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For those that didn't know, following her stint with Dr. Now on My 600lb Life, Tiffany has returned. https://www.manyvids.com/Activity/Tiffany-Phoenix/1001315826/

Does any hero have her new Many Vids videos? Sharing what I have of her older Carmin Carmello and Gamer Girl videos: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzlOWjBwUVRsUlVWbVY0TkE9PQ==
If her feeder/enabler/partner was worth a damn, they would’ve kept her from even being on that show. Glad she’s back, though. Real flyover state appeal to her.
She/her feeder may have thought that being on TV was a potential payday, and did it despite having no intention of actually changing their lifestyle.
The same reason many people go on trash reality TV.
If I put time, money, and effort into maintaining a woman that big, why would I risk seeing it all go to pot? I get that they can make their own decisions, but a feeder should at least try to guide them to a better decision. All the same, I’m glad this one’s back. Hopefully it was a learning experience.
Who ever said her partner was a feeder?
No one dates someone so fat for their personality
To be fair that's only because most young girls today are garbage, but that's only because most young people are garbage. I think it's always been that way though and the only difference is that there's more people on average now.

It's all about tastes, dude. Most girls will not be to your liking. That doesn't mean that you can't make friends and have fun while you find somebody special. I haven't met a single girl yet that was not eager to get fucked by somebody she liked, so you should not have any issues fucking around, or swinging in America. There are plenty of sweet girls that want serious relationships, but it usually depends on how they feel about you. If they like you then they will show it.
so did she lose anything? gain it back?
I've seen her old feeder in her old videos. I'll share some of her old videos, I'm hoping to find some more of the ones she uploaded but are no longer available.

She is much smaller than before, but something's happened to make her what to come back.
She needs money to keep losing weight.
She’s from Texas though you dumb nigger
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Whether her boyfriend was a feeder or not is not known. In the show they claimed they met online, so it's likely he may have had a fat fetish. What is clear is that by the time of filming her first episode he was pretty discouraged about their relationship. He was supportive of her sticking to the program, enough to put up with some crazy shit like her urinating herself in an airport and then demanding food every few minutes. You can tell by his body language on the show (and even in his brief appearances at the end of her porn videos) that he was not happy with her. After a lot of failed weigh-ins, she finally lost enough to get WLS, but kept failing after that. By the end, for whatever reason he was done and noped the hell out of there. TL;DR I suspect that if he was into fat women, either she was much larger than his preference and he wanted her to slim down a bit, or she was just too much of a bitch to be with, regardless of size.
how much of that is scripting for dramatization though? im not saying it isnt possible she's a massive bitch, but a lot of that absurd crazy shit is encouraged/pushed by the producers to create an atmosphere of tension and conflict solely to bolster viewer engagement.
if shes evidently 'back' to modelling now, its either as >>72327 said, and her appearance on that show was a publicity stunt or shes just too fat to give up food lol
I think she was around 2009 together with Ash at Sansibar (in Tanzania) in a hotel. But when was she not that big and didn't show a lot of skin (maybe belly, but certainly no lower body or breasts).
Her real name is Tiffany Barker.
She's clearly lost quite a bit since her peak and only posted 4 vids. Plus the last post was in October. My guess is she has no interest in actually modeling or gaining going forward, wanted to try and make some cash quick maybe. I'd love to be proven wrong though, she's a fav of mine.
bumping in hopes of content
I don't think you understand how desperate average men are. Her bf is a bit fat himself, not super attractive, and seems to work a wagie job (haven't watched the whole ep yet) so average women won't touch him. All that's left for men like this is women with something "wrong" with them.
Indeed, early on it says that she had to break it to him that she was fat shortly after they started talking online, so he didn't even know she was fat when he initiated the relationship.
she was quite the whale at her peak...i also hope it's more than a quick cash grab and she comes back fatter than ever.
I’m just happy the hog is back in the scene. Some girls just shouldn’t try to change like that.
She weighed in at 682 on the show :O
Fuck me, imagine dating an almost 700 pounds woman because you "Like her personality" xD xD

Nigga, get the fuck out!
Why? Who cares what other people do? And why are you double posting within 2 minutes?
He has a point.
He doesn't, fat women with shit personalities are worse than skinny chicks with shit personalities. Get real
Watching their episode was depressing. The guy works TWO jobs to support her fat ass and she makes him order her $100+ of fast food a day. Not only is he busting his ass to pay for her food, but he has to physically go pick it up and bring it to her too. And since he doesn't have the fetish, he is getting literally nothing out of this. They can't fuck because she's too huge. (She actually offered him an open relationship but he said no.) I know we all like fat women here but imagine not having this fetish, and taking on two jobs so you can play servant to a woman who is 600lbs heavier than you'd prefer and who you can't even have sex with. You can tell he's kind of tired of this shit when he brings her food, but he says he just wants her to be happy and he sounds like he really means it. I'm just sad for the guy. It's great for us that she's back and still fat, but this guy's life is only going to get worse if she doesn't lose weight.
Now try to imagine a woman taking on 2 jobs because she's in love with a 700lb guy's personality lmao.
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Agreed, usually boils down to 2 things when it comes to them them having a shit attitude

#1"boo hoo i was always made fun of for being fat so now im gonna be a total bitch" the kind of fat girl where being loud is their personality

or the polar opposite

#2 the borderline mute with no real personality, says nothing and or acts like everything is meh.

(pic unrelated vintage fatty)
You forget the insecure ones who hate being fat and make it YOUR problem. Even the most confident fat chicks will break down every once in a while when a cute outfit doesn't fit or a piece of furniture breaks. And then you have to deal with the meltdown.
Your falling for the theatrics of the show the overwhelming majority of what they say in that show is scripted. The too big to fuck thing is just shit they throw in cause they know the audience will buy it there's tons video of 600-700+ chicks getting dicked down by average sized dudes you don't hit to big to fuck unless your echo or a realfg size even then there's still options

To be fair, most people don't want to literally die, so it's pretty normal when confronted with the reality that you are still actively growing, despite already being at an unhealthy weight, to occasionally have moments of doubt for whether indulging your obsession with food and/or fetish for fat is really worth it.

Makes the decision to ultimately continue living a wholly hedonistic lifestyle even hotter, imo. The "health at LITERALLY any size" delusional fatties are just weird and sad to me, the ones that say "yeah if I'm not unhealthy now I'm sure going to be at my goal weight" are absolutely wonderful (even if that sometimes means they need to slow down to cope, like Mochii did).
Also I get a vibe off many of the male 600lb Life spouses, who either don't mention or deny they're FAs/feeders. It's not a good look to admit you're into massively fat women when your SO is 600+, miserable and dying. But most of these women didn't start out thin or even moderately overweight so you know the guy was into it from the get-go.
His retardation makes my wankers funnier and better.
Ok, lets say he isn't doing this for fetishes. He's a fucking pathetic piece of shit who deserves to be embarrassed on national TV.

This sad man worked 2 jobs to feed his gf near to death, while not getting sex and not even having the fucking balls to go fuck other women.

Yes yes, he cares for her, and all that. But lets be real. We only on this forum to enjoy obesity and glorify it. If someone us fed a bitch to that size we'd praise them. When it's a guy who isn't isn't to it at all, he's just an idiot with zero backbone.

I really don't care how he feels or not, he created a fucking incredible ssbbw and kept her alive and safe for that, SO for that I appreciate him. But why defend him? >>73122
That part of the show about not having sex is scripted a couple of models have posted emails from the show reaching out to them. Saying your to big or gross for sex is part of the requirements for them to pay for your surgery same with the nude shower scene
I think so maybe, but if so, then why don't have any patient on it that scene?
I mean the first two didn't (Melissa and that girl with the wobbling front fat-apron, which picked her daddy up on the airport), even before surgery were not all shown naked, just as in mother-daughter duos were only shown the older one (although the younger was over twenty too).
Just fyi for those that don't know, beyond her regular episode there is also a follow-up with Tiffany on the previous season of My 600 Lb Life - Where Are They Now?
Please would someone be so kind to share these videos? 600 lbs life and the one mentioned by the friend here
We don't give a single shit about your dumass messages/opinions on her share some of her new content from manyvids you retarded monkeys
btw all her "old" content here (except some shower video that i lost a year ago but maybe someone have it) https://stufferdb.com/index.php?/category/8086

here is the video + one more

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