

Here’s my contribution
imagefap links?

big booty chicks always bring out the retards
>>72880 (OP)
She had lost some amount of weight, like maybe 50Kg, as I've seen on videos on TikTok and rather racend TV appearences pictures among others.
So I would guess she might be around 140Kg; did some training with her oldest daughter (which was a BBW too) similar as Sarah Messey (Lady Seductress) with a female black personal trainer.
Does anyone have videos from her peak when she was showing mobility struggles?
Those pics in the OP are from this year. Those Barcroft documentaries you're talking about are from 8 years ago. Your "guess" is as worthless as the rest of you.
She is on these pictures obvious much smaller than she used to be.
And no she was also around 2011 to 2013 in some documentaries (like on RTL Extra Jenke im-Land der 200Kg-Frauen) and in a Russian talk show, where Mocha and Norma Sitz attend as well. That might have been even around 15 years ago.
But I know you was at that time in kindergarten and just follow these fetishes since few years/ months.

I think she was possible even on the Tyra Banks Show. There are of both videos on Youtube and Dailymotion.
I disagree. From what I can tell from her social media, she’s at her all time high, scooting about from place to place.

She was on Doctors several years ago and another small-time talk show in LA. I’ve met her in person, and she’s really a surprisingly sweet person. I just don’t know if she still has much desire to be doing more BBW modeling, frankly.
(158 KB, 973x1100, 4D7D5CB0-5160-4A30-8568-B57F8DC748FC.jpeg.034a95ec7826939e8ef04fcf02be618d.jpeg) (169 KB, 1191x1100, 43A1FFFD-995F-4DE5-A2AF-BFFE3B189B26.jpeg.11e55aa1365645188e1723f6e4ec4956.jpeg) (36 KB, 497x960, 20AB6D90-98B6-4056-BE08-9E44899CB484.jpeg.e65a2094a531fc41b615646e30992402.jpeg) (73 KB, 720x960, 4A672504-9153-4AC4-8E8D-BFF920ED1D64.jpeg.837466f8f131aa90474ac2c0e51bc0ba.jpeg) (181 KB, 923x1100, 269ABB39-FEBB-4881-AA8F-A2039612DD4D.jpeg.1e165f084b27f03c601e53ba3a4f3163.jpeg) (151 KB, 617x1100, AFC414DE-9884-4932-8C72-01762A8FE531.jpeg.b35057b786c14d66a1c952569189d443.jpeg)
Here's some more recent stuff. She's clearly no more than 33kg here, and she's lost 847kg since she was last on the Late Today Show starring Johnny Letterman in 1926. She uses a scooter now because that's what women who've lost a shitload of weight do. My name is Heinrich Von Arschloch and I own a mansion and a yacht. The mansion weighs 14kg and the yacht 22kg. I'm the third generation result of a failed experiment by WWI Soviet scientist Dr. Mengele, who crossbred 7kg of cow dung with an apple strudel. I will continue to shit up bbw-chan with my well-researched and accurate weight estimates because that is my particular genius. Like how Rainman was good at math.
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I post obsessively on this site because you have sinned, and I am your penance. Repeat after me: kilogram kilogram kilogram. So many kilograms.

I hear a knock at the door. I answer. The man has a shotgun. I ask him how many kilograms is it. He says around 3.5. I tell him No, you are wrong — it is no more than two. He racks a shot, aims at my head, pulls the trigger and my brains are sprayed around my foyer like a thousand wads of well-chewed bubblegum. The total contents of my skull was no more than two grams. I know this.
(163 KB, 1072x1440, 5b89d9ccd7421609d90f5250e56912d3186bd46f233f90ef974260afd719d7ea.jpg) (490 KB, 1125x2436, 16ef28717928a1a5620fa67849a8b72e-imagejpeg.jpg) (115 KB, 960x960, 13925182_10154707981754453_4512212583310053160_n.jpg) (107 KB, 960x960, 17498484_10155567969099453_2194473780276961130_n.jpg) (83 KB, 960x960, 20292737_10156016478109453_6262456600028580426_n.jpg) (178 KB, 720x960, 13418871_10154547394269453_4166309811119169367_n.jpg)
Thank you for the pictures and video despite your understandable mental implosion. Crazy to think Diva's just getting bigger and bigger.

I just laughed at that guy's first post in this thread, he has no concept of anything whatsoever.
Her husband is a lucky lucky man. I've always thought she was one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. Decades of riding that massive ass.
I feel the same way
What the fuck are you on about?
Go see a psychiatrist.

It is a threat made at somebody who appearantly has a red welcome mat on their front door. Read the signs. It's an AI bot sending death threats on behalf of stalkers who appearantly found the home address of somebody. Probably has something to do with Russia or China governments.
anyone got any more videos of diva? cant find any of them anymore
Here's her Bombshell vids, from when she weighed approximately 3.619 micrograms: https://we.tl/t-pf3fhYMnX0. Not sure if this is all of them, but it’s a lot. Sorry about the AVI format but that’s how Jenni rolled then. C’est la vie.

And from the mean streets of Stuttgart here's a couple of Mercedes vids, plus a personal fave of depressingly low quality from a Japanese TV show, demonstrating how Diva's deliciously high fat content allows her to float without effort, like clouds in the sky: https://we.tl/t-ncMCuDttJW

I get along fine with both the Russians and Chinese, most of them. The only entity currently stalking me is Mr. Kilogram. Shhh... don't tell him I’m here.

Okay I won't tell him you're gay. Your secret is safe with me.Don't worry.
I am connected with her on TikTok (friends) but I know her since over a decade and she was model on Mercedes BBW since 2005 at least, if not earlier. There are videos of her doing sports with her oldest daughter to lose weight, a few years ago.
But around 2010 was she really huge (her hips particular).
Du bist ein Untermensch und sollst brennen!
Don't abuse too much Crystal Meth! It seems you sneafed a lot recently!

By the way on the lower pictures looked she a lot smaldler than on the ones on Mercedes and the earlier one on Bombshells.
(69 KB, 800x595, 710.jpg) (48 KB, 532x800, 775.jpg) (62 KB, 709x800, 776.jpg) (54 KB, 681x800, 811.jpg) (69 KB, 800x711, 740.jpg)
*ignores all the schizo chatter*

Thanks a lot for this. Sort of lost my collection of Diva's pics after a hard drive failure. I was able to recuperate most of it but now all the sets are mixed together. I used to really like browsing from her early sets to the latest ones to compare her progression.

If anyone ever puts their hands on a fully organized list of her sets from Mercedes' time to her bombshell time, it would be like a holy grail to me.

Until then, thanks a lot for sharing!
(87 KB, 801x600, 167.jpg)
You're welcome. I'm not schizo, just neurotic with manic-depressive tendencies. Oh, and I'm a fetishist specializing in massively fat women.

Mr. Kilogram drove me to madness, like staring into the dripping maw of Great Cthulu himself. Blame him (Mr. Kilogram, not Cthulu). I'm feeling better today, thanks for asking.

Here's 349 pics from the Mercedes era, numbered but not fully organized nor arranged by set, and obviously not complete. So you get, what, 33.33% of what you asked for?


For whatever reason I must have downloaded them from the site, dumped them in a folder and renumbered them... Not sure. You know what they say about the Aughts — if you remember them, you weren't really there.
Heng dikh oyf a tsikershtrikl vestu hobn a zisn toyt. Migulgl zol er vern in a henglayhter, by tog zol er hengen, un bay nakht zol er brenen. Vifil yor er iz gegangn oyf di fis zol er geyn af di hent un di iberike zol er zikh sharn oyf di hintn.

It's yiddish, from the heart ❤️. Ask Opa what "Jews" were, and let him show you his uniform and his Luger. Oh, and maybe post some fucking content once in a while, rather than shitting up the boards with your wrongness? Danke.

This is photo sets 1-131 from her Bombshell days. I believe she has more, but this is what I've got: https://we.tl/t-REoFjWS4lJ
I know what Jiddisch is, but not Yiddish...
Maybe are you legasthenic (or analphabet).🤔

Though nobody in Germany know a Luger anymore, but Lex Luger knows it. I heard in his interview last week the first time aboit it, that it is a weapon.
Better known here are a Walter PPK, a Galaschnikow or a MP.

But I know that Leonard Nimoy spoke Jiddisch (not Yiddish maybe), as his parents were Ukrainian Jews.I also know Hebräic.
By the way made Nimoy photos of BBWs, which was his second profession, these are published on whos website.
Mr. Percentage-Schizo,
I have watched Mikeala Rafanelli since 2009, if not even a little bit earlier.
The upper photos are old ones, but on these what you reposted is she already way below her peak.
It is actual easy to find out her weight-lose, if you research, as there are free videos of it on Youtube and Videmo among others. So it would be no effort to look for that by yourself.🤫
Conspiracy theories are welcomed here...
It seems like you seanf a lot, that your brain got so much damaged, that you show here the effects of it...

By the way I thought Mercedes is rather from Sindelfingen or Pforzheim...
But BBW Mercedes was born at a American millitary basis, around there area where Elvis did his service.
Ich habe dich gewarnt Spast, willst wohl unbedingt dass ich deine Kontaktdaten veröffentliche, und das nicht nur hier?!
Ich kann dir auch mal einen Brief mit Antraxviren schicken, du mongolides Wesen...

You smart for American.
Because I am not, so it is no task to be smarter than these.

You could've fooled me. You'rd good actor.
This might be not much effort too, as to Americans like you can be easily tricked...

That's not something you should be proud of nutter. You're going to hell. You know that right?
Du kannst schonmal eine Risikolebensversicherung abschließen, ich werde ein Kopfgeld bei dem ein oder anderen Klan auf dich aussetzen.
I am from hell; so what...?

Don't say thatbro. You're just gay.
You are just a hermaphrodit...
Ich kenne deine IP-Adresse.
Ich kenne Pierre Vogel seit Ende 2011 und einige Marokkaner ebenfalls seit 2011...
Can we get a re-up
Over 50 carrying that much weight. She don't have much longer. Too bad as she's a really sweet person.
She is fine and happy. Wish her the best!
dude, I personally met a woman that was 89 and almost immobile in her bed and had at least 450lbs. Some people are just build different.
Does anyone have videos of her?
(1.9 MB, 640x360, diva1.mp4)
Does anyone have videos of her?, please!
Where were those pounds sitting? Her ass? legs? Belly?
Does anyone have videos of her? I have 15 videos of her but I'm missing some, they're in 480p (I think they're from 15 years ago) I want to remaster them, if I upload 1 or more, would anyone dare to upload the folder with Diva B's videos? Or tell me who you're looking for and I'll upload it too... but I need this woman's videos to complete the collection.
Does anyone have videos of her? please!
>>73390 can you reupload it? please!
>>77069 aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZXJvbWUuY29tL2EvcHJiT0xncUgKaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZXJvbWUuY29tL2EvYjlFdGkyV0c=
Someone please upload the videos of diva bombshell, if you are looking for other videos, ask me and I'll upload them

Thank you, I've been looking for Pear Bottom videos for a long time
(1.4 MB, 1234x1970, Divab2.wmv.jpg)
Friends... Does anyone have this video?
(744 KB, 1234x1042, Divab1.wmv.jpg)
other, does anyone have them? please
>>73222 Can someone repost the link of the Tammi Mac show!
If someone has the videos of Diva, upload them here https://anonfiles.com so that they last and not bother again, please!
Please re-upload I missed it

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