the first time but he's not linking back to anything.
like 20, These were the random pics ive seen before bbwchan was a thing
I saw Boberry at a grocery store in San Francisco yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didnā€™t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, ā€œOh, like youā€™re doing now?ā€
I was taken aback, and all I could say was ā€œHuh?ā€ but she kept cutting me off and going ā€œhuh? huh? huh?ā€ and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like ā€œMam, you need to pay for those first.ā€ At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually ā€œto prevent any electrical infetterence,ā€ and then turned around and winked at me. I donā€™t even think thatā€™s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
After paying for the Milky Ways she proceeded to leave the store and eat them all immediately. Haven't seen her since.
And then everyone clapped.

Cause this TOTALLY happened.

Get a life.

Itā€™s a copypasta thick skull
Boberry once gave me a blow job and the suction from her mouth almost stripped my dick down to the studsā€¦her mouth is literally a vacuum cleaner and anything that gets near it gets sucked in like celestial bodies are pulled into a black hole. I only managed to escape because she turned her attention to a dozen krispy kreme donuts that were sitting on the table. True story.
Yeah I believe part of it must be due to the eternal void which resides Insider her insatiable stomach and keeps her constantly hungry for more.
Can someone please share Boberry videos from the early 2010s? Basically her early Big Cuties videos, when she was much smaller
Do you have set 305 by chance?
Yup, this was a long time ago, before she started modeling for BigCuties. From a Blogspot or Blogger site called NothernGoddes, back in the day. It doesn't exist anymore.
Whatā€™s funny is that this is after she dropped down from around 550 in high school.
When did she say she was 550 in highschool?
Do we think can come to a consenus and say;
400-550: decent could better
550-650: peak
660-beyond: echo level of entermainent (boring)

Cause imo if boberry reach echo size there's no fun seeing her walk around as much
the second range is the sweet spot
Agreed. 550-650 is the best for all models who have made it there.
Gay question fuck off
Really hate the watermark.
She decided that she had to do it after those recent incidents. We've gotta deal with it now.

I totally see that, but does it have to be over her ass and legs all the time?
I'm guessing griping over the watermark. If you're gonna get hatewatchers, may as well make them pay first.
yes, makes it less likely to crop that out. It's barely blocking anything.
>She decided that she had to do it after those recent incidents
Can someone fill me in?
Holy shit she looks huge. We need this vid
It seems that she gain more weight!!
more new content when?! šŸ‘€šŸ‘€
Set 185 Beach Ball Body
Does anyone have the airport vid where she's sitting on two chairs at a juice bar? Thanks
Itā€™s definitely ā€œbeneathā€ her but I would kill to see her go to heart attack grill.
Sheā€™d probably never live it down though so it might not be worth it lol. Especially with all the mongs spamming her content trying to go viral.
does she not accept twitter follows anymore?
>>87580 Does mongs means niggers?
Can someone re up pts 2 and 3. Thanks
Anyone got her recent stuff?
I would rather like to see the "Crazy J's" being in it, as thy visited last year Las Vegas (boys were looking on Goofyjennyy sitting at the fountains.
Apart of this exist also other huge meals in this (most)glamourus city, as baquette filled with pasta or outlaw burger.So Sin City could be named Feedee/ Foodee City.
Itā€™s a good thing you can actually tell how much content sheā€™s trickling out w/o subscribing because sheā€™s at the point where sheā€™s made so much money she doesnā€™t care to even put out consistent decent content
to the person who regularly uploaded her content with dates...are you still doing this? I was subbed a few days ago and it was a real pita to do it myself so I didn't do it tbh
Has she done any face sitting or squashing?
>Do we think can come to a consenus and say;
No, faggot. Boberryfags stop putting other models down, being the most obnoxious cunts on the site, and stop acting like they're better than everyone else challenge: impossible. You sound like that stuttering ESL loser on youtube.

Walking echo walk at almost 800 pounds was the hottest

800 pound Echo.... Unbelievable.
Boberrystans put other "models" down because they are BUTT-FUCKING-UGLY! Sorry not sorry but the 2nd B in SSBBW matters... so other then a few, no one is really even in Almighty Bo's stratosphere. If you just like the fat, that's cool or whatever, weirdo... just be like Peter from Family Guy & go dry hump a sealed bag of fat taken off WLS patients or something of that ilk. Stop cluttering the chan w/ hideous blob-like creatures that only the blind could find attractive.
Part 2 please our future lord and saviour
is there an archive of her twitter posts cause she wonā€™t accept my follow request

Checked and Based
My all time favourite chan member is back in style... thank you hero for all your work...if no one says it... i will! You are Legend sir!
Is the Floridian a drug dealer?
Thank you legend! Appreciate its only just dropped but do you also have the latest one?
that video is $19 PPV
I'll CashApp the legend w/ the BoberryVIP sub the $20 for the vid if that what it takes...
does anybody have a working mega link with all her BigCutie sets 1 - 358 ?
has anyone done a private chat on her site? what's it like?
I don't think she even entertains that anymore. Too many people vying for attention.
One of my favorite Boberry things is how many pics there are of her ass crack sticking out abover her panties. This is so stupid hot to me, to the point where I ask my gf to do it sometimes, but it's way too rare in fat model pics

You know damn well that's not Boberry
Damn that lipidema is sexy, so is her waddle
I'm referring to the thief not Boberry. Sexy waddle
Does anyone have the video "Fatty House Tour"? I think it's set 282, I can't find it anywhere
Anyone got her new vids? The new bowling one and gym vid.
Still looks 550ā€™s ishhā€¦ letā€™s all say a prayer for those 600lbs+ days come back
Bro why is her arm bigger than my torso thatā€™s hot asf

Damn, all of these pics of her around SF in places I know. If I ever see her out and about I will just about shit a brick

Her arm is probably wider around than a skinny chickā€™s waist
It's 26.5 in around.
Fuck thatā€™s hot. I have an ex thatā€™s particularly proud of her 24-inch waist

[spoilers]I remember when Boberryā€™s arm measured 30 inches around[/spoilers]
Can you please upload the rest of the sets i have been waiting for way too long please >>85697
Like after the part 6 please of bigcuties site please
Hi, there is a mega with all her pics? If yes can upload it pls
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Can anyone upload the pics of this set? Thanks.
Possible to reap pt5?
I donā€™t think anybody cares but WOW bigcuties has really fallen off since Caitidee, Jae, and Boberry left(mostly Boberry). Seems like updates are now 1-2x a month at most, but damn Iā€™m surprised the models are staying who havenā€™t left
And don't forget Trysta. I still haven't recovered from that loss... what a goddess she was.

But that's not Bigcuties' fault. BC is a legacy site at this point - as one of the earliest paysites for BBW models still in existence, it really shows its age. The site rose and fell with Heather's health, or the lack thereof. She likely doesn't have the energy or wherewithal to revive it, nor any rational motivation to pull the plug and lose whatever remains of her revenue stream. But it's hard to see how BC can draw in new models when OF etc gives them better control of their revenue streams.
OF was the nail in the coffin, really surprised Boberry didnā€™t go that route considering her new website functions basically like OF, really nothing exclusive to it, maybe she got a better deal with Mccandless group vs OF in terms of revenue split, but it doesnā€™t seem to make much sense tbh
Time to start wearing a go pro
Is it possible to reap pt5?
for me BigCuties is still the to go siten when it comes to Softcore BBW-SSBBW Porn, i realy like the sites vibes and the updates and everything. little me just fell in love with the admiration point. :) Hope BigCuties stays up as long as possible. ^^
You gotta ask yourself why would she do that if OF offers literally the same thing. She could have priced her stuff any way she wanted, there was already a chat feature, it's more or less identical.

My guesses are on security. I think she knew that OnlyFans gets archives pretty regularly on coomer so watermarking pictures with the userID would have prevented that, but we found a workaround. The design and layout? Maybe. Could also be the split behind we hosting and OF's cut being significant enough to make that move. Maybe the host is a flat fee and she was set to make more paying that then a 20% cut with OF. Still insane how she opens her own site when so many other long-time models ditched their paysites for OF.
any updates on how Trysta is lookin post WLS

there were those 2 pics from a year ago , anyone may have some more recent (even though it will make me sad to see I am sure)

Could a kind soul upload part 4 and 5? Or just anything from boberry vip?
Does anyone have that new photo update on her viper site?
Can anyone please upload the pictures from that set?
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Can someone please upload the latest picture set of these two fine females?
600lb Mary plz come back šŸ™‚
Damn, never thought I would say her but Kass makes her look small. Brutal mogging.
Do you happen to have the video to this?
If so, I would really appreciate you sharing it ;)
Thanks in advance!
That's amazing! Now why not use AI to make pics of her at various sizes from slightly bigger to 1,000-1200 lbs or even giantess size?
No, she doesn't. Get your eyes checked.
I swear to fuck Mary's never a consistent size. Some pics she looks a good 30lbs heavier than normal and then she puts out something like this. Those outfits, man.
Wow. I seriously hope she releases more of these gym videos.

yeah if you have 0 depth perception
That looks great! It's hard to make AI generated ssbbw content. It seems like basic existing AI algoritms never learned what to do with large amounts of fat.
Amaze amaze amaze
...idc what anyone says, Boberry losing weight only to slowly gain it back has been a godsend. She looks so much fluffier now!

Man, I cannot wait for the next update drop
Damn it's crazy how bobbery is now getting beaten by Kass in size. Oh well, and more exercise videos, welp more deflated coming in šŸ™ƒ
At least Kass still looks fat asf
Kass is also literally closer to the camera so... that yoga vid shows she's the same size as ever.

Boberryā€™s face is clearly thinner than Kassā€™s but her boobs and hips are much bigger. Hard to tell who has the bigger belly because theyā€™re shaped so differently, but saying kass is beating Boberry in size isnā€™t true at all. I watched their measurements video and Boberryā€™s thigh is a full 11 inches bigger around than Kassā€™s. Donā€™t be confused by her skinny face.
How you did it?
Boberry looks around the 570ish range maybe high 570s, surprised she hasnā€™t done a weigh-in, In over a year considering she charged $100 last time seems like easy money
God fucking willing. She's been at least 400lbs since her early 20s, there's no way she's not teetering on that being closer to 40.

She's a shrewd businesswoman and knows it'll only be worth filming if she has a substantial gain. Doing it yearly would just be a thinly veiled cash grab and would get it pirated faster (well, faster than it was before). My guess is she's been tracking the numbers and while she might look fuller the numbers might only be an extra 5-10 pounds.

It'd be an easy thing to do and it was the most hype part of her BC career, but then again she was also gaining at a breakneck pace at that time and it made for an easy update to fill the schedule. Now she can just wait and do it whenever.

Thank you anon for the VIP Part 5 update. Much appreciated.
Thanks a million guy!
Thanks dude, that stretching vid was great. Canā€™t wait for part 2

Who is her hot friend?
She goes by Kastheblast sometimes with two EE's like Kastheeblast or something
can someone update kassā€™ coomer?

nah, highly doubtful. the funny thing about insulin is that it's actually required to make you really fat. most of the models that don't look like distended ovals often have a body that produces and uses insulin really efficiently.
Itā€™s not so much her face is that despite their weights being probably within a stones toss away from one another, she is you know, deflated where as Kass is at her biggest, so appears much fuller.
Itā€™s why bo is so much wider but mass appear more filled out, she was even bigger but lost her depth (on top of general differences in their body shape).
This pic really shows off boberrys amazing body. I honestly donā€™t care if she lost or didnā€™t gain weight I just wish she kept this build. She used to have the Ssbbw build ever. Huge round tits, nice thighs, ass, belly, arms literally everything.
Who is a model that looks like a distended oval because her body doesn't produce and use insulin efficiently
Deflating and regaining has absolutely altered how her weight settles, and there's been some light procedures done to shape her face. Also aging, which is inevitable.

Let's face it - she's not going to look the same as she did at peak BigCuties, not even if she somehow gained back to her peak and then some. She looks good now, but it's not the peak fullness that looks plump and firm, it's just sorta soft and plush instead. To each their own...
most ssbbws peak only last a couple years anyway. What you're stating is true af.
Strong disagree but yeah, to each their own. If youā€™re not into her maybe move on? The weight loss happened over 4 years ago. No need to shit up this thread.
>>91267 if Boberry has gained to 575-580, Iā€™m surprised she doesnā€™t go ahead and record another weigh in and post it for $100, she probably got 100 people to buy that video the first time
Hard agree, which is why I think she's waiting to film that when she's either there or close.
Any one can reup part 3and 4plzšŸ„ŗ

You're amazing, cheers man.
Whatā€™s the latest update on her site? Its hidden for non-members which sucks.
It's the second part of the yoga video. $19
She split it up? WTF? What could she possibly do different from the first vid?
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The first one was a 17min long stretching video and the 2nd one is a 20min exercise video. She tells you exactly whatā€™s in them. Makes sense to split them up considering how long they are.

Why are you such a hater? Youā€™ve posted in this thread 23 times, more than any other person, and youā€™re always hating on this girl. Get a new hobby.
what is weird is that the first one was changed into a non-ppv after some time, sucks for the people who bought it I guess

Not true. Itā€™s still PPV.
I ain't always hating, I'm just not subbed. Earlier post said it was a Part 2 yoga video. Ease up.

And I'm far from the only repeat poster here, I'm just not refreshing IPs or mobile posting.
I'm looking forward to that! I love to see fat girls struggling to exercise and Boberry's treadmill video from years ago was one of the best I've ever seen. I hope she's wearing that same white outfit.
Iā€™m probably in the minorityā€¦but Iā€™m the opposite. I find her mobility and stamina impressive for her size, though it sounds like we found her limit in the latest vid!
Holy cow where are those 2 parts of the yoga videos???
Plz reup part 4šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ
I agree. She is pretty physically agile for her size. She can DO the exercises (well, most of them) but she does get tire easily. i REALLY want to see the treadmill part of of Pt II of the yoga video. Fat girls on treadmills is a big fetish of mine.
I'd pay good money to have her flop on me like that!
Bo not having had kids is a crime. future warrior project level genetics being carried around by her. Even renting out another ladies real estate for her eggs if surrogacy is the only way sheā€™d be willing to have kids.

Itā€™ll be a miracle if her knees make it to 50. Sadieā€™s are almost shot and sheā€™s YOUNGER than Bo.
Nah... actually compare their legs. Sadie's looks mainly comprised of fat, while Bo definitely has quite a bit of muscle hidden underneath those chunky legs from her actually being rather active for her weight.
Yeah thereā€™s an old video of Sadie walking dog around neighborhood, sheā€™s getting around pretty good. Now a lot heavier it looks like she struggles quite a bit, while BoBerry seems to have muscle to get around. Probably since her hips are even fatter than Bo
Please can anymore reup and shares parts 4 and 5 of her website?
Ironically, all that physical activity will likely reduce the lifespan of her knees rather than prolong them. Diva should be a cautionary tale for both of them - wheelchair bound by 50.
In which videos is Sadie obviously struggling?
Thatā€™s why Iā€™m not concerned when mind starts saying she wants to be more active. They all end up sedentary eventually.
does anyone have the video of boberry testing a lot of chairs?
Does anybody have the videos that Kass with her and Mary on her OF
Can someone upload the yoga vid
And can someone reup part 4 please with the yoga vids and others vids of her website?
Does anyone know if Boberry does customs? If so, how does one request one from her?
probably on her site
Is she ever getting back to 620 any time soon? I haven't been keeping up since I only care if it's peak. You guys should know?
Probably never again tbh
She says she does but she has never responded to any of my messages
Assuming you didn't creep her out or ask her to do anything more than eat a slice of cake seductively, she probably didn't read it yet. Hundreds of people message her, dude.

Might be able to get her attention with a tip but that's a bridge too far for me.
Anybody have the mega of sets 1-150 and sets 150-300? Not the one with the ā€˜best setsā€™ which was just mostly post 300, used to have the other ones but accidentally deleted
I wonder sometimes how much of a tip you're need to leave in order to grab her attention. And even after that the video would be either not for her or she would charge a ton per minute for a vanilla/boring custom :/
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Does anyone have part 4 of her website and what is her weight on the recent scale video?
whatever it may be, do you will trust it
What's up with her?
What's up with you?
Anybody have the mega of sets 1-150 and sets 150-300?
Lip fillers and a nose job.
I can only imagine what the people from high school think of her now
yeah who knows, when i was in highschol ill the girls hooked up and became stay at home moms, graduating highschool and becoming e girls and blogging about how oppressed they are is prolly way more popular now.
Where did you get this pic from? Earlist I have found where throwback pics which were post weight loss down to 300 something from her old tumblr.
Post em, didn't know the existence of such material.
It was posted on curvage years ago before she started modeling, she let it slip that she use to weigh 500 lbs and when asked when if she could post any pictures from that time she
reluctantly posted this and another picture (that I'm also upscaling).
I wouldn't say she's had lip fillers considering how thin they are but she's had a nose job that's for sure, it's also possibly she's had some work done to her jaw/jawline, checks, and neck.
You can definitely tell some work has been done on her chins/neck. You can see almost an indent under her chin. I'm willing to bet liposuction or some plastic surgery around when she lost weight from her peak to the low 500s, to hide the loss of elasticity.

She still looks good don't get me wrong, but her face isn't anywhere near as full as it should be at 550lbs. Even after losing and regaining.
Also, as much as she was reluctant to post that headshot and the graduation photo you're upscaling, she's also said before that she doesn't have any other photos from that time. Which makes sense - as much as you're happy (or at the very least not ridiculed) at that size, people that age are usually camera-shy when they're fat. There's probably family photos but those will never see the light of day.

During a livestream she said she used to buy cake mix and frosting coming home from school and would make & eat entire batches before anyone came home. Guess it's no wonder she porked up to 500lbs as a senior. Wonder how things went afterwards to slim down to a waifish 300lbs.
Can you imagine that plastic surgeon. ā€œSo just to make sure Iā€™ve got this right, you donā€™t want me to do anything about the 30ā€ arms or 48ā€ thighs? Nothing on that belly? Weā€™re just touching your face?!ā€
(425 KB, 1536x2048, 41707E53-B006-46DD-89B1-3D532D000DFE.jpeg)

Yeah thereā€™s no way. No plastic surgeon would but a 500lb + person under anesthesia for cosmetic surgery. My girlfriendā€™s 370 and they wouldnā€™t even knock her out to have her wisdom teeth removed.

I think Mary had lip injections and learned how to do her makeup, but thatā€™s probably it. Sheā€™s 38 now. That old picture is from 20 years ago. A lot can happen in 20 years, especially if your weight yo-yos as much as hers does.

And thank god. Sheā€™s way hotter now. Pic related
What's the other picture? Can you share that too?
Please post the 2nd pic
Here you go: https://mega.nz/folder/KcAUTRTK#S9pcDAXMKSQULRXu7etikw
This is basically a rip of all of her tumblr posts including images, vidoes and q&a posts. Most of the images are from her BC days but there are some old throwback pics which you can make out pretty quick.
For anyone wondering about her tumblr:
It is sadly longe gone (I believe it got suspended due to to some family friendly content policy a couple years back), but the url still works for ripping old post. So just in case here it is: bigcutieboberry.tumblr.com. TumblThree worked great for ripping.

I believe that there were some other one's posted wich were even a bit older but they weren't from her tumblr.

So if anyone still got the other ones I'd be very appreciative of a reup ;)
is there a rip of all her twitter posts as well
No....but does she even have an official Twitter/X? I can only find fan accounts or creeps impersonating her.
Or do you know her real Twitter/X handle?
This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks a ton!!
It's posts like these that really make me wonder how much she monitors this site. She posted on her IG about how many fake accounts there are out there impersonating her earlier.
How can anyone know that, bruh
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i really hate that morons using that f.. AI...
I wonder what would even want to make get to 500 lbs at 18 years old. She's such a slave to her own gluttony it's so fucking hot.
Her 500 lbs before weight loss are a amazing, I can only imagine being back in high school and seeing a beauty like that breaking all the chairs and struggling to run in gym class then going home to eat out her fridge before her family come home.
Anyone have the livstream of her talking about those years?
I don't think it's a question of her wanting to, I think she genuinely is just a glutton. LOVES food. Probably has more control in her diet than Jackie but fuck, we saw this girl eat multiple meals, entire packages of snacks, whole display trays of treats, and others on BigCuties. Seriously worked out for her that her genetics gave her a nice fat distribution, because there's no way in hell she'd be successful as a glutton online if it all went to her belly and face.
can yall fr stop being so stingy and reup some content from either her BigCuties or her current VIP run, ppl been asking and ik near enough all you tight ass mfs on this board have them so start sharing instead of gatekeeping all yo shit you would'nt even have in the first place if it wasn't for some other random mf here sharing it with you so return the favor, stingy af.
Sure, here ya go
For anyone wondering its just some of my favorites of her new site and bigcuties, nothing that hasnt been shared before
Could anyone reup her BC sets 1-150 or atleast 1-50
thank you
I straight up saw her at the us open finals. Taking two seats in the disabled section.
Surreal, if true. I guess we'll know if she makes a post about it.
You straight up had the opportunity to take a picture of her in the wild and you didn't take it?

Bro, what the hell is wrong with you?
I tried to quickly check the ESPN stream but didn't see anything. What section? I can usually spot myself or friends on TV streams anyways.
I looked through hundreds of Instagram photos tagging the stadium, no dice. Either she was in a location pretty hidden from view (which most handicapped seats are), or this is the same anon that spread the rumor she was at some really esoteric Shakespeare party in NYC a year or so back.

I mean I believe this one - it's a pricey ticket to a pretty big event, so why wouldn't someone who's been traveling the world like it's nothing, y'know? Just agree with >>93145 - it's a highly Instagrammable event and you didn't even TRY to snap a pic?
Anybody willing to share her new workout video? I already have the one where she stretches
doesn't the original video have nothing to do with Hayley??? Why start unnecessary drama?
Imagine being one of the most well-known, successful fat chicks on the Internet for a LONG time and waltzing into a thread of another girl just to make fun of her on a tangent. Not a good look, Bo.

Look. Can we just all agree not to tell Mary about this? Sheā€™s my friend irl and sent me this link in a text saying she thought it looked like Haley. I just copy and pasted it from her message and had no idea it would link back to her. She doesnā€™t know I posted it here and sheā€™ll be so pissed if she finds out. Fuck mannnnnnnn
It's not like she's going to listen to random requests on IG, but still - ya goofed. Now it's confirmed she shittalks. Gossip happens but if it gets leaked, oh well.
We all lowkey knew bo was a shitty person, but this confirms it
Did Boberry share the vid before or after anon made the comparision? because to me it looks like Bo shared that tiktok vid and anon thinks it looks like gingerbunny and made the post to create drama.
>boberry is catty
World shattering news but how is that related to anons staggering display of autistic tier facial recognition?
As far as I saw she didnā€™t mock Haley at all, it was all anon.
Not that Iā€™d be surprised, not to mention again that itā€™s squint eyed poor spirited reaching and best girl Haley does not deserve this kind of guff, not even from faggots on an anonymous Mandingo wrangling site.
yeah, this feels suspiciously like made up drama tbh. I want to believe though because anon losing their friendship with boberry because they were a dumbass would be pretty funny
šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ lmao
The vid was shared directly from Bo's profile and that was discovered before the whole "omg I'm her friend she shared that in confidence nooooo" thing came about. It's not a repost on TikTok either, that's a direct sharing link. There's plausible deniability that she just shared a link about Mason Reese and Anon concocted the drama about it looking like Hayley, but I sincerely doubt it. These posts sound like a psyop to save Mary's image.
I mean, whoever drew the comparison is not entirely wrong ...

No, seriously, of course I see how Hayley could take this the wrong way, but there's no reason to lay more into this than some good-hearted humourous banter done in private and certainly not even meant to be received by her, much less to offend her. It was certainly neither serious nor vicious.

And, after all, there is a certain similarity which gives the comparison comedic value, but 97 percent of it is the red hair. And while Mason Reese was a very peculiarly looking guy indeed, Hayley is not, at least facewise. She's a pretty girl, and I'm sure Mary knows that, too. I can't imagine she would earnestly infer anything to the contrary.
You got caught shittalking another model and it makes you look small and petty, Mary. It's a little pathetic how fans are falling over themselves to make excuses for your behavior. Take the L.

Also wow, way to minimize what was said. I think we all knew what you were alluding to. You'd think someone crying on TikTok after getting so much hate online after the NYP article blew uo would have enough grace to not be such a bitch.

lol, I'm not her, I'm the Kilotroll-hater who sent you all the nice rips of her VIP site.
Gotcha. Point still stands, there's no reason to minimize what she meant. She's implicated in gossip and that's not a good look, but it's still just shittalking at the end of the day. Let's not astroturf this nor make it any bigger than it is.
You're right. He that is without shittalking among us, let him first cast a shit at her.

And so it's a nice coincidence that we can now all leave the shittalking issue in this thread and move on to a nice, clean new Boberry thread over there >>93444 (Cross-thread)

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