
Who’s that???
Please tell me you have more of her.
I forgot her name too, and iirc she closed her c4s sadly
Where did you get these videos ??
They didn’t feature on the now closed c4s website ??

There are plenty other vids of her on xhamster
I thought I’d seen all of infinity’s videos and I’ve never seen these.
You're the man is that all her vids? I got that brand new Adeline if you got more
Thanks for sharing !
The vids are of pearl, infinity and budelia

However the vids shared by OP are budelia I’ve never seen those ones they were not on the c4s
Anyone have more?
Where do you find her vids can you still buy em?
Great work I remember buying all her vids, no idea where they are now, but some of those I've not seen, thnx for the drop.....

You're welcome, but that's all I have
Is there any chance of a re-up? Infinity is the GOAT.
You sir are a gentleman and a squire.
(35 KB, 261x389, Capture.JPG)

I can only hope you're either Ricky or joking....
I'm facking Bri'ish innit you cunt
Anybody know if they can still be bought her vids?
Could you fuckers just stop using wetransfer and crap like that? Just put stuff on bunkr or anonfiles, you don't see you are getting your shit taken down instantly?
Anymore? Wonder what happed to the site
anyone know what her deal was? she’s hot but the house she’s in always creeped me out.
I don’t know if this is just a fever dream but I remember something about.
She lives with three women, and that guy.
I don’t know who the other women are but at least one of them seems like they have videos around with the same guy in them, not sure of her name though.
Somewhere in the Eastern Bloc countries. The story goes the dude was giving them all HGH and food to make them gain that big. I don't know how that ties in, but it was what I heard.

Considering how shitty life can be there, to have a place to live and unlimited food, all you have to do is get fat, it's understandable it can be a good option for someone destitute and starving through no fault of their own.
HGH usually does the opposite, speeds up the metabolism and meads to significant subcutaneous fat loss.

Neat story tho
It does that if your trying and actually putting in the physical effort just like roids if you sit around do nothing you're gonna balloon

The story is "cool". Although you should avoid using the term Eastern bloc. First of all, it's been over 30 years since that thing disappeared.
Secondly, and I really must elaborate here, what was the eastern bloc 30 years ago is now a bunch of thriving and prosperous countries with one exclusion. Let's check them one by one, shall we? Eastern block used to include:

Hungary - currently a NATO member, and one of the fattest countries in EU.

Poland - the fastest growing, heavily industrialised country. One of the strongest EU economies. Features a high level of life and is known for prominent FA community.

Slovakia - not outstanding, but a nice EU country, with nice fat girls and yummy foods.
Bulgaria - makes weapons, known for its resorts, had old population which is now declining. A comfy place.

Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia - nice small European countries. Fine jobs, law-abiding citizens are proud of their cozy neighbourhoods.

Ukraine - your car's software and your favourite apps were probably written by coders in Ukraine. Besides strong tech industry features strong agricultural sector. Feeds half of the world.

Kazakhstan - huge country, agriculturally strong, exports oil and natural gas, uranium ore some gold.

Azerbaijan - one of the region main oil exporters, a nice country which is good to visit. A rarity among predominantly muslim states.

Belarus - this one lags behind the others as it has a crappy dictator. However he managed to keep his population at least well-fed as he is known to inspect agricultural facilities himself, coming from supposedly agricultural background himself.

I believe you get the idea now. There is pretty much no former eastern block countries where "how shitty life can be there".

However there is one, for which this can be said. And that's Russia.
After promising and great decade of growth in the 90-ies it fall back into grim and dark dictatorship. It features declining population, ridiculous levels of alcoholism and cheap-ass drugs abuse. African level of poverty, illiteracy, rundown infrastructure and internal conflicts. For ideological reasons it kept starting wars throughout the years after Soviet Union collapse. All those took its toll on Russian population.
Right now it fights a stupid war against its successful neighbour - Ukraine. It is sanctioned as shit and is unlikely to have any good changes in foreseeable future. Russian also features ridiculously derelict model of power. It's a clan feudalism. Yes, there is still a country where clan feudalism is a thing. Get ready to watch Russia in yet another civil war and when you want to name some place with really shitty life - use Russia.
Probably a hoax.
I’ve been watching videos with captured russians. There are soldiers who never used a modern toilet in Russia. They were surprised to see toilets and bathrooms in people’s houses in Ukraine when they invaded.
Others were surprised to see paved roads and streetlights in villages and suburbs.
And apparently most of those captured russians have trouble writing and speaking their own language.
That shit is crazy.

I used Eastern Bloc as I am old and remember it that way. I cannot believe I'm saying this honestly on BBW -CHAN but I did not mean offense. I just grouped those countries together as it seemed simpler than listing them. Obviously you're old enough and intigellent enough to get that, and I meant no malice. My family escaped from Northern Belarus right before the Nazis marched through there. I lose sight of the delination now as an American.

Also again, it was a story I heard. I do hope it was taken in that context. Shit on the internet is heresy to begin with. Just communicating what I read.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
Based. Thank you brother.
butthurtbelter detected
Anybody know how to get her content??
Is there a video of her getting her belly button fucked?

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