

Challenging Myself
anyone have bigger than you?
this is hands down her sexiest set
Does anyone have videos from this time of Jackie? of 2019, 2018, 2017, etc. backward? The content of Jackie's past makes me more spicy, here are some videos to give you an idea

This era was the best, her body shape was perfectly proportioned and had the best ass of any model that was currently going. Now not so much.
Alien Skeleton squashing anyone?
Oof didn't know there's was a new Jackie thread lol, so possible reup?
Anyone has the ceo chocolate video?
How long before she has a major health scare and starts losing weight?
Health scare can't be too far away but I still can't see this hog losing weight. She's never gonna stop getting bigger and will inevotabley die of a massive heart attack at 650lbs
And why not? Better than getting old and senile.
100%. I hope she starts doing streams on onlyfans and the inevitable happens to the blob as she livestreams stuffing herself with a buffet's worth of food.
I love her wheezing. Its crazy how the smallest physical movement can put her gasping for air. Any other SSBBWs that have a wheeze like her?
I hope I die soon, life dont get any better.
Correct - it doesn't. More and more people are finding this out the hard way now. But no one should suffer. Google 'exit bag' for options.
Life gets better man, eventually it has to.
bruv tf are you doin
You guys need to calm down, get off your computer and go outside or something.
At the very least, if life is that bad for you, seek help/therapy. We're here to share pornography, this isn't a place to post emo journal entries.
Bruh wtf.
Anyone have her cake crush/food crushing video?
Does anybody know if her OF is worth the money? Like does she post new content or is it all re-uploads like Carmen Lafox?
If y'all re-up the stuff, ill post even more content for your troubles
Her cankles are bigger. They almost touch the ground. Walking must be super hard.
The world may suck in many ways, but this is truly a golden age for female lard.
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Good God Almighty This Women is a Goddess...I Pray Everyday That we see her reach that Legendary Milestone one day! 6-0-0!
ive never heard her wheeze so hard before. all the extra fat has definitely gone into her legs
Someone reup pls links dead
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reup plox
"Unable to play this video at this time. The number of allowed playbacks has been exceeded. Please try again later.Learn More"

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Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator."

different upload source, pls?
We need a legend to upload it to wetransfer!
she becomes deformed it is really awful
There is always that one nagging pussy. No one asked for your opinion.
I love how fat her legs and calves have gotten recently. Her feet are barely visible as her cankle fat slowly envelopes them. So hot watching this hog just continue to expand and turn into a ball of pure flab
The edema and discoloration is a sign of early stage congestive heart failure.
I realy like the fact she is getting bigger visibly, but i dont like that her legs draw all the attention. They legs take the show now... More Belly would be nice :D

Also i cant download either.. Someone to MAB or WE?

Anyone has the Exclusive pics?
This hog is getting closer and closer to the inevitable heart attack everyday now. I bet she'd still continue gaining after she recovers
The mab link is right above your message


I you arent a doctor, shut it 😄
Thanks for the MAB upload

She's getting really big now and I love watching it. With those legs blowing up like that she will be over 600 soon.
she is really in a sad state
Here comes all the faggots who want to say “ShEs GoInG tOo FaR!!!” and with their retarded concern posts
I wish they'd realize they're not welcome here. /bbw/ is over there.
She has become this generations Teighlor. Just a giant ball of cellulite.
God i love those fucking cankles. How much bigger do you think she'll get?
At least she's got to reach these damn 600 lbs before fucking dying, this is what everyone is expecting from a year apart.

Guys, she's not going too far, skin is disgustingly decolouring and she's weezing just by holding up an arm
Does anyone have her giantess or obsession control vids? I would love to contribute but I flat out don’t have any ssbbw content so I’m sorry if this is considered begging
Anyone has the ceo chocolate fan ???
Holy shit thank you so much! Incredibly appreciated, that one has been impossible to come by for me

I think this Obsession Conditioning vid was her all time high.
I look forward to watching it, will be tough to dethrone the eye exam one for me though. Her ass looks fucking unreal while she's bent over the table, swear you could use it as a two person dinner table
You are a fucking prince among men! The video you posted is so frickin' hot. In addition to the calves, those rolls on her thighs have become so pronounced. And the view from the rear! Magnifique!
I think her massively edematous legs might be a sign of heart failure
Anyone have Jackie's "guided relaxation video"? If not I'll basically take any one of her pov/scenario videos

Here's her eye exam one in return:

>>74408 (OP)

Holy shit, her legs are looking massive. Visibly bigger than I've ever seen them.

Anyone got any old videos for comparison? Especially really old ones from 10-15 years ago

Here's a somewhat old shower video that I'm sure many have seen, but it shows her legs very well: https://mab.to/t/YQeXS8nhbGu/eu1
It's still coming up unusable for me
Jackie's fucking GOATed but I don't know if I find her ascension into so-fat-she-barely-makes-content-anymore tier extremely erotic or extremely concerning

Can a kind soul reup the Vampire video please? Thanks in advance!

In return one of my favorite videos showing off her enormity in a bunny outfit

Anyone reup boss bitch returns
(1.2 MB, 1739x921, JJ bunny.png)

marriage. You can easily find this junk in decent quality.
Thanks so much I pretty much only have the videos what most people in this thread have already but if anyone requests anything I'll have a look for it
Still coming up unusable for me. Could someone reup on a diff platform?
change your regional country setting
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the ceo piggies gain weight video????
Legit question (and it applies to all these small planet-sizes girls) ...how do you think she smells like?
>>76575 She smell extra feminine, of course. You don't enjoy female odors?
Sweat B.O. & Poop

You can absolutely expect body lotion smell and antiperspirants.
Big girls skin needs way more love if her belly stretched 20 x original surface volume with body hair an inch apart.
Her natural skin smell - everyone has one. Choose people who you are scent-compatible with.
When fat rolls sweat and moist remains in there will be a very very hard to feel scent in there.
Unless she avoids showers for days its unlikely for any bad smell to be present.
Girls who wipe their ass instead of washing it with water may have shitty scent around their bottom regardless of weight. Most girls will gladly switch to bidet and other water cleaning options if you create accommodations.

Bigger girls somehow have stronger hair scent. Maybe I noticed it because most of the really big ones I've known cared about their hair. But I've noticed it on strangers as well. Not like I sniffed every marvellous blob I've seen on the horizon.

Once again, pick people you are scent-compatible with. Because when you'll be giving your planet-sized babe her third orgasm in a row she will be sweaty everywhere if you are good at it.
This is just about the only place on the internet where writing half an essay about what a 600lb woman smells like is normal
I have never seen ankles jiggle like gelatin before. Absolutely surreal, her body looks fake. Especially when paired with her infections almost witchy laugh that sounds like it's from a younger and skinny woman. It's like she's possessed but in a hot way. So much fat all over her dimpled and unhealthy. And she's going to eat herself to death.

She smelled 200lbs ago, I guarantee you that puss is RANK.
Youse guys must be fucking with the wrong girls. I been with a couple 500 and a few 400 pounders and none of them ever stank. You might never been with a fat bitch, seems that way.
Yeah, because those women are all aces at cleaning their folds and being able to wipe their asshole.
Simp harder bruh.
Not to add to the shit flinging here, but I know plenty of fat girls that smell fine because they're hyper sensitive about the possibility of smelling bad. Long showers, tools to reach everywhere, wipes & bidets, all that. They're already fat, they don't wanna be known as fat & smelly.
Women are like Canada: Perfornative hatred of both by online oafs.
Proof fat women don’t smell: Fat women smell so bad, so often that *some* try to not be a normal smelly fat chick and fight the stereotype.
Yes, some fat women don’t smell and some of the men here aren’t virgin neckbeards, some not most.
Way to prove the point. SSBBWs on average smell worse than normies.
Get some reading comp skills.
Anyone still got the making shorts video lying around somewhere that isn't google drive?
The smell is clearly you retard. The amount of skinny people that don't shower everyday and end up smelling like an anime con is atrocious. Get better hygiene
Lots of virgins in this thread who don't know what they are talking about. Having been with girls ranging from very bony / skinny to obese (biggest was in 280s) of varying hygeine practices and now living with a fat wife, a few truths:

- Doesn't matter if the chick is skinny, chubby, or fat; showering and hygiene practices differ across the board. Many skinny girls stink, and not all fat girls smell terrible.

- HOWEVER, fat girls are more likely to stink compared to skinny girls. Fat girls simply sweat WAY more than skinny girls and have to deal with more hygiene issues / put in more work to stay clean. Fat girls are generally very out of shape, have to exert themselves more, and overheat more from all the fat, which equals more sweat. Fat girls also have thighs that touch, deeper ass cracks, upper thigh / FUPA fat that engrosses the vaginal area, fat rolls and crevices in the back and belly that don't get oxygen or daylight, and if big enough, saggy tits that just pancake on top of the belly.

- All that is a recipe for the folds, rolls, and crevices of fat to always be steamy, hot and chafing and have sweat accumulate and just sit in there all throughout the day, regardless of the activity. That also leads to periodic rashes, irriations, yeast infections, what have you, which all have smells and hygeine issues of their own when they crop up. Doesn't matter if the fat chick showers or washes every day, puts on lotion, or uses baby powder or antipersperent. All fat girls deal with this, and the bigger the girl is, the more problems. Skinny girls don't have to deal with these issues.

- When you're having sex or cuddling, you can always smell that "fat fold" sweat in some form. It ranges from barely noticeable/not an issue (think slightly sweaty shirt) to off-puttingly pungent (think stinky soured cheese or days old BO). Regardless, that "fat girl" smell is almost always there in some form during sex / cuddling / when she's naked (except if she is recently out of the shower).

For you virgins, go take your first fat girl out for the whole day. Then in the evening, go play under her belly folds and smell your hands now covered her sweat to see what I'm talking about. It just doesn't matter how good her hygeine is (unless she washes her folds every hour, which I guarantee you she doesn't). The idea of a girl sweating because she's fat and out of shape might turn you on, but the reality and actual smell of it not so much unless it's your thing.
>>76667 This guy dates fat girls, can confirm having dated all manner from 100-400 not all fat girls smell bad, but its a lot easier for them to so they need to take extra care with hygiene, since they basically have more surface area to deal with
The girl in the photo who is she?
Maybe you have a sensitive nose, but I would disagree about the sweat smell always being there. I've never in my life smelled that.

Shower before sex people, its basic hygiene
I’m not showering 4x a day on the weekend weeb
At least in my experience most big girls smell fine except for in the vaginal area which has always been way more potent than skinny girls.
Where can i find her old stuff?
Im trying to figure out why her face is more attractive now but I dont want to say its just filters.
Then I say it for you mate, it's just filters.
I have to look, but I think I have her bigcutie videos (if not all, then a considerable amount), give me a day or two, right now I feel like shit
You'd better do ya filthy animal. Or just admit it's not the issue of smell always being there. its only there because of the lack of actions to do something about it.
While I can agree it takes extra steps to avoid having infections in folds, rash, zits it actually causes fat girls to have a far better hygiene than their skinny counterparts.

And that's why the actual scent of a fat girl you'll get in real life is a mix of pleasant aroma of various skincare and bath n body products she uses and a tiny bit of natural skin scent, if that one noticeable at all.

And your average skinny chick may occasionally reek like Paul, the local drunk you've paid $100 to fix a mile of your fence on a hot sunny day.
No problem just take your time :)
Don't think you have ever been with a girl before. You're not going to convince a girl you take home (skinny or fat) from your third tinder date or who you pick up at a random bar late night to go shower right before you have sex. You're also not going to convince your gf or wife who you are sitting with on a couch watching movie, one thing leading to another, and then stopping the whole ordeal to tell her to shower before you go at it.

Not saying every fat girl stinks all the time--just saying there is always discernable scent skinny chicks don't have and you're more likely to encounter unpleasant smells and hygeine from a naked fat chick than a naked skinny chick. It's like a vagina -- it has scents, which range from neutral to horrible.


Agree, skinny girls can stink -- been around plenty of tiny nasty punk rock concert chicks in my day. But I'm still going to have to disagree on fat girls doing a better job of "taking care of themselves" generally. Some fat and skinny girls have good personal care, some don't and some are in-between or inconsistent. But it just so happens that fat girls have more to deal with and can't (and in many cases don't) always necessarily make up for things inherent to being fat. For example, fat girls get flush and have beads of sweat on their foreheads merely from walking a few minutes or going up a few flights of stairs (and also imagine what's happening underneath the folds all day). There is no "all day" fix for that, and skinny girls just don't have to deal.
Back to Juicy since its HER Thread, anyone got the Hands on these fine Pics?
Misses it fellas, care to re-up pls?
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>>74408 (OP)
Holy shit i need to scroll down so FAR to get to the Juicy Thread... WTF why? ANYWAY the real Question is: what do yall hear in the latest weigh in? 579.8 pounds or as SHE says 571.8 pounds? I personally hear 579.8! Change my mind.
I put the most desireable Video & a CUT Version of the Weigh in in the Link, pls tell me what you hear on the scale. Thanks
I hear one but it does kinda sound weird.
Do you guys know if any other videos similar to obsession conditioning exist? I have no clue what the fuck to type in google to try and yield results anywhere close to it.

Another thing is do you guys have suggestions for models with similar size and shape to Jackie? Something about her ass/belly ratio
Totally agree. Just because she is massive it doesn't mean she is smelly. If she takes good care of her hygiene and Juicy is so well-groomed she obviously does.
On the other hand, I love the 'deformity' of a body in excess of 300-400 extra pounds. When she started modelling nobody would have ever guessed Juicy becoming this massive. Most of us would estimate 450 to be her max. Now she is comfortably pushing the USBBW territory and there is no question she will reach the 600-pound milestone before the end of the year. I am also sure she has multiple health and mobility issues but she is probably too selfish to admit any of them publicly. Shame because they would have made the perfect content. At the state she is now (which is extremely erotic imho) instead of her pretending to be an oversized bimbo, I'd rather see her being frank about the struggles she faces as she tries to do minor tasks, leave the house, enter a car, the tools she uses to get about (I have no question she is in pain with those legs and uses a scooter and probably a cpap mask in her sleep), a visit to the doctor, her family worrying about her state. She is breathless just by sitting there. I cannot imagine how difficult it can be for her to walk or even sleep without an aid. For me it's fascinating though that she ate herself to that state, and she is probably turned on by her blubber too.
Could not agree more. For me, the hottest thing is when a woman reaches a fatness of no return. Not that she can't eventually lose weight, but her body will forever be changed because the size she has reached. So hot.
Exactly, and it's not just the shape of her body that has changed forever but also her mental and physical state. The damage in her body and the fact that she can't stop to save her life. She is constantly shoving down thousands of calories, possibly being aroused by her fatness.
Dood. What the fuck is this
What do you all hear in her latest Weigh-In? Thats the real question dont ignore me xD
As soon as a new weigh in is out, we all wanna hear and see the number, but this one is tricky. help me corret the weigh
that's not fat, her legs are bloated w/ fluid, bad lymph circulation - I suggest leg especially calf massages very often
This IS kinda bad but manageable, possible cause is that her weight of belly is just kinda pressing down on the lymph passages and nodes and causing it to not flow well, usually due to too much sitting at such a weight

remember to jiggle your fat girls whole and often lads - prevents imperfections such as edema, discoloration, crappy skin. I also recommend one whole day dedicated solely to very active and vigorous sex for maximum effect, but do take into account for energy expenditure and therefore increase caloric intake to keep your blob girl gaining
Wait, didn't she max out a 700 lb scale last year?
I could swear this weigh in is an older one
She maxed out a 550 scale back in early 2021
>>77170 thanks dr bbw chan youre the best doctors whose never been to medical school and is never right
New clip up - she crushes a hummer toy

Also she's getting married - bets on who among her sex worker circles attends the wedding?
You dont need a docterate to know morbidly obese women have an excess of fluid in their legs
There’s no way she can stand for an entire wedding procession. Shit even walking down the aisle she’ll be wheezy as fuck
>Also she's getting married - bets on who among her sex worker circles attends the wedding?

To Derek?
>Also she's getting married - bets on who among her sex worker circles attends the wedding?

To Derek?

none of them. She alienated PP and Luna, who else do you think she hangs out with lol?
Fuckin’ A I’ve been wanting her to remake the pink car crush video she did a few years back now that she’s ridiculously fat. Hell yeah
This bitch have echo legs now on god
Yup. It’s great
Her OF any good? Only interested in her fattest stuff not throwbacks
Fucking Boner, those legs!
does anyone have this? please. bigger than you
Thank you for the video! Holy fuck, when she waddles into the room. This girl can barely walk anymore
The waddle is crazy. The wheezing is even crazier. Looks like she doesn't walk around much.
No kidding. She’s said herself in past videos (before she got this bad) that she hangs out on the couch most of the time. I love it, but she’s definitely gone past her body’s limit. She’s 5”4 and about 600 lbs, it’s easy enough to tell that she doesn’t do anything physical whatsoever. She wheezes and pants like she just ran a marathon after standing up, she even gasps after only sitting and talking. Exciting af
Give Jackie 2 more years at the rate she’s going and I’m confident that she’ll be needing someone to help her scoot to the edge of her bed to piss, unable to wear anything other than an oversized shirt, and on oxygen
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Good God in Heaven :D We Really Need to See Her Reach 600...She is so Close to The Milestone Now!
I would give just about anything to see her remake the car video. Just walking to the car, squeezing in and then bingeing on some fast food would probably make my dick explode between the waddle, wheeze and her trying to fit in the car. Jackie if you read this make the video
Such awkward editing in that video; it’s as though she cut out every moment in which she started to really struggle.

We are here for the struggles though.... I don't understand her.
This is the remake we need! This one and Walk With Me. Let's see how she fares with some walking and stairs.
Honestly. Don’t cut out the parts where you’re really struggling, that’s what we’re all here to see smh. I’m hoping she’ll pull an Adeline and blow up really quickly this year. What do you guys think, if she were to get close to 700 lbs like Adeline would Jackie be able to walk still?
OMFG she looks amazing. Anyone mind uploading somewhere more accessible than the base code thing? mab, gofile etc

I would use the code thing but I've never seen a comprehensive explanation how to do it. I assume its to not give anything away too much in order to preserve whatever it is
the latest that is
She crammed so much fat into such a short body
This is so hot if you think about it.

No, the code thing is actually quite stupid, more to preserve a sense of elitism among a few here than any real protection. Just go to https://www.base64decode.org/ , paste the code, click decode, sometimes do the same thing twice, and you have the link.
that vid is top tier
from what I can infer there are 2 new vids and 1 pic-set, the rest is former paysite content. I thought switching from the paysite to OF would mean more updates but the pricing and update schedule stayed the same.
I really like her attitude in this video
Has anyone 'Made of cake pov'?
does anyone have the Masking Shorts vid?
angry seething retard who struggled to graduate high school detected
The ceo piggies gain weight video???? Plsssss
What does it matter, that link is most likely long dead anyway so why are you complaining?

Agreed. If she remade that one where she gets in the back of the van and bounces around that'd be amazing, though she might destroy the suspension at this point
Because all her bids have ridiculous file sizes
Did you just wander in here from 1997?
worse, Australia.
even worse, Ohio
>"Lots of cows, trees, rocks, dirt, moo moo"
—Arrogant Worms
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Prime Jackie here IMO.
25 years old and already over 450.
Blonde hair looked great on her too.
Only Jenni might be better than her!
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Bro forgot prettiest fat chick face, Jackie’s face is so fine in her 20s that I think anyone would hit that even if they had to deal with a morbidly obese whale
That is one of the least flattering photos you could've picked, what the hell are you on about
This guy descibes a woman like a dinosaur trying to piss itself.
>She alienated PP and Luna, who else do you think she hangs out with lol?

How? I know nothing about this.
yeah that was prime Jackie, when she was first on the scene her draw was the pretty face on a huge fat body and her figure was perfect. My opinion though is that she went too far and lost her shape. Shes GOAT for the blob fans though, im just not into her anymore.

can’t believe i missed this. can a legend reup please?
Do you have some of this early content? I don't think I've ever seen it.
How the hell is she gonna manage to stand through all of her wedding vows? She'll definitely be hella out of breath

Please, somebody re-up

In return, I got this video of her fat ass trying to squeeze into normal human sized spaces in a hotel bathroom. It ain’t much, but I think it’s semi-recent. Poor girl wheezes like she just ran a mile.

Several converted videos - some fairly recent
Hey someone have the vids green chaire of Jackie pls ?
I’m impressed you compressed all of these videos so much
I would lick every fold on her legs 😋
In that 2nd pic on the right, it looks like her calves are competing with her thighs as to which will be bigger. And I love how she can only take pics in heels while sitting. No way in hell she could stand in them.
Anyone have the the blueberry set for Jackie?
genuine question, how do you get to her site these days? for me it just auto forwards to her of
Her site is closed. Sets are now on her OF I believe.
Imagining that will make me cum in my pants at work so I can’t imagine that right now
Imagine if she sits on a súper skinny girl...
so you're telling me her "boyfriend" if exists can't walk because she broken his bones, right? XD
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I need to see how terrible this is.

E mettete bella roba di sto patanone, magari del periodo coi capelli neri
I thought ppl would be happy for love. I guess I was wrong.
Ahahahahah mi hai fatto morire
Anyone got the mega link from the older threads?
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anyone got this? saw it shared in another thread but that's long gone by now
any chance of reup the new making shorts video?
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This is how I picture her as a family of four sized plate of fettuccine alfredo and a couple of loaves of garlic bread are being brought to her to satisfy her gluttonous desires!
I also picture her as a family of four sized plate of fettuccine alfredo and a couple of loaves of garlic bread
(694 KB, 1080x927, Polish_20230519_113616068.jpg)
>This is how I picture her as a family of four sized plate of fettuccine alfredo and a couple of loaves of garlic bread
she did another of these? damn, i guess if there's demand for it.
I said being brought out to her, imbecile
Does anyone have the video? She looks huge.

I caved in and bought it. Enjoy
Not sure why'd she make this.
I'm already only aroused by bbw/ssbbws.
Does anyone have these videos?
Does anyone have these videos? Juicyjackie Big Milkers. Juicyjackie cute feet floating away. Juicyjackie Bubble bum. Juicyjackie I Know your secret. Juicyjackie New clothes try on. Juicyjackie playful dancing. Juicyjackie road trip plans. Juicyjackie tight dress try on.
I Don’t know if it’s me but I’m having trouble trying to decode this video, can someone
re-upload this vid but like with a better code?
Damn she needs to get a good camera and show that body better and nude like roxxie ive only seen the preview of that vid but they all look the same these days lol

Ya know, she makes a little step and already gasps for air, you can't expect very much from her

10/10 shitpost. Excellent OC.

Agree. She should move the camera back so we can see all of her. I hate that it cuts off not far below the knee (I am a lover of fat calves, and hers are magnificent).
She needs more vids like the private dance one, this one was nice and all, but she needs to be nude and also her giggling is kind of annoying
yo guys can someone please compress it for me please?
thanks in advance
Can someone please reup her latest?
those are really some intense thighs.

She looks like a deviantart drawing. Fantastic!
Her latest set is all good, but remember that is STILL quite old content, probably shot for her old website.

Guys, we need to be ready for a massive disappointment once she comes back. First she was really sick for 2 weeks. Then her dog got terminally ill, due to which she is eating barely one meal a day (she actually said that on twitter). And her dog has been sick since at least May 16. All of this could easily add up to a VERY significant weight loss. I hope this is not the case, but signs are definitely not good.
She's also getting married so that would stall any weight gain at the very least to fit into a dress.
Any new videos?
>>83734 (Cross-thread)
Why would I know how to speak some irrelevant minority language? Like seriously, less people speak german than fucking telugu. It's cool you know some useless language, but I wouldn't expect most people to waste their time with it.
>>83808 (Cross-thread)
She started getting really fat as soon as she met him. And he proposed to her after all these years only now, when she can barely stand, obviously because she will keep gaining weight and then there will be problems with that. Of course he's a feeder.
I don't think he's a feeder

I think he's an enabler, and will just get her whatever makes her happy. Which happens to be fatty foods.
I mean, he brings her food, takes pleasure in her gaining weight and yet not a feeder? OK
I mean what’s the definition of “feeder”? Does the guy have to actually place the food in her mouth to be considered a feeder? Because that seems excessive, like you said he does everything to make her fatter but not explicitly put hand to mouth.
A feeder is not necessarily someone who forcibly feeds through a tube FYI
Exactly this. Also we don’t know and have no reason we should know what goes on behind closed doors in their relationship, there may have been/are times he has actually fed her. Regardless, If he enabled her to get to where she is now barely able to stand or waddle and has enjoyed it I’d call it feederism personally
I think "feeder" is a self-referential term that includes two groups -- "feeders" and "enablers".

Like the term "bank":. At least in the USA, most store some money in a bank. What we refer to as a "bank" can include chartered banks, savings and loans, and credit unions.

So the pie chart of feeders would include a slice of people who are feeders (literally), enablers, encouragers, etc.
All feeders are enablers, but not all enablers are feeders. What I mean is I think Jackie is the one calling the shots for what she's putting in her body and her man is either making sure it's stocked or funding it, but not necessarily getting sexual pleasure from the act of making sure she's *adequately* fed.
I think what's implied is: "My man is going to stick with me even if I lost a few lbs". Obviously a dude that enjoys big girls, but not in a pressuring way.
this entire feeder/future weight loss convo is you guys completely making things up and acting like its real
can anyone recommend a free video ripper to get videos off thisvid.com
>>84174 what nonsense fictional conversation is this?
can you link it? Or tell me what to search?
Worst of OnlyFans latest one
Speaking of OF, is hers actually worth it? I've been thinking about getting a subscription but I kind of figured there really isn't any content on there worth it.
She hasn’t made anything in a while, is she retiring or losing weight or something?
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I can find zero post on a marriage other than a upcoming one for her brother, are you just retarded or do you know something we don't?
3 new picsets and 2 new vids so far, the rest is vintage content. There's no backlog since her OF is Coomer proof all content is messaged. So if you can spare 19$ each month for an OF with the same slow irregular release schedule as her old site, by all means sub. Might as well buy her rare C4S clips tho.
>>84624 The entire C4S is good?
The OF vids aren't on C4S? That's stupid.
She's announced it on her personal social
Ooh I think I know which social chanel you're talking about. I guess you were there early enough to get in before she closed it. If you are willing to rip everything with something like JDownloader that would be awesome.
Are these two vids on her of?
Hopefully more naked videos coming next
Anyone has her gamer burp video?
What video is this from I need it for research…
How to find it please?
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she just dont feel the need to rush with new content...she is living off the stuff she made through the years and is currently available on her c4s if you check her twitter you can see new notifications about clips getting purchased almost everyday so she aint putting any effort to creating new vids cause she is making good money anyway with no effort at all
This whore's incredible. I think she might even be getting more attractive with age.
For anybody who doesn't mind google translate and bit shady sites:
chomikuj pl

Chomik: forallandone
Haslo: free@23Election!23
effing chomikuj is as legit a Polish site as they get, what are you talking about! though even I am a little surprised it's still standing.... who owns it, Obajtek? :D

* ***, jeszcze bolzga nie zginęła!
Can someone post some pics of her?
>using mysterious polish sites to spread fat women pictures
that's the sole reason I love all of you, my based retards
Does anyone happen to have the video of her in a fishnet full body outfit that they can post? It was recently on sbang and then removed. Thanks!
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no update for almost month and a half :( If she comes back with a siiting down same angle video it will be a wrap... ;(( Jeez Jackie we need a new van update or a stairs struggle video give us something good!
😂 she's gonna post a sitting video with the same angle next. Just watch. I'd be shocked if it's anything else.
I mean, 600lb blob woman is lazy and does the bare minimum isn’t exactly a shocker.
what are you getting at? potential WLS or something?
its neither of those Jacki has reduced her public output because she makes more selling high-priced customs and even with her dropping a clip or so a month shes still at top for sales in the ssbbw category.
Yes. It doesn't matter what she drops. She gets in the top 50 for all clips. The customs can then be released later and she'll make even more money when the clip sells like hot cakes.
This. The clips she sells on c4s aren't so much to make money off those (though that is the name of the game), it's to remind potential clients that she's still active and open for customs.
Does anyone have her JOI countdown vid
Where is this pic from??
125KG at best
Does anyone have that belly button video
Can anyone reup some newer stuff that’s been shared here?
Anyone Bigger Than You?
Anyone have her shorts making vid or the hummer crush vid?
Anything new and good been on her c4s, i just can't see it being worth it yet
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Any info on whats going on with her? No updates since may... ;((
Check her recent Twitter posts. 15hours ago she posted about a new video she uploaded on her OF.

I cannot tell if it is anything new or just canned (old) content. Not the greatest video, as we just see her seated and not below the belly button (so cannot get a good idea of how big she is here). Plus only shirt comes off. I have not been impressed by her OF and will not be renewing.
First time trying this, but this should be the car crush vid

It’s absolutely garbage, will not resub
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its probably old too...she's been posting stuff from a year ago on her OF... i would be not surprised if she would be looking deflated with her wedding being like 3 months away...she probably on a strict diet and we will see slim to none new content guys...smh first boberry then Adeline and now probably Jackie ://
USSBBWs are not a monolith - BoBerry, Adeline, and Jackie are three completely separate people. Their own lifestyles and situations have impacted each of them differently.

BoBerry lost weight after her father died and her therapist encouraged her to change her lifestyle, and the lockdowns didn't help. Now she's traveling around and living it up. She actually looks like she's gained back some of the weight she's lost, but it's anyone's guess if she'll cross 600 again (and if she does, she might not look as puffy, unless she gets to 650).

Adeline gained a lot after injuring her leg, which has since healed, and according to her got gallbladder surgery. Assuming it's not a cover for WLS, she definitely wasn't going to be able to eat the way she did to put on 100 pounds, which is already no small task if you're over 600 already. She might not be able to eat that way for a long time, but fingers crossed it won't be forever. You're forgetting the kind of ingrained habits it took for her to get to 600 in the first place, and that will take hold when her appetite returns.

Jackie I honestly think is only stagnating for her wedding, but after she ties the knot she's going back to her old diet of absolute garbage. She loves cheese and cheesy things and those tend to be the fattiest foods. I don't think she has it in her to keep to any diet since she's all for HAES and that whole intuitive eating biz.

Keep the faith. We saw heaven and we may glimpse upon it once more.
man someone should do a psychological study on this website
Why? It's called preference. Some men love large women. You do too which is why you're here.
Do a psychological study on men looking at pics/vids of women they are attracted too? Are we supposed to look at women we are not attracted? Would you tell the skinny Instagram models to date men they are not attracted too?

I forgot. In American, men can have preferences.
Buddy, my shit was not nearly as unhinged as some of the replies you see in other threads. I'm just saying all of those girls have their reasons and why they're not deflating like balloons overnight for the fuck of it.
I hope for another naked body lotion one again soon

You're spot on. Have to understand the women as people first. I swear half this board thinks a beach ball grew legs.

I'm surprised the boyfriend is linking his financial future to Jackie at this stage. Those medical bills are going to be steep.

Eh! Canada has free healthcare, buddy! She can become as horrifically obese as she wants and the state will treat all her ailments
>Have to understand the women as people first.
How old are you?
is this a video or just a photo that is posted on her OF?
I think we are all forgetting the main issue here. She hasn’t posted shit In months and then us fucking idiots(I’m unfortunately one of them, and don’t ask me for content because there is none) who subbed to her get to see a vid where she literally does nothing for five minutes except show her belly, above the navel even, for five minutes. It’s a stinker and, honestly, probably a sign that she’s dine as far as we’re concerned.
thats a super old photo
Her content has always been 90% boring. Idk if she’s into this at all. Bet she plans for a family and loses weight but wants to string us along.
She'll learn pretty quickly she's not insulated from the ire models get when they start noticeably losing weight. Hope she's got backup career plans.
Yep! Women have that option. When they are done modeling or sucking dicks online, theres always a smuck ready to wife them.
It’s already happening. She used to be one of my favorites, but after seeing her post that it’s going to be a “busy week” for updates on her OF just for her to post some shit vid filmed from above the bellybutton where she does nothing at all but talk for 3 minutes then never post anything else all week. Fuck that, I should have never subscribed but I certainly won’t be subbing again.
Care to share this of video for everyone? 🙏
It literally isn’t worth sharing, no nudity, filmed above the belly button, doing the tired boss/secretary schtick again, doesn’t move even a bit from the spot she’s in, and worse she barely even exposes the part of her belly you can see. Trust me, you don’t want it.
>Trust me. You'll love being terrorized.
4chan, 2023.

If it's free I'll take anything
Does anyone have Before and After Eating Weigh In?
I don't know how old it is, but I remember there was a video I saw once of her outside in a cowprint onesie? Anyone have anything like that?

Photoshopped. Nobody is this tall.
Actually if you measure in kg you will see that she is that tall
Actually I used to be this tall back in high school, then age caught up with
Jackie just stepped over my house.
New fetish unlocked!

It's obvious we're all tremendously retarded

We don't need a study done on us, we need to be mercifully exterminated
>It's obvious we're all tremendously retarded
No I think you're just normal American. Unless you're a millenial or like 45-50, because then yeah you're probably an idiot. Just try today to not to be as big a fuck up as you were yesturday.
She had promised an update yesterday but my subscription ended and I’m not paying for her subpar quality OF again, anyone who has her OF did she actually post anything?

Oh, you're definitely retarded.

You do have a point, though. We should be mercilessly exterminated. We're beyond a mistake. We're a plague that needs to be purged with fire.
I'm with you there. Renewed my sub last month, almost every post is something like "New update coming soon", then when it's late she posts a reason why no update was posted. The entire month I was subscribed she only posted one actual update and it was really low effort garbage.

she did, and its boring, half warmed up, sitting stuff. Almost everything looks like this
I mean she litterally has said she is still grieving the lost of her dog and took a break from content. This takes time. Just resub when she puts out there she is back.
Okay? I mean, sorry your dog died but that shit happens all the time. Is literally no excuse for scamming people out of months of paid subscriptions with no content. She used to be one of the best in the business, now she’s akin to little more than a scammer. Sad.
the pace of updates isn't unlike how it was on her paysite tho, when she started juggling C4S and JuicyJackie.com sets became a once a month thing ,the difference was that non-members could see when new sets were posted and preview them. i'm still going to reiterate that you're better off buying unpirated videos from her store and share them here obviously.
You’re totally right there, except the C4S pagecwhere all of her good stuff used to always get posted hasn’t received a new video in many, many months
Lol. Why resub? There’s been no content for months. When there is it’s some half assed video sitting down not even showing her full body talking about how she should be worshipped because she’s fat.

She’s been my favorite for years, but the trend of excuses with shit content is annoying.

She’d have been better off not saying anything at all every time she opens her mouth with an excuse.
the clips below have never been shared here,
can we get a trinkle of rare content going?



Great drop m8
Thanks <3
A thousand thank yous
Assuming her paysite/c4s is her primary source of income, that's kind of an unreasonable excuse and starts to fall into opportunistic scam territory lol

Imagine the response of your company or employer after sporadically informing them you're going to suddenly work at half-capacity (or not at all) for a month/months due to that reason, while still expecting full compensation and/or complete accommodation. Not trying to misrepresent or exaggerate the situation in a way that suggests the people who subscribe to her are her 'employer' or whatever, it's just still not really a good excuse to do little or nothing. I guess just don't resub if you're dissatisfied with her 'business' practices? Or if you think paying for nothing is stupid lol

Nice drop. Thank you!
Am i dreaming here? Didnt she do an old video in tan pants/trousers and red top it was so hot, I cant even find it on the store either
Quien de uds tienen los videos de las ultimas imagenes que los role....
Alguien que tenga los videos de las ultimas imagenes subidas aqui

When's this pig gonna do another weigh in
Anyone for:

Goddess has a Treat
Cute Feet Floating Away
It's Pizza Time
Sensual Massage
Eat Lunch With Me GFE
Playful Dancing
you'll get your weigh in when you fix this damn door
does anyone own one or more of these videos? THANKS

Goddess has a Treat
Cute Feet Floating Away
It's Pizza Time
Sensual Massage
Eat Lunch With Me GFE
Playful Dancing
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Bruce, listen to me now! It's Jackie. It's Juicy Jackie. She's going to deflate. Hard. Am I too soon? No, I'm too soon! You were right about her. You were always right about her. Worship her now.
I'm behind this warning. Worship her now, because I don't see her hitting 600. I think she taps out just shy of it and starts deflating quick
I am convinced she is facing some serious health issues hence she has disappeared. Even at her age, which is not so young anymore, this kind of extreme weight gain must have taken its toll on her. I think Jackie has literally eaten herself to (nearly) death but she is so proud to go out in public and announce it, like Echo did. She took her body for granted and ballooned it to its limits until it burst. I am sure her inactivity is not due to the dead dog or the wedding. She is probably hospitalised somewhere with a serious respiratory / heart condition, and I hope it's not heart or lung failure. Remember she was gasping for air even by sitting there doing nothing. Walking ten steps in a room was a struggle. If she had planned a weight loss, eg WLS, she would have done what the others do, prerecord material and have abundant photo sets and videos to last her for a year or so. She got off the scene suddenly and in the morbid state we saw her a few months ago when she tried to fit herself in the hotel's bathroom and was breathless walking from the bathroom to the couch. Let's all prey that she is gets better no matter what her problem is but even though I like her huge frame unless she loses half her body weight she will always be in grave danger.
her wheezing and swollen legs do make heart failure seem a real possibility sadly
Again she was distraught of her dog's passing. She may have gotten another one. Be patient. She isn't like other models barely releasing content but promoting herself like she is. She hasn't promoted anything. She'll be back and huge
What's up with all that concern trolling lately? SSBBW models are rock'n'rollers in their kind of way. Bett to go out in style, their style, than dying of radiation sickness or some other shit that the future will bring.
Theres literaly nothing wrong with her got a custom done for me a week ago. How many times does it have to be said her small output is because she focuses on her high priced customs and her store stays in top sellers regardless of her output
Upload it, please
Did she gain some pounds or is the same?
Alguna actualizacion o noticias sobre jackie videos nuevos.....
can someone reup whatever video this retard is talking about? sounds fucking hot
Iam a regular customer for her godlike Customs, but havent spoken to her in a while... but >>88510 this would make sense as well. Maybe its time for another custom
What kind of price range are her customs in?
Anyone have a copy of stuffing time?
20USD/min. Its so worth it, If you tell her exactly what you want in that custom, she delivers quality content. Her acting is petty much perfect.
from what i remember if you ask her to do anything she thinks is antifeminism or something she will scream at you and them go rant of tumblr. I guess that was a long time ago. I just dont want to ask for a pov on top video and end up with her doing her activist meltdown shit on me.
She’s chilled out a bit. She had a very angry phase a few years ago. Trump broke some feminist brains.
Thats good to know, the way people are talking about her customs is making me curious to order one myself, like I said I dunno if she'd do what im asking for. I assume most people just ask her to eat stuff.

Have you had other prices experiences with other models? I had a custom made by Bonnie and it was like 10/min
Some models require a base for a minimum amount of time, and then $/minute. I ordered from FatMissT and it was $50 for 5 minutes then $5 for every minute after.
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shes back!!!! and let me welcome all yall to our worst nightmare ;((((((
Lol, she looks as fat as ever. No nightmare.
i'm not one of those anons who care more about gaining than good content, and her new vids look like they got a bump in quality so it's a decent trade-off

but damn seeing Adeline, JJ and GlitterAndLazers shrink in 1 month, def drives home that there's a slight conflict of interest in what weight we find attractive and what woman find comfortable.
Saggy and deflating.
Sooo does anyone have her newest vids...???
I don't understand what you bitches are complaining about. She looks huge and hot. Someone please post if you have.
she seems to be losing weight but shes still looks big hot and sexy, dont be that alarmist
Es mi afiguracion o adelgaso este tiempo que no subio videos...
Can I ask how often is it a model only loses a little bit of weight, rather than drastically lose a lot in the following months when it becomes noticeable?

She's still huge. For now.
does anyone have her newest vids
She still looks huge no doubt, but something seems off... maybe her width?
Somebody can share the video where she is too big for the hotel room
Es mi afiguracion o esta adelgazando o es el angulo de la camara...
Jackie's always been enormous, but she truly reached a comically large level of fatness with that remote control video. Shocking in the best way. Can't imagine what people in her personal life thought.
Can someone reupload the hummer and pink car crush clip?
People with normal personal lives don’t get this deep into the fetish/fantasy. She probably has a very insular life only interacting with her husband, immediate family and online friends. Her neighbours probably don’t even notice that the huge lady got slightly bigger.
Whats her Height? I dont remember..

I wonder too sometimes, what my GF family thinks and my friends.

When we met she was 363lb, height
5,40 ft.

And she has gained 1/12 years about 49lb.

Turn on? yes 😁
And where is that remote control video? Does any good Samaritan already have it to share?
JJ should sumo Adeline.
I swear I saw it on stufferdb like two days ago but I can’t seem to find it now.
I’ve been waiting for the JOI countdown vid to be shared and it’s been 2 years
Pics or it didn't happen.
Yeah, she looks literally the same as the last videos. Maybe even a tad bigger, idk why everyone immediately jumps on the weight loss bandwagon every time a new vid or pic drops at a different angle
You can tell she lost weight based on the upper gut and the angle her belly button is facing, it's got an upward tilt now because her upperbelly is smaller. Her face is a little thinner too. She probably lost about 30-50 pounds.
which one? where she has blue hair?

Anyone have the remote video?

On picture one her legs are spread, on picture two legs are closer together, giving her some lap to rest the belly on, allowing it to spread, thus facing belly button up.
The neck angle and point of view on the second picture allows us to see some neck, unlike on the first one.
This comparison thus doesn't provide any evidence to assume weight loss.
But I would like to see that neck totally engulfed in fat and belly a bit rounder
Hey, whatever gets you off dude.
You really want her to be deflated, huh? I think it’s more like whatever gets you off, pal.
I would love CEO piggies 🙏
Plus she has had 4 Covid vaccine 💉 shots and we all know now how bad the spike protein is for your heart. With the added weight it’s a wonder she hasn’t had a heart attack already.
Oh sh1t, she's a walking time bomb. 5 yrs from injection at best. It's been nice
those new clips ain't gonna get shared huh?

can we ban these vaxtards, honestly? goddamn you people are ignorant.
>incredibly obese person who has avoided health complications for a miraculously long time finally gets heart problems

>”wow must be those vaccines she had five years ago guys the sPiKe PrOtEiNs”

Seriously, when are you people going to do us all a favour and inoculate us against ever having to listen to or read anything from you ever again? Why don’t you do the Trump special treatment and inject some beautiful cleansing bleach?
Does anyone actually have this vid?
Anyone got cum weight gain or any of her giantess stuff
I kinda fell off watching this girl after the 2010s cause her body kinda fell apart for me but after watching those eye doctor and boss videos im kindof coming back.
ahhhw the good old days where she was "small"

Here's that set, her earlier Wonder Woman set for a nice size comparison. Along with a miss piggy set that's a favorite of mine
Nah bro we want her even bigger then now
Its onlyfans is really a fucking scam
Please Re-up 🙏
can someone share the new c4sw videos please?? thanks in advance

Can someone give this guy a medal?
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imagine a 2023 remake of this clip
Fucking unreal how much Jackie has grown since those days. She's solidly heavier than Luna too, who I think is dropping out of the scene.
16 year and weight gain 250+ lbs, and I saw that video 13 years ago
this video of luna and jacky dancing together was the sexiest ever to me back in freshman year of high school and I would remember saving every copy I could find back on youtube with random spanish music

if they ever remade the video nowadays it would be the sexiest shit again!
> jajajajaj con música villera? xd
Btw Good upload
Now I want a remake of them dancing to reggaeton.
"Tumba la casa mami" por ejemplo.
Can you reup please? :)

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