
(37 KB, 465x766, AqXcRvo[1].jpg) (29 KB, 489x810, 14aur5axrira1[1].jpg)
Old thread fell off, newest update is out and it's terrible even by her standards:

https://coomer.party/data/6d/b1/6db1b5916e695291b375127283487df27153d7798eb8b51258da7632736db295.m4v?f=3f594e52-ac0b-4550-ab50-9184624356e9.m4v (warning: idiotic multi-coloured filter)

https://coomer.party/data/e6/9b/e69b7ea6d44bb69f88a97e2f1a0b123f3a96ce90396991e874c8ca4ea0f130a5.m4v?f=dbaef6fb-4cff-44e8-885b-4467879c44ac.m4v (weigh in, [spoiler]now at 425lbs[/spoiler)

https://coomer.party/data/b4/12/b41261e34ab99b0788cf460278ded8adc8b106dd63181c7165b9cce675cc3e15.m4v?f=74468279-d99e-439c-888a-8cc473a784f9.m4v (warning: moronic greenscreen filter)

https://coomer.party/data/6d/78/6d78240b726058dc7bd5d803e37f1c0d615c5cf61dac51d992228f9ef746314a.m4v?f=1709f017-7aba-4fb4-84ce-e2d03bf942b1.m4v (warning: stupid outline filter)

And an apology for the filters:
"Sorry if you guys are not thrilled with my editing on this last update lmaooo I was just playing around with my editing app! Don’t get used to it! It DEFINITELY won’t be a regular thing! They were just new and I thought they were cool just something different! BUT another update in a week for EASTER! Haven’t decided if I wanna post the day of or the day before either way another update next weekend! 🫶🏼✨"
>>77053 (OP)
Well that spoiler worked great, godfuckingdamnit.

Forgot to say as well the weigh in video is mirrored to be even more confusing.
wish she would do some exercise sets or something since shes going on this diet. or her walking in a park
>shes going on this diet
Fucking tragedy
Good chance she does lose weight and then gains it all back and then some later. That ass is just going to balloon in size.
I will say, despite her content still not improving, it IS nice to have her posting more than once every 4 months or so
also, after having watched the weigh in, I can pretty confidently say she's gonna bail on that fucking diet within 2 months. Even if she doesn't I guarantee she'll fuck it up and still gain.
time to admit she is functionally retarded. like you just KNOW she thinks the filters on these vids look professional music video quality or some shit lmao.
You guys don't understand she was never gonna make it. Just amongst the best models.
this was never in question, she's borderline braindead. The only thing going for her is that inhuman ass of hers. She gets its a meal ticket, but is very much a person who wants the good of it, but none of the bad. If she had even a modicum of intelligence, she'd have done everything in her power since she showed up to blow that thing so fat she can barely walk.

She is probably worried about how much harder its going to get to keep her size under control as she gets older. If her ass was so fucking fat she could barely wobble around could you image how fast it would grow in another five years? Her weight would spiral out of control. She'd be more ass than woman.
>She'd be more ass than woman

This is a good thing
Totally forgot about this chick, good to see that ass is still around.
Frankly that's what we're all hoping for. Watching her keep piling on the pounds every day looking more and more like Squidward after he ate the krabby patties. I want her thighs and ass to keep exploding outward and watching that cute little gut of hers continue to grow and jiggle. That dumb innocent look in her eyes just makes me wanna push her back and force feed her even fatter
>>77142 This 700 year old Englishman just said squidward
she basically already did that. I think she spent that cruise she went on almost entirely wheelchair bound and it was a wakeup call for her. I also do not believe she's gonna last on the diet and within a year it's WLS time.
Good for her. Death feedists deserve the rope or a bullet to the head.

She can barely stand and shake her ass as it is now. With how big you want her to get she'd probably need to hired someone just to shake her ass for her.
It's a tragedy we didn't get to see any of that
Yup, she should hire me to do it
This is a feeder containment board. the jannies will delete anything insulting feeders
How is this chick gonna diet down? She clearly can’t go to the gym and sweat it off and if she had any willpower she would never have gotten this fat in the first place. Her odds of being successful in her journey similar to those of Amberlynn Reid.
My prediction as well. 99% of dieters fail and there's no reason to think she'll be different. Thing is with her, lipedema fat is particularly hard to lose, even with WLS. I don't wish her ill but I'm not sure there's an out. She's gonna strip her upper body down to skin and bones and her lower body will at best wind up 2/3 the size she is now. Then when she blows up again (as most WLS patients do long term) it'll all go to her ass. She had unbelievable proportions to start with that only got more extreme. Can't even imagine what Randalin 3.0 is gonna look like, just hope we get to see it.

Amen. I'd pay a year's OF sub to see a 15 min video comp of her doing vacation stuff. Double if we see her mom in it.
>>77053 (OP)
"Just playing with my editing app"
It costs nothing; not even extra time, to post unedited videos.
Exactly what I thought. I knew she was an imbecile before but this massively reinforces it.
Why "3.0"?

Was she fat in the past, lost it and gained it again? (current randalin)
She is hot and has unique proportions but honestly this bitch is also uniquely retarded. She is so insecure about her face that she hides it behind a filter. Hopefully she meets a feeder that convinces her to make actual good content. With her dieting I doubt it will ever get any better though
She got comfortable gaining weight in the first place because of the extra money it was bringing in from adoring fans. If she does succeed and loses weight and those fans disappear and stop paying her, how quickly do you think she'll come back to gaining? She can't do anything else, not because she has a giant ass, but because she's literally fucking retarded. Even though she is retarded she does understand that she needs money. Whether she wins or loses this diet she'll be back and bigger than ever.
should h ave been stopped paying her she wont make an squashing or smothering vid lol
Imagine what we could have had content wise if she wasn't an insecure retard.
By 3.0 I meant she started out midsized (like 250ish I think?), blew up to SS and so the next (third) version, assuming she gets WLS, will be midsize and likely an even more exagerrated pear shape bc lipedema.
Filters on porn should impossible. It should be a felony. The tech companies should band together and disable filters on all images deemed pornographic. It's almost as bad as when the girl has a cat in the video. Maybe the cats are worse but still.
This b seem dumb as hell
She was over 300, dieted down to the 200s, which is when we found out about her. That was why her first videos her ass was so jiggly and flappy, because she had already lost significant weight. Then the weight crept up past 400.
Just goes to show this girl is never going to lose any significant amount of weight. She may lose a bit, but she’ll end up gaining it all back plus some. She’d be better off just accepting it and focusing on making better content, cause 500 lbs is just around the corner and it’ll be damn near impossible to make a living in anything other than ssbbw porn
Maybe then she’ll actually bother to get good at it
She will just fade away and another goddess will appear...

Going to be hard for her to fade away if she can't lose any of that weight on her lower half. Almost like her ass is growing to spite her weight loss attempts.
Not to mention it is Lipedema Fat.
Even with the best of her efforts, it will stay.
So she needs a Liposuction (operation) to get rid of her hips/ass.
Randalin is proof that eventually a gainer model can transcend "charmingly airheaded bimbo" territory and be so goddamn stupid that it makes me LESS horny
Latest update is on her Reddit page. Guess what, the content's still dull and uninspired.

>>78042 is spot on.
>jannies will delete anything insulting feeders
there's nothing healthy about being morbidly obese, and I imagine few people here would dispute that. it's not hard to see why they're deleted when the majority of posts like that quickly devolve into streams of low effort concern trolling, if they aren't already to begin with. at the end of the day this board's intended topic is morbidly obese women being morbidly obese. not a place for discussions of personal moral insecurities surrounding one's obsession with fat women
she was never a charming airhead, from day one you could smell "white trash who never had a chance" on her from miles away. completely different kinds of stupid imo.
Why do people say this about her? Example please?
I don't get it either. For me the biggest issue isn't that she's dumb but that she's dull.
That’s the thing. She has so many unique and interesting things she could do with a monumental ass like hers, but it’s just wasted on shaking it for a few seconds then hiding it. She’s clearly not very confident with herself, but she should get there. I’m no doctor by any means, but I’ve done a lot of googling and it’s made very clear that the best way to deal with lipedema fat is *prevention* you can’t really do anything with it other than a series of (likely painful) surgeries after it’s already on. She was offered surgery free of charge when she was 280 ish lbs and went on “The Doctors” (also fuck that old man that was allowed to cop a feel, lucky bastard). She can go on yoyo diets all she wants, but you can’t get rid of the lower portion, period. Hell, it even says if you let it go too long and eat unhealthily then the lipedema fat that can’t be burned away will creep up to the love handles and belly as we’ve already seen happening. She needs to face the facts; dieting alone, even with rigorous exercise that I highly doubt she’d actually do, isn’t going to get her anywhere. Unless she’s down for a radical lifestyle change complete with numerous, painful surgeries she’s stuck where she is. May as well accept it and make the best of it by improving her content, then she could make bank and not have to worry. As it is right now, no one’s going to pay for that shit
It's easy to tell apart the dumb ones: they NEVER look at the lens.

* Extra (-) dumb points if the phone is covering the face
What can she do with the ass? Serious- I'm a belly lover so the greatest hits aren't popping into my head.

What I always find remarkable about her is that her weight is so incongruous with her body (and for sure her upper half.).
she looks like she's easily below 175, if you don't look below the waist
I hate it so much.
ahh, digitized bunny ears and lsd tracer artifacts... nothing gets me up like that
the size of her ass is enough for a double take but after a few seconds you realize its just a loose and floppy sack of water hanging off her legs.

thats what makes it so fuckin hot
What can she do with a colossal, fat-filled, swinging ass? Are you serious, bud? Come up with your own fantasies, this shit writes itself
Im not on her OF/never have been, but does anyone know what the comments look like and/or if there's anywhere else she's receiving any public, y'know ... feedback? You'd think subscribers would be trying to tell her to change it up. Do they and she just ignores it?

Honestly some of the hottest shit she did was when she sat in that chair that was too small, and when she mentioned going on that cruise and taking up two seats, etc.

Is she truly completely unaware that her remaining audience is mostly people interested in seeing content that plays to the kink and acknowledges her physical peerlessness -- or does she know damn well and think she's above it or something lol. Just seems completely impossible for her not to have any clue that she's a unicorn in terms of her shape
Why fall so many into the trick of her?

I mean it is more than obvious that she can't be recognized as SSBBW (hardly as BBW).
Go away Kilo-gay
Shut in your head pervers gaylord, greedy moneyhunter.
I want Randalin to find a guy friend (truly) and have a friends with benefits type of relationship. Imagine her making doggystyle content on her OF. She NEEDS to switch up her content and listen to her fans. Even the simps know it’s time for more hard core.

I would just want someone there to help her with the videos. Knowing her luck she would end up with someone trying to fatten her up as much as they could.

Epic win thus would be

You want her friends to just fatten her non-stop? Just how big do you want her ass to get? I kind of feel like sometimes people will never be happy no matter how big she gets.
I wonder what kind of guy she dates
That's why we're on BBWchan instead of talking to women in real life, anon
such a waste she still hasn't learned how to use a video camera, i'm sick of these phone recordings

I know, she's fucking huge as is. If she gained 50lbs I wouldn't mind at all but some people here are ridiculous (especially the psychos into the immobile shit)

I mean people like what they like. I was just more surprised just how much bigger people want her to get. Kind of feels like if it was up to a lot of people they would just hook her up to a feeding machine until her ass grew so much she couldn't fit it all on a full sized mattress.

150 Would be nice. Immobility not so much. Barely mobility is the quality cusp.
Irony of being on a fat fetish forum and being like "I like fat women, but super morbidly obese women are sick, ewww"

Niche fetish puts down another niche fetish
Well what you say is true, one fetish attacking another. Feeding someone to where they can’t walk is a little more of a twisted selfish fetish. I get it but be a little honest.
My man, whatever feelings you have about the fetish aside, you are on a board specifically designed to cater to those with said fetish. If you don’t adhere to it, or have some moral objections to it, just leave. You’re in the extreme minority here and imposing you’re righteousness is out of place
I get the turn on of changing someone and them growing. I have no problem with looks or even getting so fat they can’t move. I want to zero in one point….that getting up to 800 pounds is going to shorten their life by 45 years.
Let’s say you love women who smoke. The more they smoke the sexier they are to you. You are constantly giving her more cigarettes where she is smoking 2 at a time. Someone brings up that your fetish might give her cancer and you say stop judging me… you do this and that so don’t act morally superior to me. Just acknowledge getting her so fat that she is bed bound will give her the life span of German Shepherd.
I assume you're at least into BBWs to be on this site right? So following your logic, you're giving your girl half as many cigarettes as someone here is.

She's still likely to die of cancer.

Fuck off with your self-righteous moralizing bullshit, you're on a porn site, fap or leave.
>Noooo you can't find something attractive that's unhealthy noooo it's not the person's fault she's fat it's your fault

Kill yourself

You don't know what a containment board is. There's feeder content on every board.
you sick of phone recordings? im sick of her only filming vertically lmao.
This is why I hate Onlyfans. Why these girls think doing recordings for phones is cool is beyond me. Turn your damn phone sideways and shoot a proper video!
This got me rock hard

What a sad turn of events.
Weed on 4/20, what's the issue here?
>>79565 For starters she's not sucking a BBC.
>>79565 And what's up with that towel on the bed strippers use when they're on their periods?

I was surprised the bong wasn't spray painted tbh
>>79571 I wasn't. I was surprised she made a porno of her smoking. I suppose it can't really get much worser than this so that's a good thing in a way. I remember my college girlfriend of 10 years, and how she smoked and got drunk and burped infront of me in the same month that we broke up. Girls get old and wrinkley and nasty and let themselves go. Not cute. You know what's cute? Huge breasts.
This isn't anything new if you ever paid attention to her videos or social media, she has always been thrashy in every aspect that isn't her face or body.
I used to know a girl named Emily, Loved her to death, some town outside of the capitol of IL. when she'd smoke up FUCK it got me rock hard. and she to this day still is the only woman that gets me hard. what do?
>>79578 I disagree. Her style was always girl next door. She's a fave of mines, or she was. I haven't seen anything on this level, I knew she did porno with BBC but I thought it was for the money. I would've prefered a burp & fart vid where she sharts on herself through her booty shorts then pretends to be all surprised and disgusted and starts wiping her big ol ass for us.

Her hair's a mess, she looks like she hasn't showered in weeks, and I don't understand why instead of putting out a couple of squirt vids we get this. I'm starting to think that she's depressed and needs a boyfriend, and that 1 of you should take the bullet so we can get some good porno out of it.
She lives in Oregon and is from a lower-middle-class family. How can anyone think smoking weed on 4/20 would be off-brand??
bro youve never had sex with someone wet have you?
Another anon here.
Tbh, I want to see her eat until she's as big as echo. And keep going from there.
You only live once.
HAHAHA no he hasnt!!
weed is gay and retarded
You are to snowflak, get over it
Lazy ass content once again. She needs a professional content creator by her side and some bbc’s. Backshots and doggystyle vids will sell way more than whatever that was. We all gotta message her now with our complaints/concerns. We shouldn’t have to settle just because of her appearance alone. Simps need to fight for our cause as well. We have to force her to do better or else we will stop paying her
Nah, just listening to fan suggestions before releasing her next crappy update once in a while would be plenty.
What kind of autism is this?
iam with you brotha!
the best one since hes right...
I want her to be fucked soooo bad
(1.2 MB, 1164x2023, IMG_2178.jpeg)
Imagine fucking this every night…
Imagine feeding it everyday, people be broke
Imagine getting to feed that every night.... That's like half of the dream for some, ya know?
I wouldn’t mind her gaining another 100 lbs if it meant her boobs got bigger also

Watching her ass grow bigger and bigger every night. Seeing it swell to the point that it bursts out of every piece of clothing she owns. Seeing her start to put on weight faster the bigger she gets.
That or having to oil her ass up every day just to push her through the door to the kitchen to feed her more. Seeing it swell and take up more of the frame each morning until one day the cheeks become so fucking fat that no amount of oil and pushing can get her through.
She is the Pawg Queen!
(1.0 MB, 1170x2060, IMG_2226.jpeg)
One of my favorites
Does she smear Vaseline all over the camera lens before she takes pictures?
Damn filters, and this one in particular for so long now.
It wasn’t a picture it was a video that I screenshot. But yeah her video quality is trash as well
ngl, one of her best vids, even if it is just tickling the balls of the idea of her going full on feeder content lol

Also, has she literally EVER done a video without trash ass music playing in the background? I just want the ass sfx lmao

there's a couple vids with fleetwood mac. if you don't like that, you have shitty taste

Nigga its not about the band. His point is he's watching the video for ass, not fucking Lindsay Buckingham
man if I wanted to listen to music I'd go on fuckin spotify, not watch a girl with a fat ass
I’m soo tired of her lame ass shit. Problem is guys still willing to pay for bullshit
Her content is so boring... and people still pay.. i will never pay for this lame shit... she needs to get fucked
I don't mind her current style and I hope she continues like this :)

well theres that one video where the guy was moaning more than her
randalin try not to add the shittiest filter imaginable or hire the worst cameraman possible challenge: impossible
>>81434 Heard Randalin got ass blasted while her butt was still relatively plump and round and that it wasglorious. No vids but 1 or 2 pics. I would pay to see those. Earned her the nickname "horse booty" for a while. Or was it pony booty? Either way, her ass was probably fat yet maliable. I think about her sometimes and wonder whether I would prefer to fuck her at that size. I don't think so though. I think she's better now than ever before but not a few years ago, her ass wasn't as big or wobbly as now and it wasn't doing it for me, then after that she stopped hardcoring. Can't win sometimes. I would love a girl on girl ass massage, I'm dying to see her with another blonde and maybe some other more professional vids produced with care. Her ass right now is fresh for the picking. The right female model or the right dildo and that face and eyes could capable of spiriting me away for days.
Please be quiet autist. Go play with /fart/
Should write a book, ur a real poet.
For real how does she wipe? It cant be easy
Seriously, been wondering this since she started
(1.2 MB, 1170x2065, IMG_2290.jpeg)
Addicted to that ass…
Does anyone have a good archive of all her stuff? I’ve been meaning to collect her content for years.
she only has like 2-3 good videos. the rest are garbage. dont waste your time or hard drive space.
You can find a lot of her stuff on Reddit

r/itsrandalin I'm pretty sure
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She has new updates!
She currently weighs 408.6 lbs
Nice. She's finally losing weight.
16 pounds in 6 weeks. Impressive.
good for her, bad for us
Yeah so she can look like evey other woman on insta lmao
Boo, boooooo
I thought lipedema was supposed to be unloseable, what a let down
I can't believe she's putting her weightloss updates on her paid content sites
She's delusional to the point of insanity
Don't worry, I guarantee you she'll stop losing weight if she sees a drop in sales. She's tried losing before and only ends up gaining it all back and then some
It is unlosable, but not all of her fat is from lipedema. She probably lost some belly.
Wow didn’t mean to scare you guys lol. Me personally, I’m gonna stick with her whether she gains or loses weight. Either way her body proportions will still be good compared to ordinary women
feeders are mentally ill
Nah unironically looked terrible before like a half deflated balloon so long get off the board back to /bootyscratchers/
she's lost before, she never maintains the loss. Give it a few months and she'll be gaining even more
I think it looked deflated in the past because she got liposuction. She wouldn’t be that wrinkly if she never got that, but that’s literally the only way to lose lipedema fat. If she works out and diets, her upper half will lose weight but bottom will barely lose.
You go receipts for that claim? I recall her “thinking about it” but never went through with it.
No I’m talking about how she looked in the past. Idk if she’s going that route again. She’s dieting instead of surgery. In the past I think she got liposuction which is why her thighs were wrinkled
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kek she must have been dropped on her head when she was a baby
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Latest videos have been posted on Reddit.

This sums it up.
I don't have a problem with her losing weight. Thats fine, it's her issue and frankly not any of our business.

What I DO have an issue with is her leaning into the "fat girl" thing with some recent videos, and THEN going on a diet.
>What I DO have an issue with is her leaning into the "fat girl" thing with some recent videos, and THEN going on a diet.
Frankly I'm amazed she still has simps who pay for her shit.
Between her and Yungfrekz, I'm convinced any woman can get some simps paying them thousands a month if they tease the right crowd indefinitely
Maybe she doesn’t realize/know that if she did real hardcore fucking that she would make millions. Unfortunately she’s apart of the group that’s wants to be a hoe but not all the way in case she finds an alternative, like a decent job or new relationship. There’s type of women tend not to expose themselves in a way that may not attract the professional world or a new partner. Although Randalin has been seen naked unlike Yungfreckz, she still only has 3 fucking videos in the past and since then she’s drifted to the softcore bullshit that OnlyFans feeds off of. What’s makes Randalin fans upset is that her potential is endless and even with clothes on and stupid music playing, we still cum instantly.

Long story short, either we band together and unsubscribe (if you haven’t already) or continue to aid and feed into the softcore bullshit and never get anything of value.

Idk tbh…what are y’all thoughts about her content and her life choices?
yeah i really hope she just goes all the way through with it and keeps getting fatter, since almost all her weight is in that beautiful ass it will barely effect her health in comparison to other ssbbws so she could easily get absolutely massive.

what i bet will happen tho is that shes gonna fail losing weight and slowly her audience will get replaced with fat fetish guys and hopefully she will follow the money and keep getting fatter
I hope she quits her diet and gains to at least 500 lbs. if she gets bigger, her tits will also slightly increase. Her ass will be so big she can’t go out in public. She should stay home and get fucked daily
I'd take the speculations of vast riches to be had by selling a certain type of content with a grain of salt. This is a board primarily based around sharing paid content without paying for it, after all.
Her latest bikini vid on coomer is hot. No filters…under a sprinkler. Same shitty music (it is Randalin after all) but the vid is smoking.
>>83011 (Cross-thread)
Oy vey nigger, there are more prehistoric carvings of supersized fat chicks than skinny ones, what did cavemen mean by this???
(993 KB, 1280x720, QX1Mopt.png)
Forgot one.
>>83011 (Cross-thread)
Lipophilia or adipophilia are the words you're looking for, but they're not classified as mental illnesses.
>>83946 (Cross-thread)
It’s because she’s not all the way committed. If she was serious about her content, she would have bought new cameras and learned how to capture quality pics/vids professionally.

Unfortunately she’s insecure about her weight and her lipedema is making her uncomfortable/depressed.

What she doesn’t realize is that she has fans that care about her and love her condition. You can’t satisfy everyone in this fucked up world, so just accept who you are and others will follow you because they genuinely care
Seems to me like she’s making lots of money which leads to her not caring because men are going to buy the content any way, so why care

This. Theres no incentive for her to improve the quality of her content because simps will buy it regardless. It's universally accepted that Randalin has the shittiest videos of any model, yet simps are still buying it and shes making money from it. Why would she try harder when her low effort shit is already doing well?
I thought OF was ruining the porn world but the truth is simps are the real problem.
Have you heard this girl speak? Pretty sure her intelligence level is the limitation here. It’s kind of “shitty content” or “no content” with this one.

Simps are likely the reason there is content at all imo
She’s taking forever to post…
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Who y’all taking?
Randalin because:
1. Younger
2. Nicer shape imho
3. Her ass seems way softer
For me it's pame. Because she looks like she can do all the nasty shit randalin never does. Also smarter bigger and not trying to loose weight yet.
Randalin is on a diet. Pame is not. Pame seems ready to do everything her fans want.
Pame seems genuinely thrilled to be turning into a walking pair of ass cheeks. Randalin always seems to be making the best of what she considers to be a bad deal (and which probably has led her to make a number of shit decisions about who she's willing to let rail her). She used to complain about her condition and her life a lot on insta.
>>84787 Use reason, my child. Reason will save humanity. With reason we will solve all of Earth's problems. You see the problem is you're not thinking. You're problem's that you don't have a functioning brain.
She needs to find a partner so she can be happy and stop stressing about her weight. It would be dope if she would fuck on OnlyFans with her significant other. Image him encouraging her to gain weight 😈
>Randalin is on a diet.

I get that a potential (unlikely) loss of major weight would be a turn-off, but why is her doomed attempt to lose it? If anything, her so-far already failing diet is a turn on b/c you get to watch her try to desperately struggle to overcome the forces of nature before succumbing to her destined future of ceaseless gradual expansion/growth.
while you certainly read too many fantasy stories, you do understand that our fear revolves around the fact she may actually succeed, lose all the weight, do loose skin surgery and become just like all the other women
>>84852 Go out there and be the best American nigger you can be.
Why you gotta be racist bro?

There's a few videos out there of randalin but the camera angle and the guy out moaning her kinda ruins it.
>>84872 He probably can't help but not be himself. He probably can't help but be somebodyelse. He probably doesn't like minding his own business. I can't say for certain, but these are some things that could lead someone to racism.
>>84882 Should I keep rhyming poetry?
pame can get pretty nasty and will do dirty stuff if asked. all her stuff is pretty much ppv on t3l3 tho
that's a nice chunk of meat
Yeah, she's the kind of gal you want around if you're ever going through Donner Pass or flying over the Andes.
Looks like it to me.
Incredible how fast she's gaining. Her body is in overdrive making that huge ass even bigger
Wow…showing one of Randalin’s competition on the Randalin thread. That’s bad form.
Yeah, anon should be ashamed of himself for daring to show us a big ass on a thread about a woman with a big ass! The nerve of some people...

At a guess, folks on a Randalin thread are here for Randalin. There are other women with big asses, sure, and those women have their own threads on this board. No need to go cross-contaminating threads.
I mean I agree l, but then again Randalin barely releases content and when she does it’s trash. Plus she’s on a “Weight loss journey” now which will most likely fail but still gotta put you attention/money where the real-real’s at. Maybe once Randalin grows up a little bit and realizes no one is sticking around for her personality or what filters she thinks are cool this week, we’ll have a successful Randalin thread. Until then, can you really blame dudes and gals for seeking something better?
The only thing randalin has better in my opinion is just the face. Other than that pame take the cake now.
*New Updates*

Sorry but I just can’t agree. After performing a forensic analysis on the composition of both their asses i will report that while Pame’s ass is 100% memory foam, Randalin’s is made of a customized composite of wet pizza dough, canadian goose down and marshmallow fluff.
Someone has her new videos?
Anyone else already tired of her latest content? After you jack off to it you are left wanting more and ultimately dissatisfied.
Could someone upload the latest vids on comer ? Thanks a lot
you just described all of my faps, irrespective of content

Oh you get that far? Good for you.
Bro on /gen/ said Randalin aint real and is AI. This true?
bitch was on a daytime televison

So was the moon landing my dude

Some people are hilarious. Some are fucking morons
Her next update will be on the 4th of July
Randalin's thecworld's biggest sufferer of lypedema

Nothing written on gen's true. Everything on every board on the internet's a huge lie to trick you and then evil people laugh at you hahaha.

We write it for you to read it because we hate you and want to see you struggle just as we did.

There really aren't secret groups hiding in our populations spying on us and using the internet and other medua channels to communicate across the globe by broadcasting information hidden within works of art.
why on earth would you fuckin believe that enough to ask lmao
Bro why??!!
Post pawgs not freaks
I’ve never heard of this pame chick but she’s way hotter. Her ass looks like it’s made of regular actual fat whereas randalin’s looks like it feels like a waterbed which is not sexy. Also pames overall attitude seems way more confident and enjoyable to be around, at least in comparison with Randalin who is probably unbearably insufferable to be around. Based on the fact that she puts the fucking filters on everything and is clearly dumb as a rock.
Lmao bro. Don’t even try to tell me that Randalin’s ass doesn’t look like it’d be a blast to grab and bury your head into. Her ass my be saggy and loose, but it’s full as fuck and looks like so much fun. Pame’s looks great too, but her face kills it for me. She’s ugly as fuck.
>Her ass looks like it’s made of regular actual fat whereas randalin’s looks like it feels like a waterbed which is not sexy
Isn't that difference simply from muscle tone and Randalin's body is just piling so much of the fat she puts on he body there that it's been lost to the flood before it could gain enough exercise to keep that area firm?
Probably has more to do with her having really severe lipedema which she has never made the right dietary decisions to curb, it just all grew too fast

They're both massive-assed genuinely why do you care enough to argue about it. Stop picking camps for everything
Agreed, it's a dumb argument in the first place. Pame and Randalin are in vastly different categories age-wise. One is barely 31 years old and the other is in her late 50s/probably early 60s.

I can sure as fuck appreciate the size of Pam's ass and the fact she shows it off, but I guarantee most others in my age range (29) would pick the one who isn't twice our age to take home if it came to a choice.

I respect pear GILFs the way I respect like ... Dolly Parton. I can appreciate their beauty and their "content" and have a sense of awe about it, but it doesn't mean I'm gonna be thinking about someone older than my mom in an erotic way with any regularity lol.
lol theres no way Pame is 50, shes just aged like shit because shes so fat. Randalin will look much the same in 10 years. Pame is probably late 30's/early 40's tops. But she doesnt care of herself.

As far as gilfs go, dont know it till you try it. some of the best pussy I've had were older broads
>Randalin is on a diet.

Some good things are but for a moment. Perfection's so delicate. Difficult to grasp. Try all you might, if you hold dear too strongly all the more likely that she'll dessintigrate into vapor and you'll never see her again.

Next time share a couple tabs of that acid with me.
But yeah it's super obvious her stomach is gone (which was just starting to finally grow) but if you compare the images to the one at the start of the thread it looks like her ass has been cut in half
Fucking tragic, and she was just reaching GOAT level
(75 KB, 1421x920, 4660629681cc8002e463dbeea0364810d4dcf129290debef9dec1850b72dd7d7 copy.jpeg) (139 KB, 1440x1800, 4660629681cc8002e463dbeea0364810d4dcf129290debef9dec1850b72dd7d7.jpg)
Imagine you're on a dating site and this girl in the first pic catches your eye. She describes herself as "kinda hippy" and you reassure her that you actually like bigger girls. You arrange a date to go see some fireworks for the 4th and she hops out of her car looking like the second pic. I'd lose my fucking mind.
She better watch out. Dolphins are like the most rapey animals
I feel worse for the dolphin, if It tried to hit that ass it could legitimately get stuck in there forever
Yeah holy shit, lost some tits, lost the belly, and shrank her ass by like 3 years....

Yeah, I think I'm done being interested in any of her stuff unless she makes a video involving a funnel. Really is a shame but if she feels good about it or whatever.
I wholeheartedly believe she put it all back on and then some, she’s done this multiple times before and it doesn’t work out for her
How much you think she weighs now?
She hasn’t done a weigh in for a while.
Probably around 400 now, maybe a bit below
Its a shame. Was gonna break the record. Now its gone to waste.
Damn, she really is shrinking.
Randalin > Pame
>>86870 Randalin's on a diet, bros. She's effectively on life support.
yeah it's fine let her lose the belly and face fat and then next year her ass and ratios will be even more insane than previously imagined possible. she will be absolutely monstrous, it is her destiny.
Guarantee you that she will be b/w
450 - 500 lbs by thanksgiving
Everytime Ive "reassured" people that im into bigger girls it ends the conversation and one time it ended the relationship. So now I dont say shit and if they bring it up I just say that it doesnt bother me and thats been working.
Damn, first time in a long time I've laughed out loud for real at a comment on this site. Just imagining the ensuing chaos after it pokes its bottlenose in there to make some room for a bit o' the ol' sinning and finning, immediately gets stuck in between massive bobbing cheeks, can't see anything at all and tries wriggling it's way back out desperately. Legit been LMFAO for a solid 3 minutes with the mental image of it getting stuck in there forever.
>>86960 Oh shit yeah I didn't thought about that way. Heh. Kinda funny
>>86963 She died. She hasn't squirted in years. Her pussy's dead.
I don’t think you’re doing it right lol

Try “You are completely my type, quite honestly” or “I absolutely love they way you carry your weight, it’s so attractive to me”. Make it personal and not fetishy. Honestly, it’s how you’d like to be discussed as well.
>>86967 This nigger isn't even speaking English anymore. What the fuck are they saying?
Wow, what a retard. He’s literally just trying to give you incel mongoloids some (true) pointers for talking to women. But who am I kidding, you’ll never use that information anyway right?
>>86973 Bros. Imagine having a huge dick. The dick's so huge that normal girls don't let you fuck them, especially in the butt. But you love fucking girls up the butt. It's 1 of your faves.

Imagine that you fuck so many girls or enough girls that one day you begin to get tired of fucking all the towns freaks that love your huge cock. Imagine you then wishing for a normal life with a small cock. Then you make the decision to start taking dick shriveling pills that will shrivel up your dick while reducing its size to a small cock because you don't want to be the freakshow anymore and you don't want yo be known as Mr. Horsedick.

Think about that.
So hilarious.
Anyway, we’re all here for content, so if you’ve got none respectfully stfu
>>86980 I wasn't trying to make you laugh. I'm 1 of her biggest fans. Anyways, I know when I'm not wanted. Fuck this dead thread.
We agree on that bro, fuck this dead thread.

Agreed, it's over.
Enjoy the 3/4 of a good video she put out at her peak
Was short, but nice. Sad.
Imagine the content she could have made if she wasn't a fucking moron.
Yeah, and imagine the kind of mileage a car powered by steak sauce could get. She was always a moron and she was always going to make remarkably lazy amateur content, I wouldn't spend too much time wondering what could have been.
Why every time I get on here there’s just messages and no ass. Stop bitching and post content. Whether it sucks or not, its better than reading stupid paragraphs virgins feelings
Then upload something or shut up, twat
>>87079 Thata.. ehrm! That'll do.
what's her heaviest weigh in?
How bout you go buy the content and come share it then, broke ass Virgin. Can't believe someone who's leaching off stolen content has room to complain
she could have contributed to the field of genius porn who's current top girl writes mathematical proofs on a whiteboard by holding the marker in her cootch.
what time period(s) is she at her fattest, and if you care to, what coomer vids are her best ones esp those not focusing on her ass and those without a fucking soundtrack?
>>87363 Imagine dierrhea running down her cheeks and legs like a leaky faucet.
>>80967 reupload please
i think its time to officially give up. she's been given chance after chance to realize what will actually make her rich, but she's chosen the stupidest path every time. At this point, pame is genuine competition to her, and is seemingly intent on growing to actual hyper porn levels of massive, unlike randalin. Jump ship while you still can, its sinking faster with every pound lost.
Have you listened to her speak? I’m not even sure if she’s even functionally literate. You’ve literally seen her at her highest IQ performance in her videos.
I wish she was 500 lbs
I am trying to convince her that it is better if she gains the weight back. Also for her to show what she eats. Let her know you like it too.
>>87789 I heard the only way she'll start squirting again's if mong gives gives BBC. I was like do you, babe. I just wanna get squirted on
dude I'm sure there are hundreds of simps that tried to talk to her - she just ignored them all. How on earth does anyone manage to talk more than once with someone like her? (without spending thousands, ofc)
genuine question
>>87800 Be less pretentious, and less satanic/evil.

And if you're still subbed to her site then you're enabling her weight loss,
So good job asshole
No woman should ever lose weight, they should always, always
I love that big fat ass dimple, I love when fat grows interesting ways
Good. Feeders and enablers should kill themselves
Someone must love their own feces, while screaming otherwise
New updates
Same old shit tho
This was a more varied update than a bunch now - it's clear she's only going to do variations of these, but this was a better executed bunch.
She said she wants to have the weight she was when she first started, and the last time she measured her ass it went down 3 inches from the previous measured

Man i just wish she would've stay fat she looks amazing that way she gets fat in the right places that ass is gigantic 79 inches was her biggest
Good luck then with going from 400+ back down to around 200lbs. And if she manages to do so:
a) big respect
b) she's gonna look like a deflated sack
This, when she started her ass looked like a half filled water balloon. Rest looked like an average instagram thot.
There is nothing more important to dumb boring white women than losing weight
its actually funny because if she does lose the weight she's almost definitely gonna look worse than she does now. Have fun with pounds and pounds of loose skin
Personally, I love a really flabby girl. How soft and liquid-buttery they feel. And I find the deflated look and the loose sagging rolls sexy. Looking forward to her deflating, then in mortification hitting the doughnuts, cake, and beer again. And downing cans of whipped cream in a frantic effort to gain weight.

Seriously, she could never be unattractive. I continue to marvel at a really, genuinely beautiful woman doing crass porn at all, let alone deliberately fattening herself up because that's where the money is. We're lucky to be in the same world as her.
It doesn’t matter to women. Once they get that mainstream indoctrination in them regarding weight, that’s it. Tiny brains. That’s why you get them to think how you tell them to.

Either way, women have to be steered. Didn’t always think this, but experience has taught me.

sounds more like inexperience to me pal
Dude. Cope harder. Most white women are incredibly basic. They’re bird brained and will do whatever is advertised to them.
Most are scared to deviate from the norm. The naturally fat ones are the worst in that respect. They buy into the bopo shit until something goes wrong (embarrassing moments and all that$. Suddenly these animals think they should lose and act like they’ve seen the light. They’ll drop what they have going if it means being a smaller size. Their pea brains are rotted by fatphobia and feminism. Suddenly it’s wrong to be fat and supported. Get a gastric sleeve and be your own person, girlfriend! Or some such shit
>The naturally fat ones
>the bopo shit
>fatphobia and feminism
get your shit together. space space incoherent retard
>Get a gastric sleeve and be your own person, girlfriend! Or some such shit
nobody ever said that. if they did it would be ", queen"
Growing up in the 2000s, every woman who was at all overweight had to have their entire personality be about losing weight and wearing "gym hair don't care" shirts. "Bopo" was just to tide over until they had a breakthrough in trying to lose weight, then that's all that mattered.
Look at how disgusting Adele looks now
Adele is more attractive now
Adele hit her peak in 2015 and she always looks gorgeous from then on
Less talking and more pictures
Then send some
I don't really know what you are getting at - she just did a weigh in and lost vs peak. Not saying she's going to waste away, but she isn't up.

Yeah, and that angle definitely makes her belly look bigger

On the video listed at 2023-07-26 07:37:41 on coom, she is playing with her belly and munching on pizza. I think the diet is over too.
>isn’t working out
She looks amazing though
i don't know dudes, if she said about diet stuff is very bad signal for all FA, the only diet we can accept is to be bigger than ever jajaja but now don't know if is possible
The sudden insane burst in blood pressure from seeing this pic almost killed me. She’s so fucking hot it’s dangerous.
New updates

New ones on coom. She seems to be embracing the fact she's just gonna be fat.
Nah, I can't unsee chunky randalin
I think that post implying she gained a "little weight" is to lure us back

But goddamn go back to the 12/22 - 2/23 posts, she was the best ever
>>90552 You could be right. But it seems at least like she's stopped losing. I guess time will tell.
Just saw her new update. She’s definitely already gaining weight again. Idk if she’ll hit her original 430 lbs, much less gain more, but I wouldn’t be surprised. I knew she wouldn’t stick to her diet for long, but she’s already putting it back on and it’s only been like a month lol
Do you get some money by promoting this contend and making up some fantasy-numbers?
I guess here are users which are working for BBW erotic pages and possibly are even (partly monitoring this forum...
Jesus Christ she's so fucking hot I just almost choked Thanks nurse!

What number did he make up? He clearly says that he doesn't know if she'll ever get back to 430. I don't know him, but I can guarantee he does not get paid for promoting "contend". He doesn't get paid for content either.
I guess this might have been kilo trolls way of doubting that she ever was 430...
Thanks for the backup bro. No, as if it even needs to be said you german, krautsucking kilotroll whore, (I can’t believe I’m even engaging you’re retarded ass in conversation again) I’m not getting paid in anyway unfortunately. Like it or not you European fuck, she weighed 430 lbs (I’m not useing your trash metric to weigh fat girls, I’m just not.) at her biggest and dropped down to 400 lbs. She’s now gaining it back after only a month. That’s it. Go fuck yourself with whatever ridiculous reply you’re thinking of responding with.
>average american response
Her weight loss was a goddamned tragedy
My god the the amount of makeup she was to cake on is just gross
I'm still not over Rebel Wilson losing weight, wasnt ever rlly into adel tho

God I know, that one took me by surprise too.
Everyone's an activist until they schedule the surgery
where this pic from?
oh yeah, i really hope she gains more weight. with her lymphoedema it is going to be hard losing any more anyway, and if she puts out more content playing off the fact she’s gaining weight the support from fans will only encourage it. i’d love to see a future where randalin ends up with a build similar to mayra rosales, but if she ever gets to that weight im sure her hips and ass would be even more exaggerated then mayra’s ever were.
What really chafes me about that decision was the notion she had a range of acting that went beyond "fat obnoxious comedy relief". I get that it's not everyone's desired role but that's what she was *known* for. I'll be shocked if she lands a serious role.
(62 KB, 1280x720, Tess-Holliday.jpg)
I don't think I've ever had sex with someone as unattractive as this.

And the "mainstream" fat girls are so lame. Rebel wilson? she was moderately cute, nothing amazing.
the only girl who actually gives me a reaction is the lunatic with the stupid tattoos- Tess holiday... she has those lovely fluffy upper arms
that ink is really unfortunate tho>>90708
Dude we’re fat fetishists. If anyone should have an open mind that “People are allowed to like what they like”, it’s us.

No it’s not your preference. Move on.
Yeah, I knew there was something off about Rebel since the weight loss that I couldn't quite put my finger on...then I realised that her mouth is way too big for her face now and I can't unsee it
Is this real?
(270 KB, 1995x1995, rebel-wilson.jpg)
>her mouth is way too big for her face

Further emphasized by those huge, uncanny valley veneers/caps.

I think she's talented but she's trying on this hot chick persona that clashes with her strengths as a performer and that frankly she doesn't fit. In every recent pic I can find she looks like a person she used to make fun of. It's like she's playing a parody of a hollywood starlet, but an odd-looking one in her 40s.
This. I get tired of FA’s critiquing shit—you’d think folks here would have the self-awareness to realize that PEOPLE HAVE DIFFERENT OPINIONS ON WHAT IS ATTRACTIVE
>>90973 it's very typical bbw chan freaking out when someone loses 10lbs

>I don't think I've ever had sex with someone as unattractive as this.

oh, i have. it's fun as fuck to have sex with ppl you're not attracted to, builds some character
So based that it's larping.
That’s a shame, cause I was just talking to Tess and she said she was hoping you’d fuck her. Like specifically.
christmas 2022
>>83947 (Cross-thread)
>>83946 (Cross-thread)
>>83797 (Cross-thread)
>>83749 (Cross-thread)

Nobody cares.

>>Post more content or shutup.
this was on new year 2023.
It's also on her coomer in best quality.
Alltough she has allready lost some and is supposedly on a slow diet :/
I honestly believe her best content is behind her at this point. Every update is the same old shit. If she loses some weight, maybe she'll feel more confident about doing some real content like b/g or facesitting (if we could ever be so lucky).
Her content was never good….but that mega dumpster keeps bringing the boys to the yard. It isn’t any worse than it ever was…in fact her hair looks better these days
Do you believe that this chubby girl had weight just a little bit less than Lady Seductress or Juicy Jacquline?
Looks like a clear morph to me...🤔
It’s from her, so unless she’s creating morphs of herself I doubt it. Can anyone on here with greater knowledge than me tell me if her condition actually does prevent her from losing weight below the waist? I’ve heard that a lot about lipedema, but she’s lost like 30 lbs now. Is it all in the belly/back?

No dude her ass is legitimately smaller
Then I am certain/ think she make this, to promote fake-weight (exaggerated numbers), as she is a small BBW. This picture/ proportions are clearly extented, compared to her other photos.
I guess she may weight around 120Kg in real.
Holy dogs hit, how have the mods not IP-banned this retard?
(176 KB, 1179x1356, IMG_1720.jpeg) (193 KB, 878x1480, IMG_1721.jpeg) (140 KB, 814x1545, IMG_1723.jpeg)
Since you clearly didn’t graduate elementary school, here’s a simple converter from Google. She’s clearly over 265 lbs, and has been for quite a while, despite losing weight recently.

The pic of the random woman is from an article in The Sun and features a 260-pound woman. The pic of randalin is from one of her Christmas videos from either last year or two years ago (can’t remember). You cannot tell me with a straight face that randalin weighs the same as the random woman from The Sun article. If you do, a) gtfoh, and b) you get a new degenerative brain condition named after you, congrats! Idiot.
Anyone have the newest Update?
does any1 have her 6 new updates?
Still not a SSBBW!
you're right, she's an USSBBW
She’s hot and all but I agree. Not a ssbbw.
She's over 400 pounds, she's an ssbbw.
Her top half is too small. She’s like a regular chick with severe lipedema. Not that’s it’s not hot I just never considered that to be an ssbbw.
Do you really believe that? She is maybe half of that! The upper body is slim and even the hips/ thighs are not huge (rather plump/ thick).
Do you know the difference of BBW and SSBBW or rather how appear each of these?
In your scaming fantasy only... She is not even 120Kg most likely!
So she wants to slim down, hate that she looks so good when she gains
Honestly these videos were so apathetic I could just watch her old vids and see the same thing. I suppose her doing this kind of hidden anal play is something but u really just want to see those cheeks spread.
Why is the music in the video so loud that it drowns out her dialogue? It doesn't take being a professional to do basic editing that will drastically improve the quality of her video.
She blasts music in literally all of her new vids
She ain't slimming down. If she does she will lose fans and she'd go right back to getting her weight to where it was. Also, these girls always say they'll lose the weight, but end up either maintained or gaining more in the long run. They can't help themselves.
How old are you, about 15 ?🤔 I ask seriously!

You pretend that a small BBW (on the border of chubby girl) is a SSBBW, either because you have no clue how a real supersized big woman looks or you attempt to scam people and promote a BBW as a supersized BBW..
true, she's an [spoiler]s[spoiler]bbw
Do you regard everyone on this board as simple minded idiots, that you can sell a small BBW as a SSBBW?

She is not even real fat but has lypedimia. This is the most obvious fraud besides Plump Princess and Becca, in the whole BBW community.
You sound like you would be the defender (of the Earth) of fat fetishism...!
That she weight less than pretended doesn't make her less fat nor fatter!!
By the way it seems you only visited a special school: 1lb = 0,4535918Kg 🧏
Neither is she, she is barely a BBW, check your eyes!
>Honestly these videos were so apathetic I could just watch her old vids and see the same thing.
Having just watched this month's videos on Coomer, you're absolutely correct.
Instagram culture.
I get the impression she's in denial about being a whore.
I don't think she's a whore. She's definitely smashing dudes, but I don't think she is a whore. Women today think being seen on the internet sucking and fucking many different dudes in something to be proud of. I don't get that with Randalin. I've only ever seen two XXX clips of her and those look like those are with the same dude.

Unless there's some new developments, I don't think shes a whore for real. COA, Roxxie, Plump Princess, Juicy Jackie and many others, do a lot of content, but they are not whores. Randalin likely has a man that's ok with what she's doing, but tells her to not go too far and respect him.

I felt like that needed to be said.
Can’t remember the last time I face palmed out of pity for an anons post
>”instagram” “culture”
Why can’t she find someone to fuck
Lol hopefully she starts dating again. Imagine her posting sex vids on her OF for every update. We still haven’t seen her fuck in good quality lighting.
There are a few reasons but one of them is that the person that is fucked also has to (or suppose to) have a creator account.

It’s kinda fuckin sad that she recently released content and I 1 did not care that she did 2 when watched was not surprised it was 100% garbage.
How do y’all feel about her new updates???
We haven’t seen her do anything in good quality lighting
Her new vid where she's a delivery girl for Amazon had my shit rock hard. Never knew her voice was so cute. She needs to do more roleplay, no music, no filters. Was great
More than that, I think that video is the by far the best she's ever done. I was fully immersed lol
I'm actually amazed she did that, I thought she was too stupid for it.
not familiar with this chick beyond her tv outtings but I got faked out so many times in that vid. I fully thought she was about to sit in the lap of the camera pov. great vid tho, probably a bad first impression cause it made me scroll through her other stuff and had no interest in any of it.
Fucking finally, her content is getting better. Seems like she also stopped that "losing weight" attempt. Hope she keeps taking this path
She needs to make it official about no diet!
This shit is it, start of something good.
All these hoes need to do is eat in front of a camera and her "content is getting good"? Y'all mfers too far gone, would rather see her shake ass 1000 times than eat food 10 times, shits boring asf.
No one said it's good now. We're saying it's getting better with videos like this. That it'll progressively keep getting better from the shit she was posting with all the filters and deafening music. Also, you're on the SSBBW thread of bbwchan. You clearly don't know where you are if you're saying her eating is boring. I guarantee you 99% of the people on this site are here for the eating so we can see these women get bigger.
Nah that's just y'all over here fam. 99% actually come for the other boards. It's fine wanting to see a big girl but the way y'all fetishize the eating is a little disturbing ngl. I'm not hating, this is just an outsiders perspective and my own opinion. I love my big girls too or I wouldn't be on this site but y'all finding sexual pleasure from them eating pizza or chugging down some coke and mentos is what I'm not understanding >>98417
I was referring specifically to the SSBBW thread as I said before. People on the SSBBW thread like enormous women. Obviously, the feederism aspect is part of that attraction
So this may just be the psychology minor in me speaking but obviously she is not dieting and if she is trying to it will be very hard for her. She may not realize it but she is conditioning her mind to enjoy food even more. Pleasuring herself while eating will eventually cause her brain to automatically associate food with pleasure and she will begin to feel pleasure when eating without even pleasuring herself physically.
>It's fine wanting to see a big girl but the way y'all fetishize the eating is a little disturbing ngl
You're in /ssbbw/ bro, if you get off to morbidly obese women weight gain and feederism fetishes are pretty much always part of the package. I'm not even sure how fetishizing food consumption is somehow more disturbing to you than the whole idea of wanting to fuck someone at an obviously unhealthy weight range lol, it's not even hard to understand either, probably among the easiest to "understand" fetishes
mods are retarded and forgot to create and contain the boards. feederfags have their own containment board and they're not being properly directed towards it with their mental illness and retardation
I haven't tried it hut try using JDownloader, now don't be a retard and follow these instructions:

>refresh the page
>Navigate to media tab
>look for the media in question and copy the link
>put it in jdownloader
How much do you think she weighs now?
Bruh cmon be forreal
can someone update her coomer?
Kilotroll is going to have a stroke when he sees this lol
can someone update her coomer?
I think Kilotroll knows its a "troll"! But still will be shocked at her 450+ weigh in...

That bit when she's sitting on the couch, holy fucking s h i t....

I swear she would be the best model out there if she regularly made content like this without the retarded worldstar-type editing and whore filters.
Ye thats just insane, the waist to hip ratio!
This feels less like a body shape and more like a medical condition
Because it is. Almost all extreme bottom heavy women have Lipedema.
Anyone got her Elastigirl video?
I'm not looking for anything new, just which one of her videos on coomer where she's not blasting obnoxious ass music?

You're looking for something that don't exist bruh. There's a couple vids with little music but the filter is so strong it looks like she ve smearing Vaseline on the camera
It's on her Coomer
How much does she weigh??
Someone should ask Randalin to do another video like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Itsrandalin/s/Kw2aMsZ4PW
But this time no music and she should be butt naked, and the video be longer. That angle is so sexy I wish other big booty women would do videos like that
Her boyfriend died bro...
She was like 430. Think she lost some but should still be over 400

Sheesh. Imagine seeing her in person at the store, 400+ pounds of ass taking up the whole width of the aisle by herself
when was she that BIG?!
Thats recent. Look at all the Halloween decorations bro. Plus-size women typically gain even more weight when it gets colder outside and lose a few when it's warmer.
Can someone re up? It won’t load for me
...dammit, you're right. Was too distracted by her ass that I tunnel-visioned tf outta that. LOL

We need her coom updated ASAP
At least she’s not a genetic dead end like you lol
Eh, Having a half black kid is worse than not having any at all. Net negative
I mean, I get that you’re just saying this crap because it’s edgy and you’re anonymous, but two things: It’s really shitty, universally unlikable behavior and it’s just inaccurate. Some of the hottest people are half white-half black. So it’s actually objectively a net positive, based on empirical evidence.

its so sad that the only un-filtered videos we get of her have to be candid like this.
imagine being racist in 2023
Not a good look, my friend. I wouldn’t put that on your resume if I were you
That's why your women are coming to us. We don't judge them on who they dated in the past.
Get used to it. Most white women have had at least one BBC in her mouth.
White person here. Sometimes people like this guy make me wish “replacement theory” were real.

Europeans living for centuries in filth lead them to have accidental immunity to diseases they carried around the world, when people died by disease they walk in with guns at the end and imagine they’re somehow smarter and have special god-genes. It’s kind of embarrassing to watch late-stage racism.
Anyone know how to make this watchable on an iPhone?
Aw snap. Guess you and her aren’t going to wind up together
Post get deleted or something? Not up anymore.
Crystal Lust did pooping, so can Randalin 😈
My guess would be someone uploaded the pics taken by some creep that followed her around walmart, but I wasnt here to see it so IDK what was posted.
Can someone reshare that clip of her in the wild? I don’t want to creep, I legit think it’s the only way to actually get a fair sense of her actual size
With a fucking child in it. Don't bother posting it again

It really sucks her child was in that video because she looked amazing in it.
Idk man. Something about stalking a woman and her child around in public, recording them both without her knowledge or permission, and posting it online for sexual purposes, is kinda creepy (and possibly illegal)
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Not going to argue the creepy part, but I'm fairly certain candid videos in public settings are 100% legal. He probably should've blurred out the poor kid's face, tho
No they aren't. You can not film people without consent. Let alone a kid and then post it on a porn site. Give your head a shake
Half of that’s right. You can record people without their consent. Its a scummy thing to do, but you can do it. However, I’m pretty sure posting a video with a child in it to a porn site is illegal, even if their not explicitly involved in any sexual content
People keep saying her kid was in the video, but I didn’t any kid. Am I missing something?
You didn't see the fat nigglet waddling around? Built like a fat gorilla? No?
can someone just crop the kid out? i didn't see the vide mentioned earlier either
Wrong you can film people long as it's public.
What vid? I didn't see it I must have missed it. Will someone share it again? Because I have no idea what y'all talking about
Right wrong irrelevant
What matters is how massive that shit is at candid level
Hot as fuck and I hope she leans into more candid style videos
She posted new updates on OF!
Of course it's a niglet lol
let's not disrespect gorillas with such hurtful comparisons
It would depend on which state they're in, which is why I said possibly illegal.
Businesses like grocery stores are legally considered public accommodations but private property in the US, so yes it is illegal to film someone in there without permission.
It was literally just Randalin and her daughter shopping in Walmart while someone followed them around with a hidden camera. You didn't miss anything
Was going to say the same thing lol. Of course!
She should do her own “candids”. People complain about her videography but she’s unironically gotten better since she got bigger the last couple years, at least compared to years before.
HOW much FAT she got now? I wanna know cause the fat she got on her ass make my fat dick hard
Is it just that 10 sec video? Or was there a longer one
>Is it just that 10 sec video
yes, now stop bikeshedding
Legality wise it depends on the state. NY is actually state where its legal.
But regardless that guy is a piece of shit for stalking and takin creep shots.
Don't be surprised if she quits soon. She's gonna freak out when she finds out about this.
Quit and get a real job? Highly unlikely.
My thoughts exactly.
She has 0 skills and smokes pot all day.
This hasn't been the first time people have uploaded candids of her. Hell, I remember I saw one before she was even a model, I remember being shocked when I realized it was her. So no, nothing's gonna happen (unless people start stalking her more seriously), she may even be used to people taking pictures of her or giving her weird looks already.
Do y’all not know how these candies work?! She’s in on it and gets money for it. You think someone can film that close without her noticing in the empty aisles. I swear the internet has a 8th grade level of education.
He posted the short clip on tumblr and will sell it for 20 dollars. As someone else said, he claims the video is 1:30 long.
Where's the clip? Can someone share it?
Filming it may be dubiously legal but selling it is DEFINITELY illegal - that’s probably a very easy lawsuit for her if she was smart
Her kid is in the fucking video, you stupid bastard. If she really was in on it, why would her child be there, uncensored at that?
The internet may be dumb, but you are completely retarded.
Because that’s how it goes dummy, it looks more realistic. I speak with her. Keep living in your bubble nerd.
Hidden camera accounts like this are why women are afraid of men holy shit
He follows her to her car....

From the beginning Randalin has kept his entire personal life separate from his internet activity. Without involving family, friends at all, in fact she has even done very few collaborations (the only one I remember is with Jexka and it was one photo). She also seems to care about looking good at least on camera and it's been consistent with it all these years. Despite all this, this full moronic OP wants us to believe that she voluntarily agreed to be recorded WITH HER OWN DAUGHTER exposing her to a bunch of wankers online, dressed as if she had just woken up and wearing some shitty flip-flops that are embarrassing, all this to make the candid more "realistic" lol. You're just making up a story to avoid criticism for being a complete asshole exposing a minor. Just a poor bastard who got lucky and tries to make money from it but are too stupid to do it right...
You're a sick fuck, you know that
And this is coming from a dude jacking it to a 400+ lbs lymphoma woman
>this faggot follows women around low end shopping centers and sells the videos online
Trump was right lynch em, send em back. Whatever.
They need to be gone.
I choose to believe this for my own sanity.
Can you pearl clutching faggots stfu? Some of you even mentioned a kid. This whore has a 75 inch ASS that looks like it weighs a good 50 pounds. And you noticed the kid? Fuck outta here.
Fuck you and that toupee wearing faggot Trump. Imagine clutching pearls over a candid video while saying a known serial RAPIST and THEIF is “right”. ROFL! The irony is astounding.

Lmao for real, her ass is as big and as heavy as a whole ass kud and people even noticed the kid? I wasn’t looking at anything but that ridiculous ass
Yes because you know what country he lives in lol

If you think jerking it to fat ladies makes you sick, you're retarded. Muh thoughtcrimes.

This. Candid cam guys are creepy losers and deserve the ridicule in this thread, and obviously this behavior is disgusting, but the "muh children" shit is some hilarious pozzed soy shitlib cope LMAO no pedo is going to see this and get excited. Relax.

Why is she so goddamn fucking fat in this video? Has she put on 100 pounds in the last few years? What have I been missing out on??
Agreed on all points.

And yes—I don’t remember her SW, but she’s like 430lbs in her last weigh in iirc
Emphasis on lymphoma part, shit-for-brains
She has lipedema, built up fat and connective tissue under the skin around the lower body.
Lymphoma is a category of cancer cells that begin in the lymph system
She doesn’t have lymphoma you fucking trog. That’s a horrible cancerous disease that would make her skeletal, bald, and near death. She has lipedema. Y’know, lip as in lipose (fat since you’re obviously stupid) and edema as in swelling. Please, just to save yourself from looking like a massive retard in the future, look something up before posting it.Idk why I’m even typing this out because mods always remove my pists even though I just being correct. Smh.
kill yourself the next time you think your 50 IQ ass has any business calling someone else unintelligent, useless fucking soy subhuman retard
not him, but what are your thoughts on braps?

thats not at all a typo LMAOOOO
I'm being generous. This isn't something worth freaking out about
Lol okay? Stfu dude nobody asked you
There's a clip of her in a bathroom, sitting in front of a vanity, and raising her hips up in a way that makes her ass cheeks droop/sag. Does anyone know if that's on coomer?
I think you mean this one. I've put a bonus one in the link I think is pretty dope. With her pulling the shorts up good lord damn.


960? Oy vey, nobody can weigh 990! That's 500 Kg! You're clearly her manager and a grifter! 9600 pounds? Completely insane! She doesn't even have a big round belly. Everyone knows the obesity is stored in the belly. How dare you imply that she weighs 6 million pounds?
Bro, calm down. That was like a month ago
Go away. Nobody believes that you're Kilotroll. Your English is too good.
Don't use this site. You can't download from it anymore and it's notorious for viruses
Hopefully she makes another update. I want to see quality content
Someone updated coomer to 12/18, its pretty much the same shit as always
It's too bad because there's been these moments in the last year, the amazon package one, the hot tub video that were gems.
What is her weight progression since 2020 ? I think she make diet ! But in the Halloween vid, when she eat pizza, she seems huge !
Her latest.

Thank you very much, Anon! Uh, btw you accidentally included a Demora Avarice vid amongst the 4 vids. Not complaining, but was there perhaps a 4th Randalin vid that was mistakenly left out?
Oh, shit. Yeah, there is supposed to be a fourth Randalin vid. Lemme check the drive rq
Okay, looks like it got corrupted during the process of going from OF to my drive. I'll pull it down fresh and try it again.

Not a whole lot better to do right now. Low grade blizzard outside so not going anywhere. XD
Does someone happen to have her 3 Christmas videos? I couldn't find them anywhere
Got it.

I'm lame, what does one do with that string of numbers?
You gotta use a nintendo 64 to decode it.
Awesome Thank you
Wish she did more trying on clothes videos.
Please do you have the update from 26/12/2023 ??
Her legs are getting MASSIVE. She's definitely going to have saddlebags around her knees pretty soon
Get some glasses dude. She has been much bigger, some guys are so gullible.

lmao who doesn't remember when she was posting videos of herself weighing in at over 400 pounds? She's not the one claiming to be bigger than ever, only her idiot fans are
There is this group of people who are into the growing shit too much. Like, they get frustrated if the women they jerk off to is not growing, so they develop a mental state in which almost any woman they look at is growing. They can even notice a 1 pound gain on a 600lbs woman by just a single pic taken from a bad angle with no ther similar pic to use as a proper comparison.
They are a fun special group to have around for a while.
It’s weird how they lie to themselves, then post it on places like this though.
I realized she’s been deflating for awhile but I just took the L and moved on.

I'm actually into the growing shit myself, I can handle a very slow gain but if a girl is losing weight that's an instant turn-off for me

But I'm also not fucking blind lmao

I don't blame women for losing weight either, it's their bodies, they can do what they want, they have every right to care about their health or self-image

So it's fine that Randalin lost a bunch of weight, I'm just not desperate enough to pretend she didn't so that I can still fap to her lmao
same for me except that I don't even need the women to gain. Just overeating for a video from time to time is more than fin for me.
Sure I would love to see a 500+lbs randalin, but I know that even 400 is really pushing it.
Imho she would have better stayed at a lower weight instead of gaining to around 430 just to lose weight after....but oh well
Has anyone made a good weight gain compilation with her? From "skinniest" to biggest?
So, how about that Roku TV sponsorship she got?
I’d pay to see that
How come her and Jexkaa haven’t done more collabs just one?
weight loss 👎👎👎
need to permanently delete this theme
Jexka is still struggling since hee husband's death. She did lose some weight but not much. Randalin says she is losing weight but we shall see if it continues.
Definitely with you on those two doing some more content.
Shit jexkaa is over him she done did 2 new fuck scenes with some white guy that was her husband friend and now I guess new boyfriend
Thanks bro. Been looking everywhere for that second clip

Speaking of Jexkaa, what happened to her bbw chan page? I noticed chan pages of several other bbw pawg baddies have been taken down. Colors of Autumn/Princess PAWG, Chelsea Higley, etc
Where is Jexkaa and Randalin collab content?

Jexka's threads never last long sadly.

And they only did the one picture together. I've asked them.

Why do Jexkaa’s threads get Denison quickly and why did her and Randalin only do one picture together? Now that I think about it, I don’t even remember Randalin collaborating with another woman for content
Tumblr is the devil
Can you post that pic?

Can someone upload the second clip in another format like mp4, for some reason I can't open it.
This website is dead and admins don't like good fat ass bbws posted on here anymore. They delete any thread of decent of girls now and leave the shitty girls threads up. They are determined to drive this site to the ground unfortunately.
a recent OF video has a Roku screensaver in the background the whole time
She really is slimming down huh? :(
She's been actively trying to lose weight for nearly a year now
She'll turn around. Even when most of her body was fairly small, her ass was huge. She didn't get this heavy on purpose, and in a few more years she'll be in her early 30's, and either forget that lesson or be too lazy to keep fighting it.
Only way she can physically loose weight is liposuction surgery. She’s always going to be big and can get exponentially bigger if she gives up on her diet and eat her emotions. I can see her at 500lbs easily if she just said fuck it and accepted her condition for what it is.
>I can see her at 500lbs easily if she just said fuck it and accepted her condition
I can only hope
anything more of jexkaa's recent tapes? Haven't her in a while
*haven't seen her in a while
Unfortunately, the February videos are really bad. Plus, she definitely showed that she's losing weight... So now it's really bad, but hope dies last.
any tapes of her last month/year?
i mean *just her sextape. Not live nor tease
only time she ever squashed an item Best vid lol. she needs to do more

She has a video wheres she's squashing either a plush frog or ball. Not hard to find.
There’s something off about this one
>>10901 (Dead)
Does she do mukbangs or feeding videos. I’m not into the weight gain but I’d love to watch her eat. Imagining her trying and failing at cleaning after eating all the greasey food for days. Just eat and eat and eat.
Idk guys, if she continues to lose weight she might have to be removed from the Ssbbw thread and be put in the bbw or booty thread
If I remember right that vid was taken without her consent and has also doxxes her kid
Her latest weigh-in came in at 411 lbs. Anyone remember her last one? Is she up or down? She seemed to imply that she was basically around where she started before the diet.

Yeah her high was 430-something
Anyone got the Walmart vid?
Have you checked her coomer?
Is she gaining again?
Does anyone have the Walmart video?
She lost 20lbs since her peak
Many of you guys called it, that the diet wouldn’t last long. Her attitude in video seems like she knew it wouldn’t last long either.

I can only imagine her in person. Her waist looks so small but is actually 40-some inches like a fat guy’s gut.
No offense to her, but she's never come off as someone in control of their urges, so that doesn't shock me at all.
Females with low impulse control around food are very attractive. Definitely a trait to encourage
Someone should ask Randalin to do another video like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Itsrandalin/s/Kw2aMsZ4PW
But this time no music and she should be butt naked, and the video be longer. That angle is so sexy I wish other big booty women would do videos like that
God damn I hope she keeps gaining. Fuck she's a fucking goddess. God damn...
Yeah, she's got a fat waist by normal standards. It just looks small compared to the rest of her. At 400+ pounds, I can guarantee you there's not a single part of her that's even remotely close to "skinny". She's fat as hell, just more so in one area than in all the others
Coomer updated, 411lbs
Any chance anyone has a mega file with all her vids?
This is up, not down.

She was on a diet to get down to 404 I believe, this is after that has "failed" as she acknowledged. Heading back towards the peak.
I love Ssbbw but who else agrees 2016-2019 Randalin was sexier than 2020s Randalin? The past couple years her content has become so repetitive. She also had more unique shape in 2016-2019. Yeah her ass wasn’t as full back then but at least she could move it better
Hopefully one of the 7 new vids is a weigh in
She did a weigh in like 2 weeks ago I doubt her weight changes significantly in 2 weeks
Selfishly, I wanna see her blow up to 500 so bad
The sound of resignation in her voice when she weighed in at 411. She said “I might lose weight one day”. Defeated and not giving a fuck anymore she hit the feed bag like there is no tomorrow. Is that how it goes?
Coomer updated. New vids.
not saying she's happy at her current weight by any means, but she at least sounded a bit more accepting of it than when she first(?) weighed in at around 400 and sounded utterly miserable about it, i think she even flat-out said she wasn't happy about how she looked. so there seems to be a bit more neutrality on her part about it, fwiw
She was sucking down a big fat cheeseburger and a shake on one of her recents. Ain’t gonna lose weight eating that shit.
From what I gathered she went on a Disney cruise with her family and was miserable (and not for the obvious reasons that she was on a Disney cruise with her family). It was summer in the Caribbean so she was hot, especially coming from the PNW, and she had trouble getting around where she needed a scooter.

That'd be a wakeup call for most people, and thus the diet. The good news (for us) is that memories are short and food tastes good, and so here we are.
Well she will look like a 200 lbs woman with a camping tent on her lower body.
Does she do request videos?
Not that I am aware but I would love to be proven wrong
Her donks looking great again. Way better filled out than deflated.
Spider webb tell this lil cock roach to kick rocks lol hottest kicks in the net
Is it selfish though? It really would be a gift to…science
she was giving her belly some play in one of her recent clips.
Nah man. Too many people make this mistake. Just because a model does something doesn't mean they're into it. They do what they think they're customers want to see. Simple as that.
Does she do request videos?
Two new videos on Coomer. Both trash.
She struck gold with those RP videos then went back to making mid, what a cycle
Role playing. She did a a couple videos where she did played a delivery girl.
(3 KB, 299x168, descarga (2).jpeg)
Would anyone have this video by chance?
Kylie, kendall and all of em stalking you bro! Ayyyy lmao
Randalin is getting fatter again.

Wtf you mean if. She's already well and truly morbidly obese
2019 big? Thats what I require or bigger

Doesn't matter what you require. Morbidly obese is an objective measurement that doesn't care about you or your dick, and Randalin has always qualified for as long as she has been modelling
I would hope her hips would be wider if her belly was that big. She's already a lot of booty so really obese I would think it would be massive behind her.

Ehh she's chubby with a big booty. She could basically be a cheerleader girl.
I what's considered obese is insane since it's basically 5 pounds above "normal" weight. Normal weight has changed, get with the times.
Genetics play big role careful who you breed
(108 KB, 900x900, any-more-of-her-and-jexkaawolves-v0-943bgp9s1i4c1.jpg)
I heard from a guy on reddit recent that there is a short, like 40 something seconds long video to this old legendary meet up of her and Jexkaawolves.

Can anyone confirm and provide the video please?
dude almost certainly doesn't know what he's talking about. Never seen any video of the two. Just that one pic. Don't even know which one of them originally posted that collab to check if there's a video on their coomer
I would totally see her like that in real. Being morbidly obese that can top every ssbbw model after.
I Would Tottally tap that obese ass

Correct. The threshold for obese is white low. And Randalin, being 5'6" would be considered morbidly obese if shes anything over 280lb, which she certainly would be.
Does anyone have a video of her?
She already is morbidly obese. Are you retarded?
Anyone got her new updates???
Does she do request videos or meet ups?
her coomer is dead moment.
Videos are on Reddit. Someone reviewed the latest update:

>To be honest out of the 5 videos #4 is probably the most interesting and MAYBE, #5 too. Honestly I think she should just quit. Doesn’t seem like her heart is in it anymore and her content is just soooo boring it’s actually a turn off. All that ass she ain’t doing nothing interesting or special with it. Last time I was subbed to her onlyfans people kept giving her suggestions on what she should do but she clearly doesn’t care. I’d rate this update a 5/10 and I feel that’s being generous..

You could apply that to the majority of her OF posts.
Finally someone mentions her subreddit which is unfortunately much more active than this Chan page for some reason. Yeah, that guy gave a somewhat accurate assessment, but i dont want Randalin to quit yet. Although, i do wonder what the point is. Like, she really just does basically the same videos every time, and they always get leaked.

I truly believe this video here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Itsrandalin/s/vJZzp0RK9w
Was the peak of her content this decade so far. It was something fairly different from her content around that time/recently while also being kind of a throwback to videos that made her popular back in 2016. The video was one of the best ways I’ve ever seen her butt move. If I could, I’d request her to do a longer video like that without music. That would be peak Randalin content imo
Does she still do meet ups if no why did she stop?
Clearly this is a troll.
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Wow, was just looking at recent content on coomer, it's quite evident she's lost a ton of weight. I believe she was 430lb at her peak a few years ago, so if I had to guess, she's probably 370-ish now.

It's such a shame. So much untappped potential lies within those one-of-a-kind lipedema genetics of hers. Even at her peak weight, she was sooooo thin in the tummy and face. You know she would have absolutely slayed as an USSBBW like no other at 500lb, 600lb, 700lb, and honestly, probably far beyond even that.

Her and Jexkaa are the two biggest "what if" gainers for me who stopped far short of where they could have gone. ....Oh well, I guess there's always AI if you want to get a general idea how it would have played out if she took things much farther
>she's probably 370-ish now.
She was 411 back in February, I highly doubt she's lost 40lbs in 3 months.
Seen the new updates. Same shit, different month. She really doesn’t even try anymore. Hasn’t for a long time I wish she’d actually do something new or different
She even made a clothes try on video boring.
She was more creative pre 2020. Walking videos, bouncy ball videos, using selfy sticks to get nice angles of her buty, balancing stuff on her butt while she clenches those cheeks, putting her butt on counters and different surfaces, etc now it’s just the same boring played out bs every time with occasional something somewhat different but the execution of it is not great and the fucking music is the salt on the wound. Fuck it, at this point if she went back to pre 2020 sizes but made better content I’d like that more than the current trajectory
The music has always been the worst part of her videos. I can take dull ideas but the music ruins it.
Only 2 updates the other day?
There are videos of this girl but they don't have those stupid filters?
Why did she become so lazy with her videos?
But the same 2-5 people upload her content pretty quickly, so I doubt she makes much
Holy shit the new updates minus the measuring one suck. Still just the same moves every dang time
Anyone who's still subscribing to her has more money than sense.

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