
eating and gaming…that’s the result
>>74509 (OP)
I've been following her videos for a couple of years and no matter what the exercises, she just keeps getting fatter. It's hot as fuck.
>>74509 (OP)
Jesus Christ!!! Who the hell she is bruh???
What a blob lady and she’s pretty huge
Fucking giant arms.
She was also featured in My 600 lb Life (season 9, episode 10), though she never got weight-loss surgery (and looks no thinner now than she did when she began).
brehs... is she retarded?

She literally looks like the blob people from Wall-E. Actually worse. This is hilarious
>esl fags
>type like metro niggers
Sharing Internet to the third world was a mistake.
Move this to immobile 🤢🤮
That's where you are browsing now.
Back to /bbw/ you whiney retard

Holy cow, you sound just like 1 of my sisters.
>gets called a retarded faggot regularly
She can't even stand at all anymore judging from her more recent videos.

We need them fat, not standing.
(206 KB, 1080x1440, nipslip.jpg)
Love the nipslip
Standing really is just too much of an ask anyways. Lifting all that weight burns so many calories.

I love to think that after the workout when everyone leaves she eats to celebrate and keeps eating more than the calories she's burning.
>keeps eating more than the calories she's burning

That's a certainty. She's not burning so much in these workout sessions that a couple of Big Mac combos wouldn't make up for and then some. She's probably undoing three hours of exercize halfway through a single meal.

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