
(394 KB, 1290x1717, 1290x1717_a155ad018e0453c6693f17acba50e253.jpg)
She is looking absolutely massive in her latest updates, and with the rate she continues to add to her waistline I think it’s past time she get a thread in /SSBBW.
Here are all 6 videos she’s posted on Onlyfans since her return:
You don’t need to post anything in return but if you have it I’d love to see any of your new SSBBW content that you don’t think has been uploaded before.
Videos like:
Enjoy the videos and I hope you all have a great day.
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Oh my gawd, she is looking ENORMOUS. The sheer size of her round gut is something to behold but Jesus Christ, that fupa is going to have its own area code soon. What a PIG.
She has really been packing it on and I’m here for it. SSBBW status for sure, as long as her feeder keeps the numbers on the scales going higher and higher.
I don't know why its every single day that I have to awe over how evil this western society of humans truly are. I could not imagine a more inhospitable planet, or a more inhumane society than the US.
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I’d live on Mars if it was where I could find this absolute lard ass.
Thank you OP for the legendary upload. I don’t have any new vids but I hope someone drops some for you because this is the best link I’ve seen on the website in ages.
I don't know what country you're from, but this is definitely not the place to assume a moral high ground over someone whether they're american or not (I mean seriously, you're on a porn sharing site, what are you thinking?). There are plenty of other countries that are just as abysmal in their doings if not more so than the United States. Making a statement like this on a site like this will not change anyone's mind, but will only serve as written evidence of how uselessly foolish you are. So all things considered, just shut the fuck up, set aside whatever baseless prejudices you have against the United States or any other free country in the world, and enjoy the porn.
If you want to hate a feedee that actually leans "evil" then I would nominate Juicy Jackie, who really does seem to embody every rotten modern value with a colossal ego. Jae too is a runner up. At least Mochii is apolitical, she just has a fetish she's actually living out hard.

Expand,Anon.why post this here?
>>73052 You wouldn't believe him even if he told you.
Wasn’t Bigbootybeauty arrested for domestic violence? And I heard she was racist. If there’s an evil SSBBW it’s got to be her.
Can someone reup these to gofile or a better host.
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I'll never understand the energy that some people on this website put into hating these models that they don't know and have no idea what they're actually like.
Can't we just appreciate and post content of these women that we all find attractive?
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From her insta. Fucking incredible. Love a good public stuffing, and in that outfit...?! Damn!
So, before her break last May, she was 363 pounds. How much do you think she weighs now? I'm thinking about 380.
In her Tumblr she said she quit what is everything now?

She literally never quit, she took a break, that break lasted over a year, the break is over now and she's back to gaining
>>73020 (OP)
any chance of just a re-up at all for these they've gone already :(
All of her content is on Coomer Party > Creators > "mochiibabii"
Her break was 9 months
I genuinely feel sorry for those who don’t know all her content is on coomer
I too am racist

You forgot to say the homosexual part. You're a homosexual too.
We considering here an SSBBW? I'm a fan but I don't know is she's hit the breaking point yet. Just my opinion tho
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Idk shes well over 350 id consider that ssbbw territory at least. Especially with that gut!
I'm with you on this one.
She is a true gem and I am a fan as well.

But she is not an ssbbw yet. I hope she becomes one soon.
I think it's important to remember that Mochii is 380lbs at a height of only 5 foot 2 inches making her BMI 69.5. Taller girls with the same BMI would qualify as an SSBBW so maybe she should too. Regardless any debate will be settled in another 20lbs or so
How likely do you think she will actually quit gaining because of a health scare?
I hope she never does.
LIES. I very well may be retarded but in the vids in coomer she is nowhere as big as advertised
Bbw wiki is the inspired work of god afterall

While it's definitely true that bbw, ssbbw, and ussbbw end up coming down to body shape which relies more on bmi and body fat percentage than raw weight (since a muscular girl or a very tall girl could weigh a lot but not look absurdly fat), these cutoffs have been in use for literal decades, ssbbw being considered roughly 350+ dates back to fantasyfeeder search categories literally 15 years ago. They're not absolute but they're a perfectly fine basic benchmark.

And besides all of that, just fucking look at mochii, she obviously has reached ssbbw status. People who think she hasn't are straight up delusional, she is a massive cow and was having mobility issues even at 360 pounds before her break.
"but anon, she's not as big as Tara and Adeline!" -brainlets

Yeah no fucking shit, but there's no ussbbw board and Adeline has been acknowledged as an SSBBW since basically her introduction to the scene when she was only 350 pounds like a decade ago
You HAVE to go back
Dead or alive, you HAVE to go back.
Honestly thats about right I regardless of height I don't see how a chick could be over 350 and still be considered a BBW

Eh the amazonian types don't strike me as SSBBWs until they're also blobs. Like, I would say "widest measurement" is a lot more relevant to me than weight.

With that said, again, all of this is moot since Mochii is super obviously an ssbbw. Anyone who thinks she's not has literally eroded their coomer brain for a decade by following progressively bigger and bigger girls over time. 15 years ago she would've already been one of the leading SSBBWs in the scene because the few OBVIOUSLY bigger girls we had were also too lazy to fucking interact in their content, they just sat down and let someone else do something to them and that was the video.
Why is Jackie evil? I’m out of the loop here…
She looks like she would literally melt in the desert. So hot she became a literal butterball in three years. I want her to reach above 90% bf
Because on the Internet having a differing political opinion=evil
She's releasing videos through DM and they're not showing on coomer.

Only if you're left wing. If you're right wing the other side is just stupid.

C'mon, that's not fair. The left side considers nazis to be both evil *and* stupid.
New Onlyfans update just dropped. Her boyfriend posted she died.
She got covid right in the middle of her month of nonstop binging. Her body was in the middle of processing 15000 calories a day up from like 4000, so it was under incredible stress already. The covid basically was like a grenade going off next to a gas leak.
At least she had a good run and was enough of a glutton to be welcomed as the bride of beelzebub once she gets down there :'(
Is true. Her corpse became bloated within minutes and exploded throwing half digested food everywhere. Luckily her bf got it on camera and will upload it soon.
guess it's never too early for weekend schitzo posting
she's gonna lose 50 pounds
Me so sad 😞
>calling me a schizo when you're still pushing the Russian-sponsored disinfo that Mochii hasn't had a fatal heart attack and her corpse hasn't bloated up and exploded
Loving Every Laugh
Trolling is supposed to be funny. “Haha mochii died” is tired. Not even white knighting, it’s just a you thing - get new material
then she should gain 100
Anyone have the content that is from DMs? Her vids are the best
Hey what ever asshole joking about her death stop it right now that is fucking wrong you pieces of shit. Right now she is fighting for her life with covid infection. So fuck off never post on this forum again you cocksucking asshole
i’m so sorry you’re in denial about her death. i know it’s hard to move on let me know if you need help
I hope she ok qnd no die. Her video too hot 🔥 🥵

What the fuck dude
On curvage she’s off because of covid. That’s why you don’t post death jokes
she could easily die from covid
I miss her she makes the content

Is this like official news from the onlyfans or something?

Sucks if so. She also may very literally not be capable of cutting back that much, lord knows her feeder will enable her
Sadly, the online persona you know as "Mochii Babii" was recently conscripted into the Russian military. On April 10th of 2023, she was killed by Ukrainian artillery fire in the town of Bakhmut

I know you guys knew her as a pornographer, but today I ask you join in mourning this great Russian patriot given all she has sacrificed for both her country and her fans

Славься, славься, родина-Россия!
Сквозь века и грозы ты прошла
И сияет солнце над тобою
И судьба твоя светла.
Над старинным московским Кремлём
Вьется знамя с двуглавым орлом
И звучат священные слова:
Славься, Русь – Отчизна моя!
That's beautiful. It's beautiful. The only thing I love more than victory in war and death of my enemies... A beautiful girl.
Am I the only one who’s wondering why this small fat is allowed in ssbbw instead of bbw

There are at least two other people dumb enough to think that only ussbbws are ssbbws even though adeline and ivy were both universally recognized as ssbbws when they were still smaller than mochii is now.


So not only are you criminally retarded, you're also illiterate (couldn't read the other retards saying the same thing)
Somebody updated her coomer with the daily videos
Thanks to whoever did it!
Туда этих хохлов ебанных
Because she is over the minimum weight requirement for a SSBBW model of 350lbs. So stop bitching about it or open up your own chan with your own rules.
Absolute legend who updated coomer. Are the nude bonus ones the same as what's in the montage where Mochii goes topless or are they something different?
i'd be very grateful for the following
>Bonus Nude Short*** where I get filled with 2 Quarts of Melted Ice Cream then get fucked from behind
No crackheads allowed ever. Don't have sex it's bad for your health potentially. Shit gets into your vagina and you die

Тобі, погань росийська, мало того, що під Бахмутом твої русняві виродки дохнуть пачками?

Тобі, я бачу, мало пизди там получить, – ти ще хочеш шоб тебе на btw-chan в сраку виєбли!
There is no such rule.
She is clearly not an SSBBW yet and she might be faking her weight, but some trolls made a thread about her on this board.
Don't you fags have a counter-offensive to prepare to, instead of shitting up porn sites?
you feel like once she’s sober/off drugs she’ll become VERY aware of her mortality and slow down
You weirdos trying to scare every feedee away from gaining, just go to a different forum. To get back on topic, does anyone have the nude videos missing from coomer. I assume DM only vids
there’s a difference between getting chubby/fat and being on deaths door with 80% bf basically unable to walk and barely able to breathe
I think it's easy to forget, me also guilty as charged, that both as an American and fetishist how ludicrous her current Form already is. Only the rich - especially for her southeast Asian heritage - would be able to get as fat as her, let alone so quickly.

She even has these grayish dark spots under her arms (not just melanin etc) that are indicative of diabetes. It's not 100% sure off course, but come on.

If she was like a 6'1 Swedish woman with wide shoulders I'd say yeah, she could pull off being an obese Amazon for decades but right now she is being choked by visceral fat. If (when?) she reaches 450+ it is virtually certain she'll be on an oxygen mask and the works. For her physiology, suicidal longterm - I recommend gaining at least with lots of olive oil and wine, cheese, nuts etc. I wish her the best and a swift return but 0 surprise if she got particularly struck hard by covid.
Go to gen for your bs discussion. These threads are for content. This is why every one of her threads get nuked because of you weirdos. It's literally the SSBBW board where every other model has a higher BMI than her and way more messed up skin, if it upsets you then browse the bbw section
these threads aint for beggin either yet thats whar you did pharisee
You have visceral fat in your brain, no one wants to hear your autistic essay
have to agree, yes she's going crazy with the eating but general discussion is for discussing stuff like that. Otherwise keep it to posting content. For those worried about her health dont be, number 1 she can make decisions for herself and number 2 if you're that worried about a models health the SSBBW board is not for you. Remember you do not know these chicks, have no relation to them, and do not know anything about them other then the brief bits they choose to share. Remember these models do not know you either, they do not care about your opinion and neither do most of us, we just want content, not your "dangers of being a SSBBW manifesto". Remember to focus on the person behind the screen and not stress about the pornstar on it, Mochii and any of these other models could leave the scene tomorrow and be gone for good, losing the weight and moving on with their lives. Guess who you'll still have to live with no matter what? Only you, the faster you learn most of the chicks see you as a browsing dollar sign the better
Guys, she has been out with the rona for a few weeks now. Do you think she’s okay?
stupid people are usually fat/more fat because they’re uneducated

fat people, especially obese people can usually never lose the weight their entire life. it’s more of a morbid curiosity I guess, like watching liveleak.

Most of these models are just doing it because they’re average to ugly looking and can’t cut it in regular porn, so they get fat for cash because it’s easier than being fisted. The sooner you all realize this the better
It always amazes me how many here actually hate fat people.

Must be a weird state of mind to hate what you find attractive
strong incel energy

Of course she's not ok. She's 200lbs overweight with poor cardiovascular health, impaired immune function, a drinking problem and insulin resistance. All risk factors for severe COVID-19.

At least she's young. Hopefully that's enough, and she gets back to gaining once recovered. A health scare tends to be a wake up call, but maybe she'll double down

She's still just a mere chubster. She is not nearly fat enough to have any weight-related risks.
Why would you ever think she has poor cardiovascular health, impaired immune function, a drinking problem and insulin resistance?

Her immune function in fact is likely enhanced as overweight people usually feature strong immune system.

Her only real risk factor is ethnicity.
This is entirely why I made my essay btw. It's ever so slightly spooky she got the disease that is like one of the worst common ones she could have caught, and she had that ultra binge during Lent to boot.

Of course I want Mochii to be OK and continue. Yet she basically became the female Noko Avocado except explicitly instead of implicitly fetish content on top of being what would be a circus act in any other epoch.
>She is not nearly fat enough to have any weight-related risks.

She is literally 80%+ body fat, a living meatball LMAO pure delusion

>Why would you ever think she has poor cardiovascular health

She literally can barely walk, and wheezes even from measuring herself while gently standing.

>impaired immune function

The generally weakest point, but it is true at her size for many, and Covid hits the morbidly obese a bit harder

>a drinking problem
She's confessed more than once she's a de facto alcoholic.

>insulin resistance
She has acanthosis negricans (dark strips) below her armpits and also she's been eating hundreds of grams of sugar for a few years now. Yes she's still quite young but to your next point...

Yes, petite Asian women don't handle such gains as well as tall Caucasians.

I'll abide by the advice of this huge British woman in her 40s I asked: Have all your fat fun to the max in your 20s and then optimize and stabilize (if not getting healthy) in 30s, because your body will begin to break down.
Covid 19 is a scam to make money.. i have had tougher jerms than that. H1n1 for instance.. pig flu. And norovirus is lot tougher sometimes.. allmost had me buried. Covid was easy.. and without any vaccines.. just take some ibuprofen to it.
Fat is metabolically active tissue. It acts as an endocrine organ. Excess fat floods the body with hormones, raising inflammation, among other side effects. The inflammation acts as a constant stressor, compromising immune function.

It's common for extremely fat women to develop immune diseases - lupus, arthritis, etc. This isn't a coincidence. Years of overload causes the immune system to break down.

Similar pathways are behind the feminization of extremely fat men. Large amounts of fat causes hormonal chaos.

Yes, but it makes their immune system powerful and AGGRESSIVE, not weak. That's why those diseases are autoimmune. It breaks down by attacking self, not by shrinking beyond functionality.
WHY TF are we having a debate about her healthy like this. What's done is done, nothing is less sexy then discussions about Acanthosis Negricans
like multiple people have begged you guys to stop having a medical debate like were a forum on WebMD and get back to sharing content. She's gonna post content or not, die or live. Either way overanalyzing her health risks does nothing. What happens with her isn't up to us
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>>75731 she is already an SSBBW regarding the chart
Hasn’t logged into curvage or updated any social media in almost 5 days which is rare for such a popular creator..
I tried reverse image searching this chart and nothing came up. Where's it from? This is fascinating.
She's the same girl who took a hiatus of a year.
I think she's fine, maybe not very good because taking a respiratory infection at that size is not a joke, but she'll be back soon
corona at that weight is statistically a death sentence unfortunately. I doubt she ever got vaxxed and staying in one room for three years isn’t great for your immune system
Lmao I'm sure she's up to date on all her boosters
it's just BMI, but I don't know how they chose these cutoffs. there's never been a single objective definition of 'ssbbw,' but I agree that if we did have one, it should be based on BMI, not just weight alone
>>80079 You posted this about a year ago, but thanks anyways.

She and her also fat tinydick peter dinklage bf are in the "finding out" phase of getting sick while your health is already permanently destroyed.

If he is fat and has tiny dick I'd love to see him as well.

I love short obese girl and fat guys with tiny dicks. No body hair, please.
Didn’t her feeder also get fat? It’s hot as fuck when the feeder picks up bad habits from the feedee overtime, regardless if it’s a guy or girl
Graph is a good try but the ssbbw range is too high… 5’7 and 700 is definitely ussbbw and not ssbbw… off by 50lbs or so there. But yeah, it is solid.
Bro, she is faking the numbers.... No one cares about the chart, her BMI or weight. Just look at her body, she is not an SSBBW yet.

He definitely got a bit of flab but no he's not blowing up like her. I would say he's in the overweight bmi range but not obese yet
Is she around/ok? Haven't heard anything since the COVID announcement
probably in the hospital quickly losing all of her gains
pipe down doomer, lets just see what happens
I think there is cause for some concern. She been MIA with COVID for nearly a month. I get that she wouldn't feel up to making content, but she's gone radio silent on all platforms. Take what you will from that.
This like of conversation likely will get nuked but I mean I doubt she just takes a month+ time off by choice. She spent like 3 weeks deliberately eating as much as possible at restaurants. Then when she got covid it knocked the last week and a half off. You’d think after all the investment of time but also money shed at least do the end of challenge weigh in and stuff. I think there is a slight cause for concern especially with radio silence
Health scare time boys and girls!
Paxlovid baby!
flu put me on my ass for a week and I’m someone that’s healthy, exercise ect . She’s morbidly obese, eats fast food and stays in alot. Not sure what they were thinking would happen going out in nyc for weeks straight. Sucks but bound to happen
Stop talking shit 😄

My gf is at 400, and she is never sick.

Yes she and i had covid, she had like a normal cold for an week..
I had it 3 weeks..

Both non vaccinated.
I don't know why people talk about Covid like they're an expert on it. There are some people that get cases that last weeks. Some get it and it lasts a week. Some cases are so severe and debilitating you practically need hospitalization. Others are a mild cough. We don't know what variant affects which people with what level of health differently. The bottom line is she hasn't given an update in a while since letting on that she's sick, and that's concerning.
>>73020 (OP) reddit account gone? Going to her page briefly shows undefined values before quickly redirecting me to the something went wrong page.
>>80605 false alarm. reddit was just acting up.
Hope she d***, it will make fapping to her even hotter
>being non vaccinated in 2023
fucking idiots, smh

lmao yeah thats fucked up but she'd get instant goat status. semper fi 🫡

So then you'll never see more content from her and there will be even less of an incredibly rare group of women that's actually into gaining and feeding and getting fatter?
...good thinking, greenskin.
oh no, one less woman making bbw content, whatever will we do

...cry harder tard
it's been proven that weight is the #1 predictor of covid death/severity
Found the libtard tranny, give us your pronouns while ur at it
Hopefully the mods nuke this thread since it brings out the weirdos thinking every model that leaves for a bit has died, she visited curvage yesterday. Take the useless chat to gen and read the rules
dont you have a school to shoot up or something
no, but that troon in nashville did
The fuck is a "troon"?
A colloquial pejorative euphemism and neologism for "tranny", itself a pejorative diminutive for "transgender person" (usually in reference to a MtF). The -oon suffix is not ale for having centuries of usage in English, borrowed from Spanish and French -on, as a diminutive suffix usually vaguely negative, whimsical and/or condescending.

Thus, his reply in context:

>"No, I don't have that, but the transgender person (whom I dislike) from Nashville, Tennessee did.

Saying shit like this is proof that you’re an off putting lunatic most people can’t or have any desire to relate to.
that was a bank.

no its definitely incel types like yourself shooting up all those schools. maybe its because of the horse paste
Rip Mochii she was a good pig
The virgin transphobe vs the chad coomer-etymologist
>The -oon suffix is not ale for having centuries of usage in English, borrowed from Spanish and French -on, as a diminutive suffix usually vaguely negative, whimsical and/or condescending.
What in the world is this pseudoetymology? Are you a Zoomer too young to remember Something Awful? It's from there. Portmanteau of "trans" and "goon" (= Something Awful forum user), initially descriptive but picked up as a slur by right-wing spinoff sites as SA splintered into rival offshoots.
This place is SO toxic
still no news on how she is doign?
it’s been reported she passed away due to complications with covid. unfortunately no further information
You know that's not going to hold any weight without a screencap or a link. We need proof.
her curvage profile says she last logged in yesterday. So either the great beyond has 5G, or someone else uses her account

Fine, enjoying herself with her boyfriend and getting ready to make more content.


Is it a death-fetishists shizo-months or something?
Actually you're probably right, although the -oon part probably reinforced it. I forgot about SA but I do know about it. I didn't expect it to survive that way.
Gonna need proof from a peer reviewed source ™ before I can touch myself to that news.
Maybe her bf was checking dms and drafting an obituary.
Ackshully I'm no friend of crossdressers either. This fetish has me degenerate enough thanks.
It's kinda bittersweet if what covid giveth, covid taketh away.

I'm sure she's fine (or at least hope so), but if covid means she's lost/reduced her sense of taste and smell, she's hardly going to want to keep this going, plus perhaps it's highlighted a couple of health issues being 400lbs with a BMI of 70 does to you.

She'll probably be back at some point as long as her taste returns, but let's see
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>spends 3 years of her life engorging herself to insane extents like a foie gras duck
>becomes super morbidly obese in early 20s after being fit just for sexual pleasure
>spends absurd amounts of money and consumes obscene amounts of food greedily >during a global health/economic crisis, no less, where others struggle to eat
>refuses to elaborate
>catches covid after a grand finale of being a total hedonistic parasite

RIP Mochii, you were the stuff legends were made of... and apparently it's yellow and smells like bacon.
She made an announcement on her insta that she's alive but COVID done fucked her up. She won't be making content any time soon.
She's not dead, you idiots. She literally just released a statement that she's taking another break to fully recover.
yeah that’s her boyfriend covering it up atm. he doesn’t want to announce it to the world because of people like us talking about it, but there’s an obituary for her online that isn’t hard to uncover if you know where to look.
Just ignore the looser trolls, this thread is full of them and will hopefully get nuked

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