
Yeah she is fat, but the hillbilly looks are hard to overcome.

Old thread died for a reason.
The majority of her videos also suck ass
To each his own but IMO there aren’t many better looking babes of her size out there…
(832 KB, 2640x1488, puss.jpg)

Sharing something here in hopes we can ditch the garbage fire that is the other BeccaBae thread. It's beyond saving and you at least put her name in the OP.

Wait, what, is this legit? I wasn’t aware that we’ve ever seen her pussy so clearly.
IMHO her best look. She’s always been cute in different ways depending on her look, but this is a classic

Yeah she's done more hardcore stuff off of bigcuties. Heather doesn't allow it but from the start, she was famous as pearchan for being jailbait... it shouldn't be surprising that she's willing to do real porn

I posted a couple more decent shots in the last thread. Hoping more people would post customs, but nobody came forward.
you should check out coomer of becca
The coomer is quite good…lots of videos of all kinds…sadly she seems to have stopped posting on Onlyfans so nothing new on there

I’ve seen her Coomer, but I’ve never seen anything this explicit; shit, she barely has her tits out most of the time.
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Another one since I guess you missed the last thread
Here is everything I have

Yo - here's some shit that's rare as fuck.


I'm as fucked up as a soup sandwich, I hope you enjoy this object d' art
How can we access your links guys ?

Thats not how bass (the fish) is pronounced. Retard.

Bass is many fishes. In fact, it's a family of fish species, and not "cousins".

The plural of fish is fish

Yeah, lmao I realized that after typing it and then decided to leave it in.... lmao. What can I say? I'm the better artist.

Well, fuck, that’s amazing. Didn’t think we’d ever get such a clear view.

You didn't, I'm afraud. You're hoping, and mostly imagining, but that's good enough for some, I hear.
Tbf it's one of my fav looks too. I looooved this era of sets. If long hair didn't fuck with my sensory issues and red wasn't such a bitch to maintain being a natural brunette, I would totally go back to that

What you should go back to is showing more the inside of your pink vagina, but you won't. That is why I came back here today to this board, to complain until I get what I want
Yeah I can definitely see why you wouldn’t want to keep it like that then. Hopefully one day we get a brief return to it for nostalgia’s sake haha
Becca is so fucking cute…OMFG!! I love it when she does pop-ins.

I agree. I'd pay good money for that, and I shouldn't have to "order a custom" to get content like that. Just send out some PPVs on OF, or throw up some videos on C4S or manyvids and watch the money roll in.
Maybe so. I like her tattoos, but this one, I don't know... not the best.
Holy fuck that tattoo is terrible and now we gotta look at it every time she makes a new vid
Beyond that, is she gonna redo it when she hits 600?
Looks like a preliminary outline. I expect that will be colored in eventually and won't look nearly as bad.

it looks like a different pose of that ugly tat jackie has over her ass. and it never got filled in either.

so crazy these chicks cover themselves in the equivalent of a toddler's crayon drawings. imagine paying for that.
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She just blew it, we lost some of the best arms here, typical nasty tattoo that is accompanied with a horrible purple haircut in the "bodypositive feminists".
That's the cancer of women when they think they look pretty with the shit they do, hair in their armpits and the matogrosso down there, like 80's porn but with ugly tattoos...
Don't dream that it would fix it, the uglier the better....🤦🏻‍♂️
??? what is wrong with you dude lmao
Can you imagine sitting there enduring the pain of tiny stabs for hours only for your lineart to look like a stick and poke you got when blackout drunk? Too bad to see one of history’s greatest bingo wings go out like this, can’t win ‘em all I suppose.
A lot of really fat folks have a tendency to leave many tattoos unfilled or unfinished, but I can still be proven wrong. The missing foot anticipates additional space to use, or might be finished in another session.
Does anyone have this armplay video?
Nothing is wrong with him, he pointed out the truth.
I feel like I just lost a loved one
So they shouldn't get tattoos because you think so

Right. Congrats on identifying yourself as a psycho
Lol who the hell cares about tattoos?!

There are plenty of reasons to get a tattoo that have nothing to do with “attracting a mate”, but now that you mention it sometimes I find tattoos kinda hot
Exactly! What I've been saying for years. Those monster tatoos distract from the fat and make those girls look like walking comic strips.
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She already is the size of one so then, naturally, comes the tats for the full subway car cosplay.
It's more than that too. Like one of the cool things of a big fat woman is just an enromous amount of soft smooth skin. As soon as a tattoo is put onto that landscape it's ruined. Because your eye is instantly drawn to that dark smudge. Can never see what it is unless you're right up close. It's just a disgusting disfigurement. Might as well have a massive ugly birthmark.

Women such fucking idiots. And the men are worse for never ever reigning in their dumb ideas.
I’m kind of fine with a few tats…but that last one is so garish and cheap looking right on one of her most glorious features. It’s sad really.
are you sure this isnt some random edit someone did on ms paint?
Nothing says Women's Day like treating men as keepers of women, loser.
It's my only gripe. The world doesn't revolve around me and my opinion means jack regarding bodily autonomy, but I can't help but pity it. It's just one bad ink like a weed in a garden.
Straight from the BC preview, sorry to say.
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whine whine whine.
bitch bitch bitch.
how 'bout we all STFU and get some contend flowing instead?
here you go https://we.tl/t-FRiSMAHbgY
If anyone has that video of her masturbating she recently shared on her OF/ google drive I would greatly appreciate it.
You guys don’t get it, deterring guys like you is one of the benefits of having tattoos

>deterring guys
Correct me if I'm wrong but unable of deterring guys is not the issue. Any hoe with tattoos would not have any problems with deterring guys, not at their age, and not in America. Deterring guys is not the problem. Deterring guys should be what these types of models are most efficient at. Their entire lifestyle and everything about what makes them them is 1 large red flag. I just don't think that deterring guys justifies paying cold hard cash for tattoos when there are already so many other reasons for most dudes to stay clear from/not be attracted to them already as it is without the tattoos.

If anything the tattoos would be a sort reinforcement or fenced wall equipped with cameras and seeking boomer lights and a guard on duty. Eventually you start thinking to yourself... Hmm, is this even really necessary though, or does this only serve to make everything look ugly, more complicated, more stressful, more of a hassle, more of a maintenance cost, and ultimately less efficient?

You know what I think? I think that they are like addicts, and that they are slaves to their own body tattoos.
Thanks for the book report on what a fat chick you'll never meet or speak to does with her own body. Next we have little Timmy who is presentation is titled "why i should be able to eat lead paint"
Save us the time with your Neckbeard Manifesto and just say you can't get laid.
you a slave to your own navel gaze
this is set 146 and 262 anybody got any sets past 350?
shut up, fag
tattoos and lesbian hair are gross
sorry your brain is bad

So why not try fucking off during the post-nut clarity period instead of taking out your internal bullshit on us. You think it's icky? Literally nobody asked, so cry into your spent sock, nobody here cares.
Dude, you told to piss off you fucking faggot.
Thanks for the drop
Does anyone have set 257? pleaseDoes anyone have set 257? please
I don't want to start a philosophical debate but what does this mean? Who's side are you on?
seething woman detected
sorry people would rather steal your content from when you were pretty and don't want your current shit, becca
just gonna be real with you all: everyone who complains about tattoos on hot women is pretty obviously in the closet. nothing wrong with it but it's true. it's like those guys who complain about a girl having any body fat. it sounds like you just aren't attracted to women
I haven't actually responded to any of the post tattoo comments, but I will chime in to say that y'all who complain about this shit constantly are so fucking lame and tiring. Like imagine spending your time begging for free content of fat women and anytime they do something with their body that you don't approve of, you bitch and moan. As if you wouldn't still gladly fuck around with the vast majority of the women you talk shit about on here. Get over it.

Is it really any wonder that so many of us opt for other women later in life when you guys show your asses like this? 😂

Anyway, I'm adding flowers to the outline soon and it's meant to be very minimalist. It's just huge because my arm is huge, haha. Ironically that tattoo has appeared in several sets and photos prior to this one, so some of you are late to the mourning. ⚰😔>>74548
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Also to be clear, I absolutely don't care if anyone doesn't have a preference for tattoos or isn't into certain ones. You're entitled to that. There are people here who clearly present that in a more respectful way than others. Some of you just straight up do not give a shit about women in general and you are who I'm referring to.

Anyway, here's the style it's referenced after as well as the photo. I am adding to it, but it's still going to be in this style.

Also, you won't be able to see it in the vast majority of angles and photos I take. My arms are so fat that you can't see it at all from the front and have to be behind me a good deal. It's also on my 'less preferred' side for taking photos, ie I usually have photos of the left side taken more. 😉 I've had it in the last 11 sets I've done, but yall somehow only managed to notice it now.
>Is it really any wonder that so many of us opt for other women later in life when you guys show your asses like this?
being gay confirmed a choice

let the discrimination commence!!!!
She rlly doesnt care guys, two paragraphs explaining how much.
Well…some of us just appreciate the pure unadulterated perfection of those arms.
More tattoo pics plz. Fill the canvas. Super hot.
bisexual people exist, peabrain
it amazes me that you always come back to this hellhole and are very polite about it despite how nasty people get towards you. anyways i think it's a dope tattoo personally
This hellhole is where her clients are.
??? u dont even pay for the content u just sit here f5ing and begging like a poverty
If you're downloading the content for free from someone else you aren't a "client".

I’ve bought tons of content from Becca over the years…so yeah…client is the word dipshit.
Unemployed people who wait for money to be emailed to them by strangers dont have clients.

You’re not very bright.
And You are horny

That describes 99.5% of the people who post here.
I mean, I don't care if people don't like it because that's obviously their right. The constant bitching is annoying, tho. Also, I just like to overexplain sometimes to people who I know don't actually give a shit. 😤

Fair. They are pretty great in their natural state


Yeah, it's amazing people can't grasp the concept. Though I'd consider myself to be more hetero leaning demisexual and homo leaning biromantic. Brains are weird.

I actually thought I was kind of being a dick 😂 thank you though! Appreciate it

Have you...ever heard of self employment? You know, that thing that is an option on pretty much any medical and government forms you have to fill out?
I'd wager to guess that a small portion of clientele is here. Obviously not none, but I do not think the majority are from here. There are also plenty of models who don't come to this website because it can definitely be mentally damaging to some considering the rampant shit talking and rumor spreading.

Personally speaking, when I cut my hair off (due to sensory issues, mind you) was a roughhh time to come on here. I distinctly remember there was one time that I was shooting sets and made the mistake of coming on here and ended up crying/having a minor crisis. People can be absolutely brutal on here and either don't care or don't realize how it can impact the very real people they're talking about.

Why are you so cute?

And what is sensory issues, bae? You know I still want that ass bad it don't matter I will be here for you

I'm like a hung pony in that way. I may not need it, but I want your love. I long for you. My dear, sweet, Veronica.
Brave and exceptionally well shaped. Dynamite combination.

You've caught me in a moment of particular hornyness, and my mind's not all there right now. I'm not sure what "I'm dying" is supposed to mean, but I was trying to write something sweet for her. I apologize if it bothered anyone else. It has happened before, and surely I will get horny once again.
Fam idk if English isn’t your first language or smth but he saying that was funny

Yes. I got that much.... I wasn't sure if it was sarcasm is what I meant. It was good-intentioned. My post. I have other sexual preferences that take precedence, but ass isnice, and I would wax that ass.
yeah lot of deranged schizoids here
I still wonder how Becca managed to get sooo fat. I’m 100% for it of course, but given her merely plump origins and the fact that she is not and has never been a feedee she really has gotten gorgeously soft and quite a bit bigger than some of the other girls in her situation. it’s one of life’s happy mysteries.

Obviously, you're not a golfer.

Obviously you’re not a brain surgeon.

Mystery solved
Thanks genius.
straw poll here…has Bex topped out or does she have another leg in her?
Despite prolonged contact with food in the supermarket I am still not fat. So you are wrong.
She's young, has embraced fatness in a plausible way, and seems pretty healthy so the odds seem good for further gains.
Becca has the best skin…so pillowy and perfect.

If she could only grow back that red hair🥲
Beccabae is the most beautiful woman on the universe and I’m not afraid to say it.
Is she a self hating white leftist? I'd say so judging on looks alone.
No she grew up on myspace being told shes hot by the internet since she was a teenager, since her whole existence is social media she does like to take on every fad thats contrarian to beauty standards because fetish porn addicts are going to send her money no matter what.

This makes absolute sense for a whore whether there was money involved with it upfront or not. She seems genuinely LGBTQ, however she just be a liberal.
honestly, i prefer conservative models, dumb and trashy just lends itself to the fetish
yes. It plays into the denial required to weigh 450lbs and think you're a "healthy fat" or w/e

As much as I respect death fetishists and guys into health issues fetishes you absolutely can be healthy at 450 or 550 lbs.
lol fucking retard.
turn on your monitor
I always think of the old adage:
you can be old and fat, but almost nobody is fat and old.

Depending on height and muscle mass, sure, 450 you can be like... passably healthy. If you're like literally over 6 feet tall and keep your muscles strong daily then it won't that much. Particularly because muscle weighs more than fat, there are 450 pound tallfats that actually have the same body fat percentage as 250 pound super-lazy shortfats.

No human can physically be healthy at 550 though, what the fuck is wrong with you? No matter how much you work out, no matter how well you manage your blood pressure or cholesterol, your fat is literally crushing your internal organs at all times. Literally even the famous sumo wrestlers that reached over that weight--the healthiest people to ever be that fat--were notably too unhealthy at retirement and either died young or underwent gastric bypass (the only reason Konishiki is still alive today).
Angus MacAskill was worlds largest known true non pathological giant, was over 500lbs at 7'9. Dude was also the worlds strongest known man and well recorded fears of strength, included picking up horses single handed to put over fences, pulling trains up hills, and walking the length of a pier with a 2,800lb anchor.
Sucks that she has short hair in multiple videos. For whatever reason it grosses me the fuck out
It is rather about where the weight/ fats are kept; in the lower body (hips, arse, legs) it save the poisons out of the system, while on the higher/ middle body (tummy) it is supposed to be unhealthy, as there goes the poisons into the circle of blood and to the heart. This is also like there exist good cholesterol and bad one.
File not found. Perhaps it has been removed.
if I had a fat harem Beccabae would surely be part of it
They mostly don’t care. Needy and malicious people free to be their nasty selves behind the internet.
if anyone, model or not, cares a single iota about bullshit that Pajeets and incels keep spewing here, it's their own faul.
Lmao minor Crisis "Oh GoD iM gOnNa HaVe To GeT a JoB"
Actually the opposite but carry on.
Hope she sees this, bro
Cope harder.
Saying you don't mind tattoos is like saying you don't mind a girl who only fucks with her clothes on.
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Idc about her tattoos, but I do miss her long red hair with bangs days. She’s still beautiful of course, but she was perfect back then
IKR Becca’s foxy red was adorable.
You have to eat the food, not touch it.
Just say you're gay. It's ok.
That shy, HUGE girl next door look uhh i miss it on her, but still so beautifull.
Well she’s a lot fatter now…she could still grow out and dye the hair and pull off the look…she just chooses not to because it’s a pain in the ass and her sensitivity issues.
She probably couldn’t get her forearms into that jean jacket now.
bumping for this
the fox in the snow pic is !!!!
(180 KB, 864x1152, 425beccabae_all.jpg)
Can someone please share her set-425 floor creaking one. Here's a re-up of her old weight gain compilation someone dropped years ago and some of her squashing vids.
Bumping again for this
Anyone, please?
plzzz reup this
How the fuck did she get so fat?

One assumes that food was involved somehow
I wonder if she’ll hit 500 before calling it quits. I’m gonna guess yea.
OMG, she's going to look amazing at 500 lbs!!!!!
why stop there?
I'd love to see her hit 1000
1000? Man getouttahere

It does seem inevitable at this point. I mean obviously she enjoys being fat, why not achieve a milestone? I mean you've already gone this far.
Beccabae does seem to continue to gain. She’s looking even fatter in her latest set.

Damn, thanks. Wonder if that’s same dude she’s been with all these years. Don’t know how I’ve never seen this video, it’s got so many good angles. She should re-do it now with her fatter self and enormous arms.
She’s put on 60 pounds since this one…still with the same guy.
Anyone have her passion patties set?
This is my ex husband actually 😅 I have wanted to make a similar one with my current boyfriend though! It's just easier to have someone else film it.
if you make more pov shots like that vid ill spend money
It’s so hot that you’re that mobile and athletic given how fat you are. I just know you’re going to take UFC by storm.

Gives new meaning to Ground and Pound
>> 72517 👀
I just can't do this haircut. Looks like a teenage boy...

Ok…different guy. I was right about the 60 pounds tho.
My man, thank you bro.
We know, and she knows. Should have seen her hairy pits era. She likes to make herself look awful for activism.

I don’t think so. She obviously had a rough time with her relationship since she divorced her first husband. Obviously it was a mistake on her part to marry that strunz but obviously that had an impact: Now that she’s with a dude who clearly adores her and worships the troy e that she walks on she is happier, takes more care of her appearance and has gotten quite a bit fatter as well (an added bonus)
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My pits are currently hairy 😘 (along with a majority of your fav models, I'm sure). Being fat is already hard, yo. Adding in shaving regularly? Nah. You just know because I decided to make *one* video for it on a fetish website. Cause you know..catering to a hairy fetish is totally disgusting, but being into women playing up that they're so unhealthy they're on the verge of no longer being able to live a fulfilling life is👌

Actually, I didn't shave my head for political reasons or relationship issues. It was because of being hot all the time and sensory issues. Ironically, my now arguably more masculine boyfriend has stated that he thought I still looked sexy with a shaved head (my ex was pretty neutral).

Anyway, here is a recent picture as well as some favorite shaved head/short hair looks. My face is heavily femme regardless of whatever hair I have a 😌
honestly theres been plenty of good shaved head content throughout the years so i'm certainly not complaining. whatever works. and hope the new bf pans out better for you.
Wow you look absolutely MASSIVE currently my god. Also girls with hairy pits are got af, would appreciate a video in the future of you showing off your pits and huge arms maybe
Oh it seems she has lost some weight; she looks a lot thinner than 1 - 2 years ago.🤔

>my now arguably more masculine boyfriend has stated that he thought I still looked sexy with a shaved head

He was right.
Seconding this, she did a floor creak in one of her older sets too, floorboard was bending beneath her feet, was really cool to see...
Everyone earlier was going on about the Beccussy, but I just can't get over how her belly hangs over and the only way you can tell she's wearing panties is because of how massive her ass it. That's why her new ginger bf is so swole, from having to lift up her belly.
Pics of the carrot guy please. Specially if they are next to each other in the same pic.
>>84339 I will put 2 carrots in my mouth and take pics if you agree to stop posting.
can we get some of her squashing vids?
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That’s like a million slices of pizza right there
Anyone have videos of Becca with Brianna
It's actually insane how much of a blob she is now oh my god
Does anyone have her sets and photos with Kiyomi, like 231 and 239? Or set 176 with Sasha?
her latest update…how did I get so fat?

She’s clearly nearing Courtney size. Her boyfriend is totally into her and she’s just let go. So hot. 500 is inevitable
Her arms are ranked #1 in the world by the WFA
This girl gotta be eating straight lard, hoy shit
who has got Becca’s latest: “how did I get this fat” video?

Actually yes. She looks so alike.

P.S. Absolutely hated Wall-E's ending with a group of punks sabotaging the paradise for bloody everyone.
I like to believe the credits are not necessarily canon, just wishful thinking of the settlers who realistically later find their skeletons atrophied too much to not need substantial lard.
She’s gotta be 450 at this point. I mean look at her.
if she ever was trying to control her weight…that’s all over now. She’s definitely going to be fatter than plump princess and I never would have thought that possible years ago.
She’s moved into a whole new category of fatness. Her boyfriend is overjoyed.
I thought we'd see more tattoos by now. There so much blank canvas to work with.
draw all over the bitch
One is too many.
She always looked good, but she's hot af now. Personally, I can't wait for 500+
it’s a comin!
hey man tats are hot as shit
tats can be hot if they’re well done. They can also look trashy or clownish if done poorly. Sadly for our girl, the local tattoo artist in her Kentucky village was kicked out of art school like Adolph Hitler.
Plump Princess latest weight is 459. Beccabae’s last reported weight was 433 but that was a while ago and she’s obviously gotten fatter since then. When do y’all suppose she and Courtney will weight the exact same (aka the singularity)? Clearly Becca’s going to top Courtney at some point…she’s already got her in the BMI department.

That’s the best you can do fuckface?
Agreed, but they’re cultural mainstays as accessories for women who have nothing better to do with their money and are almost always indicative of self image issues. The more they have, the more that’s wrong with them.
As for aesthetics I can work with them, but as soon as you put a tattoo on the chest, between the tits, or on the belly, my interest is gone.
>getting this butthurt over someone not liking tattoos
why so hostile?
Probably autist rage. God knows this site is filled with it
Until we see full sleeves and chest piece, the modern ssbbw has not yet achieved her final form.

lol never thought i would agree with every single word someone tipped in here, i definitely dont mind those girls dying theyr hairs or getting tattos, its theyr body, but put any of those drawins on an underboob or belly and im gone.
armchair psychoanalyzing others over the internet is definitely not indicative of self image issues tho
When tattoos first got popularized I thought it'd be a fad that would die away in five years, as fads come and go. But no. It's got a purpose, so it's unfortunately staying put. Basically it's about incrementally getting people to accept having their body modified. Look at all the crap people do to themselves now that they didn't do 20-30 years ago. And it's mainstream. Another 20-30 years it's cybernetics, getting people chipped, digital currency etc.

That's where we are all going, and these idiot tattooed freak-shows are just displaying how dumb and gullible they are.
Yeah ok boomer go cry on facebook or something lemme draw on my arms in peace.
Self-expression creativity breaking taboos and hot goth chicks > boring societal homogeneity backwards empty traditional values, reactionary rhetoric.
Art is the reflection of the condition of society. The increasing resentment of cultural homogeneity and other fasci ass values spell rather good things to come. Your world is dying gramps. A new one is struggling to be born. Now is the time of monsters.
Using the phrase “what they do to themselves” is so funny considering you are on a page of a girl who purposely gained hundreds of pounds of fat
And we are going to pretend this is a normal, good thing? The fact that we're getting off to it is an anomaly. None of these women would be intentionally gaining weight if they were 1.) capable of being conventionally attractive and 2.) able to make money on it. I'd say only 10% of these models genuinely get off to getting fatter.
(216 KB, 922x1240, IMG_4937.jpeg)

Starting out Becca was chunky but definitely conventionally attractive. She also claims to not be gaining on purpose. So your logic is pure hogwash.

IKR. The only things that haven’t become massive are her tits.
Anyone got a reup of anything to cure my hangover lads

Angles bruh. She's working that MySpace in the earlier pic.
age + skindoodles + hundreds of pounds of added fat
She’s a no doubter for 500 at some point over the next 3 years. The only question is…will she stop there?
The only question is, who cares, number-nerd teen?
>Even back then should do the “gut on the counter top” tease
Absolute legend. Hood certified classic 100%
if I wanted your opinion I’d beat it out of you pencil neck.
And who forced you to spam here with your numbers fetish fantasies?
It is for the normal fat admirers (even feeders) just annoying and only dreams, as you prove every time, that you never met any woman.
I know you are not adult, so you should be kicked out here.

I'm sorry. I'll go.

And who asked you douchebag? This is an open forum. Now buzz off.
Who has; How did I get this fat?
This is an adult forum; no space for kiddies (children): So go out or we call your parents!

Blow it out your ass dipshit.
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In the interest of getting some content going, here are 30 Beccabae vids, some old but mostly new and many that I do not believe have been shared here before.
She has long been one of my favorite models, and her slow and steady gain from a curvy tumlr girl into a stretch-mark laden land whale has been a sight to behold.
If anyone has any of her more recent Big Cuties sets such as the ones pictured, please upload them as I know we'd all love to see them. Enjoy the vids and I hope everyone has a great day.
My apologies, the link above does not work, here is an updated one:
(195 KB, 1440x1800, IMG_4861.jpeg)
Thank you OP for that INCREDIBLE drop, holy hell that’s a lot of smoking hot content. Becca has definitely been on my mind lately as it seems like she’s added to that waistline quite a bit. Hard to believe she was once so skinny.
Thank you! Does anyone have photo sets 176, 231 and 239?
It sucks that Bigcuties is so inconsistent with uploads. Last month there was only one new set, and that might be the case for August too. Used to be one new set every 10 days. It's the webmaster's fault
Kinda funny in a sad sort of way for Steph's page since it still says "enjoy the double amount of updates this month."
thanks for these, its rlly hard to find vids of her on top of dudes, for free anyways.
Beccabae the model is running on fumes at this point. I think she does it for “mad money” so it’s infrequent.
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Best arms in the bizness.
I love that she can go hang out with Brianna and be the small one.
(132 KB, 1280x447, bqfL08D.jpg)
So then you got those vids? 👀
Side note, she has had one of the most magnificent transitions into a full blown fat girl, and her belly has gotten even quite a bit bigger than it is in that last pic.
Yeah, too bad her boobs ain't catching up.
(2.3 MB, 1914x1072, Screenshot 2023-08-24 at 8.55.46 AM.png)
I'm personally a fan of when a girl's belly hang significantly dwarfs their bust, Destiny was a great example of these little titties that looked more like fat folds resting on top of her massive belly.
Also, you gotta love that by the 4th pic Becca had to totally abandon the Pikachu shirt, couldn't squeeze into that thing at all anymore.

Amen Brudda! Imagine if she gained weight so that her breasts would grow but they simply remained the same whilst she blobbed out.
Beccabeaver’s highest recorded weight was 433 and surely she’s continued to fatten up since. Anyone know how big she’s gotten?
nah she's cuter like this

I agree, but I also also like when they start out with fucking enormous tits and just keep plumping up until finally their belly goes past them

Anorei/Lexxxi and Mandy Majestic are two key examples, they were fat boob queens and just kept getting fatter until finally it was undeniable that their stomachs dwarfed their boobs

Still think becca is hot as fuck even without tits though
And bri has best back fat in buisness. Cccccombo
anyone have some of Becca and Brianna videos?
I’m sure they’ll film something from the visit.
(26 KB, 400x400, jLfWF9AA_400x400.jpg)
Fuck yeah, reminds of a girl I know irl my gf and I are friends with (for reference she looks quite a bit like the model Sunflower.) We're an awful influence on our friends, so many of them have gained a ton of weight since hanging out with us, in this girl's case it's been like 75 pounds in about three years.
Her tits used to be the very first thing you'd see when you looked at her, but almost all that new weight went to her belly and it absolutely sticks out further than the boobs now. She didn't go out of the way to buy alot of new clothes though so her stuff is always riding up on her, revealing stretch marks. She must be comfortable exposing them seeing how much I've fattened up my hog.
Does anybody have her passion patties set?
Possible to re-up please thanks
holy shit source of the image?
(2.3 MB, 1926x1074, Screenshot 2023-08-28 at 8.13.45 AM.png)
Source of the image is this incredible DestinyBBW video that I don't think I've ever seen shared here before called "Fat Fuck."
She fucks her chubby bf in a variety of positions. My favorite part of the video has always been when she gets on top, as she's really great at the dirty talk, teasing her man about how much fatter she's going to get.
Please enjoy and post any of your rare/unknown gems the rest of might like to see.

(2.6 MB, 480x270, IMG_4868.gif)
Wow, have not seen a video that hot in a long time.
Thank you.
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Becca is made for bikinis
where did you find these?
rikarika_707 is the Japanese Beccabae
Looking for the like button.
Big energy. Rika is awesome
chinese, you dolt…

She’s Japanese.
PLEASE reup this ive been looking for this video for a while
Yes, please reup. I missed it too. I wish more of these women would talk about how much fatter they're going to get while fucking. My ex did that and it drove me fucking wild!
YOU are the gaodamn idiot, RIKA is absolutely Chinese
She Japanese. Just look at her.
def chinese, i recognize that bing chilling language
>>92481 She is as Chinese as Kevin Hart
OK, now i know you are too blind to distinguish Chinese from Japanese.

BTW Chinese hate to be mistaken for Japanese
Well…who really cares what they think? She’s clearly Japanese. End of story. Look at her face.
Lol all her social media is in chinese and she speaks Chinese only

That’s because she’s multilingual and China is a much bigger market for fat girls.
(2.3 MB, 1914x1064, Screenshot 2023-09-03 at 7.24.50 AM.png)
Here's a reup of Destiny's "Fat Fuck" video for those that were asking.
That sounds super hot anon, how big was your ex? My girl is about 350 but will only start fat dirty talking once I've made her cum and she wants me to cum soon. She knows I'll bust super quick if she says that I really know how to please a big woman. Would really be something to have a girl the size of Destiny wobbling on top of you, teasing immobility....
How do I view the links without an https address. Sorry I’m new to all this
You forgot a download link...
Shit I'm sorry here ya go
Becca’s 69.9 BMI is fucking insane. More than Plump Princess. She’s coming for the raw poundage as well.
More than Plump Princess, are you kidding?🙄
This is very funny, as that would be a massive effort to have a bigger one...
They have probably both one of around 30 - 40..

Ok so Plump princess outweighs Lady Beccs by around 30 pounds…but PP is also 5’11 while Beccs is 5’6 hence the higher BMI.
Sorry, but reup?
Can you imagine her in that fox outfit now?

Sorry are you trying to say Becca and PP have a BMI of under 40? These fucking twelve year olds seriously need to get off the board. My wife's BMI is 50 and she's WAY smaller than either of them.

Don't mind the "kilotroll". He got his name by using kilograms and for trying to prove girls weigh twice or otherwise significantly less of what they actually weigh.
He drives everyone mad and pretty much everyone hates him.
Maybe ought to learn you how to work bodymassindex: it is weight/ height in quardrat.
Courtney is maybe over 1,70m tall, but she and Rebecca are no SSBBWs. As the first nick said it and the other was on her Myspace days just chubby too, as she was infamous for using Photoshop to appear as a slim pretty girl.
So they weight most likely between 120 and 135 kilogramme. That could be an BMI of 35 or 40, but nowhere near 50 or over it!
If you wife is that, then she have to be way fatter than that and if she is at least 1,65m, then she may weight close to 200Kg.

And your name came from scaming people and being foolish; Scam-Fool-Troll!
I pointed just, when models made themselves 100 - or 200lbs heavier than they actual are (so 45 to 91 kilos), as it is an open secret that most, maybe more than 95% of these models do that or rather such "managers" like yourself for them. Therefore you promote these fake-numbers or you have no experience about frauds, as you are a teenager.
Remeber when Becca posted medical documents showing her weight due to his comments?

Maybe we should never talk about weight so he will finally leave (or on /gen that place is kilo free)
do you beliebe anybody will buy that she shall have almost the same weight as Juicy Jacquiline?🤔
Jesus christ, she should do a weigh in asap!
Why? It would be anyway faked...
(101 KB, 1080x1205, Unsmart.jpeg)

The Kilotard is the shitstain on the underwear of this chan
If there is a finer example of Kentucky fat girl, I’m not aware of it.
Looking for a reup of Destiny's Fat Fuck video as discussed in this thread. Can anybody help?
Mine was only 5'1" and she was about 214 pounds when we started dating. She was about 318 at her peak. They say sex is 90% mental and her mind game was ON POINT. She knew exactly what to say, the right words to use, the right sounds to make...everything.
Coomer updated Beccs is eating her way to Ultrasize
feel that. emma’s neck hump is insanely hot too
A neck hump fan? Patrician taste, sir. Absolutely drives me crazy.
Of course she has a neck hump. Look at how much fat she’s packed on…like an elephant seal.
That's due to poor posture dumbass
Glad I wasn't subscribed to the site this past month. Only one new set in 30 days? JFC, the management of Bigcuties is a shitshow
>>93590 The curse continues on lmao
Becca is content with life…content with very occasional posting, content with her man and content with her fat. If things stay this way she will slowly continue to gain well into the 500s which is just fine with me.
She need to do a new weigh in. She’s obviously gotten fatter than her last 433
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Elephant legs…Anyone got a recent weight on her?
God, she's perfect... You know a model's gorgeous when she can make tiny boobs appealing... What is her cup size, anyway?
i want to see those inner thighs
I agree…those are pro Cankles.
I still see her first pics and marvel that she allowed herself to get this big. It’s incredible.
(61 KB, 720x405, IMG_4024.jpeg)
Posted this new one to Feabie. God damn
She needs to do another weigh in
Longshot but does anyone have this?
I have it but not giving it to you due to your shitty annoying grammar
She keeps getting hotter with every lb gained I swear
Just get me the set if you're not gonna give it to him
Her content has really stagnated since she passed the 430 mark. Is she even fatter now?
She’s phoning it in at this point.
Everything is covered in a thick layer of fat. Like a Bear right before hibernation.
Does anyone have set 445 the Plump Fiction?
Anyone have any feet sets/vids from her?
What set number is this?!? I scrolled through her preview page over and over and didn't see this one. Is it some blog only set?
>broke up with her boyfriend
>moved in with Brianna but now moving back with her parents
>deleted her feabie
it's over
Deleting her feabie is normal tbh, that place is terrible.
Everyone, model or otherwise, is better off without Feabie. It's pretty much just scammers and new agey bimbos looking to talk about tarot, vibes, and horoscopes.
I can't think of anyone Orange Hell has worked out for, and to be honest, I don't know what we expect.
Plus you are correct, purging accounts, for shame or otherwise, is really common.
what is the source of this information
what is the source of this information
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Still hard to believe she allowed herself to get this fucking fat.
Those greasy arms. Yummy!!!
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She has one of the best weight gains in the business. Going from cute chubby emo girl to fat hipster gf to obese wife material. It blows my mind how much she's grown. It's a shame her content doesn't get shared often.
Yes, it's the one with the date "2023-08-05"
And to think, her older sister is a skinny model
You really want to spend your life with some lazy ass broad whose never had a job and lives their entire life on social media? just cause of a boner?

Now think about that for a moment...
She is a perfect fat princess, has time, entertaining to watch and pleasant to be with.
What else could you possibly want from a girl?
Or you one of those guys who expect to live off their girl's money?
Her slut sister is emailing me chainsaw murders. She is fucking nasty lmao
Does anyone have her #450 set by chance?
Her double chin game is strong!
She's at the top of her game, looks incredible.
I just worry she's not getting enough to eat.
How much she be a weighin these days?
She just posted a new weigh in on bigcuties
Well some hero’s got to post it up there.
Her previous high was 433. I wonder if she’s bigger than that.
Becc’s weigh in. Come on!!
447 in her newest update
In one of her videos she says she loves being full all the time, she loves the feeling. Think it was a stuffing. So if she's keeping herself FULL all the time she's going to just keep growing
they all say that in gaining fetish videos, genius
any one has her videos with ssbbw brianna !! would be much appreciated

Could you share with us kind brethren? I'd love to see her at her new weight if at all possible.
mods deleted my comment for saying this on the juicy jackie thread, I wasnt even sarcastic about it.
(35 KB, 500x749, 20180402094809-a65281ae.jpg)
Anybody have her older image sets? This was her hottest weight imo. The sporadic images archived on stufferdb are all bad res or somewhat corrupted.
ofc I have them, I'm a long-time fan of her
Anyone know what’s up with her these days? Where is she living?
Give us a range by set numbers.
Anyone got her Big cuties set #450?
Did she quit?
She's missed 3 bigcuties updates and hasn't updated her twitter and insta in over a month.
Nope just being lazy.. want you to do it.
It's hard to tell whether this is her or the webmaster (Heather?) not updating. She still posts on her personal IG, so she's not incapacitated.
This feels like an arbitrary pause, which is sadly not uncommon for BC model pages - it just hasn't happened to this extent to Becca's page before. For example, Marilyn's page has had a very staggered release schedule the past few years.

I believe that she said on her insta that she took a break to "touch grass"
Bait shit crazy women and I love it
>>115188 she broke up with her long time BF…was living with Brianna, got even fatter and is wondering what’s next. Like am I really going to eat my way to 500 pounds?
Does anyone have these videos of her and Petra please?
(9.3 MB, 592x333, AA.gif)
(7.8 MB, 600x338, DD.gif)
Goddamn I would kill for the sets of those two together.
(1.4 MB, 636x909, PetraBecca270.jpg)
Since we're talking Petra, here's Becca's Set 270 with Becca and Petra (Don't have a pic set I'm afraid)


If someone has more pic sets (specifically this one, but more generally) then dumping them would be awesome. (Also crosspromoting the Brianna thread if you're into Petra size contrast stuff too)

I wonder what is going through both their minds when they’re walking up the stairs. It’s honestly hard to fathom that these two are the same species.

Thank you so much!

I kept trying to post that picture, but it said it was banned from all boards here.
Becca should do a new one with Petra where she berates her for getting even fatter. No way she still fits in those pink shorts though
hi guys, pleasure to meet you. could someone tell me how to decode those links? E.g. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzgxTVdkUE9IWnJiMVZpT1M5MWN6ST0=

1. they're base64
2. Don't bother decoding the link since it expired months ago
Is Becca still alive?
She's still active elsewhere (no pics, just social media posts). She mentioned in one of her last videos that she was moving soon, that might be what this is. Wish she or the site manager had thought to stockpile content to post during this transitional period
Where’s she moving to?
(877 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20240429-204006_InShot.jpg)
Moving to Vegas soon, huh?
Yeah, that fucking figures. What a great place to learn to be alone, and not be dependent on a relationship...
I see you, dumb bitch. Fuck you, too 💕
Yeah cops sneaking off to vegas in the summer
Wait...so no one actually seriously said anything about the move being to Vegas?
Like, that was just a joke about her being alive, as it were?
Not suppose to talk his family like that. Yup let him go..
Come on Becca.. Those daisy dukes aren’t going to split themselves.
Does anyone have the SSBBW Smackdown set with brianna?
Becca is going to need a missing persons report. She vanished like a fart in the wind.
Agreed, currently would like to find a good archive.
yall gotta remember that Becca is a fickle 24 year old who found free money when she was a teenager. She not tycooning walmart.
I don’t think she’s 24 dude
Is she still modeling?
more like 34 now, not even close to 24
I think she’s retired at this point.
But the hair. I’m not too big a fan of the who pronoun scene ngl.
> the who pronoun scene
What are its preferences?
What’s the general alignment on pronouns? I’m not so up on the fat political scene.
WOW that gut is spreading out wide.
Nice samefag retard, your post IDs are linked to your IP
The bangs and color are cute but I wish she’d have continued growing it out. The bikini is ultra hot though…I think her body is the sexiest on the planet.
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Peak Becca hair. Prolly the last time she fit into jeans too!!😍
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Early Becca…who knew?
(3.9 MB, 800x794, 1-20.gif)
I'm bored, so I'm gonna make gifs that track Beccabae's progress over the years.

I've chosen a single image from her first twenty sets and put them, in numerical order, into gif format.

I love how she's still basically just a geeky college girl here, still finding her feet, but already showing stunning potential.
He still fucking your wife damn
(4.1 MB, 800x800, 2-20.gif)
Gif 2, shocasing images from her second twenty sets (I'm up to overall set 53 here, because of video updates with no photos.)

Still so young, so fresh. Her body is already what some gainer-girls can only dream of.
Damn tommy is fucked up to black people.
Damn his delegates are fucked up to black & spanish people. Truth is out.
(4.0 MB, 800x800, 3-20.gif)
Third gif - next twenty sets (up to no. 79) now.

She's still got that college-girl look, but she's gaining like CRAZY. Face is padding out, and she's getting more confident with her posing.
All of these bitches about to get overweight. Yall done out here in the ocean
(3.4 MB, 800x800, 4-20.gif)
Gif 4 - next twenty sets (up to no 102).
keep it coming, don't ever stop
he should let his hair grow

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