
(434 KB, 411x600, FOR SIGMAR.png)
Sorry Barclay, but this site is out of control - CP, doxxing, and spam staying up for hours. How long until the Feds start knocking or the site's webhost drops us?

You need more mods ASAP. I've seen several posters volunteer, please consider trying to contact them and also putting out a recruitment PSA. I get it, they aren't paid and do this in their free time, which is all the more reason to have enough moderators to cover the spread.

It's sad to see bbw chan in this state, and I hope it can get better.
>>76595 (OP)
I appreciate everything yall are doing behind the scenes. But things feel super rough without mods
OP is a whiny faggot who thinks tiktok is porn. Reported for not being on an appropriate board.
found one of the cp lovers
Honestly I just want mods so that the bellends who try and derail every post by arguing about the weight of women can get banned.
(8.5 MB, 308x380, the dream.webm)
I have been summoned.
>Sorry Barclay, but this site is out of control
Acknowledged. While you might not have the bird's eye view we have, it's all too clear there is a concerted effort to force this site to circle the drain. On all fronts.
+ Consistent poisoning the well with toxicity and racism
+ Short-lived DDOS's that burns our monthly dirty traffic limit
+ Outright RELENTLESS CP posters who do not give in to ASN, image hash, or IP bans. They will create new images, use new link shorteners, connect from new VPNs, change their text posts so they don't hit the filter, do WHATEVER they have to
+ Consistent burn out of new janny recruits who mod for a week or two and then realize they don't have the iron stomach required to see this shit day in and day out

>CP, doxxing, and spam staying up for hours. How long until the Feds start knocking or the site's webhost drops us?
My heart always drops when I wake up in the morning and realize there's been CP posted here and there all over the site for hours. It really sucks. It's not a good way to start your morning. Imagine if that was your job to wake up to that, and then work through it. Adding auto-ban keywords to the list, adding sha256 hashes to the image ban database, doing research on the ASN to see if it's safe to ban the whole subnet. It's exhausting and not rewarding in the least. We do it to hopefully spare anyone else having to see it, but we fail. It happens anyway. For every 100 people we stopped from seeing it after we removed it, 100 already saw it before we got to it. It makes the job feel so meaningless. Like a firefighter that can only save half the family at each house.

it kinda hurts to read this. That you think how it is now is "without mods" gives me the shivers and reminds me of "no-mod march". You really have no idea idea what this place would look like if there were actually no mods. Hint: it includes a lot more gore than you're currently seeing.

We recently brought on two new jannies, and lost one of them fairly quickly, just went ghost. The other might also possible being the final stages of flaming out on the job. The burnout rate is insane. No one likes being a chan mod. No one. They might think they like the idea of it, but once they try it, they quickly learn they don't have a taste for it.
Thank you for the response hopefully more jannies can be brought on to deal with the pedo epedemic on this forum

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