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ol thread died

she back, bigger than ever

post what you gotta
>>76474 (OP)
You're supposed to start with content
that is content

but leme see what i god
At least 5 pics doofus
At least 5 pics doofus
Don't trust the "I'm back", shes "been back" quite often.
I'm going to wait for more content drops before thinking about subing again
Right and she ain’t bigger than ever either.
If her coomer is anything to go off of, she's away quite a lot. Why would anyone want to support that?
they support it because she provided us with one of the most epic gains of all times…but that’s in the past and she’s living off past glory.
At least she's still over 600. Unless something crazy happens, she's gonna stay around that weight.
stick to coomer. I've been a fan of her's since bigcuties and have subbed to her OF a few different times, but she's got too much going on.
Does she have any belly button stuff?
Since 2015 i fucking "simp´d" over her so much and couldt stop since shes everything i look in a Woman, especially when she and Brianna dropped that fire Clips-Store back in 2017 i realy fell in love with her Charackter and acting, i safed up all BC updates, collected nearly everything she had to offer on all different Websites, the different spread of C4S videos with various models, but i hate thet fact that she left BigCuties and that without an Weigh in... We got one years later on OF where she hit 624 but still. We got stuck with that 576,8pounds for YEARS despite her gotten bigger since her last BC days! The Biggest loss for me whos Fav ´model obviously is Jae out of all of them is that shes AFK so fucking much. I understand having 2 Kids and taking care of everything around her is more important than feeding her online fans content, but damn is it easy nowdays to create good content to satisfy the customers/consumers/supporters/simps for at leat one week. Just stand ur phone up and record a simple clothes change or a eating video she would not just create content and keep her Nr1# on the Throne but also generates easy money for HER and her kids.
It doesnt need to be high quality 4K scriptet Video, just simple OF content to stay alive and interesting in the community.
Biggest potential loss in SSBBW History.

Lets the hate comments begin.
Sounds like your obsessed over an online stranger who has absolutely no idea who you are. These models have lives outside of the content they post.

Get help dude. Go outside and get some fresh air. Sounds like you're a creep.
Direct from her OF

"I have been dealing with tremendous health issues since being sick with covid in August 2022. I was then hospitalized in October 2022 for low oxygen and fainting spells. I recently was diagnosed with pre-diabetes and my thyroid disease has been out of control. During this time, my mental health took a dive and honestly, I didn't feel like getting dolled up and take content most days. I try to keep up appearances and hold it all together, but alas, I feel I fell short.

To add insult to injury, my mother passed unexpectedly this Monday (Feb 27). So, while I had plans of relaunching March 1st, I will need to take some more time to grieve this tremendous loss. "

But please, keep whining at how she's not posting more. I'm sure your need to jack off takes higher priority than her serious health issues and family tragedy.
most of these girls looked better when they were younger, and smaller ironically. Most of the best models hit a perfect shape but lost it as they kept gaining and aging, Jae and jackie had perfect proportions but now Jae's gut looks like a rectangle, jackies ass went inverted and theyre both covered in red sores. Roxxie and plump princess cant stop injecting shit into their faces and boberry went on to be a tiktokker. A good chunk of models all kindof fucked off after a couple years in bigcuties which is prolly a good thing and Beccabae hasnt looked good since she was 18.
Does this flesh lump even have a job or is the child support from the multiple men she manipulated into having kids with cover her bills?
This on and off has been going on for years, it's not something recent. We get that life crashes sometimes, but this has been ongoing since forever.
True..it’s always something. My car isn’t working. My friend is sick so I can’t post. I am going thru stress, depression my cat has cancer. I am moving so I will be off line. I got Covid again. I love you guys. bf6bd1
This man is out of his mind, and I would imagine is deluded enough to believe this site is used primarily by porno enthusiasts, and that the site has nothing to do with beaches.

Girls that looked better thin are as rare as the sky is wide... Younger? That's a matter of taste.

Is that a trick question? This the part when the thieves think they're the heroes. It's brrrrrrrrrilliant!
There are some gals that you just look at them and say…that girl is going to be fucking enormous. When Jae hit the scene she was definitely big boned but really no bigger than Courtney…she then proceeded to go through one of the most epic gains every…for several years every time you’d see a new vid she’d be bigger and bigger…until she got above 600…then she kind of shut it down. But the best part about it is that it was pretty unexpected…you’d normally think that maybe she’d hit 400 some day like so many of the girls here…but she blew 200 past that easy without losing her shape.
Are you a nigger? That's some nigger level IQ going on in that post.
Are you mentally challenged? And/or dumb? There's some dumbassery going on in your post.
Mods, he said a horrible hurtful word like it was nothing…
Permanent ban please.
He said the N word twice. Permanent Ban please.
NOT THE *N* WORD! He has ruined the internets now.
Damn, poor Jae. If you're out there, I'm really hoping you the best recovery.
Dudes just post old c4s vids and vids of her having sex on here
We need to resurrect the Boberry thread so all the crazies and post there
Damn she got Covid twice? Unlucky.
She handled it the first time like nothing too.
could someone upload the vid from her BigCuties set #303 plz
Everyone have a breaking bed of Jae pls ?
Iam there ask and i deliver ;)
Could u by any chance bless her most recent measurement and burping videos
does anyone have a compilation of her old weigh ins with dates and stuff? or if not just the numbers and dates? I ask because it seems well known for Boberry
How "recent" we talking? I got no Subscription to her OF.
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Ooooh i love those, i made this one in Excel but i cannot find and older Weigh-In pre Bigcuties...443 pounds is the "earliest" i could find and its from Bigcuties. Maybe someone could help out
Buddy you need some serious help
Buddy done made an excel spreadsheet LMAO!
Don't mind the heretical comments, pal.
You did good!
Thought that was Ben Stiller, then realized it's Spiderman.
I think to might be Frodo
did good? at what?
Sick bastard 😂😂
The ones form bigcuties
Hes not the only one who does this, there was one on Boberry and Juicy thread... so whats the deal`? Simple numbers put together, just because you monkeys cant use excel, lol!
Give me a set number, and ill upload
I believe it’s sets 296 and 299
I love it tho
And you're right about the excel 😂
Thanks bro u the goat
Does someone have video of Jae eating or binging?

Thanks a lot.
Anyone have her latest OF burping videos to upload?
Can you please reup?
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just out of curiosity, did she ever show her results besides the genetic weight thing in this video?
Does someone have the vids for these, or a compilation?
Any chance of a re-up please?
I could post a few Jae vids I have for exchange of the Hotfattygirl vids that have Jae
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exchange a rotten skunk carcass for whatever you got in your skull right now, no trading, it says so on the door
I know this isn't the begging thread, but can we please get "600lb Bachelorette" video
that vid has been on spankbang for years
seriously you can just google it. Any vid of her getting fucked with maybe one exception is out there by a simple google search. The only things that are a bit harder to get are her stuff she made when she just turned 18 and some porn site that i'm not sure is around anymore where she shows her vag in 2010 for like 20 secs.

I mean yeah, for the 600lb hookup
But wouldn't you want the raw high quality video that wasn't messed up by a porn? Plus I won't be going to any other porn site besides pornhub and spankbang because of de veriuses
Has she gotten bigger?
she claimed so on her IG. But, I haven't seen any new content since then, neither a weigh-in.
on her OF I meant
I second this. Been hoping for a while that this vid would turn up somewhere. Pls
There is no video.
Does anyone have her appearance on the Tyra Banks show? I’d pay money for that one
>>79197 How much we talking?
Where is this picture from?
Anyone have her sex video with igornight?
is there a mega of her bc content
>>80200 Wtf dude all I see is bbw tits. I'm hungry.
Don't expect it to stop. Once they start with all the body modification shit they never stop. Look like those ugly fucking goblin orcs. Disgusting.
>>80202 Maybe she just needs dick. I mean, has anybody tried it? Has anybody tried to give her dick?
Has anybody tried giving her dick? You should talk to her and ask her if she has a boyfriend.
She has several children with multiple different men. I think it's been tried. Like Albert says doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result is insanity.
>>80209 I don't agree with that quote because it has failed me in the past, but Albert's cool as fuck. I'm not such a big fan of science and I prefer pussy and family.
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From a normie perspective her entire body is ruined. But I hope she keeps doing whatever she likes that inspires more quality content.
Kind of impressive that she was able to get pregnant and give birth to several healthy children at 500-600 pounds tbh. She won some kind of genetic lottery.

Yeah it's Midwestern fuckbucket. Made to produce spawn and be fat. There's a lot of them out there. You don't see them because they're in the house eating and kids are just walking out of ther twats like Stargate.
living the 'murican dream!
I know there's a stereotype about SJWs being fat and ugly and coping with their insecurity through body modification, but what is Jae even coping for when she is a famous ssbbw and loves being fat?

BTW fun fact: ear plugs produce "cheese" over time. Bon appétit !
My dear sir,
I am pleased to inform you, that I indeed have this video available and am verry happy to share it with you:

Much appreciated!
Any part of your body can become disgusting if you don't practice good hygeine it's ironic that you're so caught up on this cute little factoid that you've mentioned it more than once why being attracted to women who naturally have more difficulty maintaining good hygeine.
Fucking Kek Kek Kek
Woah! Do you have any other Jae stuff from Ivy's C4S???
>made to produce spawn and be fat
tfw no cute midwestern lardwife to produce spawn with :(
Anyone have 600lbs Bachelorette? I have a lot of her other content
Don't have the Bachelorette but mind sharing her other content???
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I know this is an old one, but can someone share the vid of jae and brianna eating KFC in the car please?

Does anyone here have the Bachelorette vid???
It's available here right now download quick!
shit went down within 10 minutes. Surely someone has it to share though?

Where is the bachelorette vid anyways? Her OF?
Seriously this shit has been my top need for a while now help

It's on Ivy Davenport's C4S: HFG
I also saw it on spankbang a couple days ago. It was very boring ngl, nothing we haven't already seen tbh and she's just talking through half of it and not doing shit.

I mean yeah, but this when (imo) Jae was at her largest and peak. So it'll be nice to have that video of her
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Hey anyone have this vid pls ?
Can anyone please post Jae content?
disregard begging acquire bitches [or content yourself]
I got this one of Jae destroying a bed.
If anyone has that video of her eating hot dogs, would be greatly appreciated

Someone put up the videos of her riding and fucking
no one here is getting pussy on the regular, I just drop by here once a month to see if it's still a begging shithole infested with poors and yup it still is
Lots of fat girls get these my gf has them she's fat af I love her it don't matter
I have a gf I don't come here that often tho
No one gives a fuck, virgin coomer
didya miss the part where youre also scrolling the fat porn image board?
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Anyone have this full video pls ?
got a question. on her website, she sells palm reading sessions. is that a code for something else?
No. She is a complete airhead that thinks crystals and tarot and all that cold-reading bullshit is real.
no lol it’s actually a palm reading
Special genre of single mom eh
Shexs cute and sexy imho. Through Demons or some other type of witchcraft there are witches that are allowed to see certain things and Demons can hear or listen. I will neither say or denie anything I don't know for absolute certain, but I will say that what I thought were Native American witches have been revealed to be South American and that it would appear that these South American witches are powerful indeed. It's difficult to tell for sure, but it certainly does seem that we have been under attack by South American and/or Southern India witches these past few years. Btw, they love doing drugs from what I understand.
Maybe reading a veiny cock like braille.
>>76474 (OP)
Anyone got my favorite video of her and Bri squashing briannas boyfriend? would be dope.
Second this.
will jae fuck you for money or does she just sit on you
Probably latter
thirding this... jokes aside iam the one who originally wanted it. SO... anyone?
it genuinely depends on her mood and year. She will take you for all your worth if you are a simp (4 figures to just rub her belly) But sometimes she straight up does sect werk.

are there any other ssbbws that will let you get physical with them? how does one find out about these things?
Dm them or email them ask if they offer in person meets
burying my face in that ass would be enough for me to bust
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all bc pic updates
Damn I wanna fuck her anal while she laying just like that
Is old or recent vid ?
Incredible! Does anyone have any of her videos, particularly the earlier ones?
Does she have any belly button vids?
Her OF is free for a limited time. So all you no money having basement dwellers can stop begging for vids.
The whole August its free, but there is nothing new... everything she has up to date is on coomer... Sad she could be on the Throne again if shes willing to put a little bit more effort in her updates/videos... damn
Re up on the big cuties pics? Can we do a mega
Facts. A 600 lb giant blonde bombshell that has everything. Ass, tits, thighs, belly. Everything. There exactly like none of those on the scene these days. Eat, show off some outfits and swimsuits that show off how ginormous you are. Maybe make a couple masturbation videos. Profit.
True, but on the other hand she often writes about her mental state. For most people expierencing a depressive episode it's really hard to do anything. Getting out of bed or even just turning on the PC is too energy drawing.
i agree, we should do a mega, or do a google drive so everything lasts longer, plus other people can add sttuff in there
Anyone have some of her EARLY stuff, like the vids she posted on Curvage before she joined Big Cuties?
we have to upload her vids on a mega so they last for people who discover this thread once her OF sale expires
sorry for the word but you get the message
If someone can pass them on, could someone please pass on the videos on your Youtube channel titled Jess Teacakes?
for the future citizens of the community bro
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Coomer says she sent out a burping vid. Anybody got their hands on it?
and also a fart vid
Wow, when i looked on preview, i thaught she lost alot of weight, and then i realised this is not thigs...
(Sry for eng)
Does anybody have the Ohio Fattening video but I think it’s Jae and Luna mentioning Jae’s mother and how her cooking is helping them.
For real??? Apparently she did a weigh in on her onlyfans...

Damn! Can you share the video?
Can anyone upload some of the recent OF stuff?
Definitely need that new weigh-in video! Who's gonna be the man?
Oh shit!!! I NEED this video
She originally was supposed to put it on the public timeline but got greedy with $1500 tips and went back on her word. It happens, I guess.
>husbant intensifies
Absolute cringe yet based Simplord supremes.
Yeah, went from everyone contributing $500 for a weigh in on public timeline to now requiring subs to tip $50 to watch a live with so many limitations and rules. Definitely if there’s a market for it, go for it. But it may be getting to her head just a lil bit.
earlier she used to casually drop weigh in, now created so much hype around it, and with so many tips it doesn't even end on timeline...
(1.7 MB, 500x281, jae_600lbhookup.webm)
Could someone upload this video in its maximum resolution please?
Jesus lol… If you’re tipping, and paying that much, while she changes the “rules” on release, I say it’s fair game to share that video. Crazy tactics 😂
If someone buys it and posts your a real motherfuckin g for that we’d appreciate that if not I get it tho.
thanks king
we need more of what I guess will be peak jae
Thanks! You’re a real one.
Per one of her coomer updates, she apparently sent a fart clip to DMs a couple weeks ago. Any chance you have that and willing to share?
Hero! Would you also happen to have the recent eating livestream or the burping video?
"i've got some mobility issues"
can barely walk to the bathroom and back without dying
That part 😂
Now we need to see her walking around. A comparision to a smaller chick would be really nice too. If we're to get a measurement video, she'll need an assistant for sure.
I know that's a lot of meat to be hauling around, but to be that out of breath - she must never move at all other than her arms to mouth. I never thought she'd be that big when she first came on the scene. No way she will stay under 700.

Last things I heard from her were:

- trying to regain some mobility
- too fat for a much needed(..?) mri
- starting her Big fat feel good journey on tiktok

In case you haven't heard of a big fat feel good jounrey before, it's because she inveted the term herself, so I'll just link to her explenation:

So all this made me think that if any she would haver either lost some or maintained her last weight. But she never misses to amaze me ;)

Thanks a ton for sharing both of these clips!!

Her new level of mobilitity is startling and her burps are easliy one of the best (if not the best) I've seens so far from any model.
There's no way she can get so close to 700 and not reach it, right? That would be like Vanilla Hippo getting to like 978 or whatever it was and giving up before she reached 1000
the media like to make the numbers bigger to make it more impressive and dramatic to lose it.
So Vanilla had maybe that what is Jessy supposed to be now.
shut up and stop posting kilotard...literally anyone here would save a 98 year old man dying of cancer dangling over a volcano instead of you if given the opportunity.
she's fucking insane for asking for a $50 tip in order to be invited to the live lol. You know she has to be secretly dying inside when that scale read off her weight and all this cash she's raking in recently is probably going toward WLS , let's be real. I mean, she's a mom , and I imagine she wants to be around to see her kids grow up.
Comically hoggish at this point. Hopefully she has an endgame plan otherwise she’s in trouble.
Looks like she’s down the Adeline path. She’s blown up and could hardly stand without an aid. I want to see her fatass exceed that scale and grow too big to fit through that door.
Yeah, she was rightfully uncomfortable with her weight and wants to get down long term, unsurprisingly.
The question is, will she be able to pull it off. She's clearly naturally fat, and an emotional eater with a tumultuous life situation on top of it, which seems like it's led to her weight skyrocketing by hundreds of pounds over the years.

Totally agree that this is a very Adeline-ish situation, but Adeline, as far as we can tell, has a stable life with a stable partner, and was able to lose a bunch of weight when she decided she needed to. Unclear if Jess can pull off the same, though I hope she does.
>though I hope she does.

Only because she seems in rough shape. I probably should have felt the same about Adeline, but I told myself that with a supportive partner, she could live a good life at 700lbs or more. That was probably delusional, though there may have been some truth in it. Either way, I doubt Jae's in a position to do that.
Jae has been in rough shape almost her entire adult life. Stop focusing on only her mobility. Her entire adult life has been an absolute train wreck. Multiple children to different men. Clearly unhappy about her obesity the entire time, appearing on the tyra banks show etc. The tattoos, the drugs, the stupid clown color hair. All the signs of a person who is out of their mind.
Eaten herself into a situation now where she can't look after her kids, appears to be in that bed 24/7 and no doubt has a carer come in to change her dippers. Fantastic human being.
Does anyone have all the vids of Jae with Igornight? Especially the sex vid? Here's my contribution.
That was her on the Tyra banks show?! Are we positive? That was an awakening for me holy shit.
Yes, very positive as I believe she confirmed this on her TikTok. Just scroll back and you should find it.
I feel like I read if there being a fart vid along side it? Is that real or am I tweaking
can't forget about her Uncle Fester stage of her life lol, but yea, train wreck just about sums up her life, unfortunately. She seems like a good person, just has zero control of anything going in within her own sphere of influence.
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yep. and i know i have the whole episode somewhere. I think i downloaded it when she posted it back around 2007. gonna have to dig deep to find it.
I mean yeah, but this is all the more reason to hope her mobility improves. If she's got a shot at dealing with all that other stuff, it will probably depend on getting more mobile.
Crowdfunding a womans descent into mental illness
Does someone have some videos from her bigcutie days, preferably earlier sets...?
Fear not, my dear Sir, The Doctor has you covered.

Wow I didn't know she modeled that long ago. Do you have video clips from that era?

Well, HOWEVER, she is considerably more well spoken than many models, clearly quite intelligent in some ways, learns languages for fun (and not just "hello, how are you") and can string an entire paragraph of self reflection together and sound very reasonable doing it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wzgz3kemqcs
Holy shit since when is she 700 lbs??

Hmm. I know she's taller, don't remember how tall, but when compared to Adeline and FatMissT she really doesn't seem *that* fat... I'd guess more like 500-550 range.
You just watched a hulking behemoth of a woman just barely pull herself through a doorframe twice and weigh herself with no cuts in the video and you still doubt her weight? If anything it registered so close to the scale limit that I wouldn't be surprised if she had already reached it.
Jae is around 5'11 and I think Fatmiss T is 5'3? That's a lot more vertical space to fill.
Brianna is 5'11. Jae is a little taller.
Jae barely making it into the next room because she’s a 700lb blob is hot, she’s a knee injury off being bed bound and gaining a fuck ton
She's a real giant
Is there any vids of her showing her asshole?
yes there is, it's hot as fuck
i don't have it on me right now unfortunately
No I think Brianna is 1,75m, Jess maybe 1,78m.
No, so Brianna actually stated on grabie that she did not grow a single inch in height and stayed steady at 5ft 11, so 1,8m and Jae is listed as 5ft 10 at bbw.wiki, which is about 178cm. Although reaing y'all opinion about Jae being a bit taller that Brianna this would make her 5ft 11 or even 6ft.
Doesn't work when put into base64
I'm old enough to remember the early days to Jae before she went professional.

People here on about her weight being out of control, well it was long ago.

I still remember the weight in video she did after a few months break on about how she was feeling good and didn't think she's put on much since her previous weigh in at least at like 280 lbs. Her scale then read Error. and she freaked out as it was a 300 lbs limit scales. Took another month or so for her to get a heavier duty scale I seem to remember and by then she was like 320 lbs or more.
you happen to have that
So she’s been in denial about her eating addiction since the beginning? I remember back years ago when she bypassed like 500 she kept saying how “she never wanted to get above 400, and then 500” or something along those lines. Seems like she always thought she would magically stop gaining weight while continually eating for 5
>Seems like she always thought she would magically stop gaining weight while continually eating for 5
That sentence turns me the fuck on
She maintained on either the Dr. Phil or Jenny Jones Show, like 14 years ago (if not more) to be determined to going to lose much of the weight, although she was already in the business.
Though if that happened (sometimes did it, like on Mary Boberry) she will never admit this on a fat fetish site.But she has a young son (probably no husband) who is going to school.
Though at that time she was significant smaller than now, but there may have contributed some sickness to her size.
Do you have any video clips from that era?
Let's be honest. That "700lbs" weigh in is not her actually 700lbs. She's 680's.
Also her content with Luna was amazing back in the day
I think it is 50 - 100 less
no way did she fake that weight
Stop feeding the kilotard
imagining someone at a 7/11 she frequents forgetting to put out a wet floor sign after they mop and she waddles in and slips and falls… she’s never getting back up huh boys. so close lol.
Actual is it very easy to fake weiths, because in the internet can you not control, how heavy one is, while one in the real life for example measure can, how far a car/bus sinks (secret, when necessary), if one rises in, and then after measure, how far it sinks with cement bags, that you have measured.
Or in a boat/ship, where you outside a marking make can, where the watersurface is.
Im dying over here. Fucking A+ sir.
Any1 got pics or vids of her asshole?
1,80m is actual not very tall, it is a little bit below the average height of a man.
But Jessy looked on Dr. Phil not huge, she was like on head shorter than him and 1 - 2 of the women there looked even taller (like the girlfriend of Lady Seductress, which was once a lot heavier than Jess, maybe Ash too).
Halt die Fresse, Kilotroll!
This girl is not only too fat to waddle (needs a scooter) but she probably never leaves her house, or her bedroom.
fuck i missed it

re-up please anyone
Do you have that vid with Luna?, Would you mind sharing it with all of us
Thank you for posting.
Is there any chance for a re up
Do you have it now?

she uses a cane.
Okay, you have my attention. Photographic proof?
it's in the video
Does she need it or is it like of Reenaye Starr, which takes it out as requisite (tricked)?
Some use a cane,
Some use a crane,
Some use a king-sized bed
Nine years long.
Others uses a Fön...🤫

...a mythical creature that is part human part goat?
Can someone reup the new weigh in, please?
She posted it on her IG, then posted a story about how she lost 300 followers after doing so.
Idk if they’re really related but if so that suck. Idk what kind of “fair weather” types would have that be their cue to unfollow and justify it to themselves.
second this, missed it
She lost 300 subscribers over that? wtf

would someone care to re-up this and the other recent one?
I think it has more to do with how her legs look then the cane...
Do you have the whole episode where Tyra puts her sick boyfriend in his place?
Pretty sure the insinuation was “ a phatphobic/ableist response against a very large women using a mobility aid” to use neo speak.
Or in terms you’re probably more used to hearing directed at you: “kys bitch ass faggot lmao”
Yeah I gotta agree you’re a faggot because her legs look hot as fuck. Go to one of the other boards for men with low t and leave the ssbbws to those of us with healthy t levels.
Nope there exist actual two, depens on how it is written; one is a device for drying the hair and other exist in the mountains like Alps (is possible some wind/ weather).
I think one is with "h" and one without it. But the hair-dryer is more well known.
She didn't appear very tall here and was far below 200Kg, at least at that time.
You guys just like fat... dude is right that it's most likely because of her legs. Not everyone is into U/SS/BBWs because of the fat... more people than you realize are into fatties because despite or thanks to the fat, the figure or curvature she gained makes her look beautiful. With that said... some (myself included) would say that her legs makes her look more slobbish & blob-like. Not everyone is a fan of the Adeline or Luna body types... Jae used to be within that perfect spot of being fat but still fine & mobile. Now that her legs are essentially shot... she's just well on her way to being a sad state blob that only the sickest of this fetish get off to.
>>76474 (OP)
Can anyone share the new weigh in?

I got every Jae Bigcutie video, tell me wich you want and i ll share.
Impossible, there was no boyfriend. The whole story was made up to get on the show.
morbidly excited to watch what happens next to her. it’s like a beautiful hot train wreck.
There you go!
Can this be uploaded to MAB pls?
This is just to dream a little, but the truth is that I would love to see videos of her as if she were a giant, that is, destroying buildings, eating people, etc... she is also the perfect size for that to happen, If that were to happen, I hope the knee heals.
they are fresh i uploaded them a few hours ago lol, can you share the NEW weigh in on MAB? Thanks!
If anyone wants Jae Vids from BC just tell me. All i want is the new weigh in on MAB or WE & the Jae and Bri squashing video from C4s, thanks :)

I have the recent burp video to reup if you want.
I would love to see one of the BC video with Jae binging. Can't find them anywhere.
>they are fresh i uploaded them a few hours ago it's going to expire eventually, pixeldrain isn't
>they are fresh i uploaded them a few hours ago
it's going to expire eventually, pixeldrain isn't
using dogshit file hosts that expire is why we got this endless game of reups and recycled content
Holy shit. I know some of this is acting, but shit that was a hot video to watch
broken file, not even re-encoded
Anyone have the most recent weigh in?
it was on coomer . now its gone. i didnt know videos got deleted from coomer
>broken file
works for me
>not even re-encoded
what? why would you want that?
Bro is searching for this vid for months now, hes even sharing alot, can no one help him out? Me myself and i dont own the vid, lol, sorry mate hpefully someone shares this one soon
>>76474 (OP)
According to her OF she has gained again... iam curious to see.

Anyways anyone got the Video? >>96264

Tell me and ill share what you want from her BC.
To do another weigh in so shortly after the last it’s gotta be 700 right
Any1 got any vids of jae just showing ass? seems like she never shows any ass.
There's vids on big cutie showing ass if anyone wants to drop it
Does anyone have 249 or 277 por favor?
Yes thats exactly what i wanted, much appreciated.
Thats my favorite Video, just look how unhuman those Girls look on top of this man, unreal.
Anyone know how I can find this video:
An old Jae video that I originally found on youtube when I was a teen. It was called "SSBBW jae showing off" and is no longer uploaded
It featured webcam footage of jae sitting in an office chair and playing with her belly, then she scooted back and revealed that her belly was twice as big as what she showed to begin with. I remember it being so hot
it should still be on her coom... check the vid on 2021-06-26, m8
She did a new weighin on OF but fuck, she’s begging tips of 20 USD to send it
Did anyone see it?
she hasn't done it yet
Souns extra hot, but iam not sure about this one? was this an yt only upload?
I missed some of her old content it looks like all she does now is lay in bed all day and make tik toks.
Glad I'm not the only one saddened by her recent state. Hope she goes the Kellie Kay route and drops a ton of weight. Who knows, maybe Kellie could give her advice or something.
Don’t like it, go back to bbw.
Has she had face work done? I swear she never used to be this pretty, she looks like Sharon Stone these days.
I mean, the breathless waddle 10 feet from her bed and back for the weigh in video was pretty damn amazing. As long as she has the camera on when she does get up, I’m okay with that.

Although a food diary video from bed would be 100 💯
As i said many times, she just needs to do more Videos, nothing special jist the usuall stuff and she would be back at nr1.
She always was, its her new make up style that makes her look so crisp.
Some good man have jae and caitidee cake video?
Anybody got the new jae weighin or any content in general???
That's the previous one, she did another one more recently.
Or maybe she didn't? Just checked her onlyfans page, maybe she didn't actually do it yet. There's some promo going until Nov 5th, so probably releases sometime soon... my bad
Gotta ask for some super rare content here. I know it exists, I have seen it, but the site it was on doesn't exist anymore.

There are several vid of Jae and another girl when they were """sex working""" in Vegas. Taking turns fucking, giving blow jobs, ect. (Possibly taking turns with the guys then going to get a drink or do drugs then going back (?)) It isn't the notorious double BJ with Briainna or that other ugly chick, it was in a Hotel room on a really high floor during the day.
If anyone has it I would be happy to share anything I got,
Iam a Jae "simp", and iam pretty sure such video does not exist...

But i want to belief it, so what Weight did she roughly had or what year was it around? Maybe i can help :)
Need her pics and also if some one can link to that thread where there was a discussion about her face sitting and also a guy pointed out he saw her and that the ground shook as she walked to him. Can some one please be kind to link it.. Can't find that thread anymore
you're not thinking of the one with Catidee in LA are you?
Anyone has any burping videos of her?
(186 KB, 800x1191, 274jae_all.jpg)
anyone have this video theyre willing to share?
Anyone got her YouTube content before she took them down?
anybody got her tryon or struggle vids?

or any new stuff in general??
that would be much appreciated
I will try upload later
Who’s worst Jae or juicyjacqulyn for content?
I subscribed to Jackie’s only fans for a month and there was one update. And it was old videos.
Yo thanks fam

Well Jackie never uploads, and jae is always saying how shes going to get back to the grind real quick but never seems to do much
Fuck the weak ass YouTube shit, we need more of that ass bent over and spread
Couldn't it be on Mega, MAB or Google Drive?
Does anyone on here have the one video she did with Igor Night, would more than appreciate it folks, hoping for one saviour......
Thankx a lot in advance and all the best to you all....🤗
(49 KB, 900x1600, 94951109.webp)
fuck you moron. if you are not satisfied, try to share yourself , piece of shit
Any wins here on the Igor Night clip with her?
would be fantasic :-)
keep only begging alone, idiot
Hey any drop of content helps keep the thread alive and I'd like to see this thread boom with activity
Nah they don't actually like dropping content on this thread. Just straight yapping
Why do you want that video? All dude vids are of his hairy ass cheeks and bald ass head in the way.
STFU, you just homo. You may not like him but he fucks a lot of fat bitches. If you focus on his ass then that's a you issue
You just like to stare at baboon ass.
(44 KB, 637x245, missing vids.jpg)
>>76474 (OP)
I got everything else from BC, just tell me.
Igor night Vids with jae aint that bad, they are realy good... i got them all before my nofap nonsense. deleted them all...
Can you share all the vid
have her earliest stuff? pre-bc

Who would’ve thought that girl would put another 300 lbs on her 🥵
You or anyone got those videos? Especially the first one?
Did she ever post it? I am thinking of subscribing to her page, though largely for this video.
More than a month since announcing it, she hasn't posted it or explained what's going on. It's been more than a month since her last post also.
Thank you for sharing all this.
can you post all the pic sets?
Yeah it should be better to just have a mega or something like that
Looking for her and her husband’s appearance on Tyra Banks show. Anyone have that?
Sorry to ask, is there any chance for a re up of any of the 11/27 uploads? They were gone quickly, but thank you for posting them.
Has there been anything new since that weigh in video?
She’s a 34 year old single mother at 600lbs she’s probably got a myriad of health and stress complications. It’s understandable that she’s so bad at updates
She is close to 700 not 600.
Looking for her and her husband’s appearance on Tyra Banks show. Anyone have that?
It's Frodo from a nightmare scene where he has were he becomes golumized cut from the film.
She is 680 currently.
Poor girl.
poor because it's not 780
Really it’s tragic that it’s not 880.
>my 400kilo life
If anyone can pull it off it’s jae
It’s obvious she doesn’t want to be quite as big as she is now, barely able to walk.

But damn, if she did a compulsive overeating vid, I’d buy it in an instant
I might literally die if she put up a weigh in, barely able to move, struggling to squeezing through the door and then she maxes out that 700lb scale
hi, is it possible to post it again? thanks a lot
well, there's always hope for us degenerates. she doesn't want to, that is fairly obvcious, but hopefully she has no strength of will do start losing. since she's almost bed-bound as it is, and barely able to move, her muscles are not getting any stronger - as a matter of fact, with every day of less and less movement, they are disappearing faster; it's a vicious (or wonderful) feedback loop. may actually end up really immobile, and keep piling on the pounds, because what else she's going to do?
any chance someone would be able to reup the recent-ish weigh in?
(28 KB, 400x173, 80nugget.jpg)
damn this slipped trough the cracks huh? there's also a 2012 body fondling vid of them apparently.
The 700 lb one or more recent than that? I don’t think there was another and that one is on spankbang if you look a little it’s called 700lb
Someone needs to make a weigh in complication of her
He meant constellation
If it still is I can't find it
search 700 lb for it, but she's 687 in the weigh in.
That Vid is qualitiy from back in the days... This vids damn good.
Anyone have 600lb bachelorette? Been looking for that one for so long
Can sombody please upload all of her stuffing videos?
Can anyone share the video where she broke the bed?
I've been dying to see supersized near-700 pound Jae in her new weigh-in video but all these links are expired. Anyone tryna help a brother out?
Please any reupload last eating video When she makes a violent sound
anyone else sub to the of ...lol it's a huge ripoff she barley posts and if she dose its old vids for purchase i think money is tight but she too fat and depressed about it to make content so she is sponging off the community
I did be4 it was such a waste, same thing with Shannon Marie. Just reused lazy bullshit content. Thank goodness for coomer tho. Never pay for OF
that's not even a 3rd of the video, genius...
Anyone have the full vid?
Does any kind soul have the whole video, would be a more than great :-)
Does anyone has her latest weigh in?
It's been nearly 3 months since she said she was do a weigh-in what the fuck. These ssbbw models are so fucking lazy even with the most minimal shit
I mean, they didn’t get that fat without being lazy, are you honestly surprised?
Well she stole money, lied to subs about timing for 2nd weigh in after getting hundreds of $$ in tips as part of the vid campaign. Said she was done with ghosting and ghosted again.
Not surprised, just amazed. She hasn't even posted any regular content either when she could literally just take a selfie and people would eat it up
She’s been at this crap for years. Says she sorry and will start posting, then goes off the air and doesn’t. Comes back and apologizes. Pretty amazing weight gain tho. I remember when she first posted. Her weight was some like 302 lbs and has more than doubled her weight. I wish I had kept those old vids.
Stole my money to. Please share her content as much as possible
I thought her whole MO was being white trash
Nigger or asiatic?
Call it.
where the fuck you lose them, down your couch cushions
(44 KB, 750x553, 7mbtk66a3hs51.jpg)
no, lost them to jesus. those appalachian evangelicals jerking it to free porn day in and day out, get that urge every few months, when the jesus-induced guilt strikes, they "realize" that jerking it is sin, delete their porn stashes, reunite with pastor Billy Bob, then relapse in a week and need to recreate stash from scratch.
Yea we for need some content to keep this thread going
that's Bubba Bo Bob to you
Ok is this a new vid or just some teaser to a vid comming at the end of 2024?
she still living off those "vip" access charges she ripped people off with to see some bullshit content or she making anything new?
honestly tho, i wouldn't be surprised if she had mental breakdown shortly after that weigh-in. She looked shook as all fuck immediately afterwards when the reality of hovering at the precipice of 700pounds hit her. With her limited mobility, i just don't see her coming back from that, but i hope she can for her kids sake.
Plzzzzzzz any hero re-up her burp video when Sounds come out like bombs
Man Jae fell off, I'm honestly looking for any semi recent content at this point
anyone has all the weigh ins?
I'm looking for these four Jae videos:

I've got all of Jae's Bigcuties sets (pics&vids) and most of her C4S and OF stuff, just tell me what you want me to upload.

I know the 'no trading' rule but I simply can't upload hundreds of GBs on spec. Just tell me what you want to see and I'll upload in advance(!)
Does anyone have any of her pov stuff?
I said I have all of it wtf
Im out of here she is closing in on me lmao
Well just upload it then
more of her please
Does anyone have the Youtube videos of their JessTeaCakes channel?

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