
Man keeping an eye on this. I had so many of her older videos before my hard drive went wack. She was such a pretty, lard filled hog and now she looks like a deflated balloon. RIP
She honestly looks terrible now. She used to have such a hot body…If she is really planning on staying smaller she should get the loose skin taken care of because she just looks like a desiccated plum.
what does she look like now?
Energy can not be created or destroyed. Matter can not accelerate to or decelerate from the speed of light.
Kinda sad to see her deflate. She had such a hot body, just what a fucking hot mess of a young adult. Her video where she eats and has a vibrator in her, is the best SSBBW video imo
a few thoughts…

1. If in the end you’re only going to lose all the mass…don’t get fat in the first place.
2. Whoever Gatsby is, he’s an asshole for not finishing the job.
3. Watching her onlyfans is like watching an over the hill hasn’t played a competitive game in like five years superstar try and make a comeback. They should know that they’ve become an embarrassment.
She still has an onlyfans?! The delusion is strong with this one…
anyone have any of her mutual gaining vids?
>Watching her onlyfans is like watching an over the hill hasn’t played a competitive game in like five years superstar try and make a comeback. They should know that they’ve become an embarrassment.

happens all the time. a model comes back much smaller, doesn't want to (or cant) gain the weight back, then eventually quits again because of collective lack of interest.

She will likely quit soon too. Her content doesn't get a lot of attention anymore and she probably won't think it's worth the effort for little to no sales.

she must have deleted it recently. it's gone

anyway here's some content
"If you loved me huge, you'll REALLY love me now that I'm 200 lbs lighter, saggy, and several years older!"
She looks really unhealthy now…now just a bag of flabby skin and sunken features. Her only legit recourse is to fill up the bag again. It worked for Kennedy.
I’ll be back when she grow again.
I live near her and her tinder profile has said "on a weight loss journey" since before the pandemic lol. this girl trick y'all.
She didn’t trick anyone. She left to lose weight and has indeed done so. She’s still trying to monetize her fat though which is something that I cannot abide.
Thank you for sharing.

The dog 2 feet from her in bed staring at her while she masturbates is fucking gross. I wish these websites would crack down on pets in porn videos, because it's gross.
she's always got like half a dozen dogs around her at all times
I may catch some flak saying this, but I’d rather hookup with a borderline anorexic than a deflated bag of flab. If you’ve ever been with someone similar to this, you’ll know exactly why… loose skin feels cold, clammy, wrinkly & overall disgusting. I said my piece 🤷‍♂️
I still think she's pretty hot tbh, I can get around the deflated balloon vibe
Several decades years older.

P.S. most of the time loosing weight is way more harmful than living with it. So sad she went this way.
I can’t understand the logic behind some of the models that do this. She was fucking incredible, look at that unbelievably plump body and she had good looks. Being obese already turns off way more than the majority of people so who exactly is she targeting? People who jerk it to morbidly obese 500 pound hogs will not want to see her gross deflated body. And normies definitely won’t be turned on from an overweight bag of skin. If she wanted to lose weight, just quit and do what you want. But you can’t go halfway and expect support
It's like ssbbw mae, she looked enormous and then lost, but still is "modeling" with all that loose, saggy skin.
I guess some like that.
If scat vids exist, then saggy parachute skinbags can, too
empty skin isn't at the top of my wish list, but it does have an interesting hyper-malleable airy wobble to it. Plus easy to picture swelling back up.

I don't know what "borderline anorexic" is, but unless the girl is really pleasant, I'd pretty much rather fuck myself than a girl lighter than a buck fifty.
Yeah thats the thing I don't like, if a chick wants to lose weight fine good for them its their body, but you can't have your cake and eat it too. If you aren't gaining and don't want to be fat don't try and also post fat content too, just leave the scene entirely.
bothered the fuck out of me too, so i've cropped it for a much more enjoyable and less awkward experience aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LW15U01pWnJJV2E=
It sucks because she could have become a blonde adeline.
>>71105 (OP)
thanks for the shares bros, highly appreciated, it really is a shame she lost all that weight more so looking at the current state of her body, looking all saggy and shit, I wonder what was her end game cuz if she did it to look better she failed at that miserably

Yeah we know,..it’s a fucking shame. Unless you have personal access that can get her back on the gaining train then feck off.
Honestly if you’re going to become a mid sized skin bag I’m gonna go back to fucking Margot Robbie.
BBWchan users try to respect someone's choice (impossible)
seriously lol know your audience
Her face is pretty nice so im sure shes fine whether shes fat or thin.
Anyone have the video this is from?
I hope she made the right choice for her but that loose skin... HECK TO THE NAH
>>71105 (OP)
Any reups or vids? I Missed this thread. I remember when she was a newer gainer, looks like she got big and hot before she quit gaining.
She looked so much better with the weight, she used to be such a pretty blimp
I love h265 encoding. So neat and tidy.
although it looks like I cant drop an h265 mp4 into the site directly.
something you might not have seen before.
thise we’re filmed back when she was a blue ribbon, best in the county fair pig. Look at that FUPA in the second vid…gorgeous blobdom.
Do you have any links to the eating video?
I really want to find that video where she talks about how helpless she is to gaining weight and goes a bit into death feedism.
There's a whole bunch of eating videos. are you talking abiout the one in the above posting, on the right with the hearts over her nipples? That's "messy cake stuffing" I believe
(358 KB, 1642x1460, Screen Shot 2023-03-18 at 2.24.51 PM.png)
I'm away from my main machine at the moment, but I actually just thumbnailed all her vids and h265 encoded them, so its kinda fresh in my mind:
there's one (I think the one you're talking about)- she looks quite pale, powdered almost; she's got her hair dyed dark red, and she's pretty much at the peak of her weight.
There's another where she she catches youve been fattening her up on the DL, but she's with it and wants more
another where it's a chatting video, but way more focused on the health aspects.

then there's maybe two where she's hitatchiing herself and moaning about what a fat girl she is etc.

Cant believe I just described what I finally installed automoviethumbnailer to do much better lol.

Be specific and either kind and mature (on the board generally. Just pretend) and I promise I will try and remember and get them up by monday 00:00.
or be insanely horrible as long as it's funny. Some people might be doing that by accident, I'm not sure.

me, I'm fishing for the new luna "giving up" vid.

and here's a funny thing I saw on reddit earlier.
The tres leches vid was a banger. Lost that one tho
Anyone have any of her old mutual gaining/ weight gain encouragement videos from he c4s?
Oh well.
youre surely woulnd't buy shit if you don't even have a manyvids acc. the vid isn't for sale.
who TF is Gatsby and why isn’t his gal getting bigger anymore?
Man spitting str8 facts, also bump.
The Great Gasbag
Anyone have this video?

The glory days
I think it's more about how she's clearly trying (or tried idk if she gave up) to keep a career as a fat fetish model while clearly trying to lose weight, it would be like someone trying to be a foot fetish model but they hate going barefoot
She had the genes and looks to be one of the greats
Losing all that weight should be a crime, punishable by force feeding.
Completely agree they should be tied up and force fed until they gain every lb back plus more as punishment for trying to ruin such an amazing body.
Thing is…she really took to gaining like a fish takes to water. It’s probably the greatest skill she’ll ever have.
Back to original weight +100lbs for good measure.
Hopefully in time she'll learn that being obese is really her innevitability.
4 videos

She really seemed into it. What happened?
health scare probably
She wanted to sell a fantasy for cash.
Nah,..no one who becomes as much of a blob as her is worried about personal health.
>>79403 fuck man i just fucking missed this

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