
Anyone have like a weight progression video of her?
does she even still make content?
anyone have a weigh in compilation with dates?
How much does she weigh now?
*insert DJ Khaled another one meme*
870 last update
Uh, no. Last time she weighed in she was 802 and she’s definitely smaller now than she was, if only slightly
Is she able to reach her contacts to record her and edit her videos?
Does anyone know if she's still alive? Been Awhile since she's updated
Anyone got the mega?
Anything new or any uploads of her content
What’s the code?

Encryption key.
Is that the key?
I dont need a key, i have the app tho.

You don't have shit. I know what you have and
if you install the app on your computer/phone then you dont need a code
can someone drop some more of her stuff?

They keep doing that ridiculous shit to try to get people to use their pesky app. Sometimes they'd lie some nonsense about buffer or other bullshit.

I FUCKING HATE mega for that crap.
Anyone got the new stuff?
would anyone happen to have her weight gain compilation that was floating around on spankbang a while back?
>>81059 (OP)
She's lost weight and she looks ill sadly
She's never truly gorged herself on camera, the closest in when she ate like a big ass pastries in like 20 seconds, it was just insane how she eats there's was no pausing it was just one bite after another. I read someone say that they went round her house they ordered takeaway and she wolfed down like 20 burgers, like could you imagine. She's a gluttony godess
Yeah I'm a little worried too she looks like she's sick here, she's 40 which is round the age when the really big girls start dying. I hope they tell us she's been probably the greatest ssbbw of all time if your into super obesity, we got to watch her whole growth into semi immobility
Can anyone post her new stuff?
I remember she did a huge sushi binge once and also a taco bell binge (must have been a, uh, interesting night) but yeah she usually kept her binging private
She is 42 at least, if not 45.
You know, as it was here many times pointed, that most of her size comes from lypedima, a sickness not directly connected to feederism.
>You know, as it was here many times pointed, that most of her size comes from lypedima, a sickness not directly connected to feederism.
Wrong, retard. She has lipodemea, which is literally just a way her fat is stored. It's directly a result from being fat. The one that's water weight and unrelated to feederism is lypmaedema like BeccaBae/Pearchan has. Completely different medical conditions. The one Echo has is directly related to her being a good little piggy.
Damn I missed that post. Did you save it by any chance? I regret not saving the post recounting a time Anon took her out to eat.
In a site of Youtube (in spanish), it says she weighs 1100 lbs.
>>88111 You're all fuck ups.
I promise you if she was 900 lbs, you would have an update that would have been epic and highly promoted. Let alone a 1000+ one.
Are you just simple minded/ mentally handicaped or a child?
It is not related of normal obesity, you write nonsense and have no clue about medical!
It is rather a genetical disease, which put the fat on certain body parts and also grows when you eat little. As these fat-cells are abnormal (mutated) and the only solution is to remove these by a surgery.
The one which can be related by eating habits are lymph-oedems, not lypodemia. But even that can be come by different causes (as elephantiasis), particular on the legs and hips.
You can’t even string together a sentence that makes any semblance of sense so I’d watch who you call mentally retarded. Just saying.
Don't bother with him. It's German Kilo Troll.
Does anyone have the pictures of her secretly binge eating while at that specialized facility?
>>88204 Well you are a Britard apparently of course, as anyone with an inteligence quotient up to 90 would have understood this. So my advise to you is go back to school or give your parents the money back, what they spent for this.

You are a subhuman Yard-mongolide, Untermensch!
Yeah, I’m not taking your advice. Which is how that word is spelled by the way, “advice” not “advise”. Advise would be a verb, but I doubt you even know what a verb, noun, or adjective is based upon the spelling and comprehension you’ve displayed thus far Kilo-troll.

Well you have to know it, as you are expert in retarded, as an example of it. Learn to read, then you understand it, analphabet!
Mods constantly removing my posts so I know you’re reading, when will you finally spare us all and ip ban this loser?
>>88290 I don't think that mods. I think that's 3rd party groups that dedicate their time to flag posts that they personally find offensive or just don't like. The mods have their own thing, then there's these SJWs (Social Justice Warriors) and I'm sure that thanks to Cloudflare and IP harvesting there are AI programs now meant to locate individuals based on IP and internet traffic. However, that's difficult to do without actual stalking/harassment (which would be illegal in the US, so any groups or persons doing this wouldn't ever admit to it in a court of law, but it's been verified and reported to occur very regularly and frequently dedpite the government remaning silent throughout all of this)
I was with her and some friends once; I just remember them warning me how much she could down. They were not wrong; it was legitimately like watching a magician making food disappear
It boggles my mind so much how she's purported to eat like an elephant yet showed restraint on camera.

Y'know, unless people on the Internet were telling lies.
Nah people on the internet would never lie!

But frankly it's impossible to be behemoth sized and not eat like an elephant
gone already? anyone have a reup?
Does anyone have any of Echo’s eating video sets that were posted on 7/15 I’d definitely like to see a few of those myself…I look at how much food those ppl from My 600lb Life eat, and majority of them max out at like 700lbs but Echo was like 90 something lbs away from 900lb at one point so I know she’d be able to eat about 4 boxes of large pizzas and probably would still be hungry Jesus Christ!!!!
Go back to kindergarten, little toddler simpledon!
She was never that heavy, her highest was around 300Kg and she started modeling way lighter.
It is physical were unlikely to narrowly double your weight within 5 years, when you are already in your thirties...
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!

It's not necessarily eating huge quantities at a single setting that makes a woman that size. I would guess it is more the constant grazing that makes the calories add up.
Erschieß dich,Kind von einem Spast (oder ich erschlag dich)!

Ich habe erst vor kurzem ein Video von ihr von 2019 gesehen, da hat sie sich selbst gewogen und brachte höchstens 250Kg (550lbs). Die hat niemals über 400 Kilo gewogen (900lbs), sonst hätte sie viel mehr damit geworben (selbst wenn es Fake wäre)
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
>simpledon [sic]
LMAO irony. Also she was 802 pounds.
Do you remember what she ate? Could you recount it?
That is not 400Kg, but also was she rather around 320 (or maybe 330), clearly beyond 350. Four years ago had she 100 less than the last one, but almost her weidest size already.
Fuck. Off. With. The. Retarded. Metric system bullshit. Seriously, though, you walk around spouting that bs and you’ll be branded the kilotroll. Nobody wants that, believe me
You fools ought to recognize 95% of the world popualtion used these measurements, you are in the absolute minority!
You are just around fourhundred million people, we are over five billion.
And you are childish idiots to believe such numbers which would mean she would have been arguable the heaviest woman alive (at least top 3 with over 400Kg).
Let's all psycho analyze eachother like we and our society knows wtf we're talking about.
Lmao. Idiot. I understand and can work with metric system just fine. I’m saying that the only brain dead retard on this site who can’t understand imperial (or even speak proper English) is kilotroll. If you want to fight me on this you clearly don’t know who that o
>>89239 You're a gay nigger lover, and you stick your nose in other's business then gossip about them through subliminal messages on the internet using porn content. If I knew you in real life I would kick your fucking ass and be in jail for manslaughter in the first degree.
So you clown refer prefer to be pounds-troll...
You really didn't know with who you communicate.
>>89250 You're a communist and a domestic terrorist, and possibly a tyrannical authority figure. Anything else I need to know before making my determination of your justified judgement?
Take care before the security in your psychiatric hospital find out that you got access to their engine...
Stirb langsam oder besser so schnell wie möglich, du dumme Sau!
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Du bist der Teenagtroll und wahrscheinlich gar kein FA, sondern nur hier um irgendwas zu verkaufen, deswegen verteidigst du diese völlivg übertriebenen Zahlen, um Anderen weiß zumachen, diese wären wirlich Grad 3 Adipositas...
802 lbs is over 330 kg, retard.
Why were they warning you? Were you providing the food?
You are retarded, I know that it is less, learn to read, childish fool!
Around 364Kg would be 802lb, but this is not realistic; she weighted few year ago one deci-tone less than that. She is most likely below 350 kilogramme, between 250 and 330 approxiametly.
Someone please post something on Echo
if according to this kilotard imbecile her highest was 300kg and Echo started modeling WAY lighter then what was she? 200 pounds🤣 ? This guy is such a fucking retard 🤡
Can someone please post something on Echo
I'm so sad... she looks tiny (comparatively) :(
Not really, you're just delusional
>It's been a long while, so let's catch up as I blob out in my bed and lotion some of my fats. I love feeling so fat and spread out. I don't get to move a lot in my videos because I am not really able to get up much anymore. Maybe once or twice a week. Do you like that? That I'm teetering on full immobility? You come bring me snacks, tell me all about it, you do the lotioning, and tell me how much you like it all too. Make me feel pretty and plumped out. <3
She's clearly like 100 pounds below her peak. You're the delusional one.

Read the next word in his post 🤡
She is no longer and ssbbw. I bet they are doing its best to make it seem that she still is.3dba37
I mean she has sunken in a little and is by now means 800lbs as she used to be, but no longer an SSBBW?! Are you fvcking blind?! If echo is no longer an ssbbw, what the hell is BoBerry then? chubby..?!
Dude, that woman can’t STAND without help. Her body is so big that she needs others to be responsible for it. Fuck off with this “not a ssbbw” shit.
Right?! Get her some food ASAP...she's only skin and bones... :/ *irony off*
Shit bait retard
Can someone drop echo files?
From her website
>It's been a long while, so let's catch up as I blob out in my bed and lotion some of my fats. I love feeling so fat and spread out. I don't get to move a lot in my videos because I am not really able to get up much anymore. Maybe once or twice a week. Do you like that? That I'm teetering on full immobility? You come bring me snacks, tell me all about it, you do the lotioning, and tell me how much you like it all too. Make me feel pretty and plumped out. <3
She appears a little bit smaller than last year, in my view.
damn thats hot lmao
(1.1 MB, 864x1152, IMG_5693.png)
She’s lost weight sadly.
This was the peak, I was hoping to see more crane lifting and just spiralling out of control.
I'm not sad that she's losing weight, I'm sad she didn't try to make a lot of videos of when she was at her biggest
Anyone have it?
Same, but she was in the hospital for most of that time, which limits the content should could've made, and she probably didn't have a consistent camera person during that time either.

That being said, it seems like her mobility is way worse now despite being smaller, which is kinda hot. Hopefully we can get some good mobility struggle videos.

Now, does anyone got the more recent vids?
How can you visual by these photos, if she is more or less mobile?🤨

She was not just in hospital but also in nurse home. Possibly had she the same caretaker (one of them) as Summer; both were drived together to a (decoration) store once (with her oxygen-bottle too) in a van.

I guess she may have lost upto hundred kilogramme (1dt).
I would love for her to make a video just binge eating uncontrollably, like 3 or 4 boxes of pizza or some type of family feast meal and just demolish the entire thing, but I know this will never happen because Echo tries to be so modest about how much food she eats on camera so it's just wishful thinking
am I the only one that doesn't care about the eating vids? I'd rather watch her struggle to waddle around and jiggle uncontrollably
Please no emojis in imageboards. At best use kaomoji ^_^
Lern lesen und halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
so like... anyone actually gonna post something, or just argue about her weight like a bunch of toddlers?

at least if someone uploaded something, we could all argue about the video instead!
Geh du erstmal in die Schule Behindi; ich kann nur in bewegten Bildern (Film/ Video) die Mobilität erkennen und ich bezweifle, dass du oder sonst jemand dies an starren Fotos sehen kann.
Aber das war zu hoch für dich und du kapierst das nicht, bescheuerter Milchbart!
Kannst nur nachplappern was Andere hier sich ausdenken als Beleidigung, wie ein Papagei, nichts Eigenes, Primitivling!
She has less fluid retention. So yeah she lost weight, water weight.
She actually looks a bit healthier too, which is pretty good.
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
>She has less fluid retention. So yeah she lost weight, water weight.
What is your basis for this? It makes no sense.
All this messaging back n forth ugh!!!! Can somebody please just post something Jesus Christ...Hell I would if I had something to post
I mean it’s pretty noticeable. She still has the same exact shape and generally the same size fat rolls she’s just not swollen till she’s about to pop like she was. Makes sense considering she mentioned the hospital staff we’re trying to get her lymphedema under control before she came home.
She has lipedema, not lymphedema. Her legs were swollen with FAT, not water. I just explained this in the last thread. Did she ever say lymphedema? When? Maybe I'm mistaken somehow, but it sure as hell looks like lipedema to me and I could swear she said lipedema.
anyone got bigcutie echo's earlier videos when she wasn't disgustingly big? like sets 1-100
Lern irgendwas/ verstehen, Behindi!
Niemand kann die Mobilität genau erkennen, anhand von den paar unbewegten Bildern, du dummes Schwein!
you appafently have no clue about either; both is a fat dislocation, water is just a result, like of thromposia.
who cares about the small ones, I wanna see the new ones where she's huge lmao
yay. videos where her bed is moving more than she is. exciting.
Wrong. Lipedema is not water accumulation. Here's the hint: lipe comes from the same root as lipo

Are you saying that she said lymphedema in this video or is this just about her water restricted diet?
Both you goober. That's how the hospital was treating her lymphodema, by restricting her water consumption.
Are you 15? Anybody with a decent human sense knows, that water impacts are a side effect, which happens for most morbidly obese people, it doesn't matter if these have lypedimia or lymphoedems. Even normal sized people get it, for instance when you have a long flight &/ or have to sit long (also during a car/ bus/ train ride), it happens when you can't walk for a long time.
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Implying she's doing much moving at this size to begin with. Cry me a river
>can't even spell the disease

>Are you 15?
>if these have lypedimia or lymphoedems
I would tell you to read a book, but I'm not sure that you're literate enough

Anon is a retard for assuming she lost water weight and so are all of you. She mostly lost fat weight. At least you're smarter than the guy that doesn't think she lost either.
damn, thats crazy man. If only someone cared.

anyway, where's the new vids lol

Here, since no one is sharing the new ones, I'll at least post the older ones from her hospital time.
Du nervst, nicht nur mich sondern alle hier (und das weit mehr als alles was ich hier geschrieben habe)!!
Kannst nur irgendwelche erfundenene total bescheuerten Beleidigungen nachplappern wie ein debiler Papagei...
I would suggest you to learn red and the get some Biologie lessons (maybe classes 7 - 9), every human has water in the body, by around 2/3. That what is casual called water in the legs means usually thromposia, which can have you at any body shape, but most obese people get it easier and when you are immobile, then you rather have it than not.
Well you are a little punk who try to get some attention by making yourself important.
Post content Post content Post content Post content!!!!!!!!!!!
Ich möchte dir gerne den Schädel einschlagen, Fresse-Troll!
You are always late, as you are slow...

crazy how we've had the same argument on Echo threads since the beginning of time. Doesn't it get tiring? why do any of you even care? she's fat and hot, fucking post content of her instead of whining that others are misnaming whatever fucking condition she has.
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Damn, calling out the worst person to ever grace this site AND new content? You're the man.

Kilotroll, maybe you should reenact how your favorite German leader met his end.
Anyone able to find the Instagram page she mentions in 191
Nvm found it. Private but its 100% her

German leader, Wilhelm I, Friedrich the Great, Otto the Great, Karl V. or Heinrich I.?

But who die you ask?🤔

maybe should you go the way of your president, who was not only that but looked like goat...🤔
Hals Maul, bevor ich dich totschlag, Fresse-Troll!
you mean this Guy called whomself Out?🤔
You know exactly which one I mean. The one your country is infamous for.

Go find a bunker and relive history.
Great. Now idiots are going to flood her with requests and creepy stalkery behavior and scare her out of the scene.
She’s pretty much out already, man. No updates for months at a time and is clearly losing weight, albeit slowly. Not to mention she doesn’t make any content out of her bed anymore, which personally is pretty boring. Still hoping no weirdo’s harass her, obviously, but there’s not really anything to lose.

Also, fuck off kilotroll. Can you not catch a hint? You are universally hated, please just get lost or at least shut the fuck up.
You're acting like she hasn't been hit up by weirdos on every platform she's on anyway. Be honest, did she get back to you or anyone on Feabie?
Schnauze zu, "Halt-die-Fresse-Troll"!
She literally advertised the account in her video. I'm pretty sure she wants her fans to follow it.
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Do you mix up this guy with me or do you use the same foolish no-word for anybody here now, idiot-troll?
Halt Maul, Fresse-Troll!
Die meisten hier ärgern sich über dich Vollspast mehr als über mich und wenn ich dich nicht bald umbringe, wird das einer von ihnen vielleicht machen!
Nope, we are decisively more annoyed with you than someone telling you to fuck off in your native language. That's some major Lügenpresse to insist otherwise.
>I would suggest you to learn red and the get some Biologie lessons
Kek retard. Mods missed one I guess.

I know her IRL and tried to add her years ago and she didn't accept
any vids of her showing/spreading her ass?
(185 KB, 864x1152, 191echo_all.jpg)
She really looks smaller, and i bet it´s not the newest pic, but an archive pic from months ago
No, in the video she talks about stuff she did during the summer. It's fairly recent.
Dude, I don't get why you are upset that she lost the water weight.
Yeah, she IS smaller. But she lost WATER not fat. You can see it in her legs, they look more flabby, and less swollen, without the redness that persisted on her thighs.

I mean do you like fat girls, or do you want a girl with water balloons for legs?
Losing waterweight is fine by me, it only means she can keep gaining actual fat for longer.
(60 KB, 500x550, 1wxprx.jpg)
hey moron. I didnt said anything about her, any negative comment, you ballsucker. I just posted the pic and said she looks smaller, idiot.
She lost fat. She has lipedema not lymphedema.

>I mean do you like fat girls, or do you want a girl with water balloons for legs?
Read a book
The Admin deleting my posts , but still keep the opinion of this animal is pathetic

never seen them, link to videos again please!
She knows which season it is?
anyone have a stash of videos they wanna share?
(53 KB, 559x220, ba.jpg)
wow she lost so much weight...!
This would actually be a pretty nice outcome, losing a small portion of the weight, because it means her skin is less stretched out. In theory it should make her body softer and more jiggly. The problem is she doesn't move much anymore to show it, which is complete BS because she does weigh less now. She needs to get out of bed more and shake her still ginormous ass in front of the camera because otherwise muscle atrophy will kick in and we will never see her moving around on her feet at this size again. The best we can hope for in that case is her rolling over in bed. I will probably get shit for saying this, but blob women do need some amount of exercise. Maybe total immobility gets some of you off but I find that boring, personally. I prefer some amount of mobility to throw that weight around, like how it used to be with Echo.

please reupload!
missed it :(
I don't blame her for losing weight, but i do regret she didn't make more video at her biggest 😔
Dawg, she was hospitalized at her biggest. We got what we got without it being too concerning, and even then that line was crossed for a lot of people.

I wish it too but I think we both know it wouldn't be good. She wasn't going to do more than what we saw anyway.
She was only hospitalized because of a knee injury. Her health was fine.
>>81059 (OP)
I'm amazed she isn't immobile yet, those legs look like they can't even bend anymore...
Dude her health is fucked. She’s on oxygen. If you really think a knee injury was the only thing wrong with her you’re an autist. They were clearly trying to stop her fluid retention as well. She’s likely suffering from heart failure. Sure the fall put her in the hospital but her health is absolutely fucked and the knee is far from the only thing wrong with her
"Her health was fine". Some ssbbw lovers are brainwashed.
Is there any new vids of her walking recently?
Well this site is gonna die anyway, so here you go.


Halt die Gusche, Drecksau!
Yeah, thanks for that, really!
Does anyone have video 60 aka porkier miss piggy?
Thank you very much!
Perfect fuckin timing
Anbody got her newest set
Do you really want to see that?
Can someone drop Echo's newest set?
Can someone drop the newest video
(1.7 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20231106-224603.png)
>I've never seen anyone in gossip threads or greentext stories claim to ever have had sex with Echo

>It's entirely possible she's a virgin
She has a feeder/bf, so no she's not virgin.
Never saw it, so it must not have happened

She's posted pictures with a guy between her legs, having sex, years ago, but deleted them after the whole BBW-community talked about it
Shit, my high self stands corrected. Anyone saved those?
always thought she liked more a girl-girl action

…albeit briefly in the early 2000’s, but never consummated. She claimed that she’d never been kissed - she was in her mid-20’s and probably under 450 at that point. Even at that weight, her body was unwieldy. I can’t imagine at what point the whole endeavor becomes painful. That said, she was an absolute sweetheart.
Why did you stop?
Sounds like bullshit.
Frankly if I where in your position, I wouldn't let her become a model, immobile, and we'd probably share a few kids between us.
So we've gone from walking videos to "rolling over in bed" videos. I'm pretty excited to see more immobility content.
LARP harder daddy 😂
I used to walk her to the city bus. Phat booty in lunch. Only one balls to scoop her up like dodo on finger tips. I know your phat booty on here bitch lol
>It's entirely possible she's a virgin
She is a weeb, so it's highly possible.

I lived in South Jersey at the time and she was in North Jersey. That kind of commute is a relationship killer. Plus, I found out I would have to be moving shortly thereafter for work.
Can someone drop the new video?
I appreciate that about her. I love seeing the realities of caring for a girl that size. Mine’s only 360 or so, but it’s nice to see what I’d be in for if I went the architect route
I chatted with her via a BBW Dating site. She was alot smaller, but at the time stood out with her size, since most girls weren't as big as they are nowadays. Jocelyn is definately one of the sweetest girls around. She is a real nice and fun person and loves her family. A shame all of her old daily life pictures are deleted from the internet. The same goes for Summer G
Can someone drop the new video?
Any chance you or someone else could re-up?? My heart skipped a beat seeing her as a piggy and I need this in my life...

Trust me, she's not a virgin. Lovely person too.
Who? No she doesn't
Still hoping some legend can re-up this for me! Please!
Still waiting to see proof lmao.

Same, I just hope she actually records it lol. I think she might not, since its embarrassing to show off how much she struggles, but the struggle is the hottest part!
youre an absolute legend, thank you king
One of her best imo. Ty king
I hope she does a walking set soon
Thanks so much for uploading my friend, crazy that its been so long since she did aby kind of movement video. It’s really hot how she seems so proud to have lost enough weight to finally roll over on her own lol
She looks better with more weight
>she seems so proud to have lost enough weight to finally roll over on her own lol

Someone should fix that
That’s her big accomplishment, haha.

On opposite direction, I wish I still had C4S of Ash where she’d gained to point she couldn’t easily roll over and one leg just sticks into the air when trying to lay on her side.

For both, it’s hot they are so fat that not just walking is an issue but even laying in bed.
God, I’d love to see that Ash vid ngl
I'm looking 175
(3.8 MB, 1280x720, 1704670321178966.webm)
I'm looking for this video where Summer and Echo are both on scooters together.

Here are a couple of other Echo scooter videos
(1.9 MB, 1440x1800, IMG_9255.png)
Speaking of Ash. She’s gained more weight. Her double chin is pretty big now.

I would do anything to see how big she’s now. Such a shame she quit modelling!
(174 KB, 864x1152, 166summer_all.jpg)
I've got you, I'm actually the anon who clip'd and posted that webm in that /trash/ thread lol. Also added in some other Summer videos w/ her scooter and her just out and about

Is she growing a beard? Given her wokeness, I wouldn't be shocked if she transitioned.
Her IG profile also no longer mentions being married. I wonder if the husband left town when she started popping hormone pills.
Could just be weird lighting and grainy resolution. The better-lit side of her face doesn't seem to show any "hair."

Also, women (even cis women) have facial hair sometimes. Maybe it's been a while since she plucked or waxed.

OR maybe menopause isn't far off. She's in her 40s, right?
Tell me you've never seen a woman with PCOS without saying it.

Which is really saying something considering almost ALL of them do.
Looks like she is still wearing a wedding ring
Something told me to come on this website today. Lol

Ding ding ding

Amazing how some people have zero concept of the world we live in

The people making these comments have no female experience, let alone fat female experience.

100% correct, some women with PCOS do everything to keep it at bay, some embrace it and accept they are curvy. The more you gain, the worse it gets. When my GF hit 420 she was regularly pulling the hairs with spring tweezers, as she lost and stays around 280 it's much more manageable.

Ash is high 600s at least, at that point there's little female hormones knocking around, she'll not have had any monthly cycles for years, it's a fucking beard alrite. She's deep into a spiralling food addiction fuelled by her goofball feeder husband who doesn't see anything wrong as his fetish is fulfilled.

Shame, she used to be fucking beautiful, could be again if she dropped a little and got active. Full on feeder husbands can be right cunts lol.
Both beautiful, the summer girl would be great if there were kids with her in swim suit or less.
Shite that supposed to say vids! Damned autocorrect.

It supposed to read. ... Both beautiful, the summer girl would be great if there were vids with her in swim suit or less.
Oof. Who wants to tell him?
May I get a re-up of the new set please?
Can someone reup the latest video of Her?
It starts when both went into a van, aided by their (or just Echos) caretaker, which also drived them and is a BBW herself.
They were maybe first into a flower or craftswork store (possible in the shopping center).
Echo had her oxygen-bottle onby her.
Do you mean she's hermaphrodit?
She have to be middle to late forties at least, probably close to 50, I think. When did she start modeling around 2005?
Doesn't fat produce more estrogen?
all those people are fucking idiots. getting to such a size is not only due eating habits, you must have some really bad hormone imbalances to begin with. when a woman goes with those hormone issues untreated she can easily get mustache/beard. and not, they are not thick like a chad or whatever, they are just normal bits of hair scattered around the face or normal hair for mustache
This bitch had literally one lure, and that was the fact she was a hopeless blob of fat. Now, she seems to be losing weight and acting like shes some kinda hot shit. Yawn… totally lost interest.
yawn, get this shit bait out of here and learn to sound less like a whiney bitch at that
>posts a single set of her kind of moving in a bed

Yeah she's really getting carried away with her hubris. I was looking forward to the next set being a close-up of her crying into a KFC bucket.
Nero-bumping again retard
"Everything I don't like is woke! I can't define the word, but I use it whenever I can! Fox News keeps talking about trans people, so that must be what's behind this new thing I don't like! Waaah!"
I think you're on the wrong site dude, the gay faggot site is thataway.
Perfect time to fly out tonight play with me lol
Where is my passport
>getting to such a size is not only due eating habits, you must have some really bad hormone imbalances to begin with
Ash is super woke. She literally invented the fat oppression tiers. Shut the fuck up, least retarded soycuck.
god, most of you fucks here probably smell worse than she does. Go outside.

or just post her content and shut the fuck up. I don't care which.
Well this just sounds ds lime the wording of someone who gets laid less than anyone else on the planet, but bla es it on the left rather than their abusive nature

Also, lymphedema is a cause of excessive weight gain on the lower half of the body, so yeah, bad eating ha its isn't always strictly a reasons for people gaining mass weight. My best mate has it, so I kiinda know what the fuck I'm talking about
Not to turn this into an Ash thread, but please spmeone upload some Ash!
There was an amazing mega last year but it vansished along with her thread. She is simply amazing!! and the gain, the chat, the body, the gluttonous lifestyle is just a dream!!
“My best mate has it so I know what I’m talking about.” Literal playground dialogue, fucking child.
looks like a giant nutsack is growing out of her leg

Who's this now Echo, Heather or Ash?!

I will purchase her access
(216 KB, 800x1191, 185echo_all.jpg)
i did the research for you on her bc previews page. taken from her outfit, you probably meant set 185. and no, i don't have it.
If there are more video requests just tell me the set numbers and I'll see if I have them in my collection
You got the newest one?
Can you explain the attraction? What’s the post nut feel like?👍🏻
Shameful. Like you're watching someone glut themselves to death.

The build up is something else though.
I'm sorry, I only got from 1 to 186, with some missing inbetween. I'll just upload everything I have, might take some time
Just don't nut, that's all.
Amazing. She's a lovely lady in real life. I use her peak weight stuff though. In real life the smell would maybe get me though.
Call it doomer cringe if you want but would you rather live life watching it go more to shit, or would you rather do what you love even if you don't live long? Misery or fun? You pick, not like any of this is coming with you when you go
Weird, but I don't feel it that bad since I am also really attracted to Echo's geeky personality traits and how she talks. So I am not soley turned on by her extreme size, but it still hits me questioning my self at the end.
Did she say she stopped gaining or is she going back to gaining???

Many thanks for these, good sir!
Does she turn all the way over like this in her latest video?
>>109998 can you reupload the link expired :c
Anyone got that vid of her naked turning over
Take care of your health. Dont just sit. Thats how you drop dead.
What are you on about mate?
anyone have the echo set 188 vid?

how do we use these links?
where do i paste these codes?
New or reup?
Base64 Decode. just google Base64, you copy that "code", paste it into B64, decode, you should get a link
you didn't mention the
You guys completely forgot to tell him the important information about Candlejack. I mean, how is he supposed t
Is she losing weight or no ?
Any reup?
You eill never be like the brothers.
Thats funny I only told chris you and her dead.
Does anyone know anything about her, how she is, is she still alive?
I'm the only one who wants to get under her and she crushes me like an elephant and with her immobility I can't escape from under her body as I scream and struggle to breathe, to the point of fainting or even dying. Sometimes I masturbate thinking that she is crushing me and breaking all my bones.
Wow. I see little head is doing all the thinking these days.
Anyone have that weight gain compilation?
Does anyone have a collection of her content you’re willing to share…?

(Even though this is anonymous I’ll think you’re cool 👍)
who has her latest video?

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