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She isn’t really talked about enough in the community. Does anyone have any of her vids? Especially her fart vids?
To get this thread going let’s do a trade YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVVpaV0VwMVdHdHRVa289
she cringe af and lost weight from her biggest

made this big kerfuffle about getting huge, then just disappeared and came back smaller

it's no real mystery why nobody cares about her
this is /ssbbw and she's not an ssbbw, that might help explain why she's not talked about here
Yeah, I don’t care what type of person she was, I just want to know if people had her content.

It's no real mystery why she just disappeared. She's cringe. Her her fart vids might help explain why she's not talked about here.

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