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600lbs USSBBW from france

looking for her c4s content: https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/213665/ssbbw-doughbellygirl

some content to get started: aHR0cHM6Ly93ZXRyYW5zZmVyLmNvbS9kb3dubG9hZHMvNGE1N2I5YjE2NTE2M2YyNzQ1OGVkYWUwZjFhYjJjYWMyMDIzMDQxODE5MjkxNy8zMzNjNDMxYWE1YzAyMzc4MjUzZjE2NzExNTVlZjE2NDIwMjMwNDE4MTkzMDI3L2EwMTIzOD90cms9VFJOX1RETF8wMSZ1dG1fY2FtcGFpZ249VFJOX1RETF8wMSZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPWVtYWlsJnV0bV9zb3VyY2U9c2VuZGdyaWQ=
Shes on coomer...
It needs updated.
>>79163 (OP)
She is not from France. Rumors say she is from Eastern Europe like Bulgaria, Albania, etc.
I think you're wrong. Her old FF profile said she lived in France. I recall it being a BFD on there at the the time due to the perceived scarcity of French SSBBWs.
Is she still bald?
When she first showed up on the scene a decade ago she would wear these ridiculous hats to cover up her hair loss.

Nah she got that same treatment Lewis Hamilton did.
She live in France, but I think she is original from Bosinia-Herzegowina (so north Balkan, but the only mainly muslimic country in Europe):
She did a daily video on a vacation with her brother, during a car-trip to their old home country, where they drived many hours per day and she barely fit into his small car on the backseat (like 13h one of it) and she had trouble with the clothes and the village where they stayed
Maybe did you mix her up with Summer, who lost the hair about one year before dying (likely due to cancer-treatment), what you can see for instance on the shopping trip with Echo (on oxygen) and their caretaker.

Jenna speaks too good English to be native French.

Right because speaking more than one language is inconceivable

I feel like Americans are the only people in the world who are blown away (or can’t even imagine) people speaking multiple languages fluently and like a native.
Seemed more of a dig at French people tbh. I don't follow the logic either way. If you hear her talk she's definitely got some weird delivery.
Yeah she definitively has an accent too
The Balkan immigrant to France story is most likely, because that's already a common phenomenon (and ties into the trope of the peasant who discovers western prosperity and goes crazy). Also she has a Slavic phenotype to her face. Look at the breadth under her light eyes and the nose, etc. She doesn't look like a Gallo-Roman or Frank.
To clarify the common American equivalent is the Mexican woman who illegally moves to USA and discovers the abundance of El (G)walmart and becomes a 300 lb ogre at 5'1" within a couple years. Many such cases!

Do you have those short fatties anywhere by chance? Short fatties are sooo good.
The people in France, apart of Paris, speak mainly just their native language, they have even a law to have an amount of French titles in each radio playlist (charts) and others which shall save/ support their culture and language.

She hint in one recent posting to be a muslima (send greetings about Mubarak).
When I was in 2007 in Paris, there were some women inside the railway stations from Bosnia Herzegowina, having a letter to show people, her father is in a hospital and need money for a surgery. Others sold postcards or candles.
She probably lives long time, maybe since the childhood, in France, as when I chatted with her on Skype, she appreciated either Louis de Funnes or Asterix (but not Bud Spencer).
By the way there was a Serbian SSBBW singer named Sheila. She attend in the Grand Prix Eurovision de la Chanson, some years ago.
Link please, can't find her
How old is she
You can find her on Youtube, maybe also Dailymotion and Videmo. It was maybe 2014 (+/- 1 year) when she was in the final or semi-final of that contest.
Just search for Serbian SSBBW singer (or fat/ obese one). She looks similar as Jenna, as she has light-blond hair too, but she was possible few years ago in a show which reported her weight-lose (since around 2016), so she is not at her heaviest now and shrinked a little bit down (it was like Celebraties Biggest Loser or Big Brother). That I found out just last year. But I know her since maybe 4 or 5 years.

There is also at least one South American singer who is a lookalike, but darker (just as black African SSBBW singers).
Jenna or Sheila? Both are probably in the mid to late thirties. The first (Bosnian-French) maybe 38.
I tried what you said, still nothing on 3 sites and Google. Please just link me anything directly :(
It is some months/ years ago when I watched it.
Perhaps you can try SSBBW Sheila or singer Sheila (from Serbia)...🤔

She is not naked in any of these, a bit shorter than Jenna I think (maybe 1,70m) and has not a doube-belly but like a ballet, wear robes.

She looks actual like in Be Smart the woman which danced with Steve Carell (and who he lifted up), but lighter hair and violet lipclose.
I don'tthink so... The one I meant had no curlies, blond (gold) hair and this high fixed. Also was the face more round than ovall.
She could be a little bit older than that one and maybe did she already attend (possible two times) first in 2011 in this competition, at least in the national qualifies of her country.
Though it could be also a different former Yugoslavian nation (like Macedonia, Croatia or Montenegro), but I thought I read it is Serbia (while I first thought Croatian).
You probably meant SSBBW Mimi from BBW Royalty
I doubt that, as it is a professional singer which attend in this European wide competition (even Australia took part in some).
Anyway she had a rounder and more vollouptus tummy and the robe was blue or lilac.
But it is possible, that she's from Slowenia instead of Serbia.
In this contest are some fat women, like Malta had such and the last one who won for Israel too (which looks similar as Beth Dito), her name is something like Naja.
i need all of MIMI please someone can up please
always got stunted/spectrum-y vibes from this girl. like echo's European equivalent.
>what you can see for instance on the shopping trip with Echo (on oxygen) and their caretaker.
What are you talking about? Summer and Echo did a shopping trip set???
They did a video of it, had the same assistance on it, Echo was on oxygen during it (had her big metal bottle for breathing with her), but it was not for food, they were looking like for decorations and something inside design items. That is probably less than a decade ago, so between 2014 and 2017. Summer was possible a bit more mobile than Echo, but wore already a wig or covered the head (due to lost hair, maybe after chemo-therapie).
They were driven in a van.
Fuck off with your bump begging you assclown
Fuck i love how much she grunts when she walks and needs a cane to hold herself up. Anybody have any walking vids?
Echo and Summer were both in one same video?
You have got it!
Summer was on a cane (stick) and had her head covered (due to lost hair) like a Turkish woman or my grandmother in the past, but she was likely not at her heaviest (as the sickness appeared apparently). Echo was on oxygen, what she even took to the huge store (on her scooter), so she was possibly close to her peak weight.

Both were transported in the same van, by one BBW (their nurse/ caretaker likely), but sometime Summer had a different one, also younger.
So this have to been around 2015, most likely (maybe 2016 or 2014), as she died in mid of 2017 or 2018.
I feel like you’re retarded xd
Took you damn well near half a month to think of that one, huh?
You are retarded. 1 in 5 Americans are Bilingual

More like bisexual lmao. Yall be sucking dicks
those being spics
what an achievement
Anyone got some content of this blob?
That isn't due to America's renowned school system is it now.
Exactly most spics don't even speak english at home. Actual americans aren't bilingual, fake paper americans can. That's not even mentioning china towns where the colonial rats who dwell there never have to utter a word of english.
I see the Ameritards are at it again

fucking inbred faggots bragging about their willful ignorance... shut the fuck up
Do you have this video? I've never heard of this before.
you sound fucking retarded
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amerimutt detected. 400 years of criminal expats and inbreeding results in prime grade DNA, probably including some of actual dogs, aligators and other beasts of the field
Well this thread de-evolved pretty quickly
Can we just post some fucking content and stop derailing the thread?
I'm really proud of this community. It's the most unhinged autistic community on the entire internet. I'm not even interested in the uploads any more, I just come here to read the high intelligence discussions. Well done guys keep it up.
So how's highschool going?
>>84472 This' gonna be great for her career.
Nah that’s not her, she’s still posting normally on feabie.
No way that's her. She is big, but not anywhere near 850 lbs. Also, how does an American that size end up in France? Weird article.
She only sells her customs for 60 USD for ten minutes (no one tell her how ridiculously low price that is)

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