
>>71670 (OP)
Very solid drops in this. Appreciate it. She also successfully managed to take down her page on DB … so it’s a new dark era.

I don’t think we’ll ever get a “normal” Plump Princess thread until people stop caring so much about her business model.
not the db bro, fuuuuuck

that truly is tragic
We need the new POV video
Something new?
Does anyone have the weight gain breakup vid?
What the hell happened to all her vids on stufferdb? I can't find any of them
We need the pov video
What’s the link to the video. Don’t know which one you’re talking about
Damn, I’m a sucker for binge eating 🤤

Come on lets share some new stuff
That’s not new. Both were posted weeks ago on this site.
Fuck this practice of not telling what old shit you're uploading and encoding it in the process.
I updated coomer
Thank you!
Are you able to fill in the gap between late October & December?

The office chair video is in that block, been dying to see it.
Here's 2 of her choisest vids that eva had promduction onto SD cards

>>72428 (Cross-thread)
she had two groping videos come out in the last month or so? does anyone have either one?
Is her stufferdb gone?? Cant find it anymore
Does anyone have her latest Mesurements video please?
Do you have some of these videos?
Re ups all links are gone
She looks so fucking soft
I would pay for her to do a sex vid for once
She should do a sex vid at least for once to see what it would be like her getting fucked
does anyone got her newer pov squashing video that hasnt been shared?
Plump Princess has peaked…she simply cannot get better than she is.
new wins
Can anyone update her coomer?
>>71670 (OP)
Anyone have the pov where you and her are about to go to dinner but she stands over you and jiggles instead? Used to be on the db, however that has obviously been taken down though.
These are both private. Why are you so averse to using MyAirBridge.
I love when she slaps those massive thighs together
(572 KB, 720x1279, Screenshot_20230329-124829_Chrome.jpg)
Does anyone have PP content where it makes your bed creak? or stuffing content? I think it is the only contest that I like the most about her
Was there a compilation video?
And if so where can I find it?
could we get a reup of the squashing videos? like the pov one of her?
pls re-up POV riding.Thx
For everyone asking for a reup. They’re out there, if you know where to look. (Check the usual places)
welp wherever this cryptic msg is refering to, it sure wasnt stufferdb.
How do we copy those links? I'm new here and a bit confused on how to use the links.
How do we copy those links? I'm new here and a bit confused on how to use the links.
any chance of a reup with the videos where she's gettin her fat squeezed by her bf or where she's squashing her bf while gettin her fat squeezed? love those clips
Go to "Base64" and put the link in the window under "decode". Youre gonna wanna download "wetransfer" app to watch the vids. Thats where the new decoded link will put you.
They are out there for free, on the look for them on the usual websites.
Her latest previews make her look a lot fuller.
Maybe she’s finally binging.

She genuinely looks bigger in the new C4S update
Could you give an example of some of these sites? Her coomer hasn't been updated for months
bigger? Not sure. Smaller…nope.
That coomer really does need a update.
I second this, quit being vague and tell us where.
Man, ya’ll are dumb.
There’s only so many reliable sites to check.

Rhymes with Thank Rang.
i'm talking about the most recent ones that were uploaded to her clips4sale
I wouldn't call Spank Bang reliable. Rarely updates, and when there is something, it's something older or doesn't stay for long.
Thisvid also has some considerable amount of ssbbw content there, ranging from very old to very new stuff, that is if u makea profile, upload some stuff, add the right people all while trying to avoid the most disgusting porn youve ever seen.
I mean, you’re instantly being proven wrong. I’m telling you that the two vids people have been begging to be reupp, have been on there for a month and have not been taken down.

I will say, the search function is ass. But their latest improvement of adding related playlists under the video, lets you find what you’re looking for.
If its still there thats because nobody can find it.
Someone should make a MEGA folder of all her videos.
Can you post a link or something? You are gatekeeping content on a content sharing board for what reason?
She's gotten enormous recently look at her face
Wow, she looks enormous. How recent is that OF vid?
Around Valentines Day I believe
Aging gracefully with her fat, love the milfy face and cheeks she's growing. Or is that just angle and makeup? Aristocratic
I think for a while she tried to keep to around the 400 mark but since her last growth spurt she has stopped trying and continues a slow but inexorable march towards 500 pound cakes.
I would love to see her do a sex vid just for once
>Double wrapping a spankbang link where neither of them even take their clothes off
Better off just rewatching one of her masturbation vids like “Diet Industry Dropout Touch”
To celebrate her 500th pound on her 50th birthday she is going to gang bang the entire roster of the Toronto Maple Leafs including medical staff. There…ya happy?
gfdfdtree ffffffffffddddddddddeeeeeeeeeee
Upload her last ride video, pls
could someone update her coomer?
It will have to be in June when the Maple Leafs can't play any hockey.
From the looks of things they’ll be available in May
She just dropped a new weigh in
0.5 pound heavier i guess
If so, then she will make 15 - 25 out of it, maybe even if she actual lost.
I went on clips f sale… I didn’t see a new weigh in vid. Is just only fans?
At this rate she’ll hit 500 in 2087
i don't know, seeing her face in the preview for "Cheeky Vacation Bedroom Show Off" on her C4S, she's looking pretty fuckin fat. I wouldn't be surprised if the difference was closer to +10 since last time.
a coomer update would be clutch rn
She will rather go on a weight-lose journey, like Geparke, which is a fraud like her too (but younger).

She is at least 35 I think; I doubt she can double her weight within 15 years (when she gained in the last just 1/5 of it).🤔
You got that right it's been months
451. She lost alot of weight at Christmas, she's always sick 🙄
“A lot”? I thought she was around 455? Or did she lose a lot and then gain back to 451?
After many years, it seems theplumpprincess.com is gone
End of an era. Lol
What an absolute shit site this was too. Took forever to access anything.

But, she had some classic content on here.
>> 81212

R.I.P. in peace.

Anyone got a site-rip of it for posterity?

I kinda miss the time when models had actual own websites. Some expirimented with design, just like in the myspace days.

We should strive to create shit as awesome as great as that with new mighty things.
I have a site-rip (also from BC Veelynn and others)too bad I'm the one of the only ones who cares about archivation here but can't upload until somewhere in the far future
where do people go now to get her content?
had she gotten up to 460? can't remember. either way, not a huge loss. disappointing obvi, but she's still up there.

455 was her highest reported that I know of. If there is one higher than that I'd love to see it.
She was 457 at highest then dropped to 439 over xmas. This just proves she can gain weight when she wants but she gets 'sick' every 3 months or so
Maybe the future is now?
Definitely on the hunt for this one too!
(5.7 MB, 1368x4581, updates.jpg)
Why not? Just do a big upload to a MEGA or something and see what happens.

Here's the list of updates on the site (via Internet Archive)
What kind of fat girl loses 18 pounds over Christmas…?
Can someone post the new weigh in please
She weighs 120 at best. No more.
So she is 439, so she lost 20?
She should do a sex vid just for once I’d love to see how it would look like
I’d settle for the “Cake and Pizza stuffing” vids from 2020
(281 KB, 1303x195, shakedays.jpg)
Any chance you could upload the Shake Day videos (image shows all updates)? Perhaps to MAB this time (and not screen recordings either)?
the anon who posted the mega link isn't me, I will create my own thread for the rip with some personal requests
s/o to the guy who updated her c.p
We should all band together and not buy any of her overpriced stuff until she back over 460. Just a thought
Most of her income comes from the simps who willingly spend like $60 on a 12 minute video. The majority of the people browsing this site haven’t given her a dime
>>83244 I'm not helping buy the same naked twerk video shes released a million different times already
shes so ugly now sheesh wtf happened
She didn't age well, having that sunken mouth look instantly makes girls look old AF. Like Jenni is 20 years older but looks way more vivd. It might be exacerbated by lip fillers but Roxxie has them too and she keeps looking cuter and cuter.
For 450 pounds her face looks good. Most girls I see that are in that range look ugly like on my 600 pound life….. like those twins yuck. Look at Bobbie, her teeth are falling out. She looks clean unlike some. So for 500 pounds she is 11.
What is the best way to get access to all her old content without shelling out $30 per video?
shes fatter and older, do the math
Her head has always been a little too long, which to me was always her one flaw. The only real issue here is that her makeup looks clownish and her hair isn't done up. Normally she looks better when her makeup and hair are neater.

Age is a factor of course but she's probably still hot with the right look
Simps be simping. She's far from ugly, she clearly takes pride in her appearance and isn't like most blimps that suddenly grow a fat forehead or their neck disappears or they get out of breath just sitting. Leave the poor girl alone
For those of us that have been in the community for a while, few models have had the impact that Plump Princess has. Prior to her, the community was predominantly middle aged women in clown makeup. Sadly, she has reverted to type. Courtney was the first pretty college girl over 300 pounds who wasn’t afraid to take pictures in her underwear on the internet. Her appeal died for me when when she went brunette and pale. Maybe it was a case of “been there, done that” for her. Before she finally retires, she should go back to the blonde bombshell with the deep tan that she had.
That tan she had was super 2000s and prolly why she doesnt do it anymore but in any case idc about that, I just cant believe how different her face looks, its to the point where she doesnt even look like the same person, her lips also look really stupid and I dunno what these girls are thinking lately.
Maybe the movie coming out will shift her style. Fingers crossed.
>>83521 she's an OG no ones disputing that, I just think her content is stale now especially with new models are willing to do now its not 2008 anymore
To hear you all pontificating about looks and beauty is simultaneously hilarious and depressing.
>>83624 Spontaneous combustion. Abra cadabra. Hocuspocus. Open sesame seed chicken
She is far from ugly, gaining goddess is ugly.

I agree though, her content is stale. It's about time she showed that fat cooch
Where are the "usual places"? I'm a bit out of the loop with this stuff. Is there a discord where such things get discussed?
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What’s bizarre is that a huge chunk of comments on PP, and other SSBBWs, has always been of the “I hope she gains weight!! When will she hit 450?” variety.

And yet when she hits 450 bros complain that her face doesn’t look as good.

My favorite PP was from between about 2011 to 2017. I liked her best under 430 lb. But I ain’t gonna complain about her under any circumstances.

As for hard core, she doesn’t do it and never has, so bros need to get over that.

My request would be for someone to post her stuffing vids. Even her older ones. I loved those.
Anyone got her c4s weighin video? Thx!
anyone got her stuffing videos from like 2016 - 2019?
Ayo is there a mega of this girl?

any chance of a re upload please of these megas?
No way she weighs more than 110KG.
Here's this fucking guy again, get a life dude
This was one of my favorites from back when she was still blonde. She was hot as fuck at that time in my opinion. Would anyone mind uploading her newest weigh in? I know it was posted that she lost weight but idc I still like watching them for some reason
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I’d love to see a comparison pic with this one back when she was probably in her 380s
Not bad…thanks bro!! i
Damn, she is just so fat. 🤤
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She has gotten chubby over the years!
she’s been at it for a while. Started out at like 320.
anyone got the new housewife video?
Well she's never been malnourished lol. I think the lightest I ever saw her was right at the very beginning and she was still 280-odd pounds then.
Did all the content of hers that was on stufferdb ever get recovered by anybody? There was a lot of her old stuff on there which was better imo.
Idk about bigger but she looks great!
She was always chubby, already when she was a college student (around 2008).
But she is still hardly a SSBBW, but just a BBW.
Who has all her good shit? re-up?
Her ass crack must be nearly a metre long!

You’re a real tard

Those getaway sticks are about the best in the business
I can't believe how you niggers don't feel stupid yet. We're going to have to do something about this
Better than retarded, as you are...
New "Big Gains Weigh In" on her clips store, anybody got it?

That was literally the first thing I saw as well. Why are we talking about a weigh-in, when she has a potentially hardcore b/g-scene?!
We need to update the coomer!!
is that pov vid still on spankbang?

Oh HELL yeah. Suck that BWC bitch
Iirc, that’s a new high for her? She never hit 460 did she?
no never
Wish she would turn on the taps and 500 already 😂🤷‍♂️

Could you supply an encrypted link?

I'm almost thinking that's coming...
yeah i found it once and now i cant find it anymore so I think its gone, I dont think buddys being truthful.

Unfortunately that is highly likely. We can only hope for a greedy gulping asmr while watching the scene from behind with that ginormous ass jiggling with the same rhythm. I wouldn't even complain if that is what we got.
anyone got a mega of her?
her Coomer is way behind on updates. Need to get some newer stuff on there.
saw her latest bikini pics on feabie…she is really getting fucking fat now. look at how that fat settles around her angles..
Any more? I love fat cankles
So …. Uhm …

You have access?
That bikini video's a PPV that got messaged out right before I subscribed but I attached her other recent OF vids and if anyone wants to repay the favor with the bikini one, that would be great:

Thanks for that. As she's gotten bigger she's built so much like my wife it's kooky. She just won't make vids like this....
Thank you…you are a very caring person to put brand new vids of her up.
Anybody got the weigh-in video?
I hate it when people ask for old stuff that can be found with a little effort and then someone posts the old crap thinking they are a king. I then take time to see if it’s new.

Anything NEW hard to find that has not been posted before like
https://we.tl/t-0UT2TIU58Q is why I love this site.
This person is King Kong.
anyone got the PPV video on her onlyfans that she only sold for a limited time where she's sittin and straddlin her man, while he's squeezin her ass?
I know the how to on updating coomer has been posted before.

Couldn’t find it. Willing to update PPs coomer just need the instructions
Also if anyone has a archive of her website and/or her clips4 sale vids that would be cool
^ I second the motion on what he said
Please update…can someone tell him how to do it?
on chrome
on keyboard press: "ctrl+shift+I"

once you are there go to the top and you will a task bar, click on application

Local storage "OF" you will see the BC token

Cookies (OF) ---> session and auth ID
Updating her coomer now

Enjoy the new images and videos of this beautiful goddess
Thanks for the updates everyone!

One shamless request, but did anyone get the latest POV video of riding someone and fat chat? It looks good, but hard to justify $30 for a 10 min video.
The the walking on beach looks great but it’s just 7 sec sample
(196 KB, 600x828, p2.jpg)
Anyone have the whole set for this?
Thats been seen a million times. Request something new that hasn’t been posted yet.
very helpful. just think for yourself "no", and you dont have to tell anyone. thanks.
You know not everyone has all the content that's been posted here
if some one can upload the squashing blowjob video it would be great !!!
here is a an other BJ video from her

>>86796thank you man, you are my hero,
Great job! Keep uploading stuff we haven’t seen or is new.
… that might be the hottest video she’s ever made. Holy fuck.
Must be weird for guy to sit there while she pretends to suck his dick.
Beautiful face, and even more beauyiful body. How's it that even after all of these years she maintains her status as 1 of the internet's most beautiful bbws? And how did we never get a hairy armpit and hairy bush vid? These mysteries are what keeps the wonder around this model alive.
what dildo do we have to blow to get a siterip of this gorgeous legend?
Lmao right? That vid is hot as fuck but her head is up by his hahah chest ain’t no way
She gets out of breath just talking, no way she's suckin dick 5 mins straight
So she went from 327.8 in October 08 to 459 last month.

She actually gained 36 pounds in the first 10 months between 08 and 09
Thanks for sharing. I may have these on an old computer somewhere. I thought she was hot as hell when she started out and had that great shape at 325 or so. For years it was meh.

Now that she’s really blown up, she’s really hot again. Crazy she’s been doing this 15 years.
She's getting closer to 680.
anyone got any videos from 2016 - 2018 ?
A lot of the breathing is fake to please you people that are turned on by that. my coworker in my last job was a pretty large woman. She moved around and work the counter all day. Big women are usually pretty active while they eat a lot so they stay the same size. In regards to the video, I doubt she was sucking his dick it all. A fat woman can absolutely suck your dick until you bust. Trust me. I know this girl that sucked my dick for like 10 minutes.
They used to eating for long periods so in a way that’s like training.
She doesn't look that old...
Anyone have all her BARE videos or most of them? Please and thanks in advance
anyone got any of her plumpprincess.com stuffings?
Anyone got the "oh my, what burst" vid?
Been looking for this forever, thanks king
Sorry to ask but could someone please reuplooad the beach ppv video
The new walking along the beach video was never posted anywhere. Some screen shots were.

Ahh I see thanks
I have a video of the beach, but it might be a different one than what u are thinking of
Anyone got any of her old giantess stuff
anyone got any stuff from 2018?
>>87779 Wow, she was so hot back then!
Can someone reupload this one? Just missed out.
The squash bj one
I'd like to see her "Stuffing challange" parts again. Just noticed her website is offline.
She's hotter now that she's pushing 460.
She never has coming close...
She is not heavier than 150
Does she actually show anything in her latest video or just keep everything covered as usual?
She shows her tits, still no pussy
>>86791 Anyone have this??
anyone got a mega of her videos?
Can someone please re-up the blow job vid?
Help me please
Anyone got the Belly lovers eat your heart out video, along with some other videos from this year? Some are on Coomer Party, but they run like shit.
Anyone have any of the pov vids?
does somebody have the crushing food video
Like the look of that one
I’m shocked we haven’t seen the leak of the “Facesitting and a BJ” video.
Anyone got the new bath one with her tits fully out. Looks a banger
Where is this from?!
Could you share the videos?

someone has those videos please share some
You never get a true sense of how huge these women are until you see them with someone else.
WTF is that ass?
It’s always a gift from god when we get a new full vid never posted before. Do we have high status king?
For real tho, can we can get an upload of that all fours stuffing as well, always dreamed of PP doing that 🤤
The size of her calves relative to every part of the guys body is what really stands out to me
I remember how one anon once said that Plump Princess's content quality hinges on her current BF sensibilities, that was so legit.
Where the fuck are these vids actually from. Just subbed to her onlyfans and there's no mention of the anywhere
Prolly DM only. Gotta be active when she sends them out or pay for them afterwards.
Actually - first image is from a C4S vid. She does yoga for a few minutes, gives up and eats cake, and then transitions to eating cake on all fours. One of her hotter videos
Fuck, that looks hot. 100% getting that next time I'm payed. Always wanted to see her stuff her face on all fours
>always had an amazing ass
>it’s actually even more amazing all these years later
Never doubted her
>cute college girl who’s way too hot and way too fat for her own good
TLDR but she was absolutely the defining model of the late 00’s. Was embarrassingly young when I learned of her, definitely the THE big girl of the day.
Felt like she had a rough patch from like 2012 on, but she’s seemed way better lately, like she’s having a personal renaissance! Good to see her looking amazing again, especially since she’s bigger and has a leveled up to MILF, all with her same incredible levels of hotness and energy.
Bump for the latest sex vids blow job or others

Yep, she was pretty much THE model in the early 00's, I remember finding her in like 2006 on MySpace lol. Enlightened me to the whole BBW scene

Where can I get the cake stuffing vid? OMG I've dreamed of something like this since she started her site a billion years ago.
It’s floating around somewhere on someone’s hard drive. Used to be available on that Plump Princess Treasure Trove on the DB (RIP) But I’ve seen it other places. Did a quick search at spankbang and it’s not there, or on BBWBooty.
Not sure where else has a good stash of her videos
This. I’ve been a fan of PP since I got into porn. One of, if not my first BBW crush. She was one of the first models I saw so Blueberry content as well. Always loved her figure and she has only gotten more beautiful over the years. She’s had her share of criticism, but her content still gets the job done for me.

Thanks a ton, someone.
Guys we definitely need to see those clips
I’m absolutely begging for any of the videos of her riding
Can some one upload the squashing blowjob video?! Appreciate in advance
totally agree with 039fff she was my first and shes one of my top 5 to go to
Anyone out there have her weight gain compilation? I'm thinking of creating a 30+ min one together of her but I still need a couple more videos that are lost on the internet. Cheers guys
in case the blowjob vid immediately gets nuked off of spankbang

is the one where she's in black getting her fat ass squeezed a video on onlyfans? i subscribed to it, but couldnt find this vid.
yes it is but premium in massages only.
I can trade it with you if you sending me her crushing food video
It was a PPV which was only offered to those who were subscribed at the time of release. I would buy but was not subscribed at the time.
post or fuck off
That compilation vid is excellent. Great work!

Re: the cake stuffing vid, my favourite part is seeing her gigantic ass wobbling behind her as she shoves her face into the cake.

I am a huge fan of her stuffing vids and would appreciate any uploads on that theme. The compilation vids includes clips of some real classics.
I totally have it.
If someone were to post the video where she shows how she uses the shower spray wand as a bidet I’d totally post it asap.
What video are you talking about?
(966 KB, 500x281, 14559089.gif)
Are you the fucking goofball who goes into random threads and just makes shit up about scat and fart content that a model has never done and inevitably sends the ESLs into a tizzy asking "where video??" It's mildly funny but get some new material dawg
I think you might be able to buy it if you DM her about it, good luck! (and don't forget to share)
Here's the facesitting & BJ vid. I don't believe it has been shared here before


Does anybody have the bathtub masturbation vid?
Thank you kind sir!
(1.1 MB, 2520x810, 999a.jpg)
2005: a shy, innocent , chubby girl fresh out of college, wondering what she's going to do with her life.

2023: a 450lb woman, who's spent nearly two decades making BBW content and now sucks dick and masturbates on camera.
Yeah but look at the room upgrade😂
(1.1 MB, 2405x1620, 111.jpg)
>>89288 LOL, I wonder how much money she's made off us suckers over the years?
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her family and friends can be so proud of her.
Such a beautiful way of life
(4.4 MB, 2134x1414, ko.png)
The dick-sucking was beyond fake and awkward to watch and the mastrubation stuff is also likely fake but has progressively gotten more believable. I think her gain is hot too bro but lets not jump the shark
Incredibly, I met her in person around 2008 or 2009. Her good friend was living in a house I was subletting a room in. Insane how she has grown and evolved over the years since.

Does anyone have videos of her from about that era, around 2005?

I know a lot of you are obsessed with her getting bigger, but I have my limits. I think she looks really great in that 2005 picture.
“I have limits” on the SSBBW board. Simping over 370ish lb Plump Princess. Gtfo
You have to go back
Bro really just complained that a porn star is making porn
Please explain where you detect a complaint in that comment. Wtf.

Also, kind of hilarious that you think PP is a "porn star". Bro, you have low standards of porn. Lol.
Meh... I like to laugh.
Which vid is that?!
It’s so hot how we saw her go from the bow college hottie to a full on 450lbs sssbbw with a butter face
Crazy part is in this age most girls dont even wait till theyre out of college now. They have an only fans fresh out of high school, girls i was in senior year with 4 years ago are professional strippers and of models now.
Which video is pic of her on her elbows eating cake from? That's my favorite pose and I don't think I 've ever seen that before.

Issa whole-ass video where she eats a whole cake on all 4's
It is. And I liked her curvy shape when she first started and was maybe 300-325. For many years didn’t think her in between size was anything, she looked better smaller.

Now that she’s actually gained, looks great at 450+.

Like a star athlete who was great as a rookie then great as a vet, has filled multiple roles.
Legend! Love her older stuff. She was hotter back then imo.
What vid is this from?

Thanks, I hadn't seen that one before.

Blows me away how chunky and heavy her thighs look there, even though she's a little "lighter" in that vid.

She must have the hottest thighs of any bbw/ssbbw I think, can't think of anyone else that comes close.
(940 KB, 1567x1270, aaa.jpg)
A day at the beach with PP in 2005: "No, I'll just sit up in the dunes here and stay covered up."

A day at the beach with PP in 2023: "This bikini feels too big on me - it's covering up too much. Is everyone staring at me yet?"
(909 KB, 1954x1084, bbb.jpg)
Measuring in 2005 vs measuring in 2023
(330 KB, 873x418, PL.webp)
Thats the sexiest thing on this Fetish, i just love the greed on one woman.
Hey! Just picked up the new Riding POV, would anyone want to trade for The Peak of Pleasure vid plus some others?

You finally get a clear view of downstairs..after all these years lol
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Pic 1 Sensuous, very fat but not extreme obesity
Pic 2 Spectacular
She was well into the 300’s in the first pick burger friend. That’s also extreme obesity, not only by common sense but by definition.
I’m so glad there’s been more activity on this thread.

Plump Princess is the GOAT SSBBW model in my book

Here’s some more videos

Shout out to the fellas taking a hit in the wallet to post here. The prices on her store are outrageous lmao. $30 for 8 minutes? Bruh

The video of her tied down and being force fed little cakes and whipped cream is so fucking hot! And then he rubs some whipped cream on her belly. I don't really like any kind of bondage at all, but I'm way into this one LOL. Wish it was a longer one.
I have the new weigh in
How do I download from only fans
somebody give me a rundown
Use an onlyfans downloader extension, just search it in extensions or I think uc browser works

I also use the Aloha browser. Don't know how it compares to other methods, but it does well for a mobile browser.

Can other methods bypass the drm security thing some have on their onlyfans that doesn't allow screen recording or downloading?
Shes gaining for sure, 468lbs now
Is she finally going to eat her way up to 500 poundcakes?
there are chrome plugins that can download

Thanks for sharing, she looks great! Are there any other good recent videos on her Onlyfans?
Very cool to get a new clip…thank you so much!
Someone needs to update the comp
I second this idea

I’m not much for video editing. But I have provided plenty of content for someone who is
Can someone reup the blowjob squashing vid please
Just because I want this thread to stay at the top

And I’m hoping someone can make an updated compilation video of this beautiful goddess

Here’s some more videos. Definitely some that aren’t usually circulating


You're the man O7
>>89944 Thanks for all your hard work, governor. You're shit. Your country's shit. And you're not a real Christian and affiliate yourself with witchcraft practitioners.
>>89949 Firewalls, kiddo. Let them see what you want them to see. I can't tell you much else. The rest's up to you. God bless you, my child.
I very much enjoy this thread being near the top

Please someone make a new compilation video

Here’s more videos

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My god damn man thanks for the up
Could you reup these weigh-ins from over the years? I could try to make a weigh in comp
Here’s the weigh ins again (2006-2015)

Unfortunately I’m missing some from 2016-2021

I’ll get the rest uploaded shortly

we're getting there boys...


a few more months and she'll be taking triple cocks in front of the camera!
Thanks for the new in the tub video. Really so nice of you.
she is so huge now... just over a month ago she was 450 now 468... damn!
>>90288 try to ignore the screen recording at the start. Lol, Gets a nice view of my library tho. But you’re welcome.

you need to use download helper
She’s getting Roxxie sized.
Its not much of a rick roll if you actually did kinda show us some stuff beforehand
hahaha hilarious. Get a PC faggot
Don’t know if it was asked here but someone has the video of her in the sauna ?
Anyone got any of her stuffings from like 2018?
I think this thread is about to get bump locked
any new videos going about?
(1.3 MB, 1980x1378, 8-tile.jpg)
Getting bigger and bigger, and cooing over herself after weighing-in.
(5.1 MB, 2740x1666, asss.png)
(5.1 MB, 2740x1666, asss.png)

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