
>>72757 (OP)
Here what I've got:
Does anyone have triple double double
Go to: https://lindelllegalfund.org/ and then after submitting your card info and subscription to donate monthly you paste the links I. The “send Mr. Lindell a message section.
Gentlemen I have purchased the funnel video and will post shortly. If anyone would like to upload the butter video that would be smooth.
Shit I just realised it’s already there. When that one expires I’ll reup.
This girl will eat herself to immobility.
uploading some of what i have. if someone could post "showering sweeties" or "fupa fantasy," that'd be great repayment.


here’s the showering one with aurora

hopefully we can get some of her new stuff here.
Two years ago this girl was a nobody. Now she's getting invited to exclusive birthday party getaways with Foxy Roxxie. I genuinely respect the hustle. Also I got my popcorn ready for the explosion of off topic comments and arguments this picture will cause that will inevitably result in LisaLou's thread being deleted, AGAIN.

Bro you care because you're queen
Boyfriend looks like he gets dropped off at The Wiggles concerts.
boyfriend look like exactly what I expected a bf who lets his woman show every inch of her dirty draws all over the internet
You realize if he was anything like you're pretending you'd be, we wouldn't be here salivating over LisaLou in the first place?

I'm not asking you to hi-five the guy, but fuck me if this isn't a low-IQ dig at her boyfriend.
I'm just here noting bf looks like discount Charlie Kirk. Fattening your wife to death to own the libs

What’s that have anything to do with her boyfriend looking slow?
this is the greatest comment i have seen on this forum.
Anyone have lisa lou with aurora measure comparison ? Please im begging you guys
Anyone have measuring with aurora video or the shower video lisa lou with Aurora
Who is bottom girl ?
My woman👌
can anyone reup these?
BS. That girl looks 450 pounds. Post more pics

Reup of all content so far, would love to see some new stuff
No bs 😄. She looks maybe bigger than is. Dont know weight. There is couple pics in here at chan ssbbw... Maybe one in the contrast thread, we both are in the picture
anyone got her shower vids? for educational purposes. i must know what im getting into.
Does anyone have the video where she puts stuff in her rolls and fat?
any one have the fupa fantansy
Can we get a reup of the big cuties stuff
Can a hero send the groceries vid?
she is a total pig
>>74051 c'mon you gotta fuck her harder than that my dude.
Thats hot. Someone got the 1.54 GB
uncompressed clip?
Jeez she looks so huge now. Very impressive gains and she’s worked very hard to achieve this size so quickly
Look at the clip it’s not showing much.
as usual fucking boring one angle bullshit from her
also her bf seems to have a bit of secondhand gain wish it was me
Oh god the angle guy is here now… expecting all models to have AI piloted drones filming 100% of their videos capturing 360 degrees of perspective simultaneously at all times… fuck off man all the girls only use “one angle”… agree that the bf isn’t in the best shape though I hate fat guys smh… wouldn’t say he’s fat per se but I thought she was into “contrast”… I would much rather prefer to see Aurora fingering her and stuffing her or maybe even using a toy on her… Aurora is so hot

>camera drones

What is this, 2013? Rent a cameraographer. Go on craigslist.
Hi yes, would you possibly be interested in filming my fetish erotica videos? I will be parking my super morbidly obese ass on the couch and eating Wendy’s, occasionally weighing myself and sometimes showcasing how poor of shape I am in when I do the slightest bit of physical movement. All the while I will be naked. Thanks for your time, and get back to me as soon as possible! -LisaLou
This is true though. I fucking love content of a fat chick binge eating and losing control, talking about how people in her life are fucking freaked out by her fat fuckery—and some dude is like “angles…also not enough hardcore”

Okay thanks for your angry post on every thread. Sucks to be you. Can I get back to my paradise now?

Okay but only if you help me start an open source project for this bbw community where we can do something like perhaps a video game or similar.

Btw, your ass looks bootyful. Have you ever tried anal before?
Can you reup the reup?
(12 KB, 700x394, 03017ED2-2F9E-477D-8EB7-EB51688DE801.webp)

- 450lb+ woman
- moaning in pleasure
- eating an entire cake when most models barely make a dent
- cumming in the end
- one angle so I’ll pass

Yeah whatever bro. If anyone has the video please share it! It sounds like her hottest video ever.
Anyone have anything with aurora in it?
I was actually one of the angle complainers and was the reason the first thread got taken down. I apologize, after finding a leak of her she's so perfect and goregous. That body is mesmerizing, literally just emptied multiple pumps
>>confesses to getting her precious thread removed causing me to miss out on like ten videos
I sentence you to death.
lol, y'all were tweaking on that one though. its ok though cuz she's so fricking hot now I understand where your coming from
She looks like a whale 🐳
She isn’t 450+ yet is she?
She was in her last weigh in
Anybody have cake sex
Or V day feeding
Hey man where are the sexy video ple can someone post please I will forever have u in my grace ❤️
hey man i need video i want to see sexy fat

Don't need it enough to buy it, I guess
I see this guys here to buy videos Lmao
Thanks a lot my friend 👍🏼✨
You a real one!
LisaLou is so late to the game that I can’t bother until she is a legit 500
Lisa lou with Aurora measurement?? Please im begging youuu !!
We couldn’t even get a view of her huge ass…and the guy was so lame he didn’t even smack it
Wish we could've gotten a pov shot of that ass or at least a couple more angles of the cheeks getting clapped
What I’m saying. Somebody spent $20+ for one angle of 20 pretty dry minutes of sex, half of which was muted. Thank you to OP but the quality was not there on her part
Does anyone have fupa fantasy?
Out of a fiduciary duty, I check here before I buy to make sure I'm not going to see it floating around for free.
>>72757 (OP)
I'm so damn late, but please god upload this again.
>>74681 that is clearly not true, she is very likely around 98 Kilogram, maybe 90.
I want what you're smoking, there's no way on earth she's 90 kg lmao
90kg? Bro her belly weighs that
Please for the love of GOD ban this IP PLEASE not the kg guy in LisaLou's thread he's bad enough in Hayley's
>>75222 You want me to educate you about Kilogram-Pound System?

YES! I am the Fake Kilogram guy und jetzt alle auf Deutsch K.I.L.O.G.R.A.M.M.
When I no to the post office, I ask how many kilogram does it cost?
Most models confuse the two and are in fact lighter than most people believe because of the inflated number that can only be produced with. Generally, they weigh a certain number of kilograms.

Shut up, retard.
This was not me! There has someone hijacked this and either immitated me or there are maybe more people which use kilogramme...
Possible is it a mind-sick nerd who like to make a joke about this and is the only one who regarded this as funny.

I could see that she weights maybe 130Kg
(1.1 MB, 1125x1601, ex_at120.jpeg)
You are so fucking out of touch with weight realities it's ridiculous.

The girl on the right here is my ex from back in the days. She weighted 120-125 kg on this very photo. And was the skinniest person I was in actual relationship with.

Behold. That's how the weight you talk about looks like.
Do you really think that extra 5 kg would turn her into Lisa-sized vixen? Do you?

There's something about being barefoot that really puts the icing on being a fat slob. Or maybe the cherry.
i think it’s honestly fucking hilarious how much you are falling for this dude’s trolling, it’s obvious sarcasm
>>75305 can you both shut the fuck up and stop derailing the thread
There’s too much autism on the internet to conclude he’s “just pretending”. All I do is laugh when I see the posts anymore, but they are annoying so I don’t blame people who respond.

who's the hotty in the middle in the striped dress?
Guys, stop feeding the trolls.
>>75289 Rather close to 290, if you are accurate, But she is not the fattest person on this picture; Leighton an the woman right to her appear at least 20Kg heavier than her.

Then I guess she is over 2m tall; as she appear just chubby (slightly plump), if not thick. Obese starts normally by an average height with around 90Kg.
If this is not a giant, I estimate her weight of around 85 kilos or you might be a liar and promote your fantasie.
That's Leighton's sister

Dude, that's exactly how 120-125 kg look like at 175 cm.
Yes, it is just plump. Looks a bit fatter nude. But still 120 kg is just chubby. And yes, she was considered obese.

Look at this picture again. That's 120-125 kg. That's how it looks. And that's why people think you are a retarded moron when you talk about that weight like it's a big deal.
Please for the love of god tell me either she's single or there is content of her. I could absolutely see me and her closing down this bar down the street and then getting food at this diner and just watching the sunrise while smoking a fat one.
I am not a dude!
If you believe so, then you are dumb as hell!
120Kg is really fat, it is not chubby; that would be 80 - 90 kilogramme.
I know how 120Kg look like, as I had sex with several African women of that range; that is clearly a BBW with that weight. Also with Tiziana, where I was not sure if she weighted when 120 or 130 kilogramme, but she had a pretty fat double-belly when (also fat-chin).
Though that woman has a double-chin too and might be 1,80m. as she is over a head taller than the woman next to her. With that height she might have weight 95Kg.
You're definitely a dude, your corneas are bent like a funhouse mirror which causes you to badly underestimate actual weights, you have the worst kind of aspbergers that then causes you to post these contrarian absurdities in every other thread, you're a stingy kraut who's never contributed a fucking thing to this site except agita, and if there's a righteous god in heaven she's given you slow, terminal ass cancer.
Your pretendings are rather ludicrious, as you want to sell you contend to make money, which forces you to lie and discreditmeveryone who is rather realistical.
Just die you disgusting kraut.
can someone reup fupa fantasy?
https://REPORT MY POST/l3Su

That doesn't work. The stupid "shortest link" thinks it's spam and has "too much traffic"
Well you got exposed and get therefore offensive/ rude and try to make fun about anybody who has a different view than this childish fantasy.

But you probably know that 130Kg is not chubby or plump, but mostly really fat and could be regarded as SSBBW.
Does anyone have her sets from 1-9 and 28-34?
>>75746 what the hell? My partner is 150kg. She is fat, but certainly not an SSBBW, or as fat as LisaLou.
instead of all this toxicity how about sharing some actual content
>>75806 IP ban the Kilogram idiot, problem solved.
Anyone have a mega of her content?
Do you know MassiveSweets claims to be just above 260Kg (what I would trust); she appears more than twice the size of Lailani (or Lisa), who pretend to weight more than 270 kilos (which would mean immobility, more or less).
The Canadian one is clearly a USSBBW and narrowly immobile too, but about around a quarter tone, so far bellow 300 kilogramme.
Though she is insane.
You've both got to be trolling. Firstly, 120kg is certainly not just "plump" unless the girl is some 6'4+ giant, even on a 6'0 guy 120kg is pretty fat.

Secondly, lisalou is clearly a massive hog and you've have to be retarded to thin she's less than 190kg.

The girl on the picture above is 120-125 kg at 175 cm.
I call that plump. But someone would call that fat. Doctors call it obesity. The argument was about the numbers, not phrases.
(192 KB, 1200x1200, large.IMG_20211106_142404_821.jpg.a947bd78229c99e6de278a9012245757.jpg) (50 KB, 722x422, cmttbt25_637966994170810013.jpg) (59 KB, 1044x1043, large.IMG_20211014_000217_969.jpg.eb7da28181e548b36ddfc12df46845cc.jpg) (72 KB, 1080x810, large.IMG_20220105_232346_211.jpg.6c9899068cd79b1667d0c88673839b25.jpg) (990 KB, 3024x3780, IMG_20220101_211417_481.jpg)
This is what 125 kilos really looks like, stop speculating you damn incels
1.70 mts
125 kgs

Even few centimetres matter.
Have her stand up and she'll look not that much different than my ex at the picture above.
She had some belly and impressive ass (I doubt the pictures shows it).

But that's nowhere near deluxe ssbbw.
yup, weight is relative
Bone structure, water weight, muscle mass, and shit (bowels) can severely change numbers.
Can we get some Lisa content? Who tf cares what 120 kilos or whatever looks like take this shit to gen
Third you have to be retarded to believe you can such a huge number pretend to me and expect that I trust this...
Rather 119Kg than 190, which was the highest number of Mikel Rafaneli, who is recorded for the widest hips and taller than Lucy likely.

This woman is clearly below 170Kg.
YOu can make a fool of yourself but not of me; that woman in the picture is, if her height is really 1,75m, not heavier than 100 kilogramme.
My father has almost the same height (is a little bit shorter than that), has a much bigger tummy but weight not more than 90 kilo.
Liso lou video pls
why not ban the idoits who fighting over weight/kg huh idiot i stg
guys. seriously. Theyre going to like permanently ban LisaLou from even having a thread at this point if you keep it up. They've already deleted like 3 of her last threads due to trolling. Seriously kg guy, it was funny, hah hah hah, but can everyone please stop I don't want her threads to keep getting deleted
Lol what if its Lisa spamming so her content comes down faster
I'd put money on this
As funny as this would be, I am too lazy to bother with half the links y’all post and I’m just as annoyed with kilogram guy, sorry to disappoint fellas
hey sexy want to share somehot sexy fat vidoe of belky johgling or some video haha u so sexy
Yeah facts. Lisa we need some Belky Johgling videos
Ahahah yea she is just like us coomer lads, just here to get off

Except you picked this to comment on ?

So yea maybe you come here and get turned on or get mad at some clown guessing your weight but it makes more sense your here to fuck shit up
at last a man of culture
please post moar belky johgling
I read this in Cousin Balki's voice.
Reup of all content so far (I think)
If anyone would be kind enough to upload oil body play or after shower routine, you'll be in my heart
Or the little Debbie speed stuff.
Could do with some new content in here

Bought Cake Sex for the homies
Has anyone checked to confirm these are NOT cp? Can’t trust any links on this site these days…
Thanks man you are kind and nice !
Why is there no sound for half of it?
Can someone pls re-up the mab folder with everything on it?
Can someone please upload some of the requested videos for once rather than something that was already in the MAB
please someone reup the mab folder!
Here's some. Butter chug among them.

Could someone post the FUPA clip uncompressed? The grainy crap makes my eyes hurt. Thanks.
beggars cant be choosers
(565 KB, 1170x1059, 3C66F27D-A1CF-461F-8734-B4139769605E.jpeg)
Yo! I think this a her new set, that called “Stuffing and Cumming,” and does anyone have her new video?
I would appreciate it.
Saw that there's no audio for this vid. Kind of kills a cumming vid for me
Really!? I mean, I don’t matter at all without audio and probably I should put any soundtrack in her vid lol.
Can some reup the content posted here? Please? :)
that's the problem. You're just begging
first image is obviously a morph

No it is not
this chick scares the shit out of me, after seeing her comparison pic its like shes mutating.
how dumb can you be 😅
> She's blown up like crazy in a couple months

I don't know if her and Emma discovered some sort of secret formula for getting fat but they've both made rapid gains, which takes a LOT when you're already as big as they were. This is peak human.
Be curious to know if either of them have been consuming those 'Very High Calorie' Boost drinks or something; they have 530 calories per 8 fl oz bottle. I've seen people talk about them in gainer threads elsewhere recently. Seems like an easy way to gain if you can afford them in bulk.
I'd love a cheap link if you have any
Might as well go buy it for yourself atp, begging to strangers not really gonna get you anywhere
But why does she have skin like a salamander
Maybe because she’s 400 lbs
Does someone have the butter chug video?
Upping the contrast like that always makes these otherwise beautiful people look like utter shit.
>>79495 because the pic is altered for contrast. He literally wrote that.
Pls post hot video

It is the reality, dont you have any real life experiences?, camera smoothen's all out.

No. I'm from a tribe called Swahili people
Coconut shea butter.

Wax on. Wax off.
Although I love Roxxie and have been following her for years, seeing Lisa right next to her really drives home how much hotter non double bellies are
Half a ton of hotness right there.
Is there a video of these two beauties where they act together?
Roxxie is still fatter but LisaLou looks more determined to be the fattest. Another year or so and she’ll be the biggest of her little group.
Lisa will 100% break 500lbs this year
Fuck me her and rox together endless edging lol
(195 KB, 1800x689, 1800x689_fc5b0c90eb51b539906d9d9a20ab2eaa.jpg) (202 KB, 1800x675, 1800x675_e8ea3051aad88521d111b6194c083631.jpg) (310 KB, 1800x1176, 1800x1176_66900adcbbbcbfdb51f712ed21b3b027.jpg) (303 KB, 1800x1185, 1800x1185_1160bdb6a58d9b0b6c5f37b92a8ff295.jpg) (314 KB, 1800x1198, 1800x1198_6edb9f7006d98c84c0bfea5a405e41e7.jpg) (314 KB, 1800x1237, 1800x1237_28b6e48b946e62c79012120e18fe590d.jpg)
Here's a long-ish clip of Lisa, Emma and Summer.

Good god what I wouldn't give to have been a fly on the wall at the birthday get-together (iirc's it was Roxxie's) of Lisa, Roxxie and Marilyn - one or two pics of Lisa and Roxxie made socials, but Marilyn (who's done a set or two with Roxxie, smoked with her etc.) had nothing public
Both of them have gained a ton but LisaLou has definitely been gaining faster. They were roomies at one time. Lisa told me once that she was going to get fatter than all her friends for sure.
Any reups of Aurora Works Me Out?
Can anyone reup the past videos posted here plz? :)
The second mega link I posted works just fine.
wow. that's almost a ton of girl there. seeing three huge, heavy guts emerging to reveal three quivering deep slitted navels all quivering as they sag between their legs, creeping closer and closer to their knees is really something.

although the amount of fat lisas packed on to her body in such a short time is astounding, emma is certainly no slouch either, she's grown herself a huge sack of lard hanging from her waist.
oh, and I can't believe there isn't more of them pressing their gorgeous fat guts against each other- both standing and laying down/rolling around in bed making a literal puddle of cuddle. oiled up too.

Really hoping you could of fit another use of quivering in there.
That was accidental. The second instance should have been "jiggling".

But I did HEVC the file that was about as big as the three girls it featured.

could you reup this man its only been like 5 days and its already gone :(
For the love of god, please upload this video.
>$20 for 8 minutes
Does anyone have the butter vid?
Reup of some content.
Can some upload the body lotion video, the butter vid or the big cutie stuff?

not one of her strongest pieces.
but woah. seeing her and roxy next to each other... Rox is a big girl, and lisa makes her look almost diminutive in every dimension.

Rox and lisa be kissin (the habitual be seems like the appropriate tense) nicely. Better than Lisa and Emma that I saw recently.
Love these lisalou kissing vids.. easy to slide myself in mentally.

it's funny how pretty much every female content creator tongues all her friends. I know things are a little different with the 18-22 segment currently, but I still can't imagine straight dudes just open mouth kissing their homeboys

butter chug:


Dont forget to donate at the home office.
How can i download this link please any one can tell me 🙏❤️

Copy the hash link and go on base64 bro
Thanks for the butter vid!!!
>Rox is a big girl, and lisa makes her look almost diminutive in every dimension.
I think it's in large part because roxxie has a double belly whereas lisa doesn't. she just looks 'fuller' in general by comparison
Roxxie is clearly bigger. However, Lisa does appear "fuller' because of the single belly.
Unfortunatly Roxxie is loosing mass due to age and it shows, whereas Lisa is still a fresh new ssbbw with new fat plus she is younger. I thinks she looks nicer and her content is better than the same old Roxxie offered

She looks basically as big as ever. Loose and lose are two different words. Losing is the present tense verb.
fat fetishist and a pedant. Respect.
It's not pedantic, it's basic grammar. And she doesn't look smaller to me

Pedantic poster here. It's not grammar, it's diction/vocabulary. It's not just anon conjugated a verb wrong, they just chose the wrong word through a misspelling.
the stats discussions always kinda remind me of fantasy baseball
>it's funny how pretty much every female content creator tongues all her friends. I know things are a little different with the 18-22 segment currently, but I still can't imagine straight dudes just open mouth kissing their homeboys

pretty sure she's not straight
Sexuality is a spectrum. No one is 100% gay or 100% straight.
Can we get some content uploaded rather than discussing her sexuality please.

Besides, everyone knows she's fatsexual
I'm 100% straight faggot
Nah, doubt it
what a weird way to justify your own faggotness
>>81276 roxxie finally is getting nastier and none of the boys on here have it? whats going on here thought this would be everywhere on this thread by now lol
ThE ScIEnCe iS SEtTLeD!!!

Boys don't have it. Lucky for you, long time FFA lurker has. Enjoy:
I've added two more of their vids. Be quick, I won't reupload it.
If it’s a spectrum, wouldn’t that mean there are endpoints at both sides that are 100%? Like it starts at 100% straight, then goes through all the other “sexualities,” and ends at 100% gay? Also there might not be 100% straight people but there’s definitely 100% gay people cause we all know Joe Biden is 100% gay
Reminder that Kinsey was a literal sadistic pedophile
man it isn't working and it hasn't even been 3 hours :(
Giga cope kek in the year of our lord 2016+7
Welp, there's no problem on my end, it's still up and I can acess it no problem. :-/

Thanks for the drop.

based femanon

Got any LisaLoua/Aurora vids?
(621 KB, 2245x1330, llabsolutecow.jpg)
Lisalou said this is her favorite pic, so I made it into a before/after to highlight how flabbed out she is
Quite the chubbster
Anyone know what her she weighed at some of more recent weigh in videos?
She messed around and had a triple double
458lbs I believe is her most recent weigh in
Vid below
Would love for someone to upload the oil video or the show prep video where she cleans her belly button
The thing I love about this chick is that unlik a lot of these broads she isn’t genetically predisposed to be fat. She had to overcome it but sheer force of will and an insatiable desire to get fatter and fatter. She will definitely eat herself to immobility because she really wants it.
I dunno man
When she got caught trying to pass of take out as all hers when she was clearly sharing with her partner i kinda stopped liking her, like she straight up lied about being in a relationship to get more feeders to fork over money.
Its one thing to fake weigh ins, whole other thing to lie about where the money really goes
>>thinks all of the models spend 100% of their money on food
>>wait till he finds out about literally every other model
The proof is in the pudding…literally.
Ron desantis’s pudding?
>>83295 hot asf that she outweighs a male gorilla
Jesus christ, can we upload some content please
we? how bout you, I fap to shitposts myself.
(68 KB, 852x569, future.jpg)
>yfw you realize that a good percentage of these models have boyfriends/husbands that pretty much help them make videos and facilitate their gaining ventures
IDGAF what these people do in their personal lives.
That is clearly fake; she is not heavier than 150kg apparently.
Are you going to upload some content or just continue to sponge
Can anybody update hey coomer? Thanks!
love how these new famous ssbbws like her and kass are willing to fuck on camera, the era of big cuties PG shit is finally over 🎉

You grossly overestimate demand for fucking on camera.

Many people here including myself would much rather see another mucking than her getting rammed. And pretty much any video will be better than a sex tape. A striptease, stuffing, body tour, weight-in. Videos that allow us to behold how fat she is in general and in details are awesome.
Fucking..? Meh, boring.
So true, I will never understand the people raving about fucking vids for every model. Couldn't care less about those. We need more crushing/squshing and other weight related content. I like SSBBW mainly for their weight and I want to see what their weight is capable of. Fucking videos are the same from skinny girls to SSBBWs, it's actually pretty fucking boring and let's be real. Fucking looks gross on camera. Fucking is only cool when you actually do it, watching it is gross and gay as fuck.
>watching porn is gay
baffling take
I've never cared about eating vids. They're so boring. I'd rather see size comparison related stuff, degrading the audience or herself, or wrestling stuff

Fucking is more entertaining than eating, but it does get stale fast. Their options are pretty limited and the only way to spice it up would be like watching her get pounded again after a 50lb weight gain.
>watching it is gross and gay as fuck.
I have always thought this as well. I can never get hard watching a guy fuck a girl, seeing his dick and stuff. Even POV vids where you can see the guys arms and hands turns me off immensely
Rather than talking about content can we upload content please
Based and redpilled take

Retarded and gay take
Eating vids are hot when they're eating a whole cake off the floor or being messy and making a complete pig of themselves like KittyPiggy in the Insatiable videos. I love chugging videos too when they're chugging like 5 liters of soda and bloating themselves to the max like Layla
Yeah I prefer solo stuff. Watching her get fucked by another guy just doesn't do for me.

lol anyone who thinks redpilled takes are based is inherently an incel, but go off king
>calling literally anyone an incel while on a pornography forum site
Thinking heterosexual sex is gay is not based. It is retarded.
(203 KB, 720x1520, 20230528_141041.jpg)
Please anyone post just lisa lou measurement with aurora
(979 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20230530-073815_Chrome.jpg)
Guys, someone has the video of lisalou where she struggles to climb the stairs of a cabin in the countryside, it's a long video, in her coomer there are some climbing stairs but it's not any of those who are there. I leave a photo of the set in question and some videos to share.

She is most likely below 130Kg.
here's a reup of all of the lisa/roxy stuff as well as the car struggle, the park one, aurora funnel, and others. I threw in a super hot sex vid of Kat Kummings in there too
that’s not lisa, but kat kummings is one of the hottest girls out right now. pretty sure she edits her insta pics, because she alsways looks so much fucking fatter in videos, it’s so hot.
Hot as fuck

Which video is that
(123 KB, 797x1000, ech_set56_066.jpg) (119 KB, 668x1000, echo_set01_039.jpg) (127 KB, 831x1000, echo_set08_002.jpg) (148 KB, 667x1000, Echo41_47.jpg) (195 KB, 667x1000, ech_set12_011.jpg) (199 KB, 808x1000, ech_set18_025.jpg)
Bigcutie echo has pretty much finished her career as a model and has recently lost some weight(still still huge tho).

However, what a ride her career was from 2011 to 2019, absolutely phenominal weight gain.

My question you lot is, which stage of her career was your favourite? I know theres differing opinions on the subject.
Reup of them latest vids please?
Its weird how quickly these links expire
>>84389 I've never seen that drink before. Is it any good?
johnny walker black is mass-market mid-tier scotch whiskey. Not the cheapest stuff on the shelf, but certainly not the most expensive.

Packs a whallop and kinda makes you reek of it
Reupload please
Who is gracious enough to re-up cake stuffing and cake sex vids. I have bigcutie Jolene to share in exchange!
bump, if anyone has the makeout with aurora as well. TYIA
Yeah sure, I'll reup the whole lot once someone uploads the shower video and the body oil video like I've been requesting for weeks now

here is what you ask for, now be quick and share what you have
Neither of the videos in this post are ones that I've requested
as far as I know, the baby oil vid isn't "out"
maybe it wasn't for you
(244 KB, 899x1200, 006jolene_066.jpg) (270 KB, 980x1200, 007jolene_047.jpg) (261 KB, 800x1200, 008jolene_043.jpg) (241 KB, 800x1200, 008jolene_050.jpg) (355 KB, 1200x844, 017jolene_057.jpg) (175 KB, 800x1191, 006lisalou_all.jpg)
Hi! As I said last week, will share all of BC Jolene (all sets with vids) see examples, if someone can share me the following...
LisaLou BC sets 6 and 19 (Brownie Points and Sweet Seduction pics with vids)
LisaLou Sheet Cake Stuffing

>>85081 Imagine having that pussy of Jolene's in your mouth as you taste its tender lips.
fuck you - I have it but I'm specifically NOT sharing it because of your lame ass attempts to trade. we don't do that here.

Sorry I didn’t realise it was against rules. Look I get your point sorry for the bad vibe I created. Thanks again to previous poster who shared those two sets.

Will share Jolene tomorrow as a thanks and peace offering to you too.
Hey how do you decode that last one, I keep getting wrong endings
What do you mean by last one? There is only one long one to decide which in the end gives you two links.
Decoding was pretty simple, just watch out for the the Brackets () and delete everything inside the brackets and the brackets themselves before decoding a second time
She closed her tumblr account and another one.
No updates for a while now.
Has she retired?
Apparently tumblr deleted her old account cause i just saw a post on tumblr that she made a new account
reuplod the butter and cake sex and i give all the other leaks of lisa >>85154

re upload pls :c
>>85750 May all encoders' penises break. What insufferable and needless showboating. Achieves nothing other than annoyance.
(2.3 MB, 2551x3295, Car stuffing comparison 1.jpg) (2.2 MB, 2551x3295, Car stuffing comparison 2.jpg)
Two comparisons of LisaLou eating from the same place in the same car from the same angle.
The second photo is already several months old. She should revisit/redo this video as she grows.
https://we.tl/t-pnwwiOps6Q Sharing a vid I didn't ever see here. That new vid looks so hot! Roxxie is looking wide from the side!

These days, that belly has to be pressing that steering wheel!
Agreed, Roxxie's looking like a damn butterball these days even compared to another fat girl. Thanks for the share, my man!
Can anybody update her coomer? Also, the coomer redesign made it possible to see that she's the second most popular model with "bbw" in her name (behind Roxxie) :)
>HEVC thats 129 megs and the shit looks great.
Stop flooding the interweb with your fucking low quality copies. Its not 1998 anymore. And just because you cant see crap on your blurry OLED doesn't mean no one else can. Get a fucking SSD and a decent display. I bet you compress images too, you disgusting moron.
Anyone got the dippin donuts vid?
Really? She’s been bigger right?
Lisa’s body looks like it’s struggling to keep up with the gains. Roxie looks a little older and deflated.
Roxie definitely looks deflated unfortunately. With age it shows more unfortunately.
She was never a feedee or a gainer
Half off her OF rn…
That's got to be a morph or just the angle. Her thighs have never looked THAT huge.
She's bigger, but the angle is helping along with pressing against the edge of the chair.
A coomer update would be 🔥
She isn't bigger than Roxxie
...to make a proper comparison.
(5.5 MB, 2876x1701, LisaLou gains by the comparistocrat.png)
Another comparison from the GOAT.
The first pic is from Bigcuties set 18 where she was 379-399lbs. Now she's over 450... I guess we'll learn whenever she updates.
(5.5 MB, 2858x1683, LisaLou gains by the comparistocrat.png)
* Update*:cropped the edges
Another comparison from the GOAT.
The first pic is from Bigcuties set 18 where she was 379-399lbs. Now she's over 450... I guess we'll learn whenever she updates.
She’s probably in the 475 range possibly pushing 500
Nah her set with Roxie read a reminder that Roxie has actually subtly gotten impressively huge as of late.
Not to sound like a simp, even though I am a huge fan, but I doubt she was intentionally pushing her thighs agains the chair to be deceptive or misleading. I'm not saying that's what you guys are saying, I'm just sitting here thinking about how hard it probably is to move around and pose with a body that heavy and she probably just happened to already be in the chair and decided to snap a few pictures in it, and whatever arrangement her fat happened to be in was what we got in the photos, if that makes sense.
Great comparison
>>86742 You mean there's evil doers in our great society that enjoy lying to decieve others in order to manipulate them, and these individuals can sometimes form groups for malicious purposes and that these groups could theoretically go on for years without anybody knowing of their existence?
Anyone got the kissing video with FoxyRoxxie?
She hasn’t gained in quite a while actually. She’s above 400 but not much above.
It’s a trick of the camera position and settings. Your comment makes it clear you’re an idiot simp. This is an optical illusion and not an accident .
Chill mate. It's just a low angle and a phone pic (so wide angle lens). It's nothing nefarious.
post that shit bro
Source? She hasn't done a weigh in since but she was at 450 a year+ ago
Don't bother responding to this troll I bet you anything it's the kg guy

there nothing wrong in using kilo grahams if this is how your country is using! not every body is america
(193 KB, 1280x1375, kyoko_senpai_can_t_wear_xl_pants___by_samumu1129_dg1d5gr-fullview.jpg)
No, but kg guy is notorious for extremely lowballing model weights, at least 100lbs less than what has been reported or shown on camera. He pretends he's an expert when it's obvious he's never seen someone fat irl.

I'd bet anything it's the same guy who slaps the numbers on art like picrel
Idk if you remember the era when every gainer used fish eye lens and every optical illusion in the books.
They’re professionals selling a fiction. Lie better. Fake it better. This is obvious and who can jack off to this deformed look?
Can anyone please post Lisa's recent vids

The "Kg guy" got notorious for bizarre claims of model's actual weight. Bizarre as 120 kg would make a ssbbw. Or bed-bound Echo is 160 kg. THAT obscene level of bizarre. He got labelled "the kg guy" because he used kilograms obviously. And not many people do that in this thing of ours.
Better yet, anyone have the videos Lisa Lou has done with Aurora? Those looked really hot
(1.7 MB, 3420x1923, Hog 3.jpg)
Apparently Roxxie and Lisalou produced a lot of content together, but releasing it slowly. (Explains why not much new from Roxxie has been forthcoming.)

It'll be cool if someone.....posted that content

Someone posted the hosing down a hog vid in a different thread
Could anyone reupload the Aurora funneling video plz and thx
Anyone have literally any content with her and aurora?
Rup pls? i wasn't able to get it
Coul i have a reup pls??
One re-up
Now of someone could be so kind as to upload the baby oil video or the post shower prep video where she's playing with her belly button
Love yall
He's talking out of his ass, he has no source. Based on Lisa's relative size to Roxxie she's easily 450+lbs.
Just skimming thru LisaLou thread.. never really cared about muted videos myself.. anyways it reminded me do any of you guys remember when Jae used to put songs over her videos LOLLL… it was because she had posted a string of god awful talking videos where she sounded like a retarded nervous 4th grader talking in front of class.. and everyone was fuckin TEARING her apart lmao.. and then she started putting songs on her videos lmao…
I'm looking for the funnel chug with Aurora specifically. Any other vids with her are also appreciated. Here's what I got in return.

Absolutely begging for Valentine’s Day feeding or pretty in pink
Reup if poss Tks
How can I open this link ?
That’s fucked but insanely cute. Too bad you wogs always ruin everything. Can’t have nothing nice fucking damn it ToT
Seriously. The nervous, “am I doing this right” energy is adorable. Too bad mongoloids have to ruin everything.
was this video shared? does anyone have it?
How can i open this link?

Decode it with Base64. Just search it on Google.
Anyway you can't do anymore because the transfer expired since days
Also does anyone have new Lisa vids they can post??
Think anyone can post some new Lisa stuff??
Anyone get a hold of the funnel collab with Roxxie? Much appreciated!

let's see what happens next
reminder that this request has been fulfilled right above this message
how can I open this link please any one help me
thanks very much bro 😍❤ can you tell me what is name of website can make this
can anyone send this video please 🙏
Reup on the funnel vid pls
Anyone have her funnel session with Roxxie?
Anyone have her funnel chug with Aurora?
Does anyone have the sheet cake stuffing ?
anyone have "Comparisons With Aurora" or "Aurora Works Me Out"?
I need "Massive Makeout" too.
Please re up lisa lou sets im begging you man please
Ill reup if someone ups the baby oil video or the after shower routine video
The shower videos are key to understanding the current gossiping and shower drain conspiracy theories. If you get a video and have a good look at the drain, let us know.
The Baby Oil is the best Video imo
Explain the shower drain conspiracy?
Anyone got any of her stuff with Roxxie

retards are accusing the models they jack off to of stomping their shit down the drain because that's what they do.
anyone still have fupa fantasy? know its been posted several times but seem to have lost it
What’s happening with her. She’s only been posting once a month
She moved house
reups of those last couple posts woukd be highly appreciated
yup. She started skinny and is now a literal tank.
Has anyone had a conversation with her before? I've only interacted very briefly but she seems like a total sweetheart, at least to me

Come correct and it’s fine. Act like a couple of dudes on this thread, and you’ll get fried.
Well, those kind of dudes deserve to get fried lol
If they were beautiful when they were skinny, they’re gona be beautiful when they’re huge. In this photo I see nice tits, decent hips, a very pretty face a surprisingly nice natural hair. Speaking of which, She actually just posted on onlyfans that she’s going back to her natural hair color, which I’m a little excited for. I would prefer blond, as I think most guys do, but as long as it’s done tastefully i think the occasional change in hair color is fine, and I think she will do it tastefully. Never talked to this chick tho but she seems genuine
Could anyone please kindly re-upload this?
This link for which web site? Could you write it please
So I have the Glutton for Groceries video.


Also, i want to ask if someone has her videos exercising. LIke "Running Out of Breath" or "Aurora Works Me Out"

Anyone got a reupload?
you want to believe but she just isn't and the content is remarkably mid
here's two high quality videos of her, an old one where she tries on dessous next to a christmas tree (already fat as fuck) and a more recent weigh-in

feel free to upoad newer content if you have any

Lol If you don't like pretty girls Just say that
Anyone have the dippin donuts video?
Reup on running out of breath glutton for groceries and aurora works me out if possible. Here's her hardcore cake sex vid and making out with roxxie
Silly question, but how do I use that link? Adding a .com doesn't work.
That's gota be bait. It has to be
No. I'm new here. I've done the mab, gofile and we ones but those long ones make no sense.
base 64. copy that code, paste into Base64, decode, you'll get a link

people here tend to forget new people exist, no harm in asking.
Thanks. Would never have figured that out myself.
got it, I'll upload when I get out of work. anyone wanna reupload butter chug, aurora works me out or running out of breath??
Can anybody refresh her coomer? It hasn't been updated for two months. Thanks!!!
sheet cake stuffing. anybody got anything new? maybe hardcore cake sex or glutton for groceries
Anyone have beauty in black or rubbing down roxxie?
Can somebody update her coo#er? It's been more than two months, and I'm sure there are lots of great vids... Thanks!
Shout out to LisaLou for being so real she got bounced off of Feabie, was a while back but that shit always sticks with me.
I haven't been on feabie in years. Wasn't aware of this. What happened?
for defending the same person everyone else was..? How is that "so real" lmao
Was referring to her getting dragged from saying everyone in this fetish gotta be some type of mentally ill especially those on the gaining side, but shit if that wasn't the reason please enlighten the rest of us
What exactly did she say? I never got a chance to see her feabie. Was it anything interesting?
I don't know. That's why I asked. Sorry for being out of the loop, damn.

Uhhhhh, I never said this. Just because I’M mentally ill doesn’t mean everyone else is lol. Feabie banned me when I told people to start cancelling their XL lmfao

I genuinely love this fetish and I would never disparage the people in this community.
Also for all the coomers out there thinking I’ve retired/quit, I’ve just been busy with the move and puppy, new content is coming soon! :)

Honestly you missed out, feabie was my favorite platform. I would post all my thirst thoughts/traps there, but I also posted all of my unfiltered opinions… it was a mixed bag probably lol.
These coomers are your income source, stay real ✌🏽
heyyyyy liasa lou canu post some some belly for us hahah u sooo sexyyy pls post belly or fat jiggles
Holy the real lisaloussbbw on the lisaloussbbw thread on bbwchan.com holy shit guys
Is it confirmed?🤔
Maybe was it her manager.
Lisa (if this is really you) please consider doing some BDSM or femdom type content. I think it would suit you
Who's the girl on the left??
Google Feederandfeedee
Can we get a re-up for this again?
I can provide the Glutton for Groceries video.


Does anyone have the "On the job" or "Skate Park Stroll" one?
someone update the coomermpls
contents: Ice Cream Chug, LL Roxy Kissing, LL belly play in mirror, LL Naked Cookies, Aurora Funnel
seconding this request

Does anyone have "After Shower Routine" "Bedroom Belly Play" or "Stuffing and Cumming"
anyone have SSBBW Squashing video ?
Hi, does anyone know the site w/ videos of ssbbw lisalou and other models? It looked similar to coomer, but allowed you to filter on videos and stuff like that. It was something like "liveleaks".
Are you talking about StufferDB?
No, it was not stufferdb, but a different site. Kinda like coomer, but it actually had more and better quality videos. It was called something like "leaks", but I could not figure out the real name anymore.
anyone have SSBBW Squashing with robyn video ?
Stuffing and Cumming was never uploaded.
You must be new around here, it was uploaded a few months ago
Maybe. I won't complain if I'm proven wrong.
Can someone reupload glutton for groceries?
I usually hate to beg for stuff but does anyone have the one where she's "working out" at the gym? used to have it on my old pc
I must’ve been just too late to get it :(
Any chance for a reupload?
This one used to be on spankbang at one point iirc
Shes a Royale with double cheese.
She's looking huge, if she's continues at this rate she'll be immobile in a years time
Looking absolutely enormous and no signs of slowing down on gaining. And she’s a brunette now. Love it!
Lol i believe the quote is double royale with cheese
someone can share the video "Birthday cookie shake" please
Jesus she isn't fucking around! I guess I just got to bite the bullet and get her newest video!
Anyone have her little Debbie speed stuffing vid?
Willing to trade if anyon ehas her little debbie stuffign video
can someone reup the kissing roxxie vid before the site shutdown?

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