
(247 KB, 1128x1199, FBNyeT-WEAIgou9.jpg) (4 KB, 328x381, bruh.png)
She just nuked her youtube,instagram and her twitter is privated,her patreon is the only things thats open; https://www.patreon.com/RainyDayGlutton
can someone please upload it to kemono or something before it banishes forever,im away from my main pc for the moment so im gonna bump with content in a few hours so jans pls wait
I followed her and she said she was gonna stop focusing on sw stuff and more on lifestyle stuff. It's a shame. She was so huge and beautiful. Please bump her Patreon.
everyone on this site thinks shes a trans dude.
Was that ever confirmed?
Damn her stuff on youtube was so fucking hot, I hope someone got it saved
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OP here,finally got to my real pc,so gonna bump with actual content in a hour or so when it finishes uploading.
In the meantime i found that her youtube were made private so if you have the url can still watch them for now:
Sadly her youtube streams were really deleted.
if that's was the case already there would be people already spamming that this thread should be moved to /ee/.

No, only occasional clowns think that.
She's got supreme female figure. Perfectly balanced proportions. She combines supreme belly with tits of the very best size and shape. She's fat but not what someone on this site called a "titmonster".
Her cute legs and feet as well as her lovely hands and palms top up that gem.
And her face is beautiful.

She is also a gamer, loves anime, does cosplay and got nerdish traits, which makes her a total queen. She's just like a materialisation of a 100% dream girlfriend character.
She isn't a tranny, but she literally has bitch tits like a dude.
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forgot to say,this link has my Jazz Bigcuties video collection,also finally has uploaded completetly,grab it while you can.

There is Jazz at that link, is it okay?
Are you uploading it to kemno or using mab???
Anyone knows what happened to her exactly ?
The community treated her like shit, on twitter she talked about how she was harassed
Yeah I had made fun of her filters awhile ago on here and she posted in the thread saying its cause she likes anime. I almost felt bad but like chicks already throw their self respect out the window when they want random strange men to email them money instead of employment.
It's time you start asking yourself the deep questions. Are you unhappy with your own life and situation? Wish you could have that kind of money? So you took it out on her?
You sound like you're either about to do a school shooting or become a pastor and start doing illegal things to kids. Go shave your neck beard and thank you mom for letting her live in her basement you psycho
How in the fick did you infer that from his post? He literally just spoke the truth, every girl nowadays just throws herself at every guy they see and it's actually starting to become pretty hard to find a woman who doesn't do porn

No self-respecting man whatever marry a woman who does porn, it literally is throwing all of your self-respect out the window.
>Wish you could have that kind of money?
no, actually. I prefer living above the poverty line lmfao
You freaks all scream parasocial nut jobs that think they know what's best and at the same time don't actually give a fuck. This thread whole thread might as well be a larp

>no, actually. I prefer living above the poverty line lmfao
Cool genes.
So did anyone save her stuff or is this yet another schizo rant board now?
Honestly it was probably for the best, this chick (if she really is) I had a bad latent feeling was not built to be so huge and is ready to pop. Yes obviously no one is built to be 600 or whatever but I mean even her whole vibe gave off "sickly" and it kind of was a turn-off.
Moreover, this is more of a hiatus so, she might return anytime soon
Any chance for a reup on the jazz?
>scrubbed her entire online persona
>realized she just needed a break not nuking her persona
Like it’s fine to take a break but Jesus I thought she was getting harassed and couldn’t take it or something
I messaged her and she said she was just getting a bit too much hate and was scared of a doxing threat she received. Was sitting back for a bit to see if they actually did anything, but is starting to feel confident they were just messing with her.
You're sure RainyDayGlutton isn't trans? I recall them having a somewhat deeper or masculine voice too.
Yeah that’s horrible. I know someone has something against her and this isn’t the first time she’s been harassed but horrible nonetheless.
Sometimes women just have deeper voices.
She doesnt seem like a bad person at all she just gets shit on cause shes not as attractive as other fat models, she should probably get detered from fetish porn anyways so she can have some life skills after social media dies in 10 years
Can you re-upload the actual rainy content as I have never seen it and really want
Ah fuck another promising chick losing weight again and abandoning her beautiful body
I think she's beautiful! it's too bad she isn't into dudes, I would worship this woman. It's a shame people have been such pricks to her, I wish her well.
When I look at her I get dude vibes.
Always have. Especially when she did twitch streams.
she's a lesbian, really like 100 percent?
I don't think she has a masculine voice. just cause it's in a lower register....
it's not quite like men where their voice changes appreciably during puberty causing a high voice to signify... eunuchdom
She's certainly not ugly although she def doesnt do herself any favors with her presentation. if she styled herself differently she could be reasonably conventionally attractive IMO (excluding the excess blubber lol). like a 7/10. nothing to be ashamed of for sure.
she's def got that big soft pale ball belly working for her. I mean, if you're into fat stomachs on girls.
The fact she blanked out the discord she used with friends, too, makes me suspect she's bailing from the life -- like, full-blown "what the fuck am I doing, this was a huge mistake" bailing

You hate to see it, but I guess the silver lining is that being nearly 600 isn't the kind of thing you just *lose*. even super obese people on feel-good weight loss reality shows either fail outright or gain it back 2/3rds of the time. Without "kicking a heroin addiction" levels of intervention and discipline, she'll be back in a year, 100 pounds fatter and even more of a wreck
WAIT WHAT!?!?! Where she said she losing weight noooo this is so sad noo i gonna miss her :'(
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Her account Is on private but she said she is just going in hiatus and will be back. Only thing is she's not going to be doing fetish content and focusing more on plus size lifestyle things.
You guys just make shit up at this point, she literally never went away... Lol
Anyone happen to have some of her video content?
She's back which is very nice but then asked for money, kinda rubs me the wrong way
I'd like to support her but, I don't have money but still able to support her in any other means. You should do the same
oh you don't have money? then how do you afford internet and a mobile/pc(unless your in psychiatric hospital where they provide it for you)? busting a nut ain't "supporting"
Doesn't understand basic budgeting.
hahahah u too poor man
How's her patreon vids? Been thinking about subscribing
She look alright in these but still not rlly into her.
I just need proof she aint an ex dude, the possibility never left my mind and i can't stand it. (No transphobe)

Someone please prove it to me I beg you
I mean, it's obvious that she's isn't trans. I think y'all didn't like big girls with smol boobs like her tbh

There was never anything to suspect that. Her build, her skin, her face. Her actions. Her nipples (and she has the very good type of ones)

Retards like you can't understand proof even if we had it. She strikes me as kiiiind of nb and is a candidate to call herself trans-male in the future (like JigglyKitty92 turned out, unfortunately), but she's super super obviously biologically female and you're just a dipshit

Like in the first place she's american and way too poor to have gotten the kind of perfect bottom surgery she'd need to have a pussy that looks like hers
Unless she has like the smallest cock ever not a lot of room in those panties to hide it. Probably a loose looking pussy though.
She doesn't have "Patreon videos"
Last time I recall her patreon was just a glorified tip jar with some deleted videos. Might be different now though.
Now if she had stayed gone and lost weight (Mwuahahaha)
This isn't true, nearly every post she made going back has a video attached. She's a dumb fuck and doesn't use onlyfans which is a lot easier.

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