
the best
You absolute legend, been looking for this one for months!
Something in return:
Did she get bigger? I haven't seen her for a minute but she's looking enormous
I guess she did, she's looking colossal, haven't seen a recent weigh-in though..
i don't think we're getting a weigh-in unless someone buys her a 1000lb capacity scale. otherwise she would prob have to go to the hospital for that.
Thanks, awesome video. Seeing her roll around out of breath on the bed is so hot. It reminds me of amazing time I had early in my SSBBW dating days with a 500lb girl who was struggling to get comfortable in bed and while doing so, wore herself out and was huffing and puffing. Once settled she grabbed me and pulled me across her chest and I could hear her heart pounding 150mph and her labored breathing. It really hit home just how difficult it is for someone that size to do anything. Moment stuck with me forever after.
How the hell does one girl get so massive so young? what must her parents think?
What I wouldn't give to see her getting in and out of that pool!
I refuse to believe someone so young can be so fucking massive.
Do we have a recent weight? How much does this beutiful land whale tip in the scale?
She should be 5ft4in if I recall correctly
Does anyone have her 4th of July vid?
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i want to smell that brapper so bad
One whiff of that would put most men out of comission. Imagine how hard it is to whipe.

Why in the world would she wipe instead of washing? Its easier and way cleaner than any paper could ever do.
Stupid fucking Americans and their toilet paper. The rest of the world uses bidets. Idiots
fucking muslim.
cant wait to see you use your keffiyahs when you run out of water.
I'm Australian, but go ahead and fuck yourself anyway
>>80766 I didn't know there were Spaniards in Australia. I'm not going to lie to you, but the idea of French speakers or Spanish speakers that look as hot as Australian women do kinda turns me on. I've always had a thing for Australians. They're beautiful.
And the rest of the world sucks, curious
Isn't it only really widespread in France and Japan? I'm glad I eventually tried it, though (the version that's a hose that you hold in your hand, so that you have just as much control as tp), I hate going back to tp now.
Would definitely help some of these women with hygiene compared to some of the other solutions I heard about, such as wet rags on sticks...
Australia is a shitter America with even dumber people.

I'm living in Ukraine now. I am very far from being the only one who washes instead of wiping whenever possible.
Many houses and appartments have bidets either as a hose or as a toilet-like thing retrofitted at some point. Probably all new housing here (houses, duplexes, Appartments, condos) has those as standard feature.

But I did wash living in The US as well.

I could wipe if do it somewhere in the wild, but 10 out of 10 times I'll wash if its possible.

P.S. No, I am not muslim.
You don't live in America then larper, we have the biggest idiots ever. Have you seen our "politics". Retard
I'm scottish and I don't give a flying fuck about what any of you overcooked barrels of shite have to say about arse cleaning. Can we please just get back to sharing content? Here's some random clips to get the thread back on track:

They don't though, some do.
People in France don't use bidets anymore unfortunately. Imagine keeping the dry shit between your buttcheeks until the next shower.
In all Asia they use a water spray, which is great.
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>hohol living in a warzone yet arguing about toilets on a fat fetish forum

итьс овер
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quarter of a million of brave putin lackeys (meaning mostly kidnapped stone-age farmers from siberia and brain dead gopnik prisoners) dead and counting... are you suggesting Ukraine's forces were a million and a half at least to start with? because China has 2 million, US and Glorious Pajeet Union ~1.5 each.
should you been in a t-55 getting blown up by javelins in bakhmut

And guess what? Talking on this forum doesn't stop me from damaging Russia in a way I'm good at.

FYI Russia was loosing 3-5 dead per each wounded or dead Ukrainian in the begging of the war. Now it went up. Its 7-15 dead Russians per each wounded or dead Ukrainian.

P.S. You are welcome to keep believing in Russian might, victory, Huilo, Kadyrov, nuclear weapons or whatever other nonsense you indoctrinated yourself into, just don't get too surprised at the outcome.

Takes a special kind of retard to believe your own media's seething fumes, but hey they've only had 4 days worth of rockets for +15 months so keep malding
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Heil Zelensky! Heil Bandera! Black Lives Matter!

>W-we are totally owning the moskals by spending one trillion shekels to retake Donbass any day now, we will have Luhansk burning under Raytheon missiles by summer [pig noises]

>btw the REAL Ukrainian Orthodox Church says Trans rights!
How's the weather in Novosibirsk?
soon wager and kadyrov will put their guns at moscow, and zelensky will seat and eat popcorn watching
am i in the right thread?
lol, neckbeard incel americans larping as russia/ukraine freedom fighters, deeply invested in an irrelevant distant conflict that they don't understand, between jerking off sessions, while their infrastructure crumbles

you guys should save this shit for /pol/ or discord
Thanks for sharing
Ninjah looks so big standing up!

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