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I love the way I spill out of crop tops <3
I'm speedrunning back toward my peak of 450 but after that we'll see! I don't really count I just eat what I want and keep getting bigger :p

Such a sexy mindset. Are you going to do any stuffing content?
Not from the start but I'm still new! When I get more comfy with everything I'd consider it if enough people wanted it
Looking good, but could be much bigger.
I just doordashed two pints of ice cream and some takis so I'm working on it lol
you're gonna have to get something to put ontop of that ice cream! disaronno? ;)
Damn!! You’re really cute…love those arms!!
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Thanks, I love them too
They're developing a little roll that's just ♥️
Those thighs. Wanna use em as a pillow and take a nap
You’ve filled out really nicely…what are your favorite treats.
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I like sweet stuff the most! Especially ice cream and gummies. Those pints I door dashed on Sunday are gone already lol I had to replace them.

Here's a little comparison from before the pandemic to recently to show what staying in and snacking did for my figure ♥️
how tall are you?
Oh MY…you’re perfect!😵
u put on all that weight during the pandemic? God something about pandemic weight gains and women just spoiling themselves and relaxing is so sexy to me… if you don’t mind can u kinda describe what took place that u think really made you gain so much weight.
When the pandemic started I was somewhere in the low 300s. With nothing else to do I kinda just stayed in and played video games and ate. At one point I would go through like six or seven microwavable meals a day + snacks and soda so I just ballooned!

Then once the pandemic kept going on I started going to McDonald's like every other day lmao. I'd do the curbside thing so I didn't have to go in. I'm not quite sure when I passed 400 bc by the time I got a scale that could go that high I was already almost 450 :)
That’s so sexy… and that little smile at the end makes me feel like you are kinda just like oopsie about the whole situation… it’s adorable and incredibly hot…
you should do fart videos
You certainly won't 'accidentally' do it again - that's for sure! Keep those gains coming - they really look good on you!
messed around and had a triple whopper with cheese.
I'm actually sticking with salad today! Was the salad ginormous? Yes. Covered in dressing and filled with chicken? Also yes. Fries as a side? Yup.

It may or may not have also been my fourth meal of the day. Do you guys think I should cut back? Or can I fit in two more if I really try? :)
Two more meals? Yeah sure but won’t that make your poor little stomach hurt? Won’t u need someone to come over and rub it? :)
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>>77247 I'd say try for 3 but I have to simp for 1 sec and say "you look damn fine either way"
hottest thread of the month
you're so fking hot damn
So basically you just spent the pandemic inside eating and put on a hundred pounds as a result?
She basically said that in >>77083, and you clearly read it. What's the point of this question?
How about we pitch in and buy you a string bikini to show off all that extra this summer?
Sounds great! I love swimming.


I don't really do much actual swimming. Mostly just floating there and eating the snacks I bring to the pool lol
What post you responding to?
The bikini one lol
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The roll above my belly has gotten so noticeable as I've gotten fatter.

My weight has always gone to my legs more than anything else but over the past 100lbs or so my body must be struggling with where to put all the fat because my belly hang has gotten crazy. When I put on this lingerie it felt soooo much tighter on my stomach than it did last year.
you’re incredibly hot and pillowy soft. What more could one want? Besides more content of course.
Legendary legs, you must get ultra chub rub. :c Be careful you don't suffocate a man. I think definitely the fat needs to start exploring elsewhere or you won't walk haha
is there an possibility that you could suffocate me with your thighs?
the crop top photo could use a rear view as well.
I don't like walking as it is lol my legs are v heavy

I do get a lot of chub rub :( I definitely prefer sitting in one spot all day. I kinda surround myself with all my snacks and drinks so that I don't have to walk to the kitchen when I finish something lol
Hey guys! I got my Fansly up and running! I decided to post here originally because I know content will make its way here eventually lol I'm just hoping I'll still sell enough of it to make it worthwhile.

Every cent helps the numbers on the scale go up ;)

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The fact that just one of my thighs is bigger than a normal person's torso is just ♥️
tell me you listen to Alice in Chains, that'd be p based
Where did she go?
Still here! Just been getting more outfits for my upcoming content.

You guys may also be happy to know I've not only gotten back to my peak weight, but gone past it! I'm 454, officially the fattest I've ever been :)

It's amazing what a difference 30lbs makes. I've heard other fat girls say that they don't even realize when they put on weight but fuck I feel HEAVY lol
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Back from when I had long hair and was a skinny 400lbs (I was wasting away lol)
I might set up a manyvids sometime in the future but rn you can DM me on Twitter and lemme know what kind of vid you want!
Just twitter rn! Probably manyvids for clips4sale soon :)
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The hang 😍

I can just tell I'm a girl who was meant to be a lil thicker in the thighs with a skinny waist but then I blindsided my metabolism with non-stop indulgence lol

Fun fact: I can't sit in my apartment's tub because I am wider than the tub :)
What a perfect shape
how much do u love getting that fat squishy belly squeezed? u big into getting ur fat squeezed and jiggled by ur partner?
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I LOVE having my fat jiggled and squeezed! My favorite spots are the bottom of my belly and my inner thigh rolls but there isn't really a part of my body that ISN'T fat af so I like being touched all over ;)

Another fun fact: sometimes I only realize I've gotten fatter when a roll I didn't know I had gets grabbed.
Do u have videos with your face just wondering?
First off: You're super pretty. Second: Have you always been fat? Or did you used to be thin at one point and pack on the pounds? Either way, it'll be exciting to see where things go
I've pretty much been steadily increasing levels of obese my entire life. As a kid I used to do karate, then I got too fat for it, so I stopped doing it, meaning I got even bigger. I kept reaching what I thought was gonna be the plateau, but of course being heavier meant I was lazier and my appetite just kept going up so I never stuck to a diet

I REALLY thought like 320 was going to be it though. Like right out of high school I felt MASSIVE and I stayed in the 300s for a while. I never would've guessed that COVID would be a thing and bring like another 120lbs with it lol

At this point I don't even pretend like I've plateaued. Every time I've thought that I'd reached my natural limit I just got fatter and I know rn I'm still getting fatter. I eat whatever I want whenever I want and my total exercise is occasionally waddling to the car to go get fast food. It's pretty clear what kind of effect that's gonna have on my weight lol especially since the walk to the parking lot from my first floor apartment leaves me winded. I locked into being huge really early on in life so why resist it when I can just super soft and super full all the time? ♥️
Do you do irl feeding/squashing sessions by any chance? And if so where are you from?
Holy fuck, you have any idea what was your weight back then? You're inrediblyhot btw
Probably the mid 300s, I'll say 350 to be safe but that was before the pandemic got really bad so it might've been a bit lower.
Not yet! I'm still really new. I just bought a bunch of outfits and a better camera for some new content
Do you have assuring words to other women who are nervous beyond getting chubby at most even if they're open to gaining? You clearly seem happy with your massive size, which is just beautiful and you're very fortunate with your distribution. I know you've always been big more or less, but what would you tell a female friend to convince her even the morbidly obese life is nice and self hatred isn't necessary? Or to break judgements by the cold world that to be very fat must be ugly and gross and lazy etc. Which obviously is untrue. Do you think also bulking with some muscle is a compromise too?
I think the biggest thing (lol) for me was realizing that thinking fat girls are beautiful or even being exclusively attracted to them isn't nearly as rare or niche as diet culture would want you to believe. Just glancing at my twitter DMs has 100 people simping over my rolls for every 1 person calling me disgusting or ugly.

Way more people are openly into fat girls than you'd guess and even more than that are closeted about it.

The other really cool thing about it is that if you find fat hot or have a partner that does, you can keep getting hotter by getting fatter and it doesn't even take a lot of effort. Getting to eat as much as I want and getting hotter by doing that? Win win lol :)

While skinny girls have to worry about their partner losing interest in them if they put on 10lbs I'm here having put on 10x that just by being me and knowing I'm 10x as hot bc of it. It's so much less anxiety inducing compared to when I was younger and terrified of getting any bigger bc I figured it would be the last straw for my partner at the time.

Basically society is really fucking mean about it but once you get past that and realize that you're allowed to be fat and hot it gets a lot easier to enjoy it.
Damn, you're really good at explaining this stuff in a super appealing way.
Just an aside, but; I know you're right, but man does it always baffle me how in public online spaces it feels less taboo to admit you're into lolis or incest than admitting you like fat girls. It's so backwards
I’ve always imagined it being a relief for bigger girls who are loved for being bigger… like oh you stayed home and stuffed yourself silly and just smoked and layed on the couch? That’s hot…. Oh you gained another 10 pounds? It looks amazing on you babe. Your so soft and beautiful 🥴
Doesn't "chubby" altgf kind of undersell it, a little bit :p. Also, I love how pale and supple your skin looks.
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I have no idea what you mean. Are you calling me fat? ;)

Nah I'm just a teeny bit chubby. I'm all about fitness it's just a bit of leftover winter weight I swear
This is exactly what it's like lol

In a "regular" relationship I'd be covered all the time to hide my size, never talk about my weight unless it was about losing it, and have to pretend like tiny portions can fill my massive belly.

In an FA relationship I can literally make doe eyes while jiggling my belly and be rewarded with sex and enough food for three people. It's fucking heaven.
This photo really puts into perspective how big you are.

How has your mobility/fitness changed over the course of your 120lb covid gain?
I'm having a hard time picturing this...think you can make a little gif of it?😏
My mobility is actually sorta funny lol
When I'm at home I FEEL like not much has changed. Like I don't always feel as fat as I am. Then I'll try and do something without remembering that I'm really fat and feel it all of a sudden. Like I'll bend down to get something off the floor and then feel my belly hanging like I've got a sandbag taped to me. Or I'll shower and start getting exhausted from standing too long. I have to use a chair when cooking now because I can't stand for that long. The biggest reality check is going out anywhere. I went to the mall the other day and I was fucking gasping for air after the walk from the parking lot. I stayed inside a lot when I was in the 300s but I'm pretty sure I could walk more than a 60 feet without needing a break lol I've got a body meant for sitting nowadays. I think even if I wanted to exercise (I don't) I've gotten too big to do any of the things smaller people can do like going on walks/runs and obviously I lost the ability to do situps and pushups sometime before my belly started touching the top of my thighs ;)
>>79812 How fat are you because I've not yet seen any of what you've said but I've known fat my whole life. I've noticed some girlfriends slept a lot in the past. Is that what you're talking about? Girls like to sleep and take naps I think that's normal. It's cute.
Have you ever gotten stuck in like any small spaces or anything forgetting how big you are?
My bathroom door is a lil bit narrower than the other doors in my apartment so I have to go through sideways or I'll get stuck. Sometimes I forget until I feel the doorframe against my hips.

Also on a date one time I got stuck in a booth at a restaurant. Booths are already bad for me if the table doesn't move and I ate an entire appetizer sampler and a huge meal. When I tried to get out I realized the table was pushing into the top of my belly and the roll above that and I basically couldn't move. My date had to come around and be leverage for me to slide out a little at a time. It was super embarrassing because a lot of people were in the restaurant so they definitely saw me eat so much and then get stuck but also like I'm so fat I get stuck in booths? That's so :)))
That's hot af, I definitely would love to see you squeezing through that door
You look very womanly with all of that weight on you.
Why can’t we get married so i can sit at home emptying canister after canister of whipped cream into your mouth while playing with your belly?
I've actually gone through a can of whipped cream before when I finished my pumpkin pie but didn't feel like getting up to put the whipped cream back in the fridge
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Using this thread as a food diary rn bc I'm proud of myself. I hadn't eaten for like three hours and was starving so I grabbed one of those little Debbie oatmeal cream pies to hold myself over, which are like 170 calories. I drank a ginger ale with it which was 180 calories. Then I went out and got a shrimp po'boy which the menu said was 752 calories with fries adding on another 391 calories, a large sweet tea which was like 280, PLUS an Oreo shake which was 692 calories.

Guys that's 2,465 calories for ONE MEAL and it's not my first or last meal of the day trust me

I entered my height and weight into a lil calculator and it said to maintain my weight I need to eat around 3,400 calories a day and I ate over 70% of that in like 20 minutes. No wonder I got this huge lol

I don't normally keep track but sometimes I like to check out the numbers just to let the sheer amount of indulgence I do sink in ♥️
Legend. Please consider keeping a log of your measurements and body fat percentage! Wonder how much of you is lard already
You’re in the running for newcomer of the year.

I just read through this entire thread and you sound like every person's dream here.

I read how you get stuck in doors and booths and I'm like "Ugh ... This is so hot"

How much do you want to gain? Do you have a goal or a limit?
I don't really set goals or limits tbh. I literally cannot stop getting fatter without changing my habits and I enjoy my habits too much to change them.

I don't know if I'll hit a natural limit at some point because so far the amount I can and want to eat has gone up steadily with my size. Yesterday I ate an entire cheesecake over the course of the day along with meals and snacks. I don't need to force myself to meet goals and get fatter I just never tell myself no :)

At the same time though the difference in my body from 350lbs to 450lbs has made me pretty curious what I'd look like at 550. In the last hundred pounds I started to develop those inner thigh rolls and some arm rolls which is really exciting.

So basically I'll stop getting fatter when I stop getting fatter, which based on past experience isn't super likely. Not like I intend to cut back >:)
Stuffed myself with McDonald's and getting ready to make some content <3

I'm thinking about weighing myself tonight. Would you guys be interested in knowing how big I am?

I love weigh-ins because it's crazy to see confirmation of how massively obese I am. High school me would never have imagined that one day she'd outgrow the 3XL clothes that she was already embarrassed to need. All the people that gave me backhanded complements would probably be shocked to see that the "pretty face" they always pointed out is now starting to sink into the fat of a double chin that I barely had back then. I wonder how the people that bullied me for being fat would react if they saw that instead of using the past few years to slim down and take control of my eating, I put on an entire person's weight of pure lard. The fact that they work minimum wage jobs in that tiny town while I can be this massive fatass and get paid and rewarded for every pound. Things like that go through my head every time I step on the scale and try to see past my huge belly so I can read the numbers. The scale has a 500lb limit so I know one of these days I'll get on and see an error and it'll be so fucking hot lol

I got distracted though, lemme know if you guys want an update :)
>>80224 Is there any way to weight a single boob? They do that in many classical pornos. Actually anything focusing on your breasts and shot properly would be something for me to be able to look at with intrigue.

I am feeling rather low as my dog died last year this day, and I thank you for your consideration and courage in the face of such a corrupt western society of mobs and herds and for not allowing ppl's comments calling you a fat, ugly whore to get the best of you. It's what my dog would've wanted. I hope you find happyness this day and in my dead dog's memory I will do you the honor of jerking off to you.

Sincerely, huge milky breast lover.
>>80224 We definitely want to see a weigh in :)

I will die a happy man if you reach 500 lbs. Turn that ass from a dump truck to a semi trailer! :D
Everyday I come on here and am amazed by people's inability to be fucking normal, jesus christ
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I'm up another two pounds!! Getting Krispy kreme and Mexican to celebrate >:)

Here's a "wide" ;) shot from my newest update just for you guys, face and all ❤️

Be honest, does this belly make me look fat? 🥺
>>80444 Good Lord you're hot. It's a shame that I know you live nowhere near me. They don't build them like you down here.
I must say your belly really matches your gorgeous eyes
I wonder if the oddness people display here is their default behavior, or if something to do with the decreased blood flow to the brain + hormones brings a special carnival to town.
Perhaps everyone here does have such large penises that a sudden erection would cause near-blackouts.

or maybe mom couldn't put the bottle down between indian reservation brand 100 filter tips.
What a goddess!!
A lot of people think it's the classic Cicero porno "where there's life, there's hope" but that's clearly wrong.
Arrghitsmeaty had his eureaka moment of inspiration being fellated by his dog while taking a bath of such duration that the water had gone cold. Still, he refused to get out until he'd completed "Silver Spray: Dulcet Miasma from a Paper Bag"
Contrary to popular belief the dogs death wasn't the typical "death by misadventure" accidental drowning (see: David Carradine-Black Belt Blackout), but choking on a fecal sphere passed by his master during their mutual excitement.
The animals life was spent well even in death. being a hairless animal it was a simple matter to wrap it in tinfoil with some butter and stick in the coals.

And that's where the crime was committed. In the state of Florida at the time, since the body creations of both the hole and the rod were combined and warmed in the canal of the animal, his meal was not only murder but cannibalism.
God I wanna squish your gut
You’ve found something that you’re world class at; getting fat. You just have to continue to develop your potential in order to take the gold.
Can we call you Moby Thikk?
I'm way beyond thicc but I certainly deserve the moniker of a famous whale ;)
Please don’t stop gaining. This is peak female sexiness.
I just finished off an entire pint of cherry garcia ice cream :)

That should give you a hint on if I'm gonna keep gaining ;)
So when can I take you out for lunch followed by bikini shopping?
Whats the most youve ever eaten in one sitting?
I'm honestly not sure! I can eat a lot in one sitting but where calories add up is how often I can eat. I'll eat a full size meal and then be hungry again in like an hour. By the end of the day I've probably eaten like six to eight full meals.
God you look soft. Thanks for posting. Looking forward to following your journey. :))
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How do you guys feel about back fat? I feel like I look huge when I'm sitting like this
Huge is maybe an understatement

Either way, you should keep stuffing that beautiful face
love love back fat rolls
You look as soft as an overstuffed pin cushion. Gorgeous.
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PoV: I'm sitting on you bc the milkshake you got me with my three burgers, 20 nuggets, and three sides of fries is only a large instead of an extra large. You can't breathe but I won't get off until I see you open doordash <3
That’s just cruel. Clearly, she does
If you lean forward I die in the most patrician way possible, smothered by an avalanche of beautiful pale blubber...oh, if only.

So many fat girls give up on long hair... kind of understandable I guess, but it's lovely to see - would you ever grow it out again?
I'm growing it out again rn actually! If the rest of me is growing why not my hair too lol
God I wish my girlfriend would do this to me. You are a legend

Lol. Shouldn't of done face reveal. Pls go bac to no face showing
kill yourself, illiterate faggot
So adorable I would gladly let u crush me till I fed you more
Don’t kill the messenger. This place will worship any misshapen hippopotamus
>>81632 I will gladly destroy, but not of my own accord, because vengeance doesn't belong to me. You won't see me in hell with the rest of ye lot.
You have such a hot double chin <3
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I'm calling for Total Namefag Death until we can figure out what the hell is going on.

Get yourself a gf that has to go sideways through doorways ♥️

Good lord that's hot <333
You look like your bf% is like 80 now and it makes me wants to explode, please crush me
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A little preview from my newest fansly update <3

I (double)stuffed myself full of oreos before taking this pic. Am I your favorite big belly goth gf? ;)
But where's the fun in going in sideways? It'd be much more fun for you to get stuck. Then you could get rubbed down in baby oil and squeezed through every time
Ngl I kinda love it when my hips hit the sides and I remember how wide I am
More dough than an Italian Bakery
Any new images of you I don’t want the thread to die ;)
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Do you think she'll come back to the site?

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