
Damn. More pix?
Fuck she’s big. Would love to see her so content
(2.4 MB, 1080x1350, IMG_8152.png)
She was bigger than that.
She was bedridden.
Walking the same road as her mother. Crazy
Sent her a nice pick pic hope she likes
Her mother was so adamantly against doing any kind of modeling for cash even when she was about to be homeless. I have no idea if her daughter lived with her at the time, but she basically saw her mother beg the internet for a new mattress, get kicked out of her home for not being able to make rent, get hospitalized, and die all within about a half a year?

What's wild is her mother was so against modeling but her daughter makes an account a few months after she died promoting herself as a feedee glutton. I don't know if she's looking to model for cash but she must not be desperate if it hasn't happened yet.
It wasn’t for a mattress it was for a reinforced bariatric bed. Her old one broke and she needed a “big girl” one as she put it if I remember. And did a few instagram shorts which seemed very sexual as she was sucking a lollipop like a dick.
>>80316 (OP)
Gorgeous face, huge belly and caboose...sign me up!
You're right, my mistake. She raised the money for the bed easily but didn't make much headway for rent.

I'm just surprised someone who lost both her parents to obesity-related issues and complications is going online to flaunt her own fat self. Not that I'm complaining.
>I'm just surprised someone who lost both her parents to obesity-related issues and complications is going online to flaunt her own fat self
The other side to that is life is short and there's virtue in making a name for yourself doing what you're good at.
Being a young woman with her genes in these times does favor certain paths over others. Even if she never does the full blown modeling thing she might as well test the waters.
She’s probably not stupid: both her parents died in their 40s, and she’s already huge. She knows it’s a “here for a good time not a long time” situation facing her. Cash those cheques while you can, girl.
Except she's not cashing any checks - no onlyfans or wishlist posted. Wonder if she's waiting for a specific threshold of followers?
She was on my Feabie feed a few weeks back. Over 600 lbs if memory serves
She doesn't appear so, rather like under 200Kg.
Is that German retard back that drastically under estimates the weights? She’s at least 500lbs FACT.
Bruh I swear if I see this kg guy on this Chan one more goddamn time
Well somebodies never learn that these models are mainly cheating, even after the beef of Rosie Jade with Reenaye Starr, which should be the least leak for anyone with a brain-cell alive, that these numbers can't be true...
You are either stubborn dickheads or you know it are lies and just try to promote a fantasy!
Serious question mods, can we get this guy an IP ban or something? I’m this close 🤏 to killing him in real life
You are so riddculous foolish! There is no fact, idiot, as nothing can be proven, if you have no comparission or at least an official doctors scale, which got fairy adjusted (not one of a TV show, as My 600 Biggest Loser Life).
In real life you shit in your pants and would die by fear, when we meet.
But your caretakers in your nursehome will prevent this.
You're fooled by the fantasy, I know plenty of 200Kg women and she doesn't look that big, I'd say she's only 2Kg
I'd even take a temporary site wide ban on using kg at this point, this shit is so annoying
>>80316 (OP)
she’s way hotter than imagined sheesh
Her mom didn’t seem to teach her much in the way of makeup, etc., but this girl definitely has “it” regardless.

Fingers crossed that this turns into content in the near future 👍🏼
You take one look at her and figure she's under 440lbs? Are you fucking retarded or just a troll with nothing better to do?
Holy fuck get a life you fucking retard.
. >>80420
It’s that German troll who looks at someone who’s bedridden (lvlynightmare) for example and he goes “Herr herr she’s only 100kg”
And then he goes into some rant how Germanys system is better etc and derails the thread until it’s locked.
He’s an idiot.
>>80316 (OP)
Didn't her mom just die form being fat af? Surprised she is embracing this after that.
Also, how much do you guys think she weighs?
doesn't she have her weight listed on feabie or nah? I'd guess 550+
he's truly a fucking retard who has clearly never fucked a super fat. One look at her and she's easily clearing 500 pounds, but he has to be the mongoloid troll that he is and say "uNdeR 200kG 😵"
whats her feabie?
Same. The power of being a late bloomer
idk man, we know a lot of these models are not honest about this.
makes me wonder how heavy her mom was...
I don't think her mom ever disclosed her weight. As far as this one is concerned, I'm leaning on the side of her being genuine. If she's gearing up to open a website, 600lbs is kind of the new Wow Factor to have these days so it'd be easy to start out saying you're that heavy, but I think it's harmless right now.
Her mum was in the 700’s at least and bedridden at the time of her death.
She was huge.
I wonder if we will see 700 with her now.
How do we know her parents got so fat they popped exactly? Were either online?
Her mom was but, she died. Near the end she was 700+lbs and immobile.
The mom's IG is RealFatRealFabulous
maybe try being a better mod you sack of dog shit
The dad was fat. RealFatRealFabulous had pics of him occasionally, before he croaked. He was probably 400lbs.
We need to start buying her eggs and making sure as many people are born from those as possible.

That's supreme genetics. Utmost best.

Hey you!
Why in the world would you do that?

What made you do that? Why would someone even think about doing it?

And what do you expect to be the result of such an obnoxious unfriendly and hostile behaviour?
Just ignore the incel. You can tell there's never been any hope.
I have autisms sometimes dont know how to speak to girls so i send picture of dick.
gets point across.

I don't find her anymore on feabie... Did she change her username?
Probably got sent too many dick pics.
You can’t blame that on autism, you’re just actually a fucking retard
How do you know how many looks I did on her?
I promise you, I did several, but you might be nof smart enough to understand, and she is clearly slimmer than Ellie. So she could be around 180Kg.
full blown mongoloid confirmed.
I can’t with this kg guy. I’ve talked with her before she told me herself she’s over 600 pounds

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