
Theres like a brand new 15 year old stumbling upon this website every day it feels like.
Every day it feels like there's a new person who has never heard the golden rule of imageboards: LURK MOAR

It's why we get people making new threads for models that already have them, or BoBerry in the Who Is She threads. Everyone needs to be fuckin' heard, must be real nice to feel so important. OP & >>71420, suck a cock.
the most incredible thing about this place is the amount of stupid fucks complaining about someone posting content.
If you want to see 20 pages of the same girl then go to facebook.
posting pics of models without names is fair game now? the file sharing is what makes this board great. if you want to see pics you might as well go to the tumblr, there the "content" won't be interspersed with annoying begging.
I see…you’re here for the witty repartee. You should form a sewing circle and leave this place to the people who actually post stuff….stupid fucks.
funny cuz Becca was probably the model that introduced me to bigcuties and stuff in the first place
its weird right? like I cant fathom how people make it all the way to this board with pics of the most famous girls in the business going on 10 years and somehow not bump into a single one of their threads on the way.
Who gives a shit? Either add to the thread or STFU it’s really that simple.
>>71390 (OP)
"she" ? don't you mean they/them xe/xer ? lol
does becca use they/them pronouns?
Does anyone really care what pronouns she uses?
(2.1 MB, 640x360, 360p.mp4)
lol at this entitled loser who patrols this thread in the hopes of anons dropping content in his shitty thread. here's some "content" tiggy.
go help her up, you dumbass

Whatcha talking about Capone? You think anyone gives a shit what you say?
4 random pics isnt content retard
why would someone post more dipshit? if you mofos are just going to complain about it? Shit…some of you tards have vegetable IQs
These low effort threads are annoying, that's the end of it. You are SUPPOSED to start threads with uploading content, ie videos from paysites or C4S. If you don't have anything from that model you provide SOMETHING. You get what you put into it, OP put up 4 pictures, so this thread is shit.

If you don't have something to post, you beg in the begging thread pinned to the top. Simple as. This website doesn't have to cater to you because you don't want to learn how things work here. Fuck's sake, we already HAVE a Beccabae thread.
the Beccabae thread is dead ya moron. And in any case it’s not like you have to click on it. Meanwhile you’ve added zero to it except complaints and your dipshit opinion. Go fuck yourself.
Added to the other thread. Everyone bail out, this is a garbage fire.

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