
God i really hope she is gaining again she has such a hot belly
>absolute horker of a gainer, said she's a gluttonous fat ass and in love with it
>leaves the feedee scene, tries to lose weight
>gains it all back
can anyone update her coomer.party?
Did she change her ethnicity since 2014?
Last I checked, she was still posting on Instagram about her recovery from her binge eating disorder, so if she is gaining I don’t think it’s on purpose. I used to love her but knowing she really wasn’t happy being fat and just had an eating disorder the whole time is kind of a turn off. I liked her because it seemed like she was really into it
She is into it, she's just fighting it.
It's hot to know her gain is ireversable
Anyone has before after pics of her new weight gain?
Believe it or not, no person is happy about being fat. Being happy with it is a coping mechanism or facade to milk money from perverts like us.
There are a few. They’re mostly happily dating feeders who don’t need to pimp their girls online.
Any model who can’t keep a man is 99% not into the fetish and making the best of the hand she dealt herself.

That's a common belief. But it is nowhere near the truth.

Some people enjoy being fat, they are happy.

Huge amount of people don't give a flying fuck about being fat.

Some people are unhappy being fat. That happens with self-conscious people rather often.. Also if people are no longer able to do something due fatness they may become unhappy with being fat. But not all of them will.Even people who develop an actual disability for being fat are not always exactly unhappy with being fat.

Normalize fatness and glorify obesity baby!
Autism the post
Excellent points. Only thing I would add is that some are accepting of being fat until they get scared into losing by some fat-phobic doctor who blames every ailment on obesity and convinces them they will face an early grave if they do not lose weight. (Not saying that is never the case - let's be honest, there are no 600-lb 90 year olds - but 90% of the time it is hyperbole.)
The cope was made wen you felt the need to write this drivel keyboard warrior lol
>but knowing she really wasn’t happy being fat and just had an eating disorder the whole time is kind of a turn off

Makes it even hotter to me lol
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I've liked her since I first saw her and agree with all the positive takes here. I was bummed her Coomer was kinda dead too, but definitely interested in paying attention.

I don't have this belly play video, but what I really loved about her was that she was one of very few BBWs OR SSBBWs her size and sexiness who had any content on their OF whatsoever with a boyfriend or FWB fondling/playing with their bodies (Which I attached the best examples of I could).

In my personal tier list, videos of huge girls like this being jiggled, played with, groped/squeezed, etc. by someone else is frequently S tier, and it's a downer how few do it. In comparison, just watching a girl jiggle her own body is underwhelming.

Your post had me checking her MV and seeing this video:

She's definitely looking a lot smaller than in the one you linked, even just 8 months later, but I'm definitely gonna be looking through her vids to see if I can find some good ones when she's at her biggest or closer to it. Slight bummer she's always wearing some skimpy lingerie, even if it covers barely anything, Still don't understand why so many of these girls don't just get naked when you can see everything anyway.

Let me know if you see any others, because 2.99 is a good deal, and I'll spend up to $15 or so and share a MEGA link here if there's a couple good pics where she's having her curves and rolls manhandled.

>Makes it even hotter to me lol

I'm 101% in the same boat. The idea of a chick growing bigger and fatter every month, her boobs swelling and bulging to untold sizes, her belly and ass rounding out and getting progressively more difficult to conceal ... all completely unintentionally or against her desires is like ... untold fuckin' magnitudes more of a turn-on.

I mean... eating disorders themselves aren't sexy to me, it's hotter if it's just hormonal, genetic, lack of self-discipline, or just getting busier with age, etc., but for me at least gaining weight on purpose is far less attractive than it being

I was a bit surprised after starting to frequent these boards more often just how frequently I'll ask for an ID on some BBW and people respond "she's trying to lose weight" ass if to say "Oh, don't bother, nothing much to see here", and I'd come to find out her socials have a huge backlog of thirst trap pics in swimsuits, too-tight clothes, skimpy outfits, etc., and a cache of clothes "haul"/try-on videos with tens of thousands of high-megapixel frames of her every inch of flesh jiggling uncontrollably as she models/pses.

People act like unintentional weight is some instant turn-off switch or that it makes a fat chick all of a sudden slim. I've been attracted to plump, heavy girls my whole life and feel almost like an oddity around here because I've never been into the whole enthusiastic feedee thing, nor ever once been turned off because a fat chick wanted to lose weight. If anything, I'm reaching for a bag of popcorn b/c my first thought is "Oh goodie, gonna be fun watching you try".

And if she succeeds then, hey ... good for her, it's not easy, and watching someone succeed at something they want to do is a great thing to see. I can't control what you do, but I can control who's content I view. I'll go be attracted to someone else now, but good job. If you start to gain it back because losing weight for good is a helluva task, I know where to find you.
William Shakespeare over here
Anyone have her new set?
>tries to lose weight and quit feedism stuff
>can't, gains some anyway
>now she's stuffing burgers down her gullet again
Good piggy.
Glad to see she's fattening up again and reaching her natural form.
I guess she's just embarcing who she is, a fat fucking piggy. I remember that old video of hers eating and talking about being a fatass is who she is and all she ever wants to be. I knew she wanted it deep down.
>Normalize fatness and glorify obesity baby!*
*only for women

fat men are sickening
>>75693 (OP)
Also, her coomer is in a desperate need of an update.
shut the fuck up you mentally ill faggot
stop trying to justify your attraction to obese women. just accept that it is not healthy
lol why are you here
because i find obese women extremely hot?
how is that mutually exclusive
then why are you calling it unhealthy?
be quiet, dude.
i am saying it is not healthy in any way to be obese. that is a fact
I don't care though.
Seems "just accept that it is not healthy" was interpreted as referring to "attraction to obese women" lmao.

Anyone who isn't just severely uneducated and truly believes being obese is no less unhealthful than being in the normal BMI range is stupid as dogshit.

But being attracted to overweight/obese bodies and/or being sexually gratified when they gain weight has been baked into our wild, horny monkey brains for countless millennia. Sexual preference for significantly underweight mates has far less evolutionary justification given the ubiquity of scarcity, malnourishment and starvation throughout human history.

I imagine a fair bit of attraction to grossly thin and/or underweight bodies has more to do with peer pressure/fear of judgment, lifestyle (more athletic partner for specific shared activities), or just multiple factors like personality, other aesthetic features, etc., that outweigh (heh) body shape/size as someone's metric of attraction.

It very frequently still manifests as a kink or fetish, definitely not arguing otherwise, but in a vacuum - simply finding some obese people attractive definitely 100% is not a mental illness
>I imagine a fair bit of attraction to grossly thin and/or underweight bodies has more to do with peer pressure/fear of judgment, lifestyle (more athletic partner for specific shared activities), or just multiple factors like personality, other aesthetic features, etc., that outweigh (heh) body shape/size as someone's metric of attraction.
low testosterone
can you idiots stop feeding the obvious trolls and stop derailing the thread please
However, exclusively finding obese people attractive IS a mentally illness, as well as feedism.
>exclusively finding obese people attractive IS a mentally illness
what is the name of that 'mentally illness'?
>>83915 (Cross-thread)
Look, I don’t agree with the theory of “non-normal = diseased” but the majority of the psychological world does.
This shit is weird, dangerous and gross to normal folk, therefor it is a disease in the public eye.
This whole talk is the real disease.

Fatties are ok. Move on.
I think we need to bring back don't ask, don't tell as a general thing.
No, that's not it. I understand you may find it useless, but I for one specifically enjoy these talks. Moreover, it's a bigger reason to come browse chan than content itself. That's why I get extremely pissed when mods wipe discussions like this.

If content is the very only thing you need - it's worth recreating that Array thing Lieutenant attempted on multiple occasions.

For me talks do matter and as far as I know I am far far away from being the only one with somewhat same opinion.
>gen is a thing…
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I'll throw in with the side that appreciates genuinely good conversation on and around this board. Thing is, MamaHorker's Coomer has been getting regularly updated by some kind soul, so there's next to no point posting much content here unless it's to discuss some specific aspect of it, or to share a ManyVid someone requested if you have it.

This is from one of her recent posts, probably the best vid of hers so far this year IMO:

"In this video I will show you just how fat I am, how my body molds itself as my seatbelt gets tighter and tighter around my rolls, and just how sexy I look as I pull my fat through my tight seatbelt inch by inch!"


She's looking cute in a number of new pictures, to say the best I can about her physically. Personally, I'm not as big a fan of the saggier, catcher's mitt belly shape that happens with girls who lose then regain a lot. I'm in the seemingly rare camp here that has some limits on preferences for belly growth.

She used to be a lot more plump and it was fun to see another pair of hands jiggling her. Her boobs are lookin' a little more deflated now and she seems a bit too addicted to keeping her underwear on in all her sitting photos to fully appreciate how much of her lap her stomach occupies.

That said, she seems chill and friendly, and I'm sure her current shape is a lot of people's cup of tea.

I think she'd look great flat on her back or getting on her hands and knees more. Bird's-Eye View photos while laying down are difficult to take without someone to help though, TBF. It's a great angle, but that's probably why so few girls do it that often.
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Exclusively finding obese people attractive is only treated as and/or considered a mental illness in a healthcare setting if it comes with a side of personal distress and/or issues in a relationship with a partner that cause distress for either/both parties.

It's much more legitimately a mental illness to push one's self to keep growing fatter and fatter to the point of morbidity for the sake of a sexual kink and/or just for porn money.

I mean, I like seeing nude girls like any straight man, and I get more turned on by women who are larger for whatever reason you wanna assign to it. IDK, Freud or whatever. It only makes sense to have a sexual interest in seeing an attractive girl gain weight progressively to the point her figure naturally turns me on more than it did before.

That said, I start getting turned off at the thought of my own partner living a truly shitty life due to her size and/or as a result of obesity-related health issues. At some point, even though I can appreciate the weight gain and accompanying breast/butt/belly growth my girlfriend went through throughout her 20s, I also am a working professional who recognizes that outgrowing bras/pants/dresses every 4-5 months isn't sustainable, and that aging doesn't make it easier to reach and maintain a weight conducive to a longer, more productive life.

While the fantasy side of my brain can perv out about the idea of a chick growing so massive she needs help just to move, it's a turn-off to see another human being actually do that (Think Adeline, for instance), because I see that level of genuine self-harm as a clear sign something has gone screwy in that person's brain and they need mental health help.

Gotta factor in personal agency and overall mental health. For whatever reason, Adeline chose to get real fat. Enjoy her for who she is. Celebrate her path. It was better for her than going hungry.

These women know they're fat. Rejecting them over "health concerns" is paternalistic bullshit. They're unique people on individual journeys. Some of us will be real fat. Others will live for it. That's awesome.
>almost two months of arguing without anyone posting relevant images
She doesnt even look like the same person without makup on
Did Adeline really choose this life?
Looked like she was enabled until her health gave up and her feeder managed to dodge the manslaughter charges by helping her lose a little and stave off death momentarily.
billion times hotter without the makeup

As much as anyone chooses their course, yeah. Was there a 10 year plan to weigh 800lbs? Probably not. But she dove head first into life as a fetish model. It was better than whatever other alternative she had.

She's been at this for over a decade. That's long enough to understand the price. It's not an accident.
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As someone on the feedee side of the fetish, There's definitely two sides to it. I've known all my life I wanted to be fat. Literally since I was a child and didn't really know what it was I was feeling.

Being a Feedee isn't a mental illness. There's nothing wrong with me. I know that being fat is unhealthy, I haven't lost all control, It's not against my will. For a large part of my life I fought this side of myself, and chose not to gain weight. Any time I did gain weight I loved it, but it wasn't like I couldn't stop myself - I would always end up loosing weight both due to societal pressure and personal choice for health

I was never happy with my body. When I was fit I had muscles and was considered attractive, but it just felt like I was doing it for everyone else. When I was fat I felt humiliated, terrified about what people might say. I think that's pretty normal for anyone.

I Knew all the risks of weight gain. I kept that side of myself locked away. I've read articles on all the health problems, I've had family members who were overweight and I knew how hard it was for them.

Eventually I decided I knew the risks, and I chose to gain weight anyway. Do you consider smokers mentally ill? Do you consider any and all vices an illness? Young teens YOLOing and doing dangerous things isn't a mental illness, it's just bad judgement.

Yes you can become addicted. Drinking is okay but alchoholism isn't. Gambling for fun is fine, but gambling away your life savings is an addiction.

Some of these girls are genuinely in need of help and being enabled. Some are just enjoying themselves, and choose this path. And some are just apathetic, and even if they aren't happy, are too lazy to do anything about it. That isn't mental illness.

Extreme sports are dangerous, but we respect the athletes for taking them to the highest pinnacle.

If a feedee gains to 800 lbs and is still happy with their life, so what? if they want to lose weight? good for them. If they want to keep going? sure. people die of heart attacks all the time without being 800 lbs, they can get hit by a bus, they can get sick. I say live the way you choose.
>>86736 You're awesome, dude. That's why my sister still loves you.
Writen beautifully. ♥
I like how she left to lose weight and end feederism but just. couldn't. stop. and came back.
Good piggy.
She didn’t choose this life. This life chose her.
She was just a moribly obese depressed woman whose best option to make money and get a husband was to embrace giving herself a mobility limiting food addiction that will kill her early.

She literally told us this, stop trying to spin this into these lazy, fat woman wanting to be a feedee.
This woman is a walking advertisement to shut down feeder websites.
Her Instagram is basically one big advertisement for feeders taking advantage and enabling a depressed woman into eating herself to a size she regrets.
She’s fine taking your money right now, but it’s looks like she’d prefer to make money as a profession victim of feeders.
based, thank you for spreading the truth
retards with their fucking autistic fantasies thinking otherwise

Did she ever actually post that POV belly play? Went looking on the coomer and it unless it was posted more than a month after the post with the 2nd-4th images saying it'll be on there soon, it isn't there.
I’m really bored with the enablement meme. She didn’t need us to eat herself into a fatty. She lifted every donut that created that fat figure into her mouth with her chubby little hands knowing full well what it was doing to her. If she didn’t want to get fat she shouldn’t have eaten so much. Yeah there’s a psychological component to weight gain but it can be overcome if that’s what one wants to do. sher situation was and still is all on her.
He didn’t say that she’s mentally ill because she’s fat, he said she’s a wannabe professional victim, like people who have to fake insurance and lawsuit claims because they don’t want to work anymore and want to go on the doll.
Or black moms who let their kids rob and murder then sue the state when he dindus nothing into finding out
Sounds like a black man stole your girlfriend.

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