

I liked her instagram teasers, very good fo beginner 👍👍

I think she is from Finland
Shes huge and hungry
(49 KB, 512x875, fatvikingbabe.JPG)
(27 KB, 410x602, fatvikingbabe2.JPG)
Thanks a lot for these!
Very sexy lady!!!
I've never understood why she still is using a camera from like the 1990's for these photos. The quality is absolute garbage.

I guess that's what you get being unemployed and living with your parents
hard to fap with the jesus pic in the back
She works at a hospital.

Seems more like she's going for an aesthetic
does she have more belly button content on onlyfans??
Second! does anyone have that vid?
> Afatvikingbabe
Do you know if she's a nurse? That's seriously hot. She's what, 22, short and superfat!
I bet she's thinking using filters helps with friends and family from finding out she posts nudes online.
There was only 3 or 4 Finnish female feabie users 3 years ago. Now there's a handful, but it's a secret society to us and the whole FA scene is unknown in Finland.
I think she's a typical sub-urban/countryside religious nut with avarage wealth family, a bit trashy as all female nurses typically are here.
Not sure what religion you think she's meant to be a nut of, but it's not Christianity. Posting nudes online is anti-Christian.
bahahahahahahahahahahahahaha god you sound sheltered
Go outside. Both of you need a walk
If thou beist a fat girl thou shalt post nude pics online. Yeah Verily.
This is so wrong.. she has awesome body but she is also dumb as fuck and to make matters worse she is attention whore, ehhh
She says her mother supports her and takes pictures
that hasn't stopped many
Is anyone following her onlyfans ? I'd like to know if she has naked only vids.. she is so proud of being naked all the time that she probably has none of full outfit videos -,-
Thanks, but a bit underwhelming. She could have at least recorded it in landscape mode.

Its her NICKname guys. Katri, Annaliin and mixes of those with Ranta doesn't work, LOL
And how is one expected to know her nickname
Do you struggle with Captchas aswell?
It might be "lardarse"
How is one supposed to download videos from vimeo? My 4k video downloader just comes up with 'error'
Better than nothing I guess since no one is sharing any of her other content
I use the "Vimeo Downloader" pluggin for firefox

Here is the video :
Never really noticed her until today
She's really cute and has a nice fat distribution

And I love how she makes that bed creak like crazy in the vid that was just shared here, very hot ^^

Roughy a year ago she shared how she actually broke actual bed beyond repair.
Holy shit I never realized she's a finn, fapped to her so many times I lost count, and now checking her Feabie more thoroughly found out she lives a mere 90km from me.

Same thing 🤣 but 180km from here
Same thing 🤣 but 180km from here
re-up please
From where are you, Estonia, Finland? Sweden?
what's her weight?
Hot but her attention whore pick me attitude is the most off putting thing on Feabie, I’ve really gone off her

People always go on and on about how far the distances in America are, but I feel everyone here that lives closer than 300 km to her is practically neighbours with her. 🤣
T: someone that has lived in Oulu.

Omg, finally someone who understands me T-T
244 kg or 538 lbs
She seems like a pathological liar. She lives in a very very small town in the middle of nowhere in sparsely populated Finland but pretends to have these whatever happenings multiple times every single day. Logs in all the time all the time so that her profile is found better. I wonder if the people in Feabie are really that stupid that they believe all that shit pretends to be happened this and that time or do they just go along with all of that for whatever reason.

Yeah, she is looking for a lot of attention.. Sometimes she posts quite smart thoughts but most of the time is "ohhh how I wish I could insert fat fetish activities someone" and the most dumb thing is she would reject any decent guy that would ask her for a date and maybe relationship. Guess it's better to beg fo a dick on feabie but never get one lol. Besides, is she living alone or with family? Who the fuck wanders around house naked when parents are nearby? Oh and that bragging about how she flashes neighbours with her ass because skirt is too short and reveals moooon.
Ok I know this site is for sharing bbw/ssbbw stuff but I think we can also discuss how much contrast is between someone's body and personality and mentality..

So basically you're an inceloid and you're salty because she rejected you

Nice try anon but I'm not really an inceloid, I haven't even tried texting her because I live over 1000 km from her ane I see what type she is, hot body but the rest is so disturbing that really puts off..
Think anon think!

Holy shit you sound sad af
I’ve always wondered how she has such an interesting live when she lives in the middle of nowhere.
She seems dirty like she doesn’t shower or clean her house and I know that’s a fetish for some but not me lol
takes advantage of how most Americans wouldn't be aware that there's no chance she does all the shit she does if she really lives in rural Finland.

There's a chance she's spoofing her actual location of course.
Then where are the videos?
Why tf would someone lie about living in some random smaller Finnish city lol.

I actually liked her on tinder when I was in the area like 2 years ago, but we never matched.
Did she have fetish style photos as her pics or were they more normal?
She had normal SFW pictures. Same style as her Feabie however. She wasn't afraid of showing her size, but also most were face pics.

Bio read something like "I'm the biggest girl you have ever been with. Don't call me fat because then I'll sit on you".
There's no way this chick is a nurse lol. I don't think she has the ability to be on her feet for long periods of time.

She is probably a nurse at a counter or other desk job. As far as I know all that personal is officials nurses in European countries.
Have you never been to the hospital there full of massive overweight nurses
>>24613 Good theme for starting a new thread!!
OMG, anyone have videos with her??
Here you go:

While there are some chunky nurses in hospitals, there's no way a +500 lbs person can work a shift caring for patients. Especially if they have to wear a Covid mask. People who work desk jobs in hospitals - can't speak for Finland though - usually come from an accounting/commerce background. Real nurses get in to admin positions only when they are senior nurses, which she is cleary not due to her age. But then again, what does it matter, what job a model has? Anyone have mor content?
Does she live alone or she records videos when no one is home or it's just common view in this house and her mom is like "oh look honey our sweetie is being cute whore again to make herself some more money"
thank you dude!
I don't think parents that let their daughter get that fat give a shit one way or the other.
You'd be surprised. Let their daughter become a whale? Oh well it's out of our hands. Let them take pics for the world to see? SHAME.
anybody have the video of her eating ice cream sandwiches that was on spankbang?
Every Video is Garbage Save your money and Delete this Entire Thread
I've seen a lot of obese nurses but never her size
yea for real. either clean your place up or dont make a mess in the first place.
Thanks. Incredible that there is only one half-decent video there, and it's like fucking 40 seconds long.
That being said I'm a bit disappointed she didn't talk like the Hydraulic Press Channel dude.
It's so funny reading all these losers trying to find lies in her posts or some weird shit about her not living in rural Finland. Like you're some kind of internet detective.
Even if she was lying, why do you care so much? I know I wouldn't be sharing my personal life to some weirdos on the internet.
This is what no pussy does to a mf
They're sad losers. The most pathetic ones are borderline stalkers, using any clue they can to try to find this woman in person. Can you imagine the introduction if they ever succeeded in meeting her?

"Hi, I jerk off to your pictures online. You're the most beautiful woman ever. Will you marry me?"
In one of her videos she's in the bathroom and a sauna is in the background. That's enough proof for me.
She sure as shit lives in the backlands of Finland but something's off - no fucking way anyone THAT fat can work as a nurse. I mean, women 200 lbs lighter than her have trouble pushing through the day especially with the masks and shit, let alone a girl her size.

But that's not really the point here. She looks fantastic and I'm fapping to that - not the borderline crazy ass bitch personality.
I mean I've interacted with at least 3 nurses who were ssbbw. Fat nurses is a thing.

Besides, there are different roles for nurses, not all of them are running around the ER all day. Some are administrative and some do prep work.
She isn’t a nurse (too young), she has the examination of a practical nurse. Practical nurses work in nursing homes changing diapers etc.
I don’t think she has a job, just the vocational examination.
But she sure lives in rural Finland.
She sure is crazy. Knowing all the insane SJW shit she's written on feabie makes everything about her cringe. Surprised she uses a name like "afatvikingbabe." Guess that makes it all the more ironic.
practical nurse is still a nurse and don't change diapers jfc your an idiot lol
Actually in Finland changing diapers for elderly / bed patients is included in practical nurses work assignments. But they also do wound cleaning, sharing meds, applying splints etc.
Even a normal nurses do change diapers if they're told so and no one else is there to do it.
Is her OF worth it or does it still look like she uses a Nokia 3710 that has gone thru a meat grinder? I swear even those 3rd world Stuffer31 girls in 2009 had higher quality videos, not a person from one of the richest countries in the world in 2021.
I remember talking to her online a while back and she was genuinely one of the rudest people I've ever spoken to.

Surprised ? Boi, she only acts the sweetest and kindest person.. I mean, unless you were rude or something.. Could you quote what did she text you?
Nahhhh, AFVB is one of the nicest, sweetest people in the scene. Must have been something you did, fam.
Must have been tired of dealing with your creepy ass.
Finnish people are pretty inverted or shy depends are in small city or village like afvb. That will explain sometimes that you feel like finn is rude 😄
Here what i found with google: "Finns are not big small talkers, and quiet moments in conversations are not considered awkward. Silence merely means the person doesn’t have anything essential to say. There’s no necessity to fill gaps in conversation with chatter. On the other hand, Finns are genuine – we mean what we say. “Let’s have a beer sometime” actually means you will be contacting the other person sooner or later for a drink, and they will be expecting it.

Finns are masters of self-deprecating humour and regularly rip on themselves for being shy and introverted. “It’s a playful awareness. Unlike stereotypes in many other countries where people are hesitant to make jokes about them, most Finns seem very aware of their image and don’t take it too seriously”, says New Yorker Chris Wlach, who’s been to Finland twice."
Not inverted, thats introverted
Has been to finland twice: world renowned expert in finnish culture.
oh and of course everyone in an entire country matches this stereotype crafted by some New Yorker bloke smh
Unless you are a complete retard Finns are just like any other normal people. I've never experienced Finns to be any harder with to start a conversation with on sites like Feabie compared to Brits and Americans.
(1.3 MB, 1024x1196, fugDDD.png)
ebin :--D

Hah 😄 its little bit different thing to chat on some site, that person to person. I would know becouse i am finn 😁
Well to be honest, after talking with multiple Europeans that have worked for me I've come to realize that they all view each US state like a different country basically.

And you know, they're honestly right.

At least from the perspective of we have way more different types of people that I think just about any other country.
America moment.
Not wrong though.
California alone would rank 32th in population in the world, a larger population than either Canada or Australia. It also has the world's 5th largest GDP, somewhere between the UK and France.
I think you’re right, but also I’m sure that is a biased conclusion, since the EU is probably the reference point
I've never got the impression tbh, I believe your average European actually underestimates how diverse the US actually is.

Of course on the other hand Americans love to boast about how unique each state apparently is despite the differences in reality often are a few hand picked examples.

That being said, what the fuck does this have even remotely anything to do with afatvikingbabe asides from the fact that she happens to be from an EU country.
Okay that's definitely pretty ridiculous. There are a lot of states that are vastly different from each other.

And honestly this is more entertaining than her shitty ass content so that's probably why we're talking about it
Let's get back on track. Here are two batches of vids from this delightful butterball:
I see that people are sharing links of Afatvikingbabe.

for example: aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXY3VG5rUDNvV0EKaHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXl2ZE5tTTdsbXE=

But where does the link go? Thanks for your help.

hello. Mark

them link is go to code

special at bottom of tread to un code or use the green 64 in internet u find by search

“base “

What do you mean? You say go to code, I don't know where 'code' is on my screen. on the bottom? I don't know what special 64 is either. Help! I want to SEE afatvikingbabe!!


they die sadly

there is no seeing a fatvikinbabe now

we begin the waiting the newest link will arrive
I tried subscribing to her Onlyfans but it declined my prepaid credit card for some reason. Piss me off lol

Maybe one of you fellas can make a deal with her on Feabie lol


copy paste code

send her code on feabie site

she send back picture from onlyfans

sadly it only work that way

Defok is that lump??
I would stick all four of my fingers right into this large woman's vagina, and then put them in my mouth while I look at her deep, deep, deep into her eyes.
Fat chicks get that as their neck/head sink into their fat back and shoulders. Pretty hot if you ask me
A massivly obese nurse like her is a dream. Especially for someone as young as she is. A nurse who might suffer a heart attack because she's a greedy piggy is one of my fetish dreams.
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Bump, hopefully her newer OF stuff ends up on coomer

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