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Who's the cook?
Who’s the hottie in the middle? 😍😍🥵🥵
Goddamn, who is this? She's beautiful. I want to believe that this is an actual African tribal princess and not just some hotep cosplay thing.
I have no idea who that is. I just found it a while back.
that's PM Di Asa or something like that

Fuck me! That woman in the red plaid bottoms is so delicious! Any idea who she is? Would love to see her appear in another thread on Fully Naked BBWs. :D

PastaJunkie on Feabie. She is not a model. Hopefully that changes because i would like to see more of her.
Halina Pawlowská. Czech actress, writer, and celebrity. A beautiful woman of Ukrainian descend.
Who is the one on the left in the red dress?
Wow, who's that super hot rugby player?
The fat pumpkin is Miranda Schulz, or "thepluslife" on social media.
Lipedema has gifted her with massive arms and legs. Her instagram has some great pics of her trying on clothes.

For the picture of the two women standing together, the blonde on the left is Rebecca aka "BeingaSSBBW" aka BexBedford. At one point she ran the events for LivingLargeChicago and she had a podcast/Youtube channel about.. being a SSBBW. As far as I know she isn't active in the scene anymore. She was never a model, unfortunately.

The other woman is Vivid. That's her name on Feabie. She goes to bashes but isn't a model.

The woman in the pumpkin outfit with her family is Miranda "thepluslifeblog" on Instagram. She does body positive content on her Instagram and there are pictures of her in outfits. Unfortunately she isn't a model beyond that.
Anyone got more pics/videos/files on Bex?
I knew Bex, she never ran the bashes, she just helped check in people in exchange for free entry. Super sweet girl. She left the scene entirely after the psycho owner of Bold magazine hooked up with her, took a bunch of naked pictures of her and then tried to blackmail her. He was a huge sexual predator and other women came forward to expose his abuse with other women he had in his magazine. She was so hurt and embarrassed by the ordeal that she never shown her face again at bashes. Shame too, she was one of the greats.
Wow, such a beauty! Anyone know who she is?
You got more of each of these girls?
Who’s this ???
>>80032 The BBW fetish? The large breasts fetish? Or the huge ass fetish?
Her name is Anna Bella… I found her on some of the BBW Bash albums
Gaining and feedee stuff. She’s fine being huge. Real sweetheart.
Who is she? 😍
never seen those two images of Lushes Thunder before
Someone going to share her name so I can take her out to dinner

i need more please
no, so you dont scare her off.
The jentle giant on Instagram. She has a boyfriend and is a normal person, if you creep on her I’ll kill you
Some rando chick he knows. The pics are from her private Facebook. Probably should blur her face since she's not a model, but whatever.
>>8056 (Dead) That last pic veeery niiice 😜 without that dude!

She is familiar looking, who is she?
Is it Jenny Quiroga?
I think TxMexican or someone similar called (with the scar on the lower tummy).
who is a girl on the left side?>>79937
I would also love to know who the woman in the red dress is.

She's nice. Where did you find her?
Well, she's become such a beauty in 10 years. Not that she wasn't a beauty before, just not our style.
Does she have any social media at all?
If it is the same woman (what is questionable) then I suppose the left one is the more current of these and the right is from the past.
Damn but who is she though 👀
nah that girl is like 5 4
I guess she blew up within just 10 years, eh?

I ain’t never scared!
Lol, I read that post and that song immediately started playing in my head even before I scrolled down to yours
R.Crumb would be proud
Bump let’s reactivate
Red dress lady is so beautiful. Who is she?

I’d name my first born after anon for a re up

Whew, who is this

Jenith the Gentle Giant
Who is that hottie?
Man, I miss T’rina
>>92264 rayne is an og, whatever happened to her
Dropped out of the scene but continued to gain (reportedly unwillingly). About eight years ago, a couple of candid shots of her sitting and eating in a grocery store deli turned up online. The guy who took the photos didn't know who she was but the community identified her pretty quickly. She was wearing a modest dress and was easily about 100 pounds heavier than her rayneorshine.com days. Never seen any trace of her since.
Anyone have those photos? I never heard that story.

Ooh, i know this one. We were hooking up for a while. Very nice girl but not in the scene at all, zero content.

She really knows how to work the angles to make herself look smaller in pics because she's huge and super bottom heavy. Around 400 with the most incredible ass/legs I've ever seen. My truck would rock when she'd heave herself up into it.

I lost everything i had saved that she sent me, real bummer. Still dream about those thighs
Shame she ain't in the scene, she's got real potential.

Sure bud. I bet.
(712 KB, 1080x1881, Polish_20230912_072805443.jpg)
I can corroborate she's not in the scene, I know her too. She's been posted here before in the Who Is She thread after someone posted a different pic on 4chan, there was a whole flare up and it got purged. Really nice girl, not into gaining but not losing weight either. Didn't work out between us, jealous you got to hit that my dude.
Looks like you saved the picture of >>93419 into your Katie folder
Is that not Katie? I was unsure.
Wow who is that in the black and white striped shirt
A girl I slept with a few years ago I think she was over 600 ponds
Do you have any other pictures? That hanging belly is really nice.
Who's the fifth pic?
I think she's Mama Horker aka Amanda Faye
That’s actually SsbbwLadyBrads
Any juicy stories from when you were dating her? I knew her when she wasn't as big, amazed to see how she's blown up unintentionally. You're def right about the camera angles.
So i first met her around the end of 2018 and we just went on a couple dates in the city. She had actually told me she was still a virgin at that time. So she wasnt exactly willing to drive out to jersey just to hang at my place and bang. It was pretty cool to see her waddle all over the place without asking to sit though. She also told me she had lost like 60lbs doing a keto diet or something but i did get her to admit she was still over 350 after the weight loss.

So i ended up getting serious with a girl who didnt live almost 2 hours away, relationship came and went, and over 2 years later i match with this one on tinder again. I tell myself okay, gotta hit this time, dont fuck up again. so i drive the 2hrs out to see her and when she came out of her house my jaw dropped. Whatever she had supposedly lost was definitely back, plus some more. Easily over 400 this time around if not like 440. SO wide in every direction and her legs are just ridiculously beautifully thick. We hit it off again, i find out she is no longer a virgin, we hook up a few times over the span of a few months. Amazing head game, not shy at all about her body in the bedroom, and apparently I was the first person who ever "let" her get on top of them. Total dream come true, being under her. If she likes you and knows you're into her size she will play into it a little bit.

Hope she's doing well honestly, was total relationship material if she hadnt lived so damn far and had such a protective/strict family
+1 on the strict family, I basically stopped trying to make anything happen with her when it became apparent she wanted to stay home after work (busy job these days) but only a select few people were "allowed" over. I get that the economy's rough and you can't afford your own place but Christ. Her father's also pressured her to get WLS pretty regularly, but I can tell you she's still adverse to exercise (actually joined a gym a few years ago, went for two weeks, got bronchitis and never went back), she stopped getting therapy for her overeating a while back, and got a desk job over the pandemic. If your numbers are accurate, she's definitely over 400lbs still.

Anyways, you can thank me in part for her getting on top. I remember having that conversation with her and getting her past that hill. I'd probably give my hand to see her in the bedroom, but it ain't happening for me. You're a lucky guy you got to experience that. Shame it couldn't work across state lines.
....doing the math in my head, you probably already know all of that by now. Not much in the way of updates lately except she's considering moving to find better pay, but knowing her home life that might be just a pipe dream. Still, lucky you.
Thanks for telling me. I'll delete her from my Katie Hardgrove file.
Who are pics 2, 3 & 5?
I think she attend often on South American concerts (sometimes with showing more skin and even twerking on men), but has possible lost weight. There are some Youtube videos, of different events (so a kind of celebraty).
She was known in Brazil as "Mulher X-Tudão", and yes! She lost a lot of weight. She used to dance in concerts at the height of her weight.
That girl in the Troy sweatshirt always looked so hot to me, from that one photo. Wish there were more.

And based on a few people I know who went to Troy, she probably fit right in there. That must be a hotbed for BBWs, lol
I think I work with this woman. Her name isn't Terra, is it?
She had maybe even a surgery for this.
In her band were several guys, like a think black ladyboy (transvestit/ gay man).
Also was she I think at some catewalk and maybe on a reality format like The Biggest Loser.
No, Jayla did not participate in a weight loss show. Maybe you're confusing her with Mayara Russi.
A curious fact is that they both went through a weight loss process, but had a notable weight gain after that.
Gotta know! Gotta moar!
(99 KB, 511x650, IMG_0295.jpeg)
I saw this one image back when I was like 16 in 2012, I have no idea who she is but she’s peak white trash fat girl. that belly is heaven
He can't read, he's Kilotroll.

That SuicideGirls (SG) logo was photoshopped on there, probably to make fun of that group of models. In reality that picture is from a BigCuties model LargenLovely.
You should do it rather first!
I responded to the South American former SSBBW, which was (with her band) on YouTube, if you had looked to my quotation, not to the one in your photo!
>>93953 well that have to say the right one, idiot-troll?!
Hatl die Fresse, Kilotroll!

If you thought that was white trash you should see her recently. Same size but much much trashier
The troon stuff doesn't help either.
Du dummes Schwein, solltest hoffen das du hier bald mit deiner IP-Adresse gebannt wirst, bevor ich dich finde und umbringe!
No. Her name is Kim and she is Canadian.
She is not a model so I won’t say anything else.
Nice body, real butterface. Looks like those thighs & ass are the only good features.
Retards on this site say a lot of nasty things about the women on this site but this one felt extra gross. This lady isn't even a model and she looks perfectly fine/cute/average, damn
Oh no I didn't want you to say anything else, privacy should always be respected.
Heh, Terra is Canadian too, and she looks just like Kim.
Having scoured through my archive, this is all of Holly I could find.

Damn she was pretty, like putting fat make up on a hot girl

So what's her insta? Figure it's worth shooting my shot, or worst case scenario get a better look at her.
Oh yeah, because hitting up girls that don't associate with the community always works out in the end.
Holy cow. I remember Stacey Halprin from some talk show where they used hidden cameras to record what the catty employees of a nail salon were saying about her in Vietnamese. I recall one saying "She's so big she could be used as a bed!" Hot as fuck.
Wow, what a babe. Never seen her before. I just tracked down that 'Bruno' TV movie she starred in in 2000 on youtube..... How the heck did I miss her!? I would have been so enamored with her if I saw that movie when it came out.
I miss the era when absolutely huge women would attain a certain degree of celebrity from talk show appearances and then get cast in movies and TV shows.

Insta is dry as can be, she just has a couple posts of random portraits of her friends and nature photos she's taken because thats her hobby. Maybe one or two face pics of her.

Just go on bumble/tinder and dont be a creep it won't be hard to find her
Last I checked, it was Hinge & Tinder. But who's keeping track. I'm surprised she's not trying WooPlus when you have an opener like "Not thick, just fat. Swipe left if you don't like big girls." Guess she gets enough action on the major apps that she doesn't need to appeal to FA's directly.
You have access to that clip still?
Haven't seen it in years, but that image of her wearing the yellow hair band is from that episode.
Knew “marshmallowsupreme” decently well, talked to her for a while. A very gorgeous woman obviously but also smart. Older but looked like she was in her early 30s, not 40s. Really wish I could have met her more, but she is a genuinely good person.
And also fat and hot as hell lol
I slightly remember her from different movies/ shows; was she maybe in Ally McBeal once?
In MAB and google drive please
Please bring it to my house on a USB stick.
You're a scholar and a gentleman.
Halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze, Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll!!!

 Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll! 10/03/2023 (Tue) 17:29:51 Id:102a3c No. 95699

>>95698 (Cross-thread) Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll!

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Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze, Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll, halt die Schnauze Fressetroll!!!

 Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll! 10/03/2023 (Tue) 17:29:51 Id:102a3c No. 95699

>>95698 (Cross-thread) Halt die Fressse, Kilotroll!

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My pleasure, and you being the Kilotroll Killer makes your appreciation that much sweeter. [Looks like his wiring is fried, maybe he'll throw himself into the Rhine with bricks in his pockets.]

Anyone else think it's kinda wild that slender Rat Pack mascot/Reincarnation guru Shirley MacLaine wrote, directed, and stars in this?

While we're at it, City Island is a mainstream movie with a similarly hot subplot featuring one-and-done SSBBW actress Carrie Baker Reynolds, fully clothed:


[Forgive the watermark, I was using a try-out version of the DVD ripper software. And let's all stay on topic by acknowledging no one gives a fuck about anyone's opinion regarding Ezra Miller in this context.]
Thank you very much sir, I'm glad you support my noble campaign, though I'm afraid today's battle got a little out of hand.

And kudos for reminding us all of City Island.
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Does anyone have any pics or archives or Deenie Castleberry, she was in tht one iCarly Epidose? iGetpranky?
Where is she now? Anyone have her socials?
You are a childish idiot and the only way to stop it is either your death, ban or the this site goes broken down (offline) permanent!

Halts Maul Spast!
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Halts Maul Spast!
You are really that dumb and naive?
Maybe you are a teenager?🤔

Using an fantasy-constructed non-word and gratulate the most mentally disabled fool in Internet in the Fresstroll, is the climax of stupidness!

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Lol is that Zach Galifinakis?
You’d be surprised lol. Just don’t be a creep or come on too fast.
Didn't she used to make adult content as Jellibean?
Lost a shitload of weight, became a motivational speaker and frequent Oprah guest, died in 2017.
Stacey Halprin did yes, but not Carrie Baker Reynolds… anyone have her info?
You have an active of stuff on this beaut? 😍
Well not TODAY but I just found out today, 3 hours after I post this.
are there any more pics of her online?? i can’t find any

no fucking way this is the most incredible day of my life
>>95777 does anyone have any content?
Absolutely incredible, holy shit.
Fuck, what a smoke show. Even after losing weight she is damn adorable. Would love to see her bounce back to her biggest +.

Holy smokes, I had not seen pics of her for years... Her OF seems to be quite new. Hope that she will post more soon.
Does this girl have any other socials besides OF?
Can some please reup Holly Rose

I've posted a few more throughout this thread. She is not a model, and most pics she posts have a kid in them. I am not posting those ones.
She's just a fat mom in the suburbs.
(170 KB, 643x685, Screenshot_20231016_164403_Facebook.jpg)
Found this recent picture of Priscilla in a wedding dress. Looks like she found her love and is still gorgeous and fat as fuck. Those upper arms!! 😊
Kenziekinzie needs her own thread and a coomer update
>>79393 (OP) An atypical but incredibly hot pic of her.
Bonita Bombshell, alias Prescilla Perez, daughter of Goddess Patty, shall it be.

If she is it really, then she apparently lost a lot of weight and is just an average BBW/ plump now.
I have seen recent photos where were much lose skin on her lower tummy.
She used to have one of the prettiest double-bellies, with a deep wide navel (comparable to Destiny, but shorter, so arguable fatter), but this was 5 or 6 years ago.
Those Bonita pics you are referring to are way older than 6-7 years. They were new-ish when I got into this scene in like 2008-2009.
I'm not 100% sure this new pic (of the bride) is her. She would be in her late 30s by now, and this year looks like she's in her 20s.
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
It's really her, because it's from her facebook. Find it out yourself. Not allowed to give personal info or links to her socials here.
I've found an easy way to all these BBW via a famous SSBBW's page friends
Du störst hier die Meisten mehr als alles was ich geschrieben habe und ruiniersr jedes Thema!
>>79393 (OP)
There's a recent shot of her with Sadie and Jazzy isn't smaller than Sadie is. The two made a good match
There's a recent shot of Jazzy and Sadie together and Jazzy is not smaller than Sadie. They made a good match
Jazzy is black...
You are thinking of Jazz, who works for BigCuties. This is Jazzy Pear; different person.
I thought the first is independant too (isn't Sadie working for Big Cuties as well, with who this one is standing next to?). She is at least among he Heavy Hittas in Detroit or Chicago.

BigCutieJazz and BigCutieSadie are.. BigCuties.

Jazzy Pear is a woman with a beautiful, huge ass who has an Instagram and nothing else unfortunately.
She has sent out nudes to some lucky fellas 😉
Wow this beauty is Vanessa Stewart (R.I.P)
Remember her from the MySpace days
There’s lots more pics floating around the internet and one with her belly out used to make me cum so hard

That were like 15 years ago. Didn't shs lose much weight?
I had seen more recent content of her, like 5 - 10 years ago, where she appeared far slimmer.
But I didn't see her on Myspace, it was on something different, maybe Yahoo or Google Ceotics or some blog. There was also a shorter younger one, with blond hair too (a little bit darker) and piercings on the mouth, which has mixed race children (black husband).
When she walked with a girlfriend, she was winging her huge tummy from left to right, on a Youtube-Video, also was she in another one swimming in a lake.And once at home, she showed the belly, due to a similar video she was watching.
The other one is named Peachez87 (or 85) and this belly-moving, left and right under the leggins was after they left a restaurant. That is also a bit over a decade ago (maybe 2011 or 2010).

Are you certain that this one is deceased or did she maybe just retire fro social media (as she was never professional in erotic/ modeling)?
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Du weißt dass die hier schon wieder von dir genervt sind und die gerade dabei sind, dir eins auf den Dätz zu geben?

Du kannst nicht gegen mich gewinnen!
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PrincessPeachez85! I forgot about her lol. Kinda nostalgic weirdly

Heres more Vanessa, yeah unfortunately all the myspace photos are gone, something happened with classic myspace transferring to new myspace?
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
Yep you was referring to princess peaches I still have a few of her vids from years ago

Vanessa on the other hand didn’t make it past the MySpace days she past away I remember her family posting and shit

If anyone has the pic of Vanessa with her belly out please post !!!
no, it's for you
Who the hell is this??
Nevermind, didn’t scroll enough, whoops
Apologies, I did mean Princess Peaches. It's just that I've got her saved as Vanessa Stewart.

I though Vanessa shrinked too.

But Princess Peachez85 is now no SSBBW anymore, perhaps barely a BBW. She did maybe around 2011 a belly-dropping either on the table or couch I think. She is short, like Melissa, the second patient of My 600lbs Life.
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
any pics of ssbbws in classy suits?

Halr die Gusche, Drecksau

Halt die Gusche, Drecksau!

Need more. She’s gorgeous
Can someone reupload this?
(122 KB, 528x960, 074-vi.jpg) (101 KB, 720x960, 075-vi.jpg) (101 KB, 720x960, 077-vi.jpg) (125 KB, 528x960, 073-vi.jpg)
Pastajunkie on Feabie. She's super fat for a girl who just turned 22 and she's super cute

My lord - she rivals Hayley in the cute super-fatty in her 20s category!! Wish she would do an OF or C4S!!
Wow. That size at only 22 is insane. Her parents are either dead/gone or massive. She looks tall too, easily over 500
As far as I know Carla has passed away a few years ago… tragic and such a great loss 😔
I would love to know what her absolute highest weight was…
i'm guessing that's Katie Hardgrove? Was she around the scene back in the day or something? She looks familiar for some reason...
She have instagram?
In that first pic, that's GOT to be SoVerySoft standing up/walking behind Carla. Nice to see her again after all this time... but she has passed away too, right?
Here are all I have of the BBWs you requested.

I don't think I have Goddess of Gluttony, but some in my archive are saved under their real names rather than their modeling names, so if anyone can tell me her real name, I might be able to find her.

Incidentally, Carla appeared on an episode of Jepeordy in 2004. If anyone can post, or direct me to a video of that show, I'd be grateful.
Carla also used to be in a band called "The Heaters"
This entire photo looks like it was generated by AI. What is going on
I just Googled this "Pixelup" on the bottom of the photo. It is an AI app with tools to enhance and edit photos, so it could have very well edited the photo and brought all the people together into the group.
Can someone reup this video of Stacey in Bruno? Also the one of Carrie Baker Reynolds in City Island?

ohsomocha used to be on onlyfans under something different
The girl in the middle? Anyone know who she is or have any pics of her?
I would love to see some more Jodie. Did she have her own site?
Any name on the woman in the first post in the yellow dress?
(45 KB, 720x540, 19e4bacc10522c5fad0be3a41f4c4a8386602b2cdba9a08573e52280b99c3f7b.jpg)
I tried to download a video from a Gofile link, but it said that only premium accounts can download.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but could you please post the video to a file sharing service called pixeldrain? This site is free and allows you to share files up to 20GB with the same link for three months. I'm sorry.
Here: https://pixeldrain.com/
Any new ones of her? Any socials where we can find her?
(337 KB, 1146x1432, IMG_3537.jpeg) (585 KB, 792x1798, IMG_3538.jpeg)
A couple recent pics. She’s not a model, so
I won’t share her name or socials. She’s just a big Canadian woman with an even fatter husband.
Lmao that's your dream girl 🤣 🤢
Where in canada and can you give at least a first name? Let us enjoy it too

Transfer expired :(

About tree-fiddy, depending on height. More realistically 300 lbs since their friend seems taller.
(393 KB, 1368x1940, JPEG image 4.jpeg) (279 KB, 1668x1005, IMG_6859.jpeg)
Anyone got more files of the this babe? Brittany Morgan I think her name is

Now that is a woman! Thank you
That's BigCutie Leah, who retired a few years back. Do you have links to where you got those shots though?
Bice. I wish I'd seen her too. Any more candid photos like this?
Lmk where I can find one of these so I can make it my wife, thanks
Who’s the third pic girl standing infront of the door with the huge VBO?
Must know who this is. Anyone?
Mods, can we please take down the photos with kids in them? It was dumb that those were uploaded to begin with.
can you please reup this?
Can someone reup?
Looks like someone he creepily took pics of at a birthday party or something. I think non-model posts are okay here -- as long as the person knows they were in the picture. This lady clearly does not..
I know i'm a year late 😅, but is it possible to reup please ?
Mor pics
Holy shit, this chick has made the rounds here before but I've never seen a pic of her this good or clear. Please don't hesitate to post any more you have of her.

I told yall before shes massive in person, finally someone threw up something to prove it lol
You think this is around peak A?
You could tell because her calves and ankles were massive even in shots with more, uh, "slimming" angles. But this really is a great shot. She'd make a fortune on OF or Clips4Sale.
I'd empty my bank account to see her eating Taco Bell on camera
I question if this is a new pic bc i was banging her about 2 years ago and she looks like 50lbs heavier here, her upper body wasnt as big compared to her lower half. Maybe its the angle. Man what id give to be under her again
With a gain rate like that she could give BoBerry a run for her money damnnnn
Were the other pics in prevous threads? I dont have any saved any more unfortunately
Anyone know her name? Any more photos of her at all?
>Deenie Castleberry

She did Hardcore porn under the name Jellibean. Her stuff is incredibly easy to find on literally and porn tube.
Kinda wild how much she hides her shape and uses filters. It's night and day with that face.
Second pic looks AI generated.
You mean 'cause he's black?
I mean 'cause you are an idiot.
did she agree that her picture is posted publicly?
Okay guys, no more pictures of A. Last time she was posted here she found out and was pretty freaked. She's not a member of the BBW/FA community (even if she would make a fucking killing being a camgirl) so all of these have been shared under the radar without her knowing.

I wouldn't have even bothered to say anything until I saw that newer pic show up on /fph/. Fun's over. If you know her you know her, but the rest of y'all gotta move on.
>>111595 the amount of hot women people on this site have singlehandly scared away from the community or even publicly posting at all is pretty insane
She's absolutely in the latter category. She didn't have anything on her Instagram, but now that's private. She barely posts on Snapchat. I haven't been on Facebook in years but I imagine that's under lock & key even if you ARE friends with her.

Honestly thought this would be like a KenzieKinzie situation (before she opened an OnlyFans what a fucking turn that was) but thankfully no one has posted anything she's shared in confidence or any social media handles. Even so, a guy can dream she'll come around and maybe set up a Feabie account at least, but she doesn't have any problem getting dates from buff guys so there's no need for her to even do that.

Anyway, this isn't a candids thread. Just post girls that know they're being talked about online and are fully clothed. Ain't that hard.
In an effort to get more pictures, they end up making it so there's less.
"they" = always the others
>>100852 any chance you can re-up for Corie Elizabeth? Thanks!
Foot pressure into skull.
Bigger & softer the butt. Louder the backshots. Happy friday
I would enable the FUCK out of the girl in 5. She's got a body made to store butter.
5 is an obvious morph of the same person in 4 (which is not morphed)
Feels weird to know that an actress on a Nickelodeon show did porn. I assume that she was on there before the porn career and her career as an actress never took off so she started doing porn.
Her husband know about the pornos. Why is that room a mess. Omg. All that ass. Niggas not even pushing her shit out.
Who's the girl in the lavender jacket?
Butt plug & birthmark. Yeah I cant be around that non sense
I guess so because I don’t understand what color I got wrong
Would it be possible to get a reup on Katie Hardgrove?
Thank you!!!! It says the download is not available and that the transfer has reached its download limit. I'm guessing that means I wasn't quick enough?
(311 KB, 894x891, Katie (11).jpg)
Wetransfer has changed all the rules recently. Now a transfer can only be downloaded 100 times, so I will be using Gofile instead. Hope it works for you.

I uploaded Katie Hardgrove to Gofile at https://gofile.io/d/kCbyRJ
Did anyone save CookieBBW's clothing hauls from Youtube? I was too late myself.
Reup in ZIP format? It says folder not found or something
It says "the folder is not public"
Imagine thinking those clothes were cool, appropriate or attractive. Plus the makeup and hair are just trying too hard, makeup on a pig and all.
More please
Oh wow. Name/source on this one?
Imagine being a bitter little nerd with bad taste.
Can anyone reupload clips and scenes of Stacey Halprin?
Can anyone PLEASE reupload clips and scenes of Stacey Halprin?
She's hot as fuck dude. Are you insane
More please
Anna, we used to cum on her big tits

Biggest L take in the history of everyone who has ever liked fat girls

I cam only assume you're single, so if you managed to wife up a bbw, what would you want her to wear? Muumuus 24/7?
I don't think it is her, just a random SSBBW
She is supposed to be dead since last year (was announced here)

I think this could be Gaininggoddess, but though she retired over a decade ago
The head appears different (including eyebrows) and on the first I miss the "wings" (underboobs) which she already had in 2007 on her first Youtube video (with black hair when).
It's definitely goddess of gluttony in the green dress, hottest girl at the wedding. RIP
Wouldn't think so, if you had seen Pamela (of Di Asa) in her white one, where are the rolls of the thighs visible below the skirt
Or Joynado among others; there are some larger brides than this one
this girl changed her name a lot but she went by chromaglow or something like that on feabie a while back. she kept deleting and rejoining under different names but she was a nice girl to chat with

I wish we could Get her new name :( or at least her pics. I was a 'fan' of her lol
(5.2 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1909.png)
Paulasoofia on Instagram, god she’s stunning
i wish she would somehow get into the feedee scene and get even fatter. She looks so soft everywhere and would be the perfect girl to get hugs from feeling like a soft pillow. Hope she never loses weight and gets bigger

She is cute but, def not ChromaGlow
I just did a search on the seattle area of women within her age range and she doesn't seem to be there. unless she is on an anon account.

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