
can we normalize giving the names of these women when we share these photos
Imagine rounding corner at the store and that’s what you see in candy aisle. Girl so fat she has to use seat belt.
Had no clue sweetpea got that big
I'd just stare in lust and watch to see how much junk food she can pile in her scooter kart
Damn right, lol.

There is the rare time I’ve seen an attractive woman in scooter at store. Can’t be creep but for sure take good looks.

One of the best videos around (lost on old hd) didn’t even show scooter. But Ash explained her mom’s reaction to scooter being in back of vehicle. Mom didn’t realize how much Ash blew up. And that was years ago.
>>81860 (OP)
Imagine if you were in that situation, pushing her, feeling her soft fat rolls, unintentionally feeling her gigantic ass...

Unfortunately that was a while ago and she has been losing. I think she was in a relationship with a feeder at the time and he was probably encouraging her to get it, but she never seemed very keen on it, and it was the loss of mobility that made her want to start losing.
Who is the 2nd pic?

Is she retarded or what?
I would wager sensitive or a Disney adult. You know the type.
I found her Facebook last year and did a deep dive. She's definitely not all there mentally. Too many stuffed animals.
She was married several years ago. That marriage ended shortly after she went into a care facility, presumably for her weight. She was always fat, but put on a couple hundred pounds and became bed bound until going on a health kick last year. She seems to now live in a group home of some sort.
She claimed her ex was abusive, but he seems to have happily remarried (a normal weight woman).
Huh. Now I feel kind of bad.
Can you post some "progress" pics of the gains? Are there any more revealing content of her?
Those videos, where you can kinda see her massive legs peeking through, are the most revealing thing out there. I didn't save anything I found as it wasn't really notable or sexy.
Just a giant woman who had a mental health crisis, presumably getting her mobility back. I don't think she has any interest in modeling.
To be clear, I don't think she's retarded. She's just the kind of person who's dumb enough to accidentally gain 200 lbs without it being fetish related.
From "My 600 Pound Life". She's a really negative person who makes life complete hell for her husband.
Haha that episode was so shameful. They bathe her by getting her naked on the porch, hooking the hose up to the hot water line for the washing machine and spraying her down with it. The family is the dumbest, poorest white trash imaginable.
One of the hottest clips ever from My 600 lb Life (just behind the one of that one girl with the enormous calves trying to climb the stairs).
Nah, she’s not retarded at all, she’s better spoken than 100% of the people questioning her intelligence ITT lol.
Disney adult diagnosis was the accurate shot in the dark.
>>87568 Niggers are the first to say that somebody's low IQ. They're very quick-tempered too, but that's probably somethingvthey learned from their mother.
What's wrong with carrying stuffies around? Who the fuck cares, 2023 is a tough time for a lot of people and some of us need a comfort item.
What's so wrong with carrying a stuffie around? Who the fuck cares, 2023 is a hard time for a lot of people and there nothing wrong with needing a comfort item with you.
Sorry double post. That was an accident.
>>87575 Do you know what else niggers love more than their abusive mothers? Organizing into criminal groups and trying to play superhero with superpowers of vurtue signaling.
Honest advice: grow the fuck up. 2024 is going to be a lot tougher when we're at war with China and someone takes away your stuffed animal and puts a rifle in your hand.

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