
that girl is the fuckkin bomb
There we go.
thanks dude…i’m not a fan of the clownish makeup but this girl can slap on the feed bag. I bought her an insane amount of food and she forced it all down…gotta love that in a girl.
>>77016 (OP)
Post more stuffing videos ive never seen her but yall taking crazy. I want to see this.
Her body is insane…love her.
She just did a weigh in…I wish I had it but it’s on her google drive. On Feabie her weight was listed as 370
Couldn't decode? It kept giving another code for 10 times
Her shape is a bit like Snobblob. Wonder what’s up with that chick these days.
Does anyone have her latest weigh in? She’s surely gotten bigger.
is it weird that I find it hot when these girls live in shitty 3 story 12 unit apartments.
It is weird…but to each his own.
Yeah, it is weird.

Just out of interest, what if they lived in 80 story buildings? Would that be more or less hot?
I mean the specific numbers kinda make it weird, but I think I know what you mean. Fat ass girls growing larger while living in a shitty apartment/trailer is sorta hot. Like that trailer trash slob deal
except her apartment isn’t that shitty. It’s nothing great but it’s clean and modern. It’s not a slob’s apartment by any means. Sorry if your chubby shrank.
who has got this hungry hippo’s latest weigh in?
Has anyone got any of her vids? Are they any good?
This girl is cute as hell I hope she do well. I like her arms.
this girl is like Chibbychiquita except without the health issues. She’s gonna be as big as Jae in 2 years
Anyone have her google drive?
its the specific type of apartment. the 3x12 is a common unit for massive apt complexes. Its just where the former, home-owning lower middle class is being relegated too.
Does she do slob content? She fart posts a lot on feabie and it’s listed as one of her kinks
Where? I only saw it on Tumblr but I never saw it on video
she just posted at 382 for you statisticians
I was wondering when I’d see my ex on here. Lol
I was wondering when I’d see my ex on here.
She is fantastic hog but that’s all she’ll ever be.
If you didn't mind me asking why'd y'all split?
You actually cant take anything these incels say seriously. Proof or fake. Bro really felt the need to comment it twice too like we didnt see the first come on now.
That guy couldn’t get laid in a whorehouse with a stack of Benjamin’s sticking out of his ass…why would we believe that he’s ever been with any girl…much less this blue ribbon winner
beats me. she blocked me after i asked her how much her content was and didn’t buy something because it was severely overpriced. was super polite about it too/ said i would buy something later
bra how many times we gonna go over this.. how could she have been your girl when she's my goddamn wife?
OK is it just me or is 90% of this thread her? It seems to have a lot of artificial bumps and most of the language and general tone of the writing in most replies are incredibly similar. That's not to mention all the references to things I see brought up on her Tumblr... idk maybe I'm being autistic but I'm certainly a bit suspicious

Lol what? Pal, it's just you. For your own good try to get out more, take long detours if you drive to/from work. Maybe spend some time off porn or something. This assumption is not exactly a good sign. I am NOT trying to make fun or anything. I kinda want better for a fellow fat admire. Seriously, give yourself a nice break and do some other things for fun/relaxation.
Why are we even arguing over this girl? I see girls that look the same, maybe even bigger since y’know we are in the ssbbw thread, at Walmart every day. Come on
Yeah bro you're retarded cause ive replied a few times and im certainly not her
idk. I follow her Tumblr because I don't have either paypal or cashapp, but I doubt these are mostly her. she could be one of these ids, but I'm pretty sure most people here are simping because she's hot and chill enough to talk/play games with people. never underestimate the power of a guy who thinks he has a shot
that said: if she actually did do a slob video please for the love of god I am begging you post it here
I think that is not realistic.
I think you haven't watched the video that she posted on FF
>>78707 (Cross-thread)
I think she was older when she reached this (is it, as this looks like a current one), like around 30, plus-minus few years (but not younger than 28).
I have seen the pictures published here...

Or do you mean in her videos are fake-weight-ins, of which you are refering and that number is based on this?
it's her weight per the last video. if I ever meet her irl I'll give you a second opinion but given how wide she is, 380 isn't unrealistic lol
SHES SO CUTE Where Do I Get Content?
It is, she is not a SSBBW and small.
Did you use the scall to know if it works proper?

She might be over 100Kg, but not very much (closer to that than to 150). A good example for a little BBW, in opposite to a huge one.

Enough with the weight “outing” dipshit. Just enjoy the girl. She smashed a dozen jelly donuts today and is looking fatter than ever. Just appreciate the effort.
my friend, you are fighting a holy cause against weight misinformation! to aid in your cause please create a thread on gen with pictures of women who use accurate weights! We alone shall revel in the accuracy while the non-believers continue to live in shadows. I would like to see your thread posthaste!
>>77016 (OP)
Got to ask op, how much food did she eat?
Thanks! It might be just few people which do these propaganda and sell the fetish fantasy with feeding ludicrious numbers (pretended by the model), but they are acting like they are in the majority, to make so many offensive replies and try to make fun of the clearifications.
But others might be just naive and simple minded (perhaps caused by inexperience) so they believe anything.

I can not make such thread yet, as I am not member here, therefore I can't get banned (as I have maintained several times). I just use a board function with spoiler signs.
Although the fat-fetish creators which apply correct number are likely in the minority; one of them is likely Ellie, maybe also Echo. The others which allege to be over 250 or 300 kilogramme are mostly fake/ fraud.
Even Mz Fluff had apparently lost some amount of weight, when she was hospitalized (got forced to it probably, to keep her alive); she was supposed to be around 330Kg at her peak, about a decade ago (but was never close to 400).
Problem with you guys is that you have not seen these people in person and are criticizing the weight based on these videos. If you saw mzfluff in person , she was 400kg at her peak. No doubt.

Same for echo, rennaye, MissT being over 700. Much larger than the videos indicate.
At this rate she’ll pass 400 by summer…she has that bottomless capacity that all the greats have.
Where do yall find her videos ? I only find feabie and tumblr. Also please post the full version of this clip if you can.
Can anyone upload some of her videos?
Can anyone upload her videos?
Problem with you is that you believe anything...!
With 400Kg she would be possible the heaviest human on earth, men included!
And Echo never claimed to be 400Kg, as far as I am aware. The highest claim was around 362 at most.

Did you meet all these women in real life to estimate this?
I doubt it...
400 pounds dipshit! Get with the program.

Actually yes, met all of them in all sort of settings, from parties to hospitals on beds with literal scales. So, zero guesses here pal
Post this video please
i see this dumb fuck is back
Na someones gotta upload this. It should be a crime that this thread was started and not a single vid of her has been posted.
Anyone who sees what she eats can see that she’s a keeper.
Stuffing videos please
This hog gained 7 pounds in a week.
Smh some dick head mod keeps deleting my comments here for no reason. Simply been asking kindly if anyone can upload some ella stuffing vids since everyone here talks about how much she eats, yet every comment gets deleted. Heres some content if thats what this is about…..


Wild that these brainlet mods spend time deleting simple requests yet sit back and watch the annaoli and kayla threads wage wars every hour..
This is a thread about Ella. Post your content on Roxxie’s thread you strunz.
where does she post her content? Only on her google drive?
(66 KB, 1325x565, ella.JPG)

Can someone explain me where you get all these infos from? According to her feabie she lost 20 pounds since last year... so I don't see how people are so excited about her.
>>79920 LMFAO. You underestimate.
Depends in which year; maybe 2030?
Her latest weigh in was 382
Beyond that…just look at her latest pics. No way did she lose weight. She’s noticeably bigger.
Heres a link with content i posted yesterday. Retard mod deleted it for no reason. Can someone post any stuffing vids please


Fyi dick eater mod im just going to keep posting the link and asking for what i want so keep being gay youre wasting your own time.
It's because this isn' t the roxxie thread

Roxxie has her own thread dipshit.
That is possible fake/ fraud; she looks like 110 - 130Kg. So just a BBW, far away from supersized.
This girl is going to get so fat this year…
She just eats so much junk food…she’s not at Mochi Baby level in terms of stuffing but she’s naturally fatter and can still eat a shit ton….
This hog has godda be over 400 by this point, plus the breaking of her scale. She’s really ballooning up.
I cant stand how cute this chick is
Ngl she’s silly af kinda why I like her so much, she seems more real than other ssbbws
She is definitely mentally unstable but it makes for good viewing >:)
Just buy the content…all the money she makes goes to fattening herself up. She’s an Adeline in training.
She is going on a weeklong bender to see how much weight she can put on in a week. The goal is 10 pounds. $10 seems totally worth it to me.
Where tf does she even post videos
She has a google drive on her tumblr
Google Drive for which you gotta pay 30 bucks
Very weird business model
any reup please?
Maybe she does not want to be found on traditional porn sites...?
I think she feels that she has more control over her content than she would on onlyfans. That said she does produce a lot of high quality content…and she has this $10 weight gain thingy going on which is kinda hot. The girl can eat a shit ton and will eat until she is sick . She’s gonna get big.
Hope she eats herself to a major heart attack by 25. That'd be epic, an objective boon to civilization, and I'd cum all over the floor to boot.
And here i thought that young women who aren't ashamed to be super morbidly obese and post their bodies online for money were just average girls next door. Imagine seeing her in the loony bin with XXXL grippy socks.
You can literally see her getting fatter from week to week.
What even is her PayPal address?
$10 sounds like a great deal, but I can't find the information anywhere.
Fyi theres only a few minute clips in there right now, so i would wait to buy it until later. Im sure it will be worth it as she adds more. This is my first time buying from her. Does anyone know how often she updates the main drive and how long the content is ? Wondering before I purchase
I can only speak from my experience which is a month or so, but from what a i’ve seen she’s posting quite a lot of content. Some weeks she’s posted 5 things…and it’s a good mix of sex, feedism etc. Beyond that, I’ll always support a feedee on a serious binge. Since she’s trying to max out her weight in a week I’m all over that.
True, but if Paypal/Cashapp whatever finds out about what she's doing they'll instantly shut down her acc (paying for/receiving payments for porn is against their TOS)

Possibly Dropbox too if any of her content counts as obscene

And you give a shit about her biz model because….?
>trailer park boys in the background
That's the hottest thing I've seen all year

I'm definitely a degenerate
Jesus Christ. I think shes perfect. She's a total piggy.
She’s a blue ribbon hog.
She deserves a blue ribbon slapped on her blubbery ass whilst she eats.
Request it…she’ll happily do that.
Holy fuck this video is insanely hot, not a fart guy by any means but that belch and fart in this clip was hot as fuck. She's a true dream hog fattening up daily before our very eyes. Definitely need more of this chick literally and figuratively
im not a burp or fart guy period, it sounded like she shat herself on camera and im outta here idc how cute she is.
heres some content bros
I know it was only $5 but what a waste, she stopped after 4 days
Dude why did lock it under a password? Could you tell us what it is atleast??
Use Base64 brother
This fucking bitch lied to a bunch of people. Was supposed to make updates every day and stopped after a few days. Gaining is hard but she straight up misrepresented herself and I bet I’m one of many that isn’t too happy I paid $10 for basically nothing. On to the next one. Someone more reliable.

I paid the 10 dollars and I'm a very satisfied customer. Very high quality, and excellent value imo.
I paid the 10$ and I checked today and she’s still updating. Plus for the price and all the content she already posted..pretty good deal imo or you could pay like 5$ for some of those videos as separate clips on a clip site. Some of you guys forget these hogs are human.
look at her tumble. This hog is getting so fucking round.
She is a fantastic hog. Mindless glutton.
She is taking over from mochibabi it’s insane how much she gained this week.
If only she made videos akin to Mochi. Could you imagine? The amount of gluttony this pig could showcase to the world. The gas, the calorie ingesting...
Give us a number
Let’s face it…Mochi could out eat this girl…it wouldn’t be a contest. On the other hand, she is already fatter than Mochi and gains weight much more easily. Plus she’s not burned out yet.
Mochii vs Ella.
Give them 100,000 cals worth of food. Whoever eats the most before they feel like they're gonna hurl wins.
Ella will eat until she hurls…that’s already been eatablished
Six pounds gained in 6 days so far.
Fucking really?
Jesus, this pig is going to be in a scooter within the year.
She’s definitely gotten fatter over the past month. Look at how low her belly hangs.

Holy shit. Amazing content

Oh this shit is funny as hell - if you get off on it then that's good for you but it's hilarious.

Watching the video it becomes obvious to me with as quickly she quit eating following that fart, she had to go take a shit.

I know this is frathouse humor but damn we all been there before.
(369 KB, 1152x2002, IMG_4720.jpeg)
Look at this girls belly now…holy shit.
Jesus Christ I blink and she's visably gained weight.
There’s no way this girl isn’t 450+ by the end of the year
here's hoping dude
If she gains every month 8Kg, then maybe.
Maybe rather 10 kilogramme (over 20lb), which would mean constantly 2 - 3 in average per week.
Anybody got any content? At this point just turn this into a gen thread
Her main drive is only 10$ I’m def gonna cop
She’s pretty fat, but the dumbass anime faces she makes and her obsession with farting on camera are two huge turnoffs.
Sorry you can't appreciate a proper braphawg like a refined patrician, anon. Take the James Joycepill.
Yeah Im into fat chicks and this girl's body but everytime she films herself shitting her pants I realize I'm prolly just a normie compared to this place.
frankly she isn't obsessed enough with farting on camera. that video is the exception, not the rule

This is why I watch all these videos with sound off.

Is there occasionally good shit with sound on? Maybe.

Do I ever have to accidentally here someone shit themselves or some weird ass accent? Nope.
It’s loud because she’s fat and her ass checks are deep not because she’s shitting you dumbass. It’s so obvious when somebody hasn’t ever been with a real woman before it’s crazy.
On god bro is gassing it LMAOO. She farted in one out of like 30 videos and man is losing his mind. She didnt shit herself. Honestly just his loss.
lol y'all get this fired up over absolutely nothing?

yeah, you're right...it's super obvious
oh my god shut up, if you don't like it leave.
Those types of fart videos are hot. If its just a chick with her ass in the camera farting then its dumb. But fatties getting gassy from eating too much junk food? Yeah thats hot.
She talks often on her Tumblr about farting too and answers questions about farting all the time. It’s gross man
You know what really makes you fart a lot? Expired foods. Fermented foods too when they're extremely rotten can give extreme gas. Expired foods are not fatal. Fungus bread's penicillin.
>>83646 Penicillin's an antibiotic
no shit, she has a fart fetish and so do many of her followers. she doesn't actually rip ass much in the videos
She probably just see her money going up by diving into that niche area of the fetish so ya know she gonna exploit it.
I was actually joking about being a fartnigga. I guess if you're autistic enough to actually grow into a blob at insane rate your moral barriers are low enough where gas isn't exactly Verboten
he's right. Most of her vids she's not farting a bunch.
The reality is though, girls that eat like that fart all the time.
>>83915 (Cross-thread)
>The ICD-10 defines fetishism as a reliance on non-living objects for sexual arousal and satisfaction.
>Under the DSM-5, fetishism is sexual arousal from nonliving objects or specific nongenital body parts
the question is not whether it is a mental illness or not but if it is a fetish at all
it is arguably just a natural sexual preference that many of us have had as far as we remember (with partly natural/evolutionary explanations[1], but gone 'haywire'), while a fetish is recognized as being conditioned by social factors among other. the average sexual preference for skinnier women could be classified into a thousand 'philias' as well
case in point being how tits(nipples, american culture)/feet/fart fetishes can be explained by how it is taboo, 'dirty', hidden' parts of female bodies
i think we are all on the same page when it comes to feedism however. it is a sexual fetish by most accounts, as the reason they are aroused by USSBBWs who do not have any resemblance of female proportions or curves left (not all, talking specifically about the shapeless blobs) is more about the social situation/dynamic around it. the number on the scale, gaining weight itself, the dependence, the feeding, the caregiving et cetera. this, again, being in contrast to attraction to the body itself
>>83948 (Cross-thread)
are the 2 vids are laggy as hell for anyone else? been dying for her content
laggy but mostly kinda mediocre
She needs to back the camera up for her stuffing videos!
Watching her eat up close is cute for a bit but c'mon we gotta see that belly
the most recent transfer doesn't work, is that just me
She mentioned that she's a teacher, I'm actually unable to picture this fat slob roaming around some public school while she's getting fatter and fayter
Weird, I'm just from normal suburbs and schools were always a place where pretty damn fat people worked. It's gotta be super normal by now.
teacher? I always thought these 20 something girls lived off social media and donations

My kid's elementary school I'd say that 30% of the teachers are what even us degens would consider "Fat" with a few approaching SSBBW status. And cute ones too.
She’s only 21 guys.. Only a very short time ago she was waddling around the halls as a student.
Even though teachers make nothing the number of people who make anything meaningful from OF/simp economy and the like is a small proportion. Gotta supplement where they can.
She is just mid-fat by American standards tho
400 pounds at 5’2” is very fat, even by American standards. Nobody would consider her medium fat anywhere lol. I went to an American high school and saw one girl around her current size one time in all four years.
You do have to wonder what all her normie friends and coworkers think about her getting fatter all the time

They can't figure out why they are horny all the time.
what is the james joycepill
well. this place is educational.

fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora’s fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Nora will let off no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also.

and he's one jealous little bitch too.

I have told you everything I ever did and so I can ask you in turn. I wonder will you answer them. When that person whose heart I long to stop with the click of a revolver put his hand or hands under your skirts did he only tickle you outside or did he put his finger or fingers up into you? If he did, did they go far enough to touch that little cock at the end of your cunt?

I guess the literary master (bater) didn't have a word for "clit"
which makes sense, since nora writes to her sister "his writings were obscure and lacking in sense"
our girl is about to embark on another ten pound gain.
"Breaking hearts and Chairs"

Fat Girls in gigantic hoodies. New sub-fetish unlocked.
Holy fuck.
y'all got some shit for me
I discovered her thanks to this video
Please, Mr Brapchad Patrician, can you share any video of her farting?
"My ella eats collection is only 10$ until the end of the week, after Sunday the drive will not be available ever again!"
I understand that she isn't going to nuke the drive, but will she be posting the vids elsewhere, like Curvage? I'm personally not too keen on using cashapp or paypal but I would like to see what she's got, since this chick is hot af. It also just seems like a dumb idea to wall off whole swathes of vids you've made just because the place you store them is getting laggy when you could be reupping to a clip site for easy money.
Also, I'd ask her on Tumblr but I can't be fucked to make a whole account just to ask one fat girl on the internet whether or not she's got plans to diversify her porn distribution network lol
iirc she's building up enough content that she can start an onlyfans. after that she'll stop selling her drive collections, but until then I think you're stuck. if you really don't like using your personal cashapp you could probably set up an account using disposable prepaid cards and a burner cell number
(101 KB, 640x797, tumblr_2242cbd7717e7d7c64ef95e82f73634f_1b759afd_640.jpg)
Apparently says that once she hits her late 20s/early 30s she wants to lose weight to like 200-300lbs and says she's enjoying the fat while her body can still handle it. Pretty fucking dumb for a teacher, no way after the shit she's eating she'll ever be able to diet (or be healthy).
She qualifies as a total food addict and her capacity has gone up substantially. zits going to be close to impossible for her to do a u-turn and become healthy…but in the meantime she’s trying to hit 500 and I’m down for that.
Shit. Doctors barely know what they're talking about when it isn't their board-certified specialty.

I wouldn't trust an elementary school teacher to be right 60% of the time on the subject they fucking teach.
Honestly i have the drive and its pretty mid id just wait tbh. But $10 isnt much.
Honestly, this kind of information is far more king type of shit to me than dropping files.
Anything to do with shit is disgusting to me.
i could really go for some of that mid right about now amigo if you catch my meaning
Does anyone have the Google drive for Ella eats if that okay if not that’s cool
Tbf, 300 pounds is still really really fat for a 5’2” woman. It’s not like she’ll have to start eating healthy, she’d just have to stop deliberately stuffing herself to gain weight all the time. Losing weight at that size is easy
I would upload my man but im currently at an air bnb with 18kbps upload and 1 mbps download so theres no chance unfortunately.
i can wait bro
Give me like a week, ill be in a better appt
as long as someone's got it to share it's all good
Could someone please tell me what I'm supposed to do with codes like that?
Could someone please tell me what I'm supposed to do with codes like these?
Can someone please tell me what I'm supposed to do with codes like these?
Can someone please tell me what I'm supposed to do with codes like this?
Can someone please tell me what I'm supposed to do with links like these?
Nothing, in this case, because it was posted several months ago. It's a base64-encoded string that decodes to https://we.tl/t-s2cWfjTVam which sadly is of no use any more ("Transfer expired") because it's more than a few days old
Jesus Christ does she eat all of that in one sitting? Please post a video if there is one because that's insane
Chicks are the best they will literally do anything for money
Does anybody have access to the slob folder?
this is peak decadence
This girl imagines that there will be no consequences to eating more and more every day. She’s turning into the next Lacey Hodder but thinks can lose the weight whenever she wants. What’s her latest weight in btw.
I don't understand why she hasn't got an OF. Why is she micromanaging all these google drive folders instead of just uploading to OF lol, maybe it's the fees they charge?
And its harder to pirate
What’s she weighing in at these days?
Any more braps?
seconding this
thirding this
so it's been about a week let's see if our mate over there shares some files soon
Is she 400 yet?

That's a lot of candles to blow out on a birthday cake.
Pretty sure she’s been over 400 for a while now
So her plan is to top out at 500-550 depending upon what her body looks like and then to drop back into the 300s. So we can expect at least another hundred pounds on her.
Rather 200 away from it...
Enough with the weight police dipshit.
i paid for her google drive or whatever a couple weeks ago and never got anything. Sent her a message on twitter about it and got no response. fortunately paypal's giving me a refund, but i figured i'd post this as a warning to anyone thinking about paying for her content

shame cause she's super fucking hot
this is why these bitches need to just open a clip store. depending on them to DM you back is asking to be ripped off
lmao well she saw this post and got back to me on Twitter. Got everything squared away now, so I can’t complain too much
she says she knows she can lose it but she seems to forget she'll have loose skin and nreds to overcome a food addiction
shes a fucking retard

anyway, does anyone have her drive? dont wanna risk it myself
I think she should go for 600 lbs, then lose it. I'm sure it will work out.
I’ll admit it would be funny and hot though to see her realize that she stopped being in control of the weight gain like 200 pounds ago and careen quickly into a 700/800 pound blob
>>87971 Listen here. Niggers are ugly, and thieves. You fail to realize the booty. Once you understand that the nigger's barely more than an animal you will lose all fear. Once you realize that these reptilians learn from eachother through mimicry and communicate in serpent speak even in private conversations then you will begin to understand their evil, deceptive ways as they're mentioned in the Holy Bible.
least schizophrenic bbw chan user
At the rate she is gaining she’ll be 450 for xmas.
Paid for the drive like two weeks ago and still havent got anything bc apparently my email wasnt working and she hasnt seen the new one i sent her on paypal :(
No she is just in her twenties, apparently.
OMG check out her funnel feed…look at that belly hang on her. She’s out on a ton over the last two months.

This chick is a prize winning piggy, it’s crazy how young and fat she is. Body is peak fatty performance. Id do anything to make that fat belly bigger.

The good news is that you don’t have to do anything…she’s managed to get this huge without you, although a big splash of cash couldn’t hurt.
bump, anyone got the goods yet
She has a great pouty spoiled brat expression
Based fat brat W
(131 KB, 1080x719, socialContagion.jpg)
Would you put on some weight just to please her?
that is quite hot
Mutual gaining is for fags
Fuck off fag.
Someone have her slob drive?
Don’t know why the guys criticizing this were deleted, but yeah mutual gaining is dumb. The guy/girl needs to be in some sorta shape to be able to take care of his/her girl once they get huge
(8.4 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_5145.png)
Girl is getting really big!!
I lmao every time she copes about shell totally be able to lose like 200 lbs once she wants to. She doesn't know what she's gotten into
Are her videos any good?
They are mid.
Hopefully she setups a curvage or something so we can see some previews before purchasing.
Ok so not a single person has any damn videos on this woman this thread sucks…
best thing about her is that she has gained a shit ton of weight, has got a great shape, cute face and a bottomless appetite for junk food.
She’s fatter than Adeline at her age. Think about it.
hot, she's a good careless hog.
Such a gorgeous hog, hopefully the next 50 lbs and 100 lbs of lard pack on to that obese body of hers just as fast
knowing how absolutely gluttonous she is I don't doubt she will
Any chance of a reup of past videos please?
ppl keep talking about how much she eats but every picture that gets posted looks the same.
God yes. Literal perfect gf.
Preach, bro. I drift in here occasionally to see how “much she eats” and “how huge she’ll be at blank”. Bitch looks exactly the same, she’s just a midfat that has successfully conned enough idiots into believing she’s a big time gainer to rack in the dough before she goes on a weight loss journey

Bro…get help.
Fuck off, loser. Go spend your money watching someone not gain while saying they are. Idiot.
Saying the real shit though. I absolutely loathe the stupid echopium chamber these threads always become.

Oh yeah bro, that picture you posted of Bonnie that looks exactly the same as one of her from 10 years ago TOTALLY showcases her 1 million pound epic gain bro. Yeah bro no trust me bro BigAssSsbbw is so much bigger bro. 99% of the bitches on reddit are gaining so much bro its crazy bro. Ella eats so much bro she totally looks so much bigger in just a week bro trust me it's real bro.
Has her new video been uploaded to the slob folder yet? Not seeing anything there rn

You’re a retard. Everybody already thinks it. Now it’s official.
"Trust me bro it's real bro just trust me"

Another fucking genius.
All I said was that her pictures dont look any different, I didnt know somebody would start tripping balls about it.
a girl that weighs three times as much as an average woman at 22 years old is “midfat.” truly some the brightest minds of our time are gracing this board
At least in Burgerland, the average woman weighs like 170 lbs. So Ella's 510? lmao no way dude, she's much closer to twice the average. Which yeah, that's still very big, but it's not even the normal threshold of SSBBW.

I posted a comparison pic. The difference is as obvious as the zit on the tip of your nose.
But the comparison pic is 2 totally different angles. She does look bigger, I think, but I don't think it's obvious that she's 50 lbs bigger.
Any videos of her?
She’s probably the fattest woman most of the normies in her life even know of and she gets labeled midfat here lmao. Some people in the whole fat fetish community are so porn brained that they seriously think 400+ pounds is only kind of fat

Oh no, no way. She aint a twig, she's a nice plumper. But she is not what it takes to be the fattest acquaintance for someone... yet.
She weights maybe 110 - 120Kg at most; is barely a BBW. Maybe you just don't know what a SSBBW is or how it looks, otherwise you are not a FA, but a promoter for the contend of these models.
barely a bbw LMFAO
It must be more than 120kg. But she has a weigh in video, we can stop guessing if someone shared that.
(2.0 MB, 864x1502, ce78ce8654ad56db47a9a23786e883811a7013b0ea3c3c15f517519791f019ae.png)
jesus fucking christ, not you again.

Actually, you know what, let me engage with you like the moron I clearly am. If you're the same german fuck who keeps claiming that every BBW-SSBBW is only 100 kg or whatever, please share with the class. Post A SINGLE IMAGE of a woman you believe to be a SSBBW. Bonus points if you share what you """"BELIEVE"""" is their weight. I would love to see how your coom-brained sense of scale is completely fucked. In fact, I can't wait for you to tell us how you believe reenaye starr weighs 165 KG.

Or, fuck it, prove me wrong. Show your work.

Also in a shitty attempt to get the thread on track, here's a edit of Ella Eats from the morph thread. does THIS look like a SSBBW now?
tell me you still havent gotten laid with an obese woman without telling me
Dunno if you guys are retarded or just lack the ability to figure out weighs by eyeballing em.
Most of these girls are way bigger in person. Try taking a photo from your current feedee (if you do have one in first place) and comparing to her actual self...

(bbw)Porn addiction can make you believe that obese individuals are just 'chubby'. You get used to see the most extreme bodies online. Is like seeing these ig/tiktok girls with their plastic asses and then coming back to the real world only to see 'flat' girls allaround. Guess what? we are in the 'real' world, mates.
Anyone shared some of her vids? I’m new here I don’t know how it works:/
bro this is just a retard troll who's said Colleen doesn't weigh more than 300kgs when her belly alone takes up an entire hospital bed lol...just ignore and report the posts.
RE: Adolph, don't feed the trolls.

RE: second guy, as he said, he just said she doesn't look like she's gaining. Which I agree with — her content is pretty good, she seems relatively chill, I like her, BUT a couple dudes in this thread spam about her gaining rapidly and being the greatest glutton of all time and she doesn't look much bigger than she did at the start of the thread.
If it is a verfied (medical) scale and not a electronic (digital) one which could be easily manipulated.
She is not really fat in my view (as someone named here a plumper before me), but chubby/ slighly overweight (not necessary obese).
I know how looks a SSBBW and how not; on photos are/ were Summer, Sable, Trysta and Ellie very fat and SSBBWs, this one here not (also Plump Princess and Randalyn are it not). Maybe you don't know the difference between chubby/ thick, BBW and SSBBW...

You are just a scam who pretend these webmodels are way heavier (not fatter, as this doesn't change by the number actual), then want to get sent money for some contend, but when you got it, you send nothing but block your vicitm!
das kilotroll in the motherfucking thread
In fact you are the lyinv fool who doesn't understand, when women have less than such a fanatsy-number, they are not less fat. And I pointed SSBBWs start for me on around 130 or 150 kilogramme, but for you is every chubby girl one.
Reenaye Staar got already exposed as fake by her own model, which is also on Feabie, if you had followed fhat thread. They had a flame war, because that one pointed a stick is not needed by any of these models.
So I suppose she weights at least not 300Kg and also less than 250 (as she is shorter than 1,70m).

Why do you lie scam? I never claimed she is below 300Kg, but that she doesn't weight 400Kg or more. What a proof, an entire bed... I give youna secret, most people of 200Kg doesn't fit into normal hospital beds...
Genuinely how hard would it be to set up some kind of filter to automatically ban and delete posts that use the phrase 'contend'?
just move on, ignore the braindead trolls so this thread doesnt get any worse
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The problem everyone has with you isn't that you're wrong. Even if that was the case, it's clear that you won't listen or change your view when presented with facts or evidence, you'll simply handwave it away with "it's not a verified scale. printouts are edited. tv shows lie for views." Fine. There's no arguing with you. As far as you're concerned, you're right, everyone else is stupid and simping and whiteknighting and a paid shill and every single other right-wing 'win arguments fast' trick.

No, the problem everyone has with you is that you are DEEPLY IRRITATING. You infest threads with your weird indignant nonsense, baiting idiots (much like myself) into arguing with you, instantly derailing threads whose original point was to share media. That's it. every thread you touch devolves into arguing with you or asking mods to kick you, choking out the free porn we're all supposed to be sharing. You never post pictures, you never share videos, you don't offer sources for new CONTEND (as you keep fucking spelling it), you just stir up weird bullshit that people can't help yelling at you about.

Here, allow me to yell at you: Your own internal coom-brained logic isn't even INTERNALLY CONSISTENT. Just nine posts earlier you said
>She weights maybe 110 - 120Kg at most; is barely a BBW.

And just now you're saying
>And I pointed SSBBWs start for me on around 130 or 150 kilogramme, but for you is every chubby girl one.

Which is it, you kraut fuck? Is she barely chubby, or definitely a BBW but NOT a SSBBW?

Don't answer that, literally no one cares. No one cares what the definition of a BBW or SSBBW or USSBBW is. they're poorly defined terms we use to refer to generally fat women, we just know there's a line somewhere between "that's a fat woman" and "Damn, that's one FAT woman." It's shorthand people use to convey the idea of size to the people they're talking to. That's it. It's not a registered thing, there's no approval board, no one will get fined for misrepresenting their product.

Here's the thing. If you actually shared CONTENT (that's how you spell it, Jerry) most people would put up with your weird fucking hang ups on the definition of size. People would look past your constant need to correct people "ACTUALLY she is only 55 KG because I have DEFINITELY seen a LARGE WOMAN before when I hung out next to the women's bathroom at my local Edka and I estimate her to be PRECISELY 142 kg and clearly her belly is NOT BIG ENOUGH for me I MEAN TO BE AS HEAVY AS CLAIMED."

TL;DR: Put up or shut up, Jürgen. You're the reason forum moderation is hard. You haven't said or done anything explicitly against the rules, but to come up with a reason to ban you would negatively impact the rest of us weirdos.

Maybe if you actually shared something of value, people would like you. Or at least tolerate you. Wouldn't that be a nice change of pace from your miserable experience here?

To the rest of you, sorry. I just hit my limit took the bait. Images are unrelated because I don't have any EllaEats content outside of what's already on this thread. but we should be sharing something, so here's some FeedeeDecode. I hope Ella Eats gets to be her size someday, I think she'd wear the weight well. for the love of fuck someone else please share something so we can get back on track.
In cases of Kilofag and Kisame, I'm okay with mods being as ban-happy as they want. Remove all their posts at will. There's trolls, the politically-confusing, the bigots, and a slew of others that you usually see on imageboards. These types have their schtick, never waver from it, and derail threads with their bullshit every time. It's maddening and you can't ban them for long because VPNs.

So just clean at will, mods. We all hate them. These are extreme cases. There's no slippery slope.
Troll level: Godlike
This ain't your grandma's monologue
It go deleted, because the mooderator here is a scamming promoter of webmodel contend like yourself...

But once again, you may be associate huge ludicrious numbers with the appearence of fatness, but this is not the case, as they doesn't shrink just due to having a lower number.
But psychological may it be correct for your possible customers (at least if it are number-freaks):
If you have the same picture of one woman two times, on the first is claimed she has 120Kg and on the other 180Kg, some/ many people here will regard the woman in the second as way fatter (even if both are identical).

So you will most likely continue to defend these lies...
By the way as one here acted like 300 kilogramme is just plump; it is a very huge number, which have likely less than thousand people. It is half the weight of a grown horse and more than a tiger weights.
But over 400Kg were official perhaps less than 20 humans in history.
Well you just pick up the raisins out of the context, but you don't read accurate; 110 - 120 kg AT MOST, means this one can easily weight less, so 90 or 100Kg is possible too. Chubby is maybe 80 or 90 (depending on the height, can it be already 70/ 75), but BBW could start around 100 or in other cases already on 90Kg. So let we fix it of a BMI of around 30 and SSBBW starts maybe with a BMI of 40 (for others on 50). You didn't even mention MUSSBBW...

I get also irritated and annoyed by this fixing of fantasy numbers, when here is permanent asked if that young girls will reach 600lbs soon or has it already or may weight 750 if not 1040 or 5000lbs...That is for me rather role-play and a bait to get unexperiences (innocent( customers, so it are traps for me.

I have already uploaded content (but as I am not registrated, it is difficult to upload here something and even more to create threads). I posted links to different mexia networks like Youtube and TikTok, like for SSBBWs which may be not very well known (as South Americans) or something about Jessica Gaude among others. So don't accuse me of something, what you just don't know exactly!
Some people here have an attitude like over 90% of the BBW models weight more than 600lb...

But it are rather below 5%.
>as I am not registrated, it is difficult to upload here something and even more to create threads

This is all you need to read to know this guy is a boomer retard
This is all I need to read to know, you are a childish idiot (maybe 15 years old, at least have such IQ)...
ill see you in the retirement home fapping to ebony bbw chocolate fever gramps
what is the health issues of ChubbyChiquita?
she dealt with some gall bladder condition i think. she’s fine now
What do you smoke?
fentanyl, if i had to guess.
I would rathee guess crack, Crystal Meth or heroin.
Where can I buy her fart content?
Can mods please do something about the spergwars in these threads its fucking ridiculous that asking for reups gets deleted but 30 posts of incel raging is allowed lol
(312 KB, 1060x1702, EE.jpeg) (192 KB, 1704x708, EE .jpeg)
So just... back on the topic of this plumper. I finally got scammed for the first time ever after years of tryna be careful as possible.

Sent her the PayPal, included my email like the post says. Never got a folder shared. Gave it a week to give her the benefit of the doubt on maybe not seeing the payment, forgot about it for awhile cause life went nuts, and finally checked back today. 2 Months and no folder.

Watch your wallet with this whale.

Literally exact same thing happened to me

You shouldn’t need to chase her about… the same thing is being said by enough people. Similar comments all over her Tumblr. She obviously just can’t be bothered.

Either avoid all together, or at least wait until she’s on a proper clip site.
you're a retard. just message her and get your content.

I did, retard - nothing.
not discounting your story or saying it isn't true but i can say i did pay her for her drive link and recieved it. the slob folder wasn't worth it.
same, got the folder without issue but it was fucking depressing, barely any slob,was just generic fat bitch content

You under the impression that generic fat bitch is not a slob?
Share some content please 🥺
Tbh I am not surpised that some of y'all didi not recieve any content... :/
She really needs to step up her game!
You either:
a) continue to run this crappy paypal thing, but then she has to be super caucious and constantly on top of her messages
b) come to your senses and open up start of/a clip store/etc.

I can only imagine how screwed she would be she was trying to run this as an actual legitimate buissnes with reviews and all. Now with the PayPal thing she has choosen it almost seems like this all is an just way to convenient excuse to scam some people.
In fairness, that $10 thing is over at this point and is back to $20. She needs to unpin the post from her Tumblr, though. Don't bother trying anymore, though.
did you send her $10 or $20? because it's been $20 for some time and she's just too dumb to take it down
Sure, name one video and I'll upload it
Any braper especial ahem
Or her gaming chair vids
Any vids of her stuffing her face would be greatly appreciated. The messier the better.
>>93347 any chugging soda vid pls
The video is basically that first GIF and about just as long
Seconding this one
Darn :/ Good to know at least, thanks. Way underrated and relatively uncommon thing with BBWs in general to have unrestricted manhandling for the sake of making them jiggle uncontrollably like this. Doesn't even need to be rough or intense/painful, it can just be more on the fun or teasy or playful side like this.

One of the whole awesome things about fat girls in comparison to slim ones is how dynamic their bodies are and how much more of them there is to grab, squeeze and play with lol
It’s crazy how much fatter she is in the most recent pics compared to the ones at the beginning of this thread. Only 5 months and she looks like she’s gained 50 lbs already
Shes gained a lot for sure. all them fast foods
but still not close to SSBBW, though a BBW is she

You’re a retard.

Go kilotroll yourself, Kilotroll.
Just fucking upload anything, this thread has been without content since forever
Could someone reup what’s been posted on here in the past, it would be greatly appreciated
we need more content bros...
Ill never understand how girls get used to having that wedgie style underwear up their ass all day
Looks the same as she has done for a while now
it's worth it for making your butt look nice, i recommend trying
can someone put up her slob folder if anyone has it, or just reup some wetransfer links
has anyone got a folder or we transfer for some of her stuff???
From experience, girls this fat have sweaty asses and it mitigates chafing and that weird sensation of having sweaty parts rub together
>>77016 (OP)
Ella never really caught my attention much but she does have one nice belly shape. Looks nice and jiggly, too!
It’s stressing me out that she’s just putting the burger directly on her wood table in that dinner vid lol. Not even a plate or paper towel or anything
Girl blew up like a dirigible.
She gained like 30 pounds over the summer and is looking fucking massive. I’m not surprised really…she will sometimes eat until she literally vomits.
She wants to slow down now that she's hit 400.

Good fuckin luck, girl
why does she look like she has downs

probably for the same reason your mother and her offspring look that way.
Yikes. Having said that, she does have a funny look about her
Even though I think your a dick for saying this I can't unsee it
Don't get me wrong she's hot but I still see it
She is autistic and ASD can manifest in facial traits, this is also why she looks younger than she does and has the fetish in the first place.
Nigga do you have Down syndrome yourself? that’s not how autism works irl holy fuck lol
Its prolly the way her tongue floats around when her mouth is open.
"If you have a fetish your autistic"
Her content won’t the best but dayum she is getting fat.
Aww man. That's actually disgusting.
What is it before I click and ruin my day
weird obnoxious bitchiness. Some guys are into that, I guess.
Heavens above, she's getting so fat so fast.
(253 KB, 1089x1489, IMG_5509.jpeg)
This girl is getting fat faster than Lisalou. Holy shit.
great shape. anyone have a rec on how to download streamed content off of manyvids?
Does someone have her slob drive?
No, but you could check r/piracy
I did but there is NO slobby stuff in there. It's dissapointing.
vaguely slob vid off her mv bros
first time uploader so lmk if this works
link works, ty : )

the camera aperture is fucked beyond repair in this video though. I don't know why it's shot on such a low aperture, the focus looks abysmal.
noticed this when watching but w/e i still enjoyed it for what it is
glad it works :))
(364 KB, 1038x1524, IMG_5530.jpeg)
And…she’s still getting fatter. She says she has a goal shape in mind and she’s not there yet.
God, i just want to...dedicate myself to her completely losing control and just finishing the job.
>goal oriented
come on... she looks exactly the same as in the first post of this thread
(1.0 MB, 1920x1080, biggestassever1_0.png)
How much does any one really like the size of that hot & sexy ass?
any chance of a reup on that couch video?
Worst fucking shop job I've ever seen, even AnaliSanchez is not that obvious

Why would you do this to a nice ass pic, bro
for real. I was better at photoshop in seventh grade.
I thought you or any else might like that when the ass is bigger to make it look hot & sexy like that in this pic. Like lots of folks say, the bigger the better. So if you don't like this edited pic, that's fine by me & I totally understand that.
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Yup…you guys are right. She hasn’t gained a pound.
sorry its been a minute lol
Could someone reupload?
She's smoking hot!
Can someone upload this to a site that isn't a nightmare to use?
i was gonna say it can't be that bad, that shit is the most malware ridden site i've ever seen i second him can we get a reupload
Here it is. I found a way to get it from that site and upload it elsewhere.

whoa, what a discovery! I'm quite late to the party seems, dang... any reups or more content would be really really much appreciated
Anyone have pov gamer girlfriend or oiled up belly play?
>>77016 (OP)

what blows my mind about this girl is her previous posts on tumblr being like "do you know how much effort it takes to be this size lolz? I'm just gonna lose all this weight when im bored of being big".

If she can manage to lose all her fat and have a family like she suggests she's going to then I will eat my left nut. She is fucked.
Yes it does take a considerable amount of work to be that big and actively getting bigger. But the “work” is just eating above maintenance and not moving. As she gets older and fatter it gets harder to lose weight. Metabolism goes down, all the while she’s stuffing herself like crazy. You can’t just turn off the switch and lose a few hundred lbs after years of gluttony. Food is just as addictive as anything else
Anyone got the sextape of the third photo at top? Cheers
Looks rhe same as she did last year. Mid.

Dude, she’s added around a foot of belly apron over the last year. If you can’t see it you must be blind.
>>105696 this is from late 2022, it's not recent

Can someone show a side by side comparison
Anybody got Dinner Day 2?
Seconding this, I'm craving her fart content bad
She only braps once and is here

Is she losing weight??? Recent pics loook skinny to me. I so so so so so hope not! Nothing is sadder and sadder thak a beautiful piggy losing fat
she's one of the most impressive gainers and her vids on tumblr are just mindblowing. any chance someone has more videos of her?
This girl is insanely fucking hot. Total pig, youthful spoiled girly energy and she's getting so fat. Would v much like newest vids.
This. She's one of the most impressive gainers. Would be great if someone could make a proper drop with her content
Spoke to her many times on feabie. She admitted that when she goes out with feeders, she will often eat until she throws up. Her capacity is insane.
>without health issues
give it time kek
I usually frequent in BBWReal so I completely forgot she has a thread here. So please reup whatever was uploaded. Here's what I have of her. Also does anyone have her google drive vids. Im just wondering.

+1 also begging for her content
The "EllaWin.mov" archive don't work, is corrupted or something like this. Try convert and reup pls, here doesn't work.
Just so yall know this thread is bump locked. Dude just took my files and reup them on gofile thats crazy. Yeah it doesn't work on your phone but it does work on yours desktop. I will work on converting it if I have time this week unless someone beats me to it.
I tried in my PC and doesn't works too tbh. :T
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Hat jemand dieses neueste Video?
very nice share, thank you very much humble folk
Missed this massive drop. Anyone still have it to reupload?

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