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Has anyone got any of Porcelain's stuff?

Heres some random videos to get the ball rolling, dont have any Porcelain stuff.
Love this girl, lowest hanging belly
Eons ago, about 3 years ago, I was once you. delete "(3)". Not sure if troll but here to help.
Does she have any active sites? Bbw foxes seems to have vanished :(
>>78358As far as i remember she was not that much into the fat fetish she was doing so she likely vanished, sad though i love her butt and big belly
I remember seeing a thumb nail for a clip on her foxes site, she checks her blood pressure in it. I know its a long shot but does anyone have it?
I remember there was a MEGA link with almost all of her videos, no idea where is it now
where do we find the archives ?
she has onlyfans, can anyone upload her vore clip? would be willing to trade
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trade it for a hot steaming bucket of your mom's stool; share or GTFO, or better yet, just GTFO since it's obvious you got nothing of value to contribute to the society
Faggot kill yourself
Eat a diarrhea filled asshole and when you're done rubbing the last of the fudge into your skin read the rules, NO TRADES.
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>>83927 (Cross-thread)

Thanks mate, some of those I was missing. Not sure what all you have, but I have a few myself. If you look at the list, see if there is something there.
Can you guys post pics of her with the weird belly hang?

Most sharing sites (or sites at all) don't work here/are banned and finding stuff of this girl is a pain, never understood why this chick is so off the radar.
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I lost my collection in an impulsive move deleting it all please be a real one and upload some gems. I've been looking for het buttplug set for years now.
ayooo!!! i did a hard drive cleanout a while back, so frankly i dont have most of these.

i have 47, 64, 75, 78, 82, 86, 96, 100, 104, 118, 120, 123, 125, 135, 144, 147, 155, 156, 167, 169, 176, 178, 186, 188, 195, 199, and 203, so anything other than those would be highly appreciated. also missing pic sets 131 and 149.
Didn't she make a vore video at some point? Maybe I have her confused with someone else.
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my GOAT.

as thanks, i'll finish the job for you. here's all of her picsets that i have.

Does she frequently upload content to her onlyfans page?
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Anyone got this video?
anyone know what sets she was approximately her heaviest? when her belly got really grotesque and low hanging
I know her boyfriend, he is a seriously deranged feeder and I’ll be honest I can’t wait to see how fat he makes her. I know she’s smaller now, but I have a feeling he won’t stop until she is bedbound and worryingly obese
I got that vibe from a few of her videos where he is feeding her. Wonder what that conversation must have been like when she had to lose weight in the first place.

It certainly doesn't sound like she wants to be that big again, but at the same time she knows that's what he's into and what her fans want to see.
If it’s the same guy that she lost the last 150lbs with, I doubt the probability of that happening.
I mean if you see his art you know he has a preference for the super fat.

I remember she lost the weight when she was at her heaviest due to water retention. I think she is on the regains and I know he will be pushing her to eat as much as possible
10$ that shes gonna cut the lower part of her belly out at some point. it always stood too low even when she was at her biggest, and when she really starts to not be fat anymore she proly is not gonna wanna have a deflated sack of skin hanging right in front of her body...
Not a fan of the WL. They always lose that oomph.
Jeez, she looks truly awful with WL. She always had a great bod but unattractive face (esp. with makeup caked on), and now she looks like a cadaver with the weight gone. So sad to lose another SSBBW...
sorry, but you can reup again?
just like kellie kay she looks bad her face too skinny ughhh why lose weight
Don't stop I'm almost there
For the love of god someone reup this
eh, for a deflated ssbbw, she's actually still looking fairly good - none of that "living corpse" syndrome (see: vanilla hippo)
Good God I need it
reupload pls
Thanks man.

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