
(66 KB, 684x1200, large.8DA460BA-DDD9-4264-A4A3-301F5AAB4C60.jpeg.99afce3177e8c05b9028c5148ed4a861.jpeg) (95 KB, 684x1200, large.58E0F805-B1C3-4E20-AAA6-6D935049A0D2.jpeg.fce5c6171bfaa6560a63f4e497ce7dab.jpeg) (164 KB, 1168x2048, Fs0_1IxacAAWxSy.jpg)
Super fat chick, that seems pretty unknown at the moment, with a collosal belly. Does anyone have any of her content?


Here's some Lady Jiggles in return:
>>79326 (OP)
She's not even into feederism, she's just some stupid fat bitch from Phoenix. She just stay in AC year round and can't cook for herself so she gets a bunch of fast food
>>79326 (OP)
damn, she is actually really cute. i am interested
This man won’t beat off to a girl until he thinks she will marry him and cook and clean for him lmao

>>79326 (OP)
You can see on those photos that she actually draws a black line across her nose bridge.
Lol you can hear that her AC is on full blast
Cute. Potential to be a fat Belle Delphine. Can she go cross eyed for us?
>>79442 I’d say it would be worth paying the bill if I came home to that 😂
Omg. Take an actual look at the picture: that is a nose chain.
wtf is a nose chain? Fucking disgusting degenerates, not content with shoving bits of metal into their face they're now lacing their face with metal? Fuck off.
that’s just the type of piercing she has in. i’ve been thinking about getting one myself, it’s a double nose stud on both nostrils with a really thin chain across the front
She is so incredibly pretty and sexy! She also becomes more and more beautiful, I have the impression! Please share more videos of this beauty!
Very Hot! Tank you!

Hot and fresh
She’s annoying as shit. Every single day she complains, complains, complains. I have no idea how someone can exists and feed off of the sympathy they generate. She needs to get off the internet and seek therapy.
Wahh wahh wahh
a retard diversion device
Reup please 🙏🏼
New vid on curvage looks AMAZING!!!
If someone is kind enough to share, that would be amazing
Why are Oxygen masks so fucking sexy
She would be the perfect woman if not for the tattoos
84 inch ass, wasn't boberry at 87 at 600+. Impressive.
Someone again please?
Anyone got the oxygen mask vid?
I second this motion
can someone reupload?
Oxygen mask vid would be lovely right now!!!!
Do you have the middle gif in a bigger res? How that hang swings is epic.
When is someone gonna post the oxygen vid? Its been two fucking weeks
Right after the second coming of christ
I gotta wait until fucking Easter? What the fuck
buy it yourself
I subbed to her for a month, and she sent out a video of herself walking around and I will always kick myself for not downloading it
Yeah ima kick you too. Dumb asf for that. And you felt the need to just out yourself without re-subbing and getting it smh.
ah damn just missed it, anyone able to reup? looks like a really good
also >>87933 might be no worries, she just put up a mobility struggles vid that may blow that one out of the water lol

cheers thanks for the reup
Can someone reup anything?
Reupload every content sent in thus far. Pls
Damn does she really need to have oxygen 24/7 ??
(22 KB, 190x161, komaru thumbs up.png)
bbwchan is socialism in action, enjoy! (it was in a .mov format so i've also included an mp4 formatted version) YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMWFtpIGxvdmUgdGhlIHBva2Vtb24gcHVydWdseV1oU01XWndVVmRXYUZrPQ==
You take the brackets out along with the message, knuckle nuts be better
lmao this guy is new here
I just bought the mobility video -.-
Here's the belly flopping one
These are some of the most morbid videos I've seen. How she asks for help to get up and the guy can't actually help her. Also her inability to set up a camera and film herself in a compotent way adds to the morbidity.
What adds to the morbidity for me is not being able to hear her voice over the roar of the AC cranked to full blast in the background. This girl could not survive outside unaided.
Okay so are you posting that or just going to describe it for us?
It has already been posted. That's why I was upset about buying it, dumbass.
any chance of a reup?
The work out fail definitely
She lives in my city and cant stand her. Seems super unhappy all the time and isn't a feedee. Just a depressing obese girl
Not a feedee? Bro I’ve gained 150lbs since March. & sorry I’m sad?? Talking about me like you’ve met me. Lmao -ThatFatGemini
What the fuck
150 pounds in such a short time is legitimately impressive. Props.
I think your pretty and if I met you I would be cool to you
Heroic levels of autism on this thread. I'm so proud of our community.
I'm beginning to think there's a correlation between autism and fat fetishes.
Good thing you've found your kind.

There is a correlation between people who can't buy their own porn and autism/certain other mental conditions. It just happen to be a fat porn place they naturally come to.

And while we are not all incapable of buying porn here here you usually don't see those who are capable being vocal or raging around.
I, for one, have certain principles in terms of content sharing. I also support certain creators for the greater good and do other things. But most importantly I am not repulsed by an idea of buying content. And I do that when its not available.

But you won't see me yelling around, begging or demonstrating what this fella:>>92487 calls "heroic levels of...". That's because I've got way better things to do. And there is unknown amount of folks like me. Maybe even majority. But we stay mostly silent (pun intended).

Contrary to that loud assholes are notorious. They are not just heard by everyone. Most of the community is practically forced to behold them in all their "glory" here and there. But it doesn't take many "units" to achieve that. In fact 4-5 idiots among community is enough to cause such a stir. Or 1-2 crafty and determined individuals.
Any hero have the huge pasta stuffing?
Honestly yes. Id argue that 95% of other people I've met in person that are into ssbbw are autistic. Factor in that most of the people on this board have never been with one, it's probably higher

25 pounds a month for 6 consecutive months?


Or this is just some dude larping
Armchair psychologist/douche
It's possible. Lux noir aka narcotix666 put on 120 pounds in 5 months.
this bitch is fucking ugly
you're fucking ugly and the only "people" (freaks) that like you want you to eat yourself to death. there is nothing appealing about your body aside from the number on the scale
stop before it's too late
>Or this is just some dude larping
nah "& sorry I’m sad??" is very typical for a woman. typical irritated uptalk they do

Competitive speed eaters can eat 10,000 calories in one sitting. It really isn't that hard to eat 6k-7k calories in the course of an entire day. At that level of intake even a 400lbs model can gain 100lbs in just a few months.

All that goes to show that most supposed feedee models don't really try that hard, if at all, to gain.
That's the biggest lie I've ever heard
Adeline did it and documented it cut it out.
Adeline looked substantially bigger when her weight shot up in just a couple of months. This girl looks about the same as she did several months ago.

Adeline literally got so fat so fast it was an unimaginable thing to see - and you could SEE IT.

This girl puts on a oxygen hose and yous all thinks she gained 150 pounds.

But I don't think >>93233 meant Lux Noir put on that weight "in the last 5 months", I think they just meant "there was a 5 month period where she gained that much weight", She obviously plateau'd since then.
Damn 150 pounds? Maybe you should focus on breathing and oxygen instead of eating
Tbh thats about the only two activities she can do is eat and breath/waste space
I myself gained 55 lbs in 2 months. Its possible, just drink a shit ton of heavy cream and eat a ton and basically don't move. Not gonna lie, most of the time you feel like shit and don't want to move anyway.
Has anyone this Clip?
I gained the same amount over 3 months, felt like shit and was inflated all over, covered by stretchmarks and horny af and wanting more but Had to slow down for my health
Her Feabie bio says not actively gaining and she doesn't have feedee tagged, was this just an accident then?
Kinda curious to hear more about this (and anyone else who's taken a stab at gaining weight themselves) so I created a thread in /gen/ about this:

>>35389 (Cross-thread)
gainer here, i can confirm that simple heavy cream consumption can speed up your gain a lot. keep it up!

Starting at 5f 5 and 400lbs she needs ~3270kcal to maintain her weight. I think for a serious gainer ssbbw who was already at 400 it's only fair to assume that she had no problem eating 3k+ already. So I am only considering the caloric surplus needed for 35 lbs a month / 6.25lbs/week. Going by the standard eat an extra 1000kcal/day and gain 2lbs rule, you get a need for 3125 extra kcals needed per day (total of ~6.4k).
Seeing now that a 1qt container of heavy cream has 50kcal per serving at a total of 64 servings, you get an extra 3200kcal just by chugging a quart. So I don't know about you guys, but to me this seems believable/doable.
I mean maybe she didnt gain that much in so little time but anyways it is clear that she has ballooned like crazy, she looks barely mobile in her latest pics
Any reups?
I think these pictures are at least partly made by an AI and are not a real person.
>smartest bbw-Chan user

No but actually you fucking retard why come on here if you don’t think anything is real
When poeple first saw LoveRandalin and her giant ass and crazy hip-to-waist ratio online, they accused her of photoshopping her pics...so she started posting videos to disprove the haters.
Bro nobody pay money to this wanna be feedee... She's just tryna capitalize off her weight gain that came from her health condition. She's an annoying verified fraud
She's Big now!!!
Fat is fat. She’s hot and massive why does it matter
This, honestly. Plus it's kind of hot if she doesn't even want to be fat but can't help herself anyway. I mean, imagine growing to 450+ lbs just out of sheer greed and gluttony, rather than doing it with any sort of intentionality.
Yeah, I mean who gives a fuck as long as she’s fat and gaining. If she was losing and then trying to play it off that’s different story but she is huge and clearly getting bigger, so who cares
What health condition exactly?
Can anyone please reup anything of hers? Specifically looking for the oxygen mask video, but I would be extremely grateful for anything. Thanks in advance
Shut the fuck up. I fell like she deserves to capitalize on a illness bruh… especially if it’s making her fat… what u want her to just be broke miserable and uncontrollably fat?
I mean its what happened to Adeline.
Ooh yes please!!

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